Moritz Kiefer 93eac7400d
Add release checklist to release instructions (#6308)
* Add release checklist to release instructions

This includes a couple of checks that internal projects have been
tested on the release candidate.


* Update release/RELEASE.md

Co-authored-by: Samir Talwar <samir.talwar@digitalasset.com>

Co-authored-by: Samir Talwar <samir.talwar@digitalasset.com>
2020-06-11 16:33:43 +02:00

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Making a Release

First, you need to decide whether you are making a technical snapshot ("prerelease" at the github level, hereafter "snapshot") or an officially supported release (hereafter "stable release"). For the latter, there are extra steps marked as [STABLE] in the following instructions. You have to skip those if you are making a snapshot release, that is, one intended mostly for internal use and early testing, but which makes no promises about future compatibility.

In either case, before going through the following list, you need to know which commit you want to create the release from, $SHA. For a stable release, it is highly recommended that this be the same commit as an existing snapshot, and these instructions will be written from that perspective.

Valid commits for a release should come from either the master branch or one of the support release/a.b.x branches (e.g. release/1.0.x branch is for patches we backport to the 1.0 release branch).


: If the release fails, please do not just abandon it. There are some cleanup steps that need to be taken.

  1. [STABLE] Coordinate with the product and marketing teams to define release highlights, tweets, blog posts, as well as timeline for publishing the release. Define a version number, $VERSION. As a starting point, find out the sha of the reference version (previous stable release in the same release branch), say $PREV_SHA, and run:

    ./unreleased.sh $PREV_SHA $SHA
  2. [STABLE] Go through the checklist at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RY2Qe9GwAUiiSJmq1lTzy6wu1N2ZSEILQ68M9n8CHgg before making the release. Note that the checklist is not available publicly.

  3. Pull the latest master branch of the daml repository and create a new, clean branch off it. Now, we have three possible cases:

    • For a stable release, just remove the snapshot suffix from the latest entry for that branch in the LATEST file, replacing the existing line.

    • If you are making the first snapshot for a new target version (i.e. there is no snapshot for it yet), add a new line for that version. It does not matter to the process where that line is, but try to keep versions sorted by version number (higher version numbers go higher in the file).

    • If you are making a new snapshot for an existing target version, i.e. the stable part of the version number is the same, replace the existing line.

    In both of the latter cases, you can get the correct line by running the release.sh script with both the SHA and the version prefix, e.g.

    $ ./release.sh snapshot cc880e2 0.1.2
    cc880e290b2311d0bf05d58c7d75c50784c0131c 0.1.2-snapshot.20200513.4174.0.cc880e29
  4. [STABLE] In docs/source/support/release-notes.rst, add a new header and label for the new version. (See previous releases as examples.)

    Note that the release notes page is not version dependent, i.e. you are editing the one and only release notes page. If the release your are making is a patch on a support branch, it should be included in-between the next "minor" release and the latest patch to the branch your are targeting.

    Once we are ready to make a release stable, preliminary release notes will already have been published to the blog, e.g., the preliminary release notes for 1.0 were at https://blog.daml.com/release-notes/1.0.

    These release notes now have to be converted to Rst so we can include them in the documentation. You can do that manually or you can use pandoc to create a first version and then fine tune that. For the latter, download everything inside <div class="section post-body"> from the web page displaying the release notes and save it as release_notes.html. Then you can run pandoc release_notes.html -o release_notes.rst. Now copy those release notes under the header you created above in docs/source/support/release-notes.rst and start editing them. Here are a couple of things that you should pay attention to:

    1. Try to match the formatting of previous release notes.
    2. Make sure that links from the release notes to our documentation point to the documentation for the version you are about to release. In particular, this means that in Rst terminology all of these are external links.
    3. Pandoc does not seem to preserve markup of inline code blocks so you will have to manually wrap them in double backslashes.
  5. Once this is done, create a GitHub pull request (PR) with the above changes to the LATEST and (for a stable release) release-notes.rst files. It is important that your PR changes no other file. Your PR also needs to have the Standard-Change label. Note that if the build failed because of this, you should be able to add the label and "rerun failed checks" in a few seconds; there is no need to restart an entire build cycle.

  6. Once the PR has built, check that it was considered a release build by our CI. You can do that by looking at the output of the check_for_release build step.

  7. Get a review and approval on your PR and then merge it into master. [STABLE] For a stable release, the approval MUST be from the team lead of the Language, Runtime or Product team.

  8. Once the CI checks have passed for the corresponding master build, the release should be available on Maven Central and GitHub, and have a Git tag. The release should be visible on GitHub with prerelease status, meaning it's not yet ready for users to consume. The release notes should not be defined yet and will be adjusted later on. Maven central has a delay of around 20 minutes until the new version is visible. (Note: The 20-minute delay is for artifacts to be available through e.g. mvn build; the delay for artifacts to show up in web searches on the Maven Central website is up to two hours. Do not worry if the artifacts do not show on the website yet.)

  9. On Windows, install the new SDK using the installer on https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/releases.

    On macOS/Linux:

    curl -sSL https://get.daml.com/ | sh -s "$VERSION"

    where $VERSION is the full version tag of the new release you are making, i.e. the second column of the LATEST file.

  10. Windows prerequisites for running the tests:

    • Visual Studio Code, Java-SDK
      • The above link takes you docs.daml.com's "getting started" installation guide;
    • Maven
      • You may have to manually set the environment variable JAVA_HOME;
      • For example, assuming the Zulu Java-SDK, something like C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-14;
    • Node.js
      • Just the bare install; you don't need Visual Studio build tools for compiling C dependencies (and trying to install them takes forever and in the end hangs it seems);
    • Yarn
      • Install Node.js first.
  11. Run daml version --assistant=yes and verify that the new version is selected as the assistant version and the default version for new projects.

  12. Tests for the getting started guide (macOS/Linux and Windows)

    1. For these steps you will need the documentation for the release you are about to make. Documentation is published at every hour so if you wait for a bit you can go to https://docs.daml.com/$VERSION/getting-started/index.html. Otherwise, check out the commit that you are referencing in the LATEST file and build documentation locally via ./docs/scripts/preview.sh.

    2. Create a new project using daml new create-daml-app create-daml-app and switch to the project directory using cd create-daml-app.

    3. Build the project using daml build.

    4. Run the JavaScript codegen using daml codegen js .daml/dist/create-daml-app-0.1.0.dar -o daml.js.

    5. Install yarn dependencies using cd ui && yarn install.

    6. Run daml start from the project root directory.

    7. In a separate terminal run yarn start from the ui directory.

    8. Open two browser windows (you want to see them simultaneously ideally) at localhost:3000.

    9. Log in as Alice in the first window, log in as Bob in the second window.

    10. Make Alice follow Bob. Verify that Bob appears in the list of users Alice is following. Verify in the other browser window that Alice shows up in Bobs network.

    11. Make Bob follow Alice. Verify that Alice appears in the list of users Bob is following. Verify in the other browser window that Bob shows up in Alices network.

    12. Kill the daml start process and the yarn start process.

    13. Open the your first feature section of the GSG, e.g., from https://docs.daml.com/$VERSION/getting-started/first-feature.html if you did not build docs locally.

    14. Run daml studio --replace=always from the project root directory and open User.daml.

    15. Copy the Message template from the documentation to the end of User.daml.

    16. Copy the SendMessage choice from the documentation to the User template below the Follow choice.

    17. Close VSCode.

    18. Run daml build && daml codegen js .daml/dist/create-daml-app-0.1.0.dar -o daml.js.

    19. From the ui directory run yarn install --force --frozen-lockfile.

    20. Run code . from the project root directory (the extension is already installed, no need to use daml studio).

    21. Create MessageList.tsx, MessageEdit.tsx and modify MainView.tsx as described in the documentation.

    22. Verify that you do not see errors in the typescript code in VSCode.

    23. Close VSCode.

    24. Run daml start from the project root directory.

    25. In a separate terminal, run yarn start from the ui directory.

    26. As before, open two browser windows at localhost:3000 and log in as Alice and Bob.

    27. Make Alice follow Bob.

    28. From Bob, select Alice in the Select a follower drop down, insert hi alice in the message field and click on Send.

    29. Verify that Alice has received the message in the other window.

    30. Make Bob follow Alice.

    31. From Alice, select Bob in the drop down insert hi bob in the message field and click on Send.

    32. Verify that Bob has received the message in the other window.

    33. You can now close both browser windows and both running processes (daml start and yarn start).

    34. Don't forget to run this on the other platform! E.g. if you just ran through on Linux or macOS, you still need to run on Windows, and vice versa.

  13. Tests for quickstart-java (Linux/macOS)

    While this is no longer the default getting started guide we still test it for now since it covers things not covered by the new GSG (Navigator, scenarios, Maven artifacts, …)

    1. Create a new project with daml new quickstart quickstart-java and switch to it using cd quickstart.

    2. Verify the new version is specified in daml.yaml as the sdk-version.

    3. Run daml start. Your browser should be opened automatically at http://localhost:7500. Login as Alice and verify that there is 1 contract and 3 templates. Close the tab and kill daml start using Ctrl-C.

    4. Run daml build.

    5. In 3 separate terminals (since each command blocks), run:

      1. daml sandbox --wall-clock-time --port 6865 .daml/dist/quickstart-0.0.1.dar
      2. daml script --dar .daml/dist/quickstart-0.0.1.dar --script-name Setup:initialize --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --wall-clock-time && daml navigator server localhost 6865 --port 7500
      3. daml codegen java && mvn compile exec:java@run-quickstart

      Note: It takes some time for our artifacts to be available on Maven Central. If you try running the last command before the artifacts are available, you will get a "not found" error. Trying to build again in the next 24 hours will result in:

      Failure to find ... was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of digitalasset-releases has elapsed or updates are forced

      This is Maven telling you it has locally cached that "not found" result and will consider it valid for 24h. To bypass that and force Maven to try the network call again, add a -U option, as in mvn compile exec:java@run-quickstart -U. Note that this is required to bypass your local cache of the failure; it will not be required for a user trying to run the quickstart after the artifacts have been published.

    6. Point your browser to http://localhost:7500, login as Alice and verify that there is 1 contract, 3 templates and 1 owned IOU.

    7. Check that curl http://localhost:8080/iou returns:

    8. Kill all processes.

    9. Run daml studio --replace=always. This should open VSCode and trigger the DAML extension that's bundled with the new SDK version. (The new VSCode extension will not be in the marketplace at this point.)

    10. Open daml/Main.daml.

    11. Click on Scenario results above setup and wait for the scenario results to appear.

    12. Add + at the end of line 12, after "Alice" and confirm you get an error in line 13.

    13. Add 1 after the + and confirm you get an error in line 12.

    14. Delete the +1 and the e in Alice and verify that the scenario results are updated to the misspelled name.

    15. Right click on eurBank in line 18 and verify that "Go to Definition" takes you to the definition in line 15.

    16. Close all files.

  14. On your PR, add the comment:

    Manual tests passed on [Linux/macOS].

    specifying which platform you tested on.

  15. Run through the following test plan on Windows. This is slightly shortened to make testing faster and since most issues are not platform specific.

    1. Close any running SDK instance in PowerShell (Navigator or Sandbox).
    2. Download and run the Windows installer (the .exe file) from https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/releases.
    3. If asked if you want to remove an existing installation, click Yes.
    4. Open a new PowerShell.
    5. Run daml new quickstart to create a new project and switch to it using cd quickstart.
    6. Run daml start.
    7. Open your browser at http://localhost:7500, verify that you can login as Alice and there is one template and one contract.
    8. Kill daml start with Ctrl-C.
    9. Run daml studio --replace=always and open daml/Main.daml. Verify that the scenario result appears within 30 seconds.
    10. Add + at the end of line 26 after "Alice" and verify that you get an error.
    11. Run through the tests for the getting started guide described above.
  16. On your PR, add the comment:

    Manual tests passed on Windows.

  17. If the release is bad, delete the release from the releases page. Mention why it is bad as a comment on your PR, and stop the process here.

  18. [STABLE] Go to the releases page and add the release notes. This unfortunately involves translating the release notes from rst to markdown. Once the release has been adequately tested, untick the pre-release box.

  19. Announce the release on the relevant internal Slack channels (#product-daml, #team-daml). For a stable release, direct people to the release blog post; for a prerelease, you can include the raw output of the unreleased.sh script as explained above.

  20. [STABLE] Coordinate with product (& marketing) for the relevant public announcements (public Slack, Twitter, etc.).

  21. [STABLE] Documentation is published automatically once the release is public on Github, however it runs on an hourly job and takes about 20 minutes to complete, so it could take up to an hour and a half depending on when the prerelease tag was removed.

Thanks for making a release!