2020-07-01 17:44:47 -04:00

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A viewer for git and diff output

Code evolves, and studying diffs to understand how some code has changed is a fundamental mode of work. Delta aims to make studying diffs both efficient and enjoyable: it allows you to make extensive changes to the layout and styling of diffs, as well as allowing you to stay arbitrarily close to the default git/diff output, changing just the aspects that you want to change.

Delta's main features are:

  • Language syntax highlighting with color themes
  • Within-line highlights based on a Levenshtein edit inference algorithm
  • Style (foreground color, background color, font attributes) can be configured independently for more than 20 different sections of the diff
  • Stylable box/line decorations to draw attention to commit, file and hunk header sections.
  • Line numbering (-n)
  • --diff-highlight and --diff-so-fancy emulation modes
  • Code can be copied directly from the diff (-/+ markers are removed by default).
  • n and N keybindings to move between files in large diffs, and between diffs in log -p views (--navigate)

The most convenient way to configure delta is with a [delta] section in ~/.gitconfig. Here's a quick example:

    pager = delta

    diffFilter = delta --color-only

    features = decorations
    whitespace-error-style = 22 reverse

[delta "decorations"]
    commit-decoration-style = bold yellow box ul
    file-style = bold yellow ul
    file-decoration-style = none

Planned features in the future include a side-by-side diff view and alternative within-line highlighting algorithms.


Here's what git show can look like with git configured to use delta:

image image
"Dracula" theme "GitHub" theme

By default, delta restructures the git output slightly to make the hunk markers human-readable:


All the syntax-highlighting color themes that are available with bat are available with delta:

image image
delta --show-syntax-themes --dark delta --show-syntax-themes --light


delta git diff-so-fancy /
language syntax highlighting
within-line insertion/deletion detection
multiple insertion/deletions detected per line
matching of unequal numbers of changed lines
independently stylable elements
line numbering

In addition, delta handles traditional unified diff output.


You can download an executable for your system: Linux | MacOS | Windows | All

Alternatively, delta is available in the following package managers:

Arch Linux (AUR) yay -S git-delta
git clone
cd git-delta
makepkg -csri
.deb files are on the releases page and at barnumbirr/delta-debian
dpkg -i file.deb
Fedora dnf install git-delta
FreeBSD pkg install git-delta
Homebrew brew install git-delta
MacPorts port install git-delta
Nix nix-env -iA
Windows (Chocolatey) choco install delta


Set delta to be git's pager in your .gitconfig. Delta accepts many command line options to alter colors and other details of the output. An example is

    pager = delta

    plus-color = "#012800"
    minus-color = "#340001"
    theme = 'Monokai Extended'

    diffFilter = delta --color-only

Note that delta argument values in ~/.gitconfig should be in double quotes, like --minus-color="#340001". For a theme name containing a space, use single quotes, like --theme='Monokai Extended'.

All git commands that display diff output should now display syntax-highlighted output. For example:

  • git diff
  • git show
  • git log -p
  • git stash show -p
  • git reflog -p
  • git add -p

For Mercurial, you can add delta, with its command line options, to the [pager] section of .hgrc.

Delta also handles unified diff output, and can be used as an alternative way of invoking diff -u. The following two commands do the same thing:

delta a.txt b.txt

diff -u a.txt b.txt | delta


Supported languages and themes

To list the supported languages and color themes, use delta --list-languages and delta --list-theme-names. To see a demo of the color themes, use delta --show-syntax-themes:

To add your own custom color theme, or language, please follow the instructions in the Customization section of the bat documentation:

Delta automatically recognizes custom themes and languages added to bat. You will need to install bat in order to run the bat cache --build command.

The languages and color themes that ship with delta are those that ship with bat. So, to propose a new language or color theme for inclusion in delta, it would need to be a helpful addition to bat, in which case please open a PR against bat.

Choosing colors (styles)

All options that have a name like --*-style work in the same way. It is very similar to how colors/styles are specified in a gitconfig file:

Here's an example:

--minus-style 'red bold ul "#ffeeee"'

That means: For removed lines, set the foreground (text) color to 'red', make it bold and underlined, and set the background color to #ffeeee.

For full details, see the STYLES section in delta --help.

Line numbers

Use --line-numbers to activate line numbers.


The numbers are displayed in two columns and there are several configuration options: see the LINE NUMBERS section in delta --help for details, and see the next section for an example of configuring line numbers.

Custom features

All delta options can go under the [delta] section in your git config file. However, you can also use named "features" to keep things organized: these are sections in git config like [delta "my-feature"]. Here's an example using two custom features:

    features = unobtrusive-line-numbers decorations
    whitespace-error-style = 22 reverse

[delta "unobtrusive-line-numbers"]
    line-numbers = true
    line-numbers-minus-style = "#444444"
    line-numbers-zero-style = "#444444"
    line-numbers-plus-style = "#444444"
    line-numbers-left-format = "{nm:>4}┊"
    line-numbers-right-format = "{np:>4}│"
    line-numbers-left-style = blue
    line-numbers-right-style = blue

[delta "decorations"]
    commit-decoration-style = bold yellow box ul
    file-style = bold yellow ul
    file-decoration-style = none
    hunk-header-decoration-style = yellow box

diff-highlight and diff-so-fancy emulation

Use --diff-highlight or --diff-so-fancy to activate the respective emulation mode.

You may want to know which delta configuration values the emulation mode has selected, so that you can adjust them. To do that, use e.g. delta --diff-so-fancy --show-config:


diff-highlight is a perl script distributed with git that allows within-line edits to be identified and highlighted according to colors specified in git config. diff-so-fancy builds on diff-highlight, making various additional improvements to the default git diff output. Both tools provide very helpful ways of viewing diffs, and so delta provides emulation modes for both of them.

The edit inference algorithm employed by diff-highlight (and therefore by diff-so-fancy) is deliberately simpler than Delta's Levenshtein-type algorithm (see discussion in the diff-highlight README). The simpler algorithm could be added as an alternative to delta, but that hasn't been done yet.

Navigation keybindings for large diffs

Use --navigate to activate navigation keybindings. In this mode, pressing n will jump forward to the next file in the diff, and N will jump backwards. If you are viewing multiple commits (e.g. via git log -p) then navigation will also visit commit boundaries.

24 bit color (truecolor)

Delta looks best if your terminal application supports 24 bit colors. See For example, on MacOS, iTerm2 supports 24-bit colors but does not.

If your terminal application does not support 24-bit color, delta will still work, by automatically choosing the closest color from those available. See the Colors section of the help output below.

If you're using tmux, it's worth checking that 24 bit color is working correctly. For example, run a color test script like this one, or one of the others listed here. If you do not see smooth color gradients, see the discussion at tmux#696. The short version is you need something like this in your ~/.tmux.conf:

set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"

and you may then need to quit tmux completely for it to take effect.

Using Delta on Windows

Delta works on Windows. However, the less.exe installed with git doesn't work well with delta. A patched version of less.exe and instructions for installing can be found here.

Mouse scrolling

If mouse scrolling isn't working correctly, try setting your BAT_PAGER environment variable to (at least) less -R . See issue #58 and bat README / "Using a different pager".

Using Delta with Magit

Delta can be used when displaying diffs in the Magit git client: see magit-delta. Here's a screenshot:


Comparisons with other tools

(delta --light)

delta vs. git image image
delta vs. diff-so-fancy /
image image
delta vs. github image image

Build delta from source

You'll need to install the rust tools. Then:

cargo build --release

and use the executable found at ./target/release/delta.


Projects using delta

Full --help output

delta 0.2.0
A viewer for git and diff output

    delta [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

        --light                      Use default colors appropriate for a light terminal background. For more control,
                                     see the style options and --syntax-theme
        --dark                       Use default colors appropriate for a dark terminal background. For more control,
                                     see the style options and --syntax-theme
    -n, --line-numbers               Display line numbers next to the diff. See LINE NUMBERS section
        --diff-highlight             Emulate diff-highlight (
        --diff-so-fancy              Emulate diff-so-fancy (
        --navigate                   Activate diff navigation: use n to jump forwards and N to jump backwards. To change
                                     the file labels used see --file-modified-label, --file-removed-label, --file-added-
                                     label, --file-renamed-label
        --keep-plus-minus-markers    Prefix added/removed lines with a +/- character, exactly as git does. By default,
                                     delta does not emit any prefix, so code can be copied directly from delta's output
        --show-config                Display the active values for all Delta options. Style options are displayed with
                                     foreground and background colors. This can be used to experiment with colors by
                                     combining this option with other options such as --minus-style, --zero-style,
                                     --plus-style, --light, --dark, etc
        --list-languages             List supported languages and associated file extensions
        --list-syntax-themes         List available syntax-highlighting color themes
        --show-syntax-themes         Show all available syntax-highlighting themes, each with an example of highlighted
                                     diff output. If diff output is supplied on standard input then this will be used
                                     for the demo. For example: `git show --color=always | delta --show-syntax-themes`
        --no-gitconfig               Do not take any settings from git config. See GIT CONFIG section
        --raw                        Do not alter the input in any way. This is mainly intended for testing delta
        --color-only                 Do not alter the input structurally in any way, but color and highlight hunk lines
                                     according to your delta configuration. This is mainly intended for other tools that
                                     use delta
        --highlight-removed          Deprecated: use --minus-style='syntax'
    -h, --help                       Prints help information
    -V, --version                    Prints version information

        --features <features>
            Name of delta features to use (space-separated). A feature is a named collection of delta options in
            ~/.gitconfig. See FEATURES section [default: ]
        --syntax-theme <syntax-theme>
            The code syntax-highlighting theme to use. Use --show-syntax-themes to demo available themes. If the syntax-
            highlighting theme is not set using this option, it will be taken from the BAT_THEME environment
            variable, if that contains a valid theme name. --syntax-theme=none disables all syntax highlighting [env:
        --minus-style <minus-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for removed lines. See STYLES section [default: normal
        --zero-style <zero-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for unchanged lines. See STYLES section [default: syntax
        --plus-style <plus-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for added lines. See STYLES section [default: syntax auto]

        --minus-emph-style <minus-emph-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for emphasized sections of removed lines. See STYLES section
            [default: normal auto]
        --minus-non-emph-style <minus-non-emph-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for non-emphasized sections of removed lines that have an
            emphasized section. Defaults to --minus-style. See STYLES section [default: auto auto]
        --plus-emph-style <plus-emph-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for emphasized sections of added lines. See STYLES section
            [default: syntax auto]
        --plus-non-emph-style <plus-non-emph-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for non-emphasized sections of added lines that have an
            emphasized section. Defaults to --plus-style. See STYLES section [default: auto auto]
        --commit-style <commit-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the commit hash line. See STYLES section [default:
        --commit-decoration-style <commit-decoration-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the commit hash decoration. See STYLES section. One of the
            special attributes 'box', 'ul', 'overline', or 'underoverline' must be given [default: ]
        --file-style <file-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the file section. See STYLES section [default: blue]

        --file-decoration-style <file-decoration-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the file decoration. See STYLES section. One of the special
            attributes 'box', 'ul', 'overline', or 'underoverline' must be given [default: blue ul]
        --hunk-header-style <hunk-header-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the hunk-header. See STYLES section [default: syntax]

        --hunk-header-decoration-style <hunk-header-decoration-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the hunk-header decoration. See STYLES section. One of the
            special attributes 'box', 'ul', 'overline', or 'underoverline' must be given [default: blue box]
        --word-diff-regex <tokenization-regex>
            The regular expression used to decide what a word is for the within-line highlight algorithm. For less fine-
            grained matching than the default try --word-diff-regex="\S+" --max-line-distance=1.0 (this is more
            similar to `git --word-diff`) [default: \w+]
        --max-line-distance <max-line-distance>
            The maximum distance between two lines for them to be inferred to be homologous. Homologous line pairs are
            highlighted according to the deletion and insertion operations transforming one into the other [default:
        --line-numbers-minus-style <line-numbers-minus-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for line numbers in the old (minus) version of the file. See
            STYLES and LINE NUMBERS sections [default: auto]
        --line-numbers-zero-style <line-numbers-zero-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for line numbers in unchanged (zero) lines. See STYLES and LINE
            NUMBERS sections [default: auto]
        --line-numbers-plus-style <line-numbers-plus-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for line numbers in the new (plus) version of the file. See
            STYLES and LINE NUMBERS sections [default: auto]
        --line-numbers-left-format <line-numbers-left-format>
            Format string for the left column of line numbers. A typical value would be "{nm:^4}⋮" which means to
            display the line numbers of the minus file (old version), followed by a dividing character. See the LINE
            NUMBERS section [default: {nm:^4}⋮]
        --line-numbers-right-format <line-numbers-right-format>
            Format string for the right column of line numbers. A typical value would be "{np:^4}│ " which means to
            display the line numbers of the plus file (new version), followed by a dividing character, and a space. See
            the LINE NUMBERS section [default: {np:^4}│ ]
        --line-numbers-left-style <line-numbers-left-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the left column of line numbers. See STYLES and LINE NUMBERS
            sections [default: auto]
        --line-numbers-right-style <line-numbers-right-style>
            Style (foreground, background, attributes) for the right column of line numbers. See STYLES and LINE NUMBERS
            sections [default: auto]
        --file-modified-label <file-modified-label>
            Text to display in front of a modified file path [default: ]

        --file-removed-label <file-removed-label>
            Text to display in front of a removed file path [default: removed:]

        --file-added-label <file-added-label>
            Text to display in front of a added file path [default: added:]

        --file-renamed-label <file-renamed-label>
            Text to display in front of a renamed file path [default: renamed:]

    -w, --width <width>
            The width of underline/overline decorations. Use --width=variable to extend decorations and background
            colors to the end of the text only. Otherwise background colors extend to the full terminal width
        --tabs <tab-width>
            The number of spaces to replace tab characters with. Use --tabs=0 to pass tab characters through directly,
            but note that in that case delta will calculate line widths assuming tabs occupy one character's width on
            the screen: if your terminal renders tabs as more than than one character wide then delta's output will look
            incorrect [default: 4]
        --24-bit-color <true-color>
            Whether to emit 24-bit ("true color") RGB color codes. Options are auto, always, and never. "auto" means
            that delta will emit 24-bit color codes if the environment variable COLORTERM has the value "truecolor" or
            "24bit". If your terminal application (the application you use to enter commands at a shell prompt) supports
            24 bit colors, then it probably already sets this environment variable, in which case you don't need to do
            anything [default: auto]
        --paging <paging-mode>
            Whether to use a pager when displaying output. Options are: auto, always, and never. The default pager is
            `less`: this can be altered by setting the environment variables BAT_PAGER or PAGER (BAT_PAGER has priority)
            [default: auto]
        --minus-empty-line-marker-style <minus-empty-line-marker-style>
            Style for removed empty line marker (used only if --minus-style has no background color) [default:
            normal auto]
        --plus-empty-line-marker-style <plus-empty-line-marker-style>
            Style for added empty line marker (used only if --plus-style has no background color) [default: normal
        --whitespace-error-style <whitespace-error-style>
            Style for whitespace errors. Defaults to color.diff.whitespace if that is set in git config, or else
            'magenta reverse' [default: auto auto]
        --minus-color <deprecated-minus-background-color>
            Deprecated: use --minus-style='normal my_background_color'

        --minus-emph-color <deprecated-minus-emph-background-color>
            Deprecated: use --minus-emph-style='normal my_background_color'

        --plus-color <deprecated-plus-background-color>
            Deprecated: Use --plus-style='syntax my_background_color' to change the background color while retaining
        --plus-emph-color <deprecated-plus-emph-background-color>
            Deprecated: Use --plus-emph-style='syntax my_background_color' to change the background color while
            retaining syntax-highlighting
        --commit-color <deprecated-commit-color>
            Deprecated: use --commit-style='my_foreground_color' --commit-decoration-style='my_foreground_color'

        --file-color <deprecated-file-color>
            Deprecated: use --file-style='my_foreground_color' --file-decoration-style='my_foreground_color'

        --hunk-style <deprecated-hunk-style>
            Deprecated: synonym of --hunk-header-decoration-style

        --hunk-color <deprecated-hunk-color>
            Deprecated: use --hunk-header-style='my_foreground_color' --hunk-header-decoration-
        --theme <deprecated-theme>                                         Deprecated: use --syntax-theme

    <minus-file>    First file to be compared when delta is being used in diff mode: `delta file_1 file_2` is
                    equivalent to `diff -u file_1 file_2 | delta`
    <plus-file>     Second file to be compared when delta is being used in diff mode


By default, delta takes settings from a section named "delta" in git config files, if one is
present. The git config file to use for delta options will usually be ~/.gitconfig, but delta
follows the rules given in Most delta options can be
given in a git config file, using the usual option names but without the initial '--'. An example

    number = true
    zero-style = dim syntax

A feature is a named collection of delta options in git config. An example is:

[delta "my-delta-feature"]
    syntax-theme = Dracula
    plus-style = bold syntax "#002800"

To activate those options, you would use:

delta --features my-delta-feature

A feature name may not contain whitespace. You can activate multiple features:

    features = my-highlight-styles-colors-feature my-line-number-styles-feature

If more than one feature sets the same option, the last one wins.


All options that have a name like --*-style work the same way. It is very similar to how
colors/styles are specified in a gitconfig file:

Here is an example:

--minus-style 'red bold ul "#ffeeee"'

That means: For removed lines, set the foreground (text) color to 'red', make it bold and
            underlined, and set the background color to '#ffeeee'.

See the COLORS section below for how to specify a color. In addition to real colors, there are 4
special color names: 'auto', 'normal', 'raw', and 'syntax'.

Here is an example of using special color names together with a single attribute:

--minus-style 'syntax bold auto'

That means: For removed lines, syntax-highlight the text, and make it bold, and do whatever delta
            normally does for the background.

The available attributes are: 'blink', 'bold', 'dim', 'hidden', 'italic', 'reverse', 'strike',
and 'ul' (or 'underline').

A complete description of the style string syntax follows:

- If the input that delta is receiving already has colors, and you want delta to output those
  colors unchanged, then use the special style string 'raw'. Otherwise, delta will strip any colors
  from its input.

- A style string consists of 0, 1, or 2 colors, together with an arbitrary number of style
  attributes, all separated by spaces.

- The first color is the foreground (text) color. The second color is the background color.
  Attributes can go in any position.

- This means that in order to specify a background color you must also specify a foreground (text)

- If you want delta to choose one of the colors automatically, then use the special color 'auto'.
  This can be used for both foreground and background.

- If you want the foreground/background color to be your terminal's foreground/background color,
  then use the special color 'normal'.

- If you want the foreground text to be syntax-highlighted according to its language, then use the
  special foreground color 'syntax'. This can only be used for the foreground (text).

- The minimal style specification is the empty string ''. This means: do not apply any colors or
  styling to the element in question.


There are three ways to specify a color (this section applies to foreground and background colors
within a style string):

1. RGB hex code

   An example of using an RGB hex code is:

2. ANSI color name

   There are 8 ANSI color names:
   black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white.

   In addition, all of them have a bright form:
   brightblack, brightred, brightgreen, brightyellow, brightblue, brightmagenta, brightcyan, brightwhite.

   An example of using an ANSI color name is:

   Unlike RGB hex codes, ANSI color names are just names: you can choose the exact color that each
   name corresponds to in the settings of your terminal application (the application you use to
   enter commands at a shell prompt). This means that if you use ANSI color names, and you change
   the color theme used by your terminal, then delta's colors will respond automatically, without
   needing to change the delta command line.

   "purple" is accepted as a synonym for "magenta". Color names and codes are case-insensitive.

3. ANSI color number

   An example of using an ANSI color number is:

   There are 256 ANSI color numbers: 0-255. The first 16 are the same as the colors described in
   the "ANSI color name" section above. See
   Specifying colors like this is useful if your terminal only supports 256 colors (i.e. doesn't
   support 24-bit color).


To display line numbers, use --line-numbers.

Line numbers are displayed in two columns. Here's what it looks like by default:

 1  ⋮ 1  │ unchanged line
 2  ⋮    │ removed line
    ⋮ 2  │ added line

In that output, the line numbers for the old (minus) version of the file appear in the left column,
and the line numbers for the new (plus) version of the file appear in the right column. In an
unchanged (zero) line, both columns contain a line number.

The following options allow the line number display to be customized:

--line-numbers-left-format:  Change the contents of the left column
--line-numbers-right-format: Change the contents of the right column
--line-numbers-left-style:   Change the style applied to the left column
--line-numbers-right-style:  Change the style applied to the right column
--line-numbers-minus-style:  Change the style applied to line numbers in minus lines
--line-numbers-zero-style:   Change the style applied to line numbers in unchanged lines
--line-numbers-plus-style:   Change the style applied to line numbers in plus lines

Options --line-numbers-left-format and --line-numbers-right-format allow you to change the contents
of the line number columns. Their values are arbitrary format strings, which are allowed to contain
the placeholders {nm} for the line number associated with the old version of the file and {np} for
the line number associated with the new version of the file. The placeholders support a subset of
the string formatting syntax documented here:
Specifically, you can use the alignment, width, and fill syntax.

For example, the default value of --line-numbers-left-format is '{nm:^4}⋮'. This means that the
left column should display the minus line number (nm), center-aligned, padded with spaces to a
width of 4 characters, followed by a unicode dividing-line character (⋮).

Similarly, the default value of --line-numbers-right-format is '{np:^4}│ '. This means that the
right column should display the plus line number (np), center-aligned, padded with spaces to a
width of 4 characters, followed by a unicode dividing-line character (│), and a space.

Use '<' for left-align, '^' for center-align, and '>' for right-align.

If something isn't working correctly, or you have a feature request, please open an issue at