Shayne Fletcher a3ff3797e5
Add example desugaring of contract key syntax (#465)
* add example desugaring of contract key syntax

* Update ghc-lib/template-desugaring.md
2019-04-13 10:04:30 -04:00

6.6 KiB

DAML template syntax desugaring

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DAML syntax describes contracts and the choices that operate on them. When DAML syntax is interpreted, the first step is to parse it to Haskell abstract syntax trees.

This note shows how DAML examples are desugared by showing their Haskell source equivalents, and should help you understand the connection between DAML and Haskell.

How DAML syntax desugars

Example (1)

Here is a contract with one choice:

template Iou
    issuer : Party
    owner : Party
    amount : Float
    regulators : [Party]
    ensure amount > 0
    signatory issuer, owner
    observer regulators
    agreement issuer <> " will pay " <> owner <> " " <> (show amount)

    choice Transfer : ContractId Iou
        newOwner : Party
      controller owner
        create this with owner = newOwner

The class Template (defined by the DAML standard library) represents the set of all contract types:

class Template c where
    -- | Predicate that must hold for the succesful creation of the contract.
    ensure : c -> Bool ; ensure _ = True
    -- | The signatories of a contract.
    signatory : c -> [Party]
    -- | The observers of a contract.
    observer : c -> [Party] ; observer _ = []
    -- | The agreement text of a contract.
    agreement : c -> Text ; agreement _ = ""

In this example, c is identified with Iou. The rest of this section shows you how desugaring proceeds.

First, the definition of Iou:

data Iou = Iou {
    issuer : Party
  , owner : Party
  , currency : Party
  , amount : Float
  , account : Party
  , regulators :[Party] } deriving (Eq, Show)

Next, an instance declaration for Iou to declare its membership in Template:

instance Template Iou where
  ensure this@Iou{..} = amount > 0.0
  signatory this@Iou{..} = concat [toParties issuer, toParties owner]
  observer this@Iou{..} = concat [toParties owner, toParties regulators]
  agreement this@Iou{..} = issuer <> " will pay " <> owner <>  " " <> (show amount)

When a type c is a Template instance, class Choice (defined by the DAML standard library) defines a (multi-parameter type class) relation on types c, e and r such that r is uniquely determined by the pair (c, e):

class Template c => Choice c e r | c e -> r where
    consuming : NoEvent c e -> ChoiceType ; consuming _ = Consuming
    choiceController : c -> e -> [Party]
    choice : c -> ContractId c -> e -> Update r

In this example, e is identified with Transfer and r with ContractId Iou.

Desugaring first defines type Transfer:

data Transfer = Transfer {
  newOwner : String } deriving (Eq, Show)

Next, an instance declaration establishes the triple (Iou, Transfer, ContractID Iou) as satisfying the Choice relation:

instance Choice Iou Transfer (ContractId Iou) where
  choiceController this@Iou{..} arg@Transfer{..} = [owner]
  choice this@Iou{..} self arg@Transfer{..} = create this with owner = newOwner

Example (2)

Here is a contract with two choices, this time using an alternative syntax (that predates the choice keyword):

template Iou
    issuer : Party
    owner : Party
    currency : Party
    amount : Float
    regulators : [Party]
      ensure amount > 0
      signatory issuer, owner
      observer regulators
      agreement issuer <> " will pay " <> owner <> " " <> (show amount)
      controller [owner] can
        Transfer : ContractId Iou
          newOwner : String
          create this with owner = newOwner
        Split : (ContractId Iou, ContractId Iou)
          splitAmount : Float
          let restAmount = amount - splitAmount
          splitCid <- create this with amount = splitAmount
          restCid <- create this with amount = restAmount
          return (splitCid, restCid)

As before, Iou is identified with c and generates a data and instance declaration:

data Iou = Iou {
    issuer : Party
  , owner : Party
  , amount : Float
  , regulators : [Party] } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Template Iou where
  ensure this@Iou{..} = amount > 0.0
  signatory this@Iou{..} = concat [toParties issuer, toParties owner]
  observer this@Iou{..} = concat [toParties owner, toParties regulators]
  agreement this@Iou{..} = issuer <> " will pay " <> owner <> " " <> (show amount)

The two choices lead to two instance Choice Iou e r declarations, one for each of the triples (Iou, Split, (ContractID Iou, ContractID Iou)) and (Iou, Transfer, ContractID Iou):

data Split = Split { splitAmount : Float } deriving (Eq)

instance Choice Iou Split (ContractId Iou, ContractId Iou) where
  choiceController this@Iou{..} arg@Split{..} = [owner]
  choice this@Iou{..} self arg@Split{..} = do
    let  restAmount = amount - splitAmount
    splitCid <- create this with amount = splitAmount
    restCid <- create this with amount = restAmount
    return (splitCid, restCid)

data Transfer = Transfer { newOwner : String } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Choice Iou Transfer (ContractId Iou) where
  choiceController this@Iou{..} arg@Transfer{..} = [owner]
  choice this@Iou{..} self arg@Transfer{..} = create this with owner = newOwner

Example (3)

The next contract exercises the so-called "contract keys" feature of DAML. Contract key syntax desugars to instance declarations of the following typeclass.

class Template c => TemplateKey c k | c -> k where
  key : c ->
  maintainer : c -> [Party]

In the following Enrollment contract, there are no choices but there are declarations of key and maintainer.

data Course =
  Course with
      institution : Party
      title : Text
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Registration =
  Registration with
      student : Party
      course : Course
      year : Int
  deriving (Show, Eq)

template Enrollment
      reg : Registration
      signatory reg.student, reg.course.institution
      key reg : Registration
      maintainer reg.course.institution

What the above desugars to is shown below.

data Course = ...
data Registration = ...

instance Template Enrollment where
  signatory this@Enrollment{..} = concat [toParties reg.student, toParties reg.course.institution]

instance TemplateKey Enrollment Registration where
  key this@Enrollment{..} = reg
  maintainer this@Enrollment{..} = concat [toParties reg.course.institution]