Update some UI text

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2022-07-25 00:17:14 +09:00
parent 17745dc2b2
commit d5c40c19e5
48 changed files with 73 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<rect key="frame" x="1" y="1" width="528" height="58"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/>
<textView importsGraphics="NO" richText="NO" horizontallyResizable="YES" verticallyResizable="YES" findStyle="panel" allowsUndo="YES" smartInsertDelete="YES" layoutManager="textKit1" id="Rdu-bG-bow" customClass="TokenTextView" customModule="CotEditor" customModuleProvider="target">
<textView importsGraphics="NO" richText="NO" horizontallyResizable="YES" verticallyResizable="YES" findStyle="panel" allowsUndo="YES" smartInsertDelete="YES" id="Rdu-bG-bow" customClass="TokenTextView" customModule="CotEditor" customModuleProvider="target">
<rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="528" height="58"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/>
<color key="textColor" name="textColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
<tableColumn width="153.5" minWidth="40" maxWidth="1000" headerToolTip="Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled." id="RqT-x4-YbN">
<tableColumn width="153.5" minWidth="40" maxWidth="1000" headerToolTip="Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used." id="RqT-x4-YbN">
<tableHeaderCell key="headerCell" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" borderStyle="border" alignment="left" title="Syntax Style">
<color key="textColor" name="headerTextColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
<color key="backgroundColor" white="0.0" alpha="0.0" colorSpace="calibratedWhite"/>
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
<tableColumnResizingMask key="resizingMask" resizeWithTable="YES" userResizable="YES"/>
<tableCellView id="Nke-jc-fMr">
<rect key="frame" x="183" y="1" width="153" height="17"/>
<rect key="frame" x="182.5" y="1" width="153" height="17"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/>
<popUpButton id="IBU-1D-WII">

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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<deployment identifier="macosx"/>
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@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
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<rect key="frame" x="46" y="334" width="155" height="16"/>
<textFieldCell key="cell" scrollable="YES" lineBreakMode="clipping" sendsActionOnEndEditing="YES" alignment="center" title="Advanced Find Options" id="Dl6-kv-hhz">
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@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
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<rect key="frame" x="19" y="251" width="208" height="16"/>
<buttonCell key="cell" type="check" title="Close progress dialog automatically" bezelStyle="regularSquare" imagePosition="left" controlSize="small" inset="2" id="KBq-zH-H2M">
<behavior key="behavior" changeContents="YES" doesNotDimImage="YES" lightByContents="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="message" size="11"/>
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<button identifier="howto_find" horizontalHuggingPriority="750" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="ccZ-5g-nEA">
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<behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="message" size="11"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="20037"/>
<deployment identifier="macosx"/>
<plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="21208.1"/>
<capability name="Image references" minToolsVersion="12.0"/>
<capability name="NSView safe area layout guides" minToolsVersion="12.0"/>
<capability name="documents saved in the Xcode 8 format" minToolsVersion="8.0"/>
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@
<rect key="frame" x="1" y="1" width="25" height="17"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/>
<button identifier="isEnabled" toolTip="Select to enable this replacement rule." translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="PuQ-No-wC1">
<button identifier="isEnabled" toolTip="Select to use this replacement rule." translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="PuQ-No-wC1">
<rect key="frame" x="1" y="-2" width="23" height="21"/>
<buttonCell key="cell" type="check" bezelStyle="regularSquare" imagePosition="overlaps" controlSize="small" state="on" inset="2" id="P46-am-sIg">
<behavior key="behavior" changeContents="YES" doesNotDimImage="YES" lightByContents="YES"/>

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<li>You can also change the text encoding from the encoding menu in the status bar.</li>
<li>Changing the priority of auto-detection may help to reduce the occurrences of garbled characters.<br />
<li>Changing the priority of the encoding detection may help to reduce the occurrences of garbled characters.<br />
<a href="howto_customize_encoding_order.html">Change priorities of text encodings</a></li>
<li>If you turn on “Refer to encoding declaration in document” in the Format settings pane, in-document encoding declarations, such as “<code>encoding=</code>” or “<code>@charset</code>,” will take precedence when CotEditor detects the text encoding.<br />
<a href="about_autodetect_charset.html">Use encoding declarations for encoding detection</a></li>

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
<tr><td>Wrap search around</td><td>Find from the the beginning of the document if there is no match after the cursor.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Select next match after replace</td><td>Select next match after Replace automatically.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Search incrementally</td><td>Search document as you type in the search field.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Auto-close progress dialog</td><td>Automatically close progress dialog that is shown when Find All or Replace All performed after progress is finished.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Close progress dialog automatically</td><td>Automatically close progress dialog that is shown when Find All or Replace All performed after progress is finished.</td></tr>

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<h2>Find inconsistent line endings in the editor</h2>
<p>When the visibility setting of the line endings is enabled, the inconsistent line endings are drawn in a different color. See <a href="howto_display_invisibles.html">Display invisible characters</a> for instruction on how to change the line endings visibility.</p>
<p>When the visibility setting of the line endings is selected, the inconsistent line endings are drawn in a different color. See <a href="howto_display_invisibles.html">Display invisible characters</a> for instruction on how to change the line endings visibility.</p>
<h2>Normalize line endings</h2>

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<h2>Paste exactly</h2>
<p>In contrast to the normal Paste, the Paste Exactly command inserts the text data in the Clipboard to the insertion point without any implicit normalization. To perform the Paste Exactly command, choose Edit &gt; Paste Exactly which is visible only while pressing the Option key, or press the shortcut <kbd>Command</kbd>-<kbd>Option</kbd>-<kbd>V</kbd>.</p>
<p>In contrast to the normal Paste, the Paste Exactly command inserts the text data in the Clipboard to the insertion point without any implicit normalization. To perform the Paste Exactly command, choose Edit &gt; Paste Exactly which is visible only while pressing the Option key, or press the <kbd>Command</kbd>-<kbd>Option</kbd>-<kbd>V</kbd> key.</p>
<p>Be aware that the Paste Exactly command can make the line endings in the document inconsistent.</p>

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<li>Choose CotEditor &gt; Settings.</li>
<li>Select Format.</li>
<li>Select the style you want to customize from the “available syntax styles” list.</li>
<li>Double-click the style name or press the Edit button.</li>
<li>Double-click the style name or click the Edit button.</li>
<p>To use an existing style as a guide for creating your own, choose Duplicate in the action button (gear icon) instead.</p>

View File

@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ final class Document: NSDocument, AdditionalDocumentPreparing, EncodingHolder {
if (self.isDraft || self.fileURL == nil), self.textStorage.string.isEmpty {
// remove auto-saved file if exists
// remove autosaved file if exists
if let url = self.fileURL {
var deletionError: NSError?
NSFileCoordinator(filePresenter: self).coordinate(writingItemAt: url, options: .forDeleting, error: &deletionError) { (url) in // FILE_READ

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ final class TextFind {
case .emptyFindString:
return "Empty find string".localized
case .emptyInSelectionSearch:
return "The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected.".localized
return "The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected.".localized

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "Syntaxstil";
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Syntaxstil, in dem diese Datei-Drop-Einstellung aktiviert ist."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled. */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Syntaxstil, in dem diese Datei-Drop-Einstellung benutzt wird."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used. */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "Beschreibung";

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "Nach der Ersetzung nächste Übereinstimmung auswählen";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "Inkrementell suchen";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "Statusanzeige automatisch schließen";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "%lld Zeichenketten ersetzt.";
"Invalid regular expression" = "Ungültiger regulärer Ausdruck";
"Empty find string" = "Leerer Suchbegriff";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "Die Option „In Auswahl“ ist aktiviert, obwohl nichts ausgewählt ist.";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "Die Option „In Auswahl“ ist aktiviert, obwohl nichts ausgewählt ist.";
"Input text to find." = "Gib den zu findenden Text ein.";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "Wähle den Suchbereich im Dokument oder deaktiviere die Option „In Auswahl“.";
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
"Tab Style" = "Tabulatorstil";
// tooltip
"Turn off expanding tabs to spaces" = "Auto-Tabulatorexpandierung deaktivieren";
"Turn off expanding tabs to spaces" = "Tabulatorexpandierung deaktivieren";
"Expand tabs to spaces automatically" = "Tabulator zu Leerzeichen automatisch expandieren";
"Change tab width" = "Tabulatorbreite wechseln";
// menu

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "Aktivieren";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Auswählen, um dieser Regel zu aktivieren.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Auswählen, um dieser Regel zu benutzen.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "Suche";

View File

<section id="InfoSource">
<h2>Other Information Sources</h2>
<li>Thanks to FJDDetectEncoding by FUJIDANA &lt;<a>http://blogs.dion.ne.jp/fujidana/archives/4169016.html</a>&gt; on which CotEditor's encoding auto-detection (ISO 2022-JP, UTF-8, and UTF-16) is based. FJDDetectEncoding had been released under the <em>BSD licence</em>.</li>
<li>Thanks to FJDDetectEncoding by FUJIDANA &lt;<a>http://blogs.dion.ne.jp/fujidana/archives/4169016.html</a>&gt; on which CotEditor's encoding detection (ISO 2022-JP, UTF-8, and UTF-16) is based. FJDDetectEncoding had been released under the <em>BSD licence</em>.</li>
<li>Thanks to mi by Daisuke Kamiyama &lt;<a href="https://www.mimikaki.net/">https://www.mimikaki.net</a>&gt; on which the variables of CotEditor's File Drop feature are based.</li>
<li>Kaito Udagawa &lt;<a href="https://github.com/umireon">https://github.com/umireon</a>&gt;</li>
<li>Auto-indent improvement by:<ul>
<li>Automatic indent improvement by:<ul>
<li>Naotaka Morimoto &lt;<a href="http://naotaka.com/">http://naotaka.com</a>&gt;</li>

View File

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "Syntax Style";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled."; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used."; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "Description";

View File

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "Select next match after replace";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "Search incrementally";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "Auto-close progress dialogue";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "Close progress dialogue automatically";
// Textual Search

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "%lld strings replaced.";
"Invalid regular expression" = "Invalid regular expression";
"Empty find string" = "Empty find string";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected.";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected.";
"Input text to find." = "Input text to find.";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option.";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "Enable";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Select to enable this replacement rule.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Select to use this replacement rule.";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "Find";

View File

<section id="InfoSource">
<h2>Other Information Sources</h2>
<li>Thanks to FJDDetectEncoding by FUJIDANA &lt;<a>http://blogs.dion.ne.jp/fujidana/archives/4169016.html</a>&gt; on which CotEditor's encoding auto-detection (ISO 2022-JP, UTF-8, and UTF-16) is based. FJDDetectEncoding had been released under the <em>BSD license</em>.</li>
<li>Thanks to FJDDetectEncoding by FUJIDANA &lt;<a>http://blogs.dion.ne.jp/fujidana/archives/4169016.html</a>&gt; on which CotEditor's encoding detection (ISO 2022-JP, UTF-8, and UTF-16) is based. FJDDetectEncoding had been released under the <em>BSD license</em>.</li>
<li>Thanks to mi by Daisuke Kamiyama &lt;<a href="https://www.mimikaki.net/">https://www.mimikaki.net</a>&gt; on which the variables of CotEditor's File Drop feature are based.</li>
<li>Kaito Udagawa &lt;<a href="https://github.com/umireon">https://github.com/umireon</a>&gt;</li>
<li>Auto-indent improvement by:<ul>
<li>Automatic indent improvement by:<ul>
<li>Naotaka Morimoto &lt;<a href="http://naotaka.com/">http://naotaka.com</a>&gt;</li>

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "Syntaxe";
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Syntaxe pour laquelle ce File Drop est activé."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled. */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Syntaxe pour laquelle ce File Drop est activé."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used. */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "Description";

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "Sélectionner le résultat suivant après un remplacement";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "Recherche incrémentale";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "Fermer automatiquement le fenêtre de progression";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "%lld éléments remplacés.";
"Invalid regular expression" = "Expression régulière invalide";
"Empty find string" = "Châine de recherche vide";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "Loption « Dans la sélection » est activée mais il ny a aucune sélection.";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "Loption « Dans la sélection » est activée mais il ny a aucune sélection.";
"Input text to find." = "Texte à rechercher";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "Sélectionnez le périmètre de recherche dans le document ou désactivez loption « dans la sélection ».";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "Activer";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Sélectionnez pour activer la règle de remplacement.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Sélectionnez pour activer la règle de remplacement."; // FIXME: enable -> use
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "Rechercher";

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "Stile della sintassi";
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Stile della sintassi cui applicare questa impostazione sul rilascio."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled. */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Stile della sintassi cui applicare questa impostazione sul rilascio."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used. */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "Descrizione";

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "Seleziona il prossimo risultato dopo la sostituzione";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "Ricerca incrementale";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "Chiudi automaticamente la finestra di avanzamento";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "%lld stringhe sostituite.";
"Invalid regular expression" = "Espressione regolare non valida";
"Empty find string" = "Stringa di ricerca vuota";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "Lopzione “nella selezione” è attiva, ma non è stato selezionato nulla.";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "Lopzione “nella selezione” è attiva, ma non è stato selezionato nulla.";
"Input text to find." = "Inserire il testo da cercare.";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "Selezionare lambito di ricerca nel documento, oppure disabilitare lopzione “nella selezione”.";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "Abilita";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Selezionare per abilitare questa regola di sostituzione.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Selezionare per abilitare questa regola di sostituzione."; // FIXME: enable -> use
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "Trova";

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "シンタックススタイル";
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "このファイルドロップ定義が有効になるシンタックススタイル"; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled. */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "このファイルドロップ定義を使用するシンタックススタイル"; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used. */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "説明";

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "置換後に次の一致を選択";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "インクリメンタルに検索";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "完了後自動的に進行状況表示を閉じる";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "%lld件置換しました。";
"Invalid regular expression" = "無効な正規表現です。";
"Empty find string" = "検索文字列が空です。";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "”選択範囲のみ”オプションが有効になっていますが、何も選択されていません。";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "”選択範囲のみ”オプションが有効になっていますが、何も選択されていません。";
"Input text to find." = "検索するテキストを入力してください。";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "検索範囲を選択するか”選択範囲のみ”オプションを無効にしてください。";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "有効";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "この置換条件を有効にする場合に選択";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "この置換条件を使う場合に選択";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "検索";

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "Estilo da Sintaxe";
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Estilo da sintaxe no qual o ajuste de arquivo solto é ativado."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled. */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Estilo da sintaxe no qual o ajuste de arquivo solto é ativado."; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used. */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "Descrição";

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "Selecionar ocorrência seguinte ao substituir";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "Buscar incrementalmente";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "Fechar diálogo de progresso automaticamente";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "%lld strings substituídas.";
"Invalid regular expression" = "Expressão regular inválida";
"Empty find string" = "String de busca vazia";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "A opção “Na Seleção” está habilitada, porém nada está selecionado.";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "A opção “Na Seleção” está habilitada, porém nada está selecionado.";
"Input text to find." = "Digite o texto a buscar.";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "Selecione o escopo da busca no documento ou desmarque a opção “Na Seleção.”";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "Ative";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Selecione para ativar esta regra de substituição.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Selecione para ativar esta regra de substituição."; // FIXME: enable -> use
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "Buscar";

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "Sözdizim Biçemi";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled."; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used."; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "Bu dosya bırakma ayarının etkinleştirildiği sözdizim biçemi";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "Değişim sonrası bir sonraki eşleşmeyi seç";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "Aşamalı olarak ara";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "İlerleme iletişim kutusunu kendiliğinden kapat";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "%lld dizi değiştirildi.";
"Invalid regular expression" = "Geçersiz düzenli ifade";
"Empty find string" = "Bulunacak dizi boş";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "'seçimde' seçeneği etkin; ancak hiçbir şey seçilmemiş.";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "'seçimde' seçeneği etkin; ancak hiçbir şey seçilmemiş.";
"Input text to find." = "Bulunacak girdi metni";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "Belgedeki arama kapsamını değiştir veya 'seçimde' seçeneğini devre dışı bırak.";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "Etkinleştir";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Bu değişim kuralını etkinleştirmek için seçin.";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "Bu değişim kuralını etkinleştirmek için seçin."; // FIXME: enable -> use
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "Bul";

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "语法样式";
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "语法样式中的文件拖拽设置已启用"; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled. */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "语法样式中的文件拖拽设置已启用"; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used. */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "描述";

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "替换后选择下一个匹配";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "增量搜索";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "自动关闭进度表";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "已替换%lld个匹配";
"Invalid regular expression" = "无效的正则表达式";
"Empty find string" = "空的搜索字符串";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "“在选择中搜索”选项被激活,但是并没有内容被选中。";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "“在选择中搜索”选项被激活,但是并没有内容被选中。";
"Input text to find." = "输入文本以查找。";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "在文档中选择搜索范围,或者禁用“在选择中搜索”。";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "启用";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "选择以启用该替换规则。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "选择以启用该替换规则。"; // FIXME: enable -> use
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "查找";

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Syntax Style"; ObjectID = "RqT-x4-YbN"; */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerCell.title" = "文法樣式";
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "文法樣式中的檔案拖拽設定已啟用"; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is enabled. */
"RqT-x4-YbN.headerToolTip" = "文法樣式中的檔案拖拽設定已啟用"; /* Syntax style in which this file drop setting is used. */
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Description"; ObjectID = "p2m-Qi-6k3"; */
"p2m-Qi-6k3.headerCell.title" = "描述";

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"XBp-LE-3Ry.title" = "取代後選擇下一個匹配";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Search incrementally"; ObjectID = "jxH-a9-v61"; */
"jxH-a9-v61.title" = "增量檢索";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Auto-close progress dialog"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close progress dialog automatically"; ObjectID = "KBq-zH-H2M"; */
"KBq-zH-H2M.title" = "自動關閉進度表";

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"%lld strings replaced." = "已取代%lld個匹配";
"Invalid regular expression" = "無效的正規表達式";
"Empty find string" = "空的搜索字元串";
"The option “in selection” is enabled, although nothing is selected." = "「在選擇中搜索」選項被激活,但是並沒有內容被選中。";
"The option “in selection” is selected, although nothing is selected." = "「在選擇中搜索」選項被激活,但是並沒有內容被選中。";
"Input text to find." = "輸入文字以查找。";
"Select the search scope in the document or turn off the “in selection” option." = "在文件中選擇搜索範圍,或者禁用「在選擇中搜索」。";

View File

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerToolTip = "Enable"; ObjectID = "KTe-1r-oHM"; */
"KTe-1r-oHM.headerToolTip" = "啟用";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to enable this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "選擇以啟用該取代規則。";
/* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Select to use this replacement rule."; ObjectID = "PuQ-No-wC1"; */
"PuQ-No-wC1.ibShadowedToolTip" = "選擇以啟用該取代規則。"; // FIXME: enable -> use
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Find"; ObjectID = "zee-UW-TVR"; */
"zee-UW-TVR.headerCell.title" = "檢索";