3 Frequently Asked Questions
djbe edited this page 2011-12-11 19:45:30 -08:00

Should you have any trouble with ControlPlane, first check here if the question has already been answered, otherwise try the discussion group or creating an issue in the issues tracker.

My "set default printer" action doesn't work anymore

Usually the problem here is that between ControlPlane v1.0.6 and the versions afterwards the way these actions worked changed. It is therefore necessary that you delete your "old" action(s) and recreate them.

How can I execute an AppleScript file?

AppleScript files can be executed in ControlPlane using the Open File action. You can then make use of ControlPlane's AppleScript support to query the current location and create location aware scripts.

ControlPlane is acting weird

Try deleting your preferences file (after making a backup of course). You can find your preferences file at ~/Library/Preferences/com.dustinrue.ControlPlane.plist.

Where are ControlPlane's preferences located?

You can find your preferences at ~/Library/Preferences/com.dustinrue.ControlPlane.plist.

How do I remove ControlPlane from my system?

Before you start deleting files, make sure ControlPlane isn't running. Only after that can you safely start deleting files, but even then be careful you don't delete anything else! For the last two items in this list, there's a handy script available here that unloads the helper tool before deleting it's files.

  • ControlPlane.app
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.dustinrue.ControlPlane.plist
  • /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.dustinrue.ControlPlane
  • /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.dustinrue.ControlPlane.plist