Make multiple repalcement edit undoable

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2018-12-24 20:56:03 +09:00
parent 96a06f2ef8
commit ef5c1d4834
2 changed files with 168 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Change Log
- Change counting method of the cursor location and column to 1-based (formerly 0-based).
- Optimize syntax highlight application so that the time displaying the rainbow cursor reduces significantly with a large document.
- Make editing multiple replacement definitions undoable.
- Syntax highlight reguler expression patterns in the syntax style editor, multiple replacement definition editor, and the custom sort dialog.
- Move focus to the editor when lines are selected by clicking line numbers.
- Apply update of “Show invisible characters” option in the preferences immediately to opened documents.

View File

@ -95,24 +95,22 @@ final class MultipleReplacementViewController: NSViewController, MultipleReplace
// MARK: Actions
/// add a new replacement rule
/// add a new replacement rule at the end
@IBAction func add(_ sender: Any?) {
// update data
// update UI
guard let tableView = self.tableView else { return }
let lastRow = self.definition.replacements.count - 1
let lastRow = self.definition.replacements.endIndex
let indexes = IndexSet(integer: lastRow)
let column = tableView.column(withIdentifier: .findString)
let replacements = [MultipleReplacement.Replacement](repeating: .init(), count: indexes.count)
self.insertReplacements(replacements, at: indexes)
// start editing automatically
let tableView = self.tableView!
let column = tableView.column(withIdentifier: .findString)
tableView.insertRows(at: indexes, withAnimation: .effectGap)
tableView.editColumn(column, row: lastRow, with: nil, select: true) // start editing automatically
tableView.editColumn(column, row: lastRow, with: nil, select: true)
@ -121,22 +119,13 @@ final class MultipleReplacementViewController: NSViewController, MultipleReplace
guard let tableView = self.tableView else { return }
let rowIndexes = self.tableView!.selectedRowIndexes
let indexes = tableView.selectedRowIndexes
// update UI
tableView.removeRows(at: indexes, withAnimation: .effectGap)
// update data
self.definition.replacements.remove(in: indexes)
self.removeReplacements(at: rowIndexes)
if self.definition.replacements.isEmpty {
// notify modification
@ -192,6 +181,7 @@ final class MultipleReplacementViewController: NSViewController, MultipleReplace
self.hasInvalidSetting = false
self.resultMessage = nil
self.undoManager?.removeAllActions(withTarget: self)
if setting.replacements.isEmpty {
@ -216,6 +206,117 @@ final class MultipleReplacementViewController: NSViewController, MultipleReplace
self.hasInvalidSetting = self.definition.replacements.contains { (try? $0.validate()) != nil }
/// Undoable insertion of replacement definitions.
/// - Parameters:
/// - replacements: New replacement definitions to insert.
/// - rowIndexes: Rows of definitions to insert.
private func insertReplacements(_ replacements: [MultipleReplacement.Replacement], at rowIndexes: IndexSet) {
assert(replacements.count == rowIndexes.count)
// register undo
self.undoManager?.registerUndo(withTarget: self) { target in
target.removeReplacements(at: rowIndexes)
// update data
self.definition.replacements.insert(replacements, at: rowIndexes)
// update view
if let tableView = self.tableView {
tableView.insertRows(at: rowIndexes, withAnimation: .effectGap)
// notify modification
/// Undoable removal of replacement definitions.
/// - Parameter rowIndexes: Rows of definitions to remove.
private func removeReplacements(at rowIndexes: IndexSet) {
// register undo
self.undoManager?.registerUndo(withTarget: self) { [replacements = self.definition.replacements.elements(at: rowIndexes)] target in
target.insertReplacements(replacements, at: rowIndexes)
// update view
if let tableView = self.tableView {
tableView.removeRows(at: rowIndexes, withAnimation: .effectGap)
// update data
self.definition.replacements.remove(in: rowIndexes)
// notify modification
/// Undoable replacement definitions' update.
/// - Parameters:
/// - replacements: New replacement definitions to update.
/// - rowIndexes: Rows of definitions to be updated.
private func updateReplacements(_ replacements: [MultipleReplacement.Replacement], at rowIndexes: IndexSet) {
assert(replacements.count == rowIndexes.count)
// register undo
self.undoManager?.registerUndo(withTarget: self) { [replacements = self.definition.replacements.elements(at: rowIndexes)] target in
target.updateReplacements(replacements, at: rowIndexes)
// update data
for (row, replacement) in zip(rowIndexes, replacements) {
self.definition.replacements[row] = replacement
// update view
if let tableView = self.tableView {
let allColumnIndexes = IndexSet(integersIn: 0..<tableView.numberOfColumns)
tableView.reloadData(forRowIndexes: rowIndexes, columnIndexes: allColumnIndexes)
// notify modification
/// Undoable move of replacement definitions.
/// - Parameters:
/// - sourceRows: Rows of definitions to move.
/// - destinationRows: Rows of definitions to place.
private func moveReplacements(from sourceRows: IndexSet, to destinationRows: IndexSet) {
assert(sourceRows.count == destinationRows.count)
// register undo
self.undoManager?.registerUndo(withTarget: self) { target in
target.moveReplacements(from: destinationRows, to: sourceRows)
// update data
let draggingItems = self.definition.replacements.elements(at: sourceRows)
self.definition.replacements.remove(in: sourceRows)
self.definition.replacements.insert(draggingItems, at: destinationRows)
// update view
if let tableView = self.tableView {
tableView.removeRows(at: sourceRows, withAnimation: [.effectFade, .slideDown])
tableView.insertRows(at: destinationRows, withAnimation: .effectGap)
tableView.selectRowIndexes(destinationRows, byExtendingSelection: false)
// notify modification
@ -323,52 +424,52 @@ extension MultipleReplacementViewController: NSTableViewDelegate {
guard row >= 0, column >= 0 else { return }
let identifier = tableView.tableColumns[column].identifier
let rowIndexes = IndexSet(integer: row)
let updateRowIndexes: IndexSet
// update all selected checkboxes in the same column
let rowIndex = IndexSet(integer: row)
let rowIndexes = (sender is NSButton) ? rowIndex.union(tableView.selectedRowIndexes) : rowIndex
switch sender {
case let textField as NSTextField:
updateRowIndexes = rowIndexes
let value = textField.stringValue
switch identifier {
case .findString:
self.definition.replacements[row].findString = value
case .replacementString:
self.definition.replacements[row].replacementString = value
case .description:
self.definition.replacements[row].description = (value.isEmpty) ? nil : value
case let checkbox as NSButton:
// update all selected checkboxes in the same column
let selectedIndexes = tableView.selectedRowIndexes
updateRowIndexes = selectedIndexes.contains(row) ? selectedIndexes.union(rowIndexes) : rowIndexes
let value = (checkbox.state == .on)
for index in updateRowIndexes {
switch identifier {
case .isEnabled:
self.definition.replacements[index].isEnabled = value
case .ignoresCase:
self.definition.replacements[index].ignoresCase = value
case .usesRegularExpression:
self.definition.replacements[index].usesRegularExpression = value
let identifier = tableView.tableColumns[column].identifier
let replacements: [MultipleReplacement.Replacement] = rowIndexes
.map { self.definition.replacements[$0] }
.map { replacement in
var replacement = replacement
switch sender {
case let textField as NSTextField:
let value = textField.stringValue
switch identifier {
case .findString:
replacement.findString = value
case .replacementString:
replacement.replacementString = value
case .description:
replacement.description = value.isEmpty ? nil : value
case let checkbox as NSButton:
let value = (checkbox.state == .on)
switch identifier {
case .isEnabled:
replacement.isEnabled = value
case .ignoresCase:
replacement.ignoresCase = value
case .usesRegularExpression:
replacement.usesRegularExpression = value
return replacement
let allColumnIndexes = IndexSet(integersIn: 0..<tableView.numberOfColumns)
tableView.reloadData(forRowIndexes: updateRowIndexes, columnIndexes: allColumnIndexes)
self.updateReplacements(replacements, at: rowIndexes)
@ -423,20 +524,14 @@ extension MultipleReplacementViewController: NSTableViewDataSource {
// obtain original rows from paste board
let data = .rows),
let sourceRows = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: data) as? IndexSet else { return false }
let sourceRows = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: data) as? IndexSet
else { return false }
let destinationRow = row - sourceRows.count(in: 0...row) // real insertion point after removing items to move
let destinationRows = IndexSet(destinationRow..<(destinationRow + sourceRows.count))
// update data
let draggingItems = self.definition.replacements.elements(at: sourceRows)
self.definition.replacements.remove(in: sourceRows)
self.definition.replacements.insert(draggingItems, at: destinationRows)
// update UI
tableView.removeRows(at: sourceRows, withAnimation: [.effectFade, .slideDown])
tableView.insertRows(at: destinationRows, withAnimation: .effectGap)
tableView.selectRowIndexes(destinationRows, byExtendingSelection: false)
// move
self.moveReplacements(from: sourceRows, to: destinationRows)
return true