Sean Griffin 2b8c067ab9 Provide a syntax extension free alternative to #[insertable_into] (#303)
Provide a syntax extension free alternative to `#[insertable_into]`

This provides a pure stable alternative to the `#[insertable_into]`
annotation. The intention is to change the annotation to call this
macro, rather than `impl Insertable` directly. However, there are some
unaddressed issues for that, and I will submit that as a separate PR to
attempt to keep the PR size reasonable.

The tests for this are a bit messy, as the actual test body doesn't
change much -- Just the struct definition. I moved the most common case
out into a macro, but I opted to just leave the duplication for the
remaining 4-5 cases that didn't fit, instead of trying to make it so dry
it chafes.

We will continue to support syntex as an option on stable, as we can
provide much better error messages from a procedural macro. I would like
to improve the error messages in some cases if possible though (in
particular, we want to handle the case where a unit struct is passed or
where a tuple struct has unannotated fields).

The structure of the macro is intended to be compatible with the
`custom_derive` crate. This is untested, but will be fully tested once
I've moved all our annotations to stable macros. The goal is for any
struct definition to be copy pasted into this macro, and the macro
parses the struct body to create the proper implementation. For
sufficiently large structs, we can hit the recursion limit, but there's
really no way around that. People will just need to bump the limit.

One case that this macro *doesn't* handle is when there are annotations
on struct fields other than `#[column_name]`. I had originally planned
to handle these, but I realized that the only recognized annotation that
could be there on stable is `#[cfg]`, and we are *not* handling cfg
attributes. We might handle that in the future, but it'd look *really*

Related to #99
2016-04-24 18:35:15 -06:00

12 KiB

Change Log

All user visible changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning, as described for Rust libraries in RFC #1105




  • infer_schema! on SQLite now accepts a larger range of type names

  • types::VarChar is now an alias for types::Text. Most code should be unaffected by this. PG array columns are treated slightly differently, however. If you are using varchar[], you should switch to text[] instead.

  • Struct fields annotated with #[column_name="name"] should be changed to #[column_name(name)].

[0.6.1] 2016-04-14


  • Added the escape method to Like and NotLike, to specify the escape character used in the pattern. See EscapeExpressionMethods for details.


  • diesel_codegen and diesel_cli now properly rely on Diesel 0.6.0. The restriction to 0.5.0 was an oversight.

  • infer_schema! now properly excludes metadata tables on SQLite.

  • infer_schema! now properly maps types on SQLite.

[0.6.0] 2016-04-12


  • Queries can now be boxed using the into_boxed() method. This is useful for conditionally modifying queries without changing the type. See BoxedDsl for more details.

  • infer_schema! is now supported for use with SQLite3.

  • The maximum table size can be increased to 52 by enabling the huge-tables feature. This feature will substantially increase compile times.

  • The DISTINCT keyword can now be added to queries via the distinct() method.

  • SqliteConnection now implements Send


  • diesel::result::Error now implements Send and Sync. This required a change in the return type of ToSql and FromSql to have those bounds as well.

  • It is no longer possible to pass an owned value to diesel::insert. insert will now give a more helpful error message when you accidentally try to pass an owned value instead of a reference.


  • #[insertable_into] can now be used with structs that have lifetimes with names other than 'a'.

  • Tables with a single column now properly return a single element tuple. E.g. if the column was of type integer, then users::all_columns is now (id,) and not id.

  • infer_schema! can now work with tables that have a primary key other than id.


  • Removed the no select option for the table! macro. This was a niche feature that didn't fit with Diesel's philosophies. You can write a function that calls select for you if you need this functionality.

[0.5.4] 2016-03-23

  • Updated diesel_codegen to allow syntex versions up to 0.30.0.

[0.5.3] 2016-03-12


  • Added helper function diesel_manage_updated_at('TABLE_NAME') to postgres upon database setup. This function sets up a trigger on the specified table that automatically updates the updated_at column to the current_timestamp for each affected row in UPDATE statements.

  • Added support for explicit RETURNING expressions in INSERT and UPDATE queries. Implicitly these queries will still use RETURNING *.


  • Updated to work on nightly from early March

[0.5.2] 2016-02-27

  • Updated to work on nightly from late February

[0.5.1] 2016-02-11

  • Diesel CLI no longer has a hard dependency on SQLite and PostgreSQL. It assumes both by default, but if you need to install on a system that doesn't have one or the other, you can install it with cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres or cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features sqlite

[0.5.0] 2016-02-05


  • Added support for SQLite. Diesel still uses postgres by default. To use SQLite instead, add default-features = false, features = ["sqlite"] to your Cargo.toml. You'll also want to add default-features = false, features = ["sqlite"] to diesel_codegen. Since SQLite is a much more limited database, it does not support our full set of features. You can use SQLite and PostgreSQL in the same project if you desire.

  • Added support for mapping types::Timestamp, types::Date, and types::Time to/from chrono::NaiveDateTime, chrono::NaiveDate, and chrono::NaiveTime. Add features = ["chrono"] to enable.

  • Added a treat_none_as_null option to changeset_for. When set to true, a model will set a field to Null when an optional struct field is None, instead of skipping the field entirely. The default value of the option is false, as we think the current behavior is a much more common use case.

  • Added Expression#nullable(), to allow comparisons of not null columns with nullable ones when required.

  • Added sum and avg functions.

  • Added the diesel setup, diesel database setup, and diesel database reset commands to the CLI.

  • Added support for SQL IN statements through the eq_any method.

  • Added a top level select function for select statements with no from clause. This is primarily intended to be used for testing Diesel itself, but it has been added to the public API as it will likely be useful for third party crates in the future. select(foo).from(bar) might be a supported API in the future as an alternative to bar.select(foo).

  • Added expression::dsl::sql as a helper function for constructing SqlLiteral nodes. This is primarily intended to be used for testing Diesel itself, but is part of the public API as an escape hatch if our query builder DSL proves inadequate for a specific case. Use of this function in any production code is discouraged as it is inherently unsafe and avoids real type checking.


  • Moved most of our top level trait exports into a prelude module, and re-exported our CRUD functions from the top level. diesel::query_builder::update and friends are now diesel::update, and you will get them by default if you import diesel::*. For a less aggressive glob, you can import diesel::prelude::*, which will only export our traits.

  • Connection is now a trait instead of a struct. The struct that was previously known as Connection can be found at diesel::pg::PgConnection.

  • Rename both the #[derive(Queriable)] attribute and the Queriable trait to use the correct spelling Queryable.

  • load and get_results now return a Vec<Model> instead of an iterator.

  • Replaced Connection#find(source, id) with source.find(id).first(&connection).

  • The debug_sql! macro now uses ` for identifier quoting, and ? for bind parameters, which is closer to a "generic" backend. The previous behavior had no identifier quoting, and used PG specific bind params.

  • Many user facing types are now generic over the backend. This includes, but is not limited to Queryable and Changeset. This change should not have much impact, as most impls will have been generated by diesel_codegen, and that API has not changed.

  • The mostly internal NativeSqlType has been removed. It now requires a known backend. fn<T> foo() where T: NativeSqlType is now fn<T, DB> foo() where DB: HasSqlType<T>


  • Connection#query_sql and Connection#query_sql_params have been removed. These methods were not part of the public API, and were only meant to be used for testing Diesel itself. However, they were technically callable from any crate, so the removal has been noted here. Their usage can be replaced with bare select and expression::dsl::sql.

[0.4.1] 2016-01-11


  • Diesel CLI will no longer output notices about __diesel_schema_migrations already existing.

  • Relicensed under MIT/Apache dual

[0.4.0] 2016-01-08


  • Added Diesel CLI, a tool for managing your schema. See the readme for more information.

  • Add the ability for diesel to maintain your schema for you automatically. See the migrations module for individual methods.

  • Add DebugQueryBuilder to build sql without requiring a connection.

  • Add print_sql! and debug_sql! macros to print out and return sql strings from QueryFragments.


  • #[changeset_for] can now be used with structs containing a Vec. Fixes #63.

  • No longer generate invalid SQL when an optional update field is not the first field on a changeset. Fixes #68.

  • #[changeset_for] can now be used with structs containing only a single field other than id. Fixes #66.

  • infer_schema! properly works with array columns. Fixes #65.

[0.3.0] 2015-12-04


  • #[changeset_for(table)] now treats Option fields as an optional update. Previously a field with None for the value would insert NULL into the database field. It now does not update the field if the value is None.

  • .save_changes (generated by #[changeset_for]) now returns a new struct, rather than mutating self. The returned struct can be any type that implements Queryable for the right SQL type


  • #[derive(Queryable)] now allows generic parameters on the struct.

  • Table definitions can now support up to 26 columns. Because this increases our compile time by 3x, features = ["large-tables"] is needed to support table definitions above 16 columns.


  • Quickcheck is now an optional dependency. When features = ["quickcheck"] is added to Cargo.toml, you'll gain Arbitrary implementations for everything in diesel::data_types.

  • Added support for the SQL MIN function.

  • Added support for the Numeric data type. Since there is no Big Decimal type in the standard library, a dumb struct has been provided which mirrors what Postgres provides, which can be converted into whatever crate you are using.

  • Timestamp columns can now be used with std::time::SystemTime when compiled with --features unstable

  • Implemented Send on Connection (required for R2D2 support)

  • Added infer_schema! and infer_table_from_schema!. Both macros take a database URL, and will invoke table! for you automatically based on the schema. infer_schema! queries for the table names, while infer_table_from_schema! takes a table name as the second argument.

[0.2.0] - 2015-11-30


  • Added an execute method to QueryFragment, which is intended to replace Connection#execute_returning_count. The old method still exists for use under the hood, but has been hidden from docs and is not considered public API.

  • Added get_result and get_results, which work similarly to load and first, but are intended to make code read better when working with commands like create and update. In the future, get_result may also check that only a single row was affected.

  • Added insert, which mirrors the pattern of update and delete.


  • Added a hidden __Nonexhaustive variant to result::Error. This is not intended to be something you can exhaustively match on, but I do want people to be able to check for specific cases, so Box<std::error::Error> is not an option.

  • query_one, find, and first now assume a single row is returned. For cases where you actually expect 0 or 1 rows to be returned, the optional method has been added to the result, in case having a Result<Option<T>> is more ideomatic than checking for Err(NotFound).


  • Connection#insert and Connection#insert_returning_count have been deprecated in favor of insert

[0.1.0] - 2015-11-29

  • Initial release