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Making a Release

  1. Make a PR that bumps the version number in the VERSION file and adds a new header and label for the new version in docs/source/support/release-notes.rst (see previous releases as examples). Release notes should be cut and pasted under the new header from unreleased.rst. Each change outlined in unreleased.rst is preceded by the section to which it belongs: create one entry per section and add all pertaining items (without the section tag) to the release notes. It is important that the PR only changes VERSION, release-notes.rst and unreleased.rst. Note that unreleased.rst and release-notes.rst must be modified even if there have been no changes that have been added to the release notes so far.

  2. Merge the PR.

  3. Once CI has passed for the corresponding master build, the release should be available on Bintray, Maven Central and GitHub and have a Git tag. Maven central has a slight delay of around 20 minutes until the new version is visible.

  4. Run through the following test plan on Linux or MacOS:

    1. Install the SDK using curl -sSL https://get.daml.com/ | sh -s $SDK_VERSION.
    2. Run daml version --assistant=yes and verify that $SDK_VERSION is the assistant version and the default version for new projects.
    3. Create a new project with daml new quickstart quickstart-java and switch to it using cd quickstart.
    4. Run daml start. Your browser should be opened automatically at http://localhost:7500. Login as Alice and verify that there is 1 contract and 3 templates. Close the tab and kill daml start using Ctrl-C.
    5. Run daml build.
    6. In 3 separate terminals (since each command will block) run
      1. daml sandbox --port 6865 --scenario Main:setup .daml/dist/quickstart.dar.
      2. daml navigator server localhost 6865 --port 7500
      3. mvn compile exec:java@run-quickstart
    7. Point your browser to http://localhost:7500, login as Alice and verify that there is 1 contract, 3 templates and 1 owned IOU.
    8. Check that curl http://localhost:8080/iou returns
    9. Kill all processes.
    10. Run daml studio --replace=always and open daml/Main.daml. (the VSCode extension will not be updated in the market place at this point).
    11. Click on Scenario results above setup and wait for the scenario results to appear.
    12. Add + at the end of line 11, after "Alice" and confirm you get an error in line 12.
    13. Add 1 after the 1 and confirm you get an error in line 11.
    14. Delete the +1, and the e in Alice and verify that the scenario results are updated.
    15. Right click on eurBank in line 17 and verify that goto definition takes you to the definition in line 14.
    16. Close all files.
  5. Run through the following test plan on Windows. This is slightly shortened to not make testing too annoying and since most issues are not platform specific.

    1. Download the Windows installer from https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/releases.
    2. Close any running SDK instance in PowerShell (Navigator or Sandbox)
    3. Run the installer. If asked if you want to remove an existing installation, click yes.
    4. Open a new Powershell.
    5. Run daml new quickstart to create a new project and switch to it using cd quickstart.
    6. Run daml start.
    7. Open your browser at http://localhost:7500, verify that you can login as Alice and there is one template and one contract.
    8. Kill daml start with Ctrl-C
    9. Run daml studio and open daml/Main.daml.
    10. Verify that the scenario result appears within 30 seconds.
    11. Add + at the end of line 26 after "Alice" and verify that you get a red squiggly line.
  6. If no issues are found, the release should be made public. To do so, go to the releases page and click on the Edit button for the relevant release. Take the combined release notes from docs/source/support/release-notes.rst for all releases since the last public release, convert them to markdown and insert them in the textbox, then uncheck the This is a pre-release checkbox at the bottom.

  7. Finally, announce the release in the relevant Slack channels.