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// SyntaxTests.swift
// Tests
// CotEditor
// Created by 1024jp on 2016-06-11.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// © 2016-2024 1024jp
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import Testing
import Yams
import Syntax
import StringBasics
@testable import CotEditor
actor SyntaxTests {
private var syntaxes: [String: Syntax] = [:]
init() throws {
let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
let urls = try #require(bundle.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: "yml", subdirectory: "Syntaxes"))
// load syntaxes
let decoder = YAMLDecoder()
self.syntaxes = try urls.reduce(into: [:]) { (dict, url) in
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
let name = url.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
dict[name] = try decoder.decode(Syntax.self, from: data)
@Test func validateAllSyntaxes() {
for (name, syntax) in self.syntaxes {
let model = SyntaxObject(value: syntax)
let errors = model.validate()
for error in errors {
Issue.record("\(name): \(error)")
@Test func sanitize() {
for (name, syntax) in self.syntaxes {
let sanitized = syntax.sanitized
#expect(syntax.kind == sanitized.kind)
for type in SyntaxType.allCases {
let keyPath = Syntax.highlightKeyPath(for: type)
#expect(syntax[keyPath: keyPath] == sanitized[keyPath: keyPath],
".\(type.rawValue) of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
#expect(syntax.outlines == sanitized.outlines,
".outlines of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
#expect(syntax.completions == sanitized.completions,
".completions of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
#expect(syntax.commentDelimiters == sanitized.commentDelimiters,
".commentDelimiters of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
#expect(syntax.extensions == sanitized.extensions,
".extensions of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
#expect(syntax.filenames == sanitized.filenames,
".filenames of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
#expect(syntax.interpreters == sanitized.interpreters,
".interpreters of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
#expect(syntax.metadata == sanitized.metadata,
".metadata of “\(name)” is not sanitized in the latest manner")
@Test func xmlSyntax() throws {
let syntax = try #require(self.syntaxes["HTML"])
#expect(syntax.commentDelimiters.inline == nil)
#expect(syntax.commentDelimiters.block == Pair("<!--", "-->"))
@Test func parseOutline() async throws {
let syntax = try #require(self.syntaxes["HTML"])
// load test file
let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
let sourceURL = try #require(bundle.url(forResource: "sample", withExtension: "html"))
let source = try String(contentsOf: sourceURL, encoding: .utf8)
let outlineItems = try syntax.outlineExtractors
.flatMap { try $0.items(in: source, range: source.nsRange) }
#expect(outlineItems.count == 3)
let item = outlineItems[1]
#expect(item.title == " h2: 🐕🐄")
#expect(item.range.location == 354)
#expect(item.range.length == 13)
@Test func viewModelHighlightEquality() {
let termA = SyntaxObject.Highlight(begin: "abc", end: "def")
let termB = SyntaxObject.Highlight(begin: "abc", end: "def")
let termC = SyntaxObject.Highlight(begin: "abc")
#expect(termA == termB)
#expect(termA != termC)
#expect( !=