Add "Emoji & Symbols" toolbar item

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2018-09-13 02:07:12 +09:00
parent a2d570706e
commit f757c2998d
9 changed files with 58 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Change Log
- Support Dark Mode in macOS 10.14 Mojave.
- Add a new theme “Dendrobates (Dark)”.
- Add new commands to transform selections to snake case, camel case, or pascal case.
- Add “Emoji & Symbols” toolbar item.
- [non-AppStore] The non-AppStore application binary is now notarized by Apple.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"images" : [
"idiom" : "universal",
"filename" : "Emoji.pdf"
"info" : {
"version" : 1,
"author" : "xcode"
"properties" : {
"template-rendering-intent" : "original"

View File

@ -288,6 +288,21 @@
<action selector="editColorCode:" target="klO-m3-n5X" id="sBu-5y-85K"/>
<toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="EE502370-3E58-4FF5-9F67-A9E3359697CE" label="Emoji &amp; Symbols" paletteLabel="Emoji &amp; Symbols" toolTip="Show Emoji &amp; Symbols palette" image="Emoji" id="tek-D0-460" customClass="ControlToolbarItem" customModule="CotEditor" customModuleProvider="target">
<size key="minSize" width="44" height="25"/>
<size key="maxSize" width="44" height="25"/>
<button key="view" verticalHuggingPriority="750" id="vRD-Ro-4Vb">
<rect key="frame" x="26" y="14" width="44" height="25"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
<buttonCell key="cell" type="roundTextured" bezelStyle="texturedRounded" image="Emoji" imagePosition="overlaps" alignment="center" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" state="on" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="8Th-Xk-WmN">
<behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
<action selector="orderFrontCharacterPalette:" target="klO-m3-n5X" id="gIt-Sl-DWA"/>
<toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="61069554-3748-429C-94A3-EA8375B3BF6E" label="Fonts" paletteLabel="Fonts" toolTip="Show Font Panel" image="FontsTemplate" id="vLf-la-9dL" customClass="ControlToolbarItem" customModule="CotEditor" customModuleProvider="target">
<size key="minSize" width="44" height="25"/>
<size key="maxSize" width="44" height="28"/>
@ -706,6 +721,7 @@
<image name="Comment" width="24" height="18"/>
<image name="ConflictsTemplate" width="15" height="15"/>
<image name="DocumentTemplate" width="15" height="15"/>
<image name="Emoji" width="20" height="18"/>
<image name="FontsTemplate" width="18" height="18"/>
<image name="Inspector" width="18" height="18"/>
<image name="Invisibles_On" width="17" height="18"/>

View File

@ -161,6 +161,11 @@
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.paletteLabel" = "Farbcode bearbeiten"; /* Edit Color Code */
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.toolTip" = "Farbcode-Editor öffnen und die Auswahl als Farbcode einrichten"; /* Open Color Code Editor and set selection as color code */
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "Emoji & Symbols"; ObjectID = "tek-D0-460"; */
"tek-D0-460.label" = "Emoji & Symbole"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.paletteLabel" = "Emoji & Symbole"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.toolTip" = "Emoji- & Symbolepalette einblenden"; /* Show Emoji & Symbols palette */
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; ObjectID = "ACV-s4-QzY"; */
"ACV-s4-QzY.label" = "Suchen"; /* Find */
"ACV-s4-QzY.paletteLabel" = "Suchen"; /* Find */

View File

@ -162,6 +162,11 @@
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.paletteLabel" = "Modifica codice colore"; /* Edit Color Code */
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.toolTip" = "Apri leditor dei codici colore ed imposta la selezione come codice del colore"; /* Open Color Code Editor and set selection as color code */
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "Emoji & Symbols"; ObjectID = "tek-D0-460"; */
"tek-D0-460.label" = "Emoji e simboli"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.paletteLabel" = "Emoji e simboli"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.toolTip" = "Show Emoji & Symbols palette"; /* Show Emoji & Symbols palette */ // FIXME: added
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; ObjectID = "ACV-s4-QzY"; */
"ACV-s4-QzY.label" = "Cerca"; /* Find */
"ACV-s4-QzY.paletteLabel" = "Cerca"; /* Find */

View File

@ -161,6 +161,11 @@
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.paletteLabel" = "カラーコードを編集"; /* Edit Color Code */
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.toolTip" = "カラーコードエディタを開き、選択範囲をカラーコードとしてセット"; /* Open Color Code Editor and set selection as color code */
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "Emoji & Symbols"; ObjectID = "tek-D0-460"; */
"tek-D0-460.label" = "絵文字と記号"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.paletteLabel" = "絵文字と記号"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.toolTip" = "絵文字と記号パレットを表示"; /* Show Emoji & Symbols palette */
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; ObjectID = "ACV-s4-QzY"; */
"ACV-s4-QzY.label" = "検索"; /* Find */
"ACV-s4-QzY.paletteLabel" = "検索"; /* Find */

View File

@ -160,6 +160,11 @@
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.paletteLabel" = "Editar Código de Cor"; */ /* Edit Color Code */
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.toolTip" = "Abra o Editor de Código de Cor e defina a seleção como um código de cor"; /* Open Color Code Editor and set selection as color code */
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "Emoji & Symbols"; ObjectID = "tek-D0-460"; */
"tek-D0-460.label" = "Emoji e símbolos"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.paletteLabel" = "Emoji e símbolos"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.toolTip" = "Show Emoji & Symbols palette"; /* Show Emoji & Symbols palette */ // FIXME: added
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; ObjectID = "ACV-s4-QzY"; */
"ACV-s4-QzY.label" = "Buscar"; /* Find */
"ACV-s4-QzY.paletteLabel" = "Buscar"; /* Find */

View File

@ -162,10 +162,15 @@
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.paletteLabel" = "编辑颜色代码"; /* Edit Color Code */
"Yx1-Tq-tfo.toolTip" = "打开调色盘并将选中内容设为颜色代码"; /* Open Color Code Editor and set selection as color code */
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "Emoji & Symbols"; ObjectID = "tek-D0-460"; */
"tek-D0-460.label" = "表情与符号"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.paletteLabel" = "表情与符号"; /* Emoji & Symbols */
"tek-D0-460.toolTip" = "Show Emoji & Symbols palette"; /* Show Emoji & Symbols palette */ // FIXME: added
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; ObjectID = "ACV-s4-QzY"; */
"ACV-s4-QzY.label" = "查找"; /* Find */
"ACV-s4-QzY.paletteLabel" = "查找"; /* Find */
"ACV-s4-QzY.toolTip" = "Show Find & Replace"; /* Show Find & Replace */
"ACV-s4-QzY.toolTip" = "Show Find & Replace"; /* Show Find & Replace */ // FIXME: added
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; ObjectID = "hbb-MD-j6g"; */
"hbb-MD-j6g.label" = "打印"; /* Print */