2024-06-11 17:55:55 +01:00

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40 KiB

## Thanks
- Adam Muntner (@amuntner) and for the **FuzzDB** content, including all authors from the FuzzDB project ( [`./Fuzzing/*.fuzzdb.txt`]
- Ron Bowes (@iagox86) of **SkullSecurity** for collaborating and including all his lists here (
- Clarkson University for their research that led to the **Clarkson password** list [`./Passwords/clarkson-university-82.txt`]
- All the authors listed in the XSS with context doc, which was found on pastebin and added to by us
- Ferruh Mavitina for the beginnings of the **LFI Fuzz** list
- Kevin Johnson for **Laudanum shells** ( [`./Web-Shells/laudanum-0.8/`]
- RSnake for **fierce DNS hostname** list [`./Discovery/DNS/fierce-hostlist.txt`]
- Charlie Campbell for **Spanish word list**, numerous other contributions
- Rob Fuller (@mubix) for the IZMY list [`./Passwords/Leaked-Databases/izmy.txt`]
- Mark Burnett for the **10 million passwords** list
- Steve Crapo for doing splitting work on a number of large lists
- Thanks to Blessen Thomas for recommending **Mario's/cure53's XSS vectors**
- Thanks to Danny Chrastil for submitting an anonymous **JSON fuzzing** list
- Many thanks to @geekspeed, @EricSB, @lukebeer, @patrickmollohan, @g0tmi1k, @albinowax, and @kurobeats for submitting via pull requests
- Special thanks to @shipCod3 for MANY contributions and for a **SSH user/pass** list
- Thanks to Samar Dhwoj Acharya for allowing his **GitHub Dorks** content to be included
- Thanks to Liam Somerville for the excellent list of **default passwords**
- Great thanks to Michael Henriksen for allowing us to include his **Gitrob project's signatures**
- Honored to have @Brutelogic's brilliant **XSS Cheatsheet** added to the Fuzzing section [`./Fuzzing/XSS*-BruteLogic.txt`]
- 0xsobky's **Ultimate XSS Polyglot** [`./Fuzzing/Polyglots/XSS-Polyglot-Ultimate-0xsobky.txt`]
- @otih for **bruteforce collected user/pass** lists [`./Passwords/Honeypot-Captures/`]
- @govolution for **BetterDefaultPassList** ( [`./Passwords/Default-Credentials/*-betterdefaultpasslist.txt`]
- Max Woolf (@minimaxir) for **Big List of Naughty Strings** ( [`./Fuzzing/big-list-of-naughty-strings.txt`]
- Ian Gallagher (@craSH) for **HTTP Request Headers** [`./Miscellaneous/http-request-headers/`]
- Arvind Doraiswamy (@arvinddoraiswamy) for **numeric-fields-only** [`./Fuzzing/numeric_fields_only.txt`]
- @badibouzouk for **Domino Hunter** ( [`./Discovery/Web-Content/Domino-Hunter/`]
- @coldfusion39 for **domi-owned** ( [`./Discovery/Web-Content/domino-*-coldfusion39.txt`]
- Ella Rose (@erose1337) for **security-question-answers** ( [`./Miscellaneous/security-question-answers/`]
- @D35m0nd142 for **LFISuite** ( [`./Fuzzing/LFI-LFISuite-pathtotest*.txt`]
- @chrislockard for **api_wordlist** ( [`./Discovery/Web-Content/api/`]
- @drwetter for adding **.well-known**, see RFC 8615 + IANA registry [`./Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt`]
- Davide Girardi (@nogonosa) for adding **List of IBM CICS transactions**, ( [`./Discovery/Mainframe/default_cics_transactions.txt`]
- @leonjza for adding **WordPress-Shell** ( [`./Web-Shells/WordPress/plugin-shell.php`]
- @streaak for [**keyhacks**]( [`./Miscellaneous/web/`]
This project stays great because of care and love from the [community](, and we will never forget that. If you know of a contribution that is not listed above, please let us know...
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<!-- TABLE-AUTO-GENERATED: $ ./.bin/generate-contributors // -->
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<img width='50' src=''/><br />[g0tmi1k]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[throwaway-people]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[danielmiessler]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[molangning]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[righettod]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[ItsIgnacioPortal]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[jhaddix]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[toxydose]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[cbk914]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[shipcod3]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[nicholas-long]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[govolution]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[emmanuel-londono]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[its0x08]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[elitejake]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[mcjon3z]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[J-GainSec]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[drwetter]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[zerbaliy3v]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[semprix]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[leesoh]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[shelld3v]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Rbcafe]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[cosad3s]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[alexlauerman]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[kazkansouh]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Sevada797]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[clem9669]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[indigo-sadland]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[krvaibhaw]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[TAbdiukov]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[hexrom]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[InTruder-Sec]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[chacka0101]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[noraj]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[PaulSec]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[adeadfed]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[s7x]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[dabasanta]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[tomcodes]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[realArcherL]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[tkisason]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[soufianetahiri]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[mhmdiaa]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[denandz]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[davidmcduffie001]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ericrange]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[5tr1x]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[n3k00n3]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[redstonedesigner]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[n0kovo]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ethicalhack3r]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[XalfiE]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[s0md3v]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ricardojba]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[legik]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[whoot]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[D3vil0p3r]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ArgentEnergy]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Ghoreish]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[ashtonhogan]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ScreaMy7]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[MuskyPirate]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[henshin]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[charliecampbell-zz]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[chashtag]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[j0hnf]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[dylleb]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[mxrch]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[pbafe]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[xrobhal]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[hisxo]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[nsonaniya2010]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[bkimminich]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[blaiddx64]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[haxxinen]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[kurobeats]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[afaq1337]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Beverdam]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[adilnbabras]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[camas]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[CountablyInfinite]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[cmaruti]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[dee-see]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[jebentier]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[albinowax]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[storenth]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Lavaei]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[bigshika]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[NicolasCARPi]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[PinkDraconian]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[q-analysis]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ajazevedo]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[aayushsonu]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[zyairelai]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[Zawadidone]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[YouFoundAlpha]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[wdahlenburg]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[WKobes]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Wernfried]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[kongwenbin]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[mswell]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[alins1r]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[AlionGreen]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[api0cradle]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[azams]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[barisbogdan]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[bugbounty69]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[chudyPB]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[cyberpathogen2018]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[0xbuz3R]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[davidegirardi]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[vikerup]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ryan-wendel]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[upgoingstar]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[d4rkc0nd0r]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[SolomonSklash]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[sonatagreen]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[souravvvv123]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Splint3r7]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[stefanman125]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[StellarSand]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[shoeper]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Anon-Exploiter]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Techbrunch]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[sAsPeCt488]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[TheTechromancer]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ThomasBucaioni]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[CanardMandarin]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[tomtastic]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[seran]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[kakumanivrn]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[wasamasa]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[vinnytroia]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[VitalySalnikov]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[0xmilan]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[muhammedck113]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[NeuronAddict]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[nekonugget]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[objectified]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[olizimmermann]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[om3rcitak]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[oh6hay]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[reydc]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[rf-peixoto]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[rik43]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[veritysr]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[sheimo]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[slicin]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[socketz]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[t0-git]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[tehmoon]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[vah13]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[zerodaywolf]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[0x90shell]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[waawaa]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[zevlag]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[dotan3]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[espreto]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[exploide]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[frite]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[guest20]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[giper45]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[han0x7300]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[henry701]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[hhc0null]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[hitericcow]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ipentest]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[jakobhuss]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[jaweesh]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[jhsware]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[joegoerlich]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[0xjv]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Kegn]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[lukebeer]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[0x6c7862]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[m4p0]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[mathieu-aubin]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[maxence-schmitt]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Floppynator]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[ClutchReboot]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[cnotin]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[CoccodrillooXDS]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[CodeVIP123]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[lc]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[ph4nt0m-py]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[CyDoor]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[GovindPalakkal]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[daehee]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[danrneal]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[DarrenRainey]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[DmytroKashchuk]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[denzuko]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[spmedia]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[emmanuelgautier]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[ErdemOzgen]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ernestask]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[fiLLLip]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[francisuk1989]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[giomke]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[mazen160]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[0verflowme]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[DanielAzulayy]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[7PH]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[AddaxSoft]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[aancw]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[akatora28]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[acaetano]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[jaiswalakshansh]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Zeecka]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[TheQmaks]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[xpirt]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[radarhere]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Annihilat0r]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[aguilbau]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[Glassware123]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[arjunshibu]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[berzerk0]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[stoben]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[BrandonW6000]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[caioluders]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[camercu]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ruevaughn]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[melardev]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[mbiert]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[michenriksen]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[spaze]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[xmagor]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[mrajput7]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[MusicGivesMeLife]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[njmulsqb]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Natfan]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[nkakouros]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ngkogkos]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[strayfade]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[DeveloperOl]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Faelian]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[parthmalhotra]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[FLX-0x00]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Prinzhorn]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[RAOdotSH]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[renanhsilva]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[riramar]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[rodnt]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[GraoMelo]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[hectorgrecco]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[craSH]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[ilyaglow]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[IndiNijhof]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[0xInfection]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[ivan-sincek]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[jakecraige]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[vortexau]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[JensTimmerman]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Xhoenix]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[qurbat]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[khicks]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[kazet]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[LethargicLeprechaun]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[stuntguy3000]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[Paradoxis]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[Pri3st]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[chokeee]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[martin40701]( | <img width='50' src=''/><br />[brimstone]( |
<img width='50' src=''/><br />[0xalwayslucky]( |