mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 23:33:27 +03:00
Allow ambiguity when chasing parent interfaces
There's a bit of a trade off here. It would be better to report the ambiguity but this would lead to a need for (I think) excessive precision in types which would impact usability. It will always take the leftmost interface. Chapter 7 tests added.
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,9 +63,8 @@ Chapter 6
In `DataStore.idr` and `DataStoreHoles.idr`, add `import Data.Strings` and
`import System.REPL`
In `DataStore.idr`, the `schema` argument to `display` is required for
matching, so change the type to:
`import System.REPL`. Also in `DataStore.idr`, the `schema` argument to
`display` is required for matching, so change the type to:
display : {schema : _} -> SchemaType schema -> String
@ -74,7 +73,16 @@ In `TypeFuns.idr` add `import Data.Strings`
Chapter 7
`Abs` is now a separate interface from `Neg`. So, change the type of `eval`
to include `Abs` specifically:
eval : (Abs num, Neg num, Integral num) => Expr num -> num
Also, take `abs` out of the `Neg` implementation for `Expr` and add an
implementation of `Abs` as follows:
Abs ty => Abs (Expr ty) where
abs = Abs
Chapter 8
@ -104,6 +104,16 @@ successful (elab :: elabs)
elabs' <- successful elabs
pure (Left err :: elabs'))
anyOne : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
List (Core (Term vars)) ->
Core (Term vars)
anyOne fc env top [] = throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
anyOne fc env top (elab :: elabs)
= tryUnify elab (anyOne fc env top elabs)
exactlyOne : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
@ -115,7 +125,7 @@ exactlyOne fc env top [elab]
(\err => case err of
CantSolveGoal _ _ _ => throw err
_ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top))
exactlyOne fc env top all
exactlyOne {vars} fc env top all
= do elabs <- successful all
case rights elabs of
[(res, defs, ust)] =>
@ -124,7 +134,11 @@ exactlyOne fc env top all
pure res
[] => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
rs => throw (AmbiguousSearch fc env (map fst rs))
rs => throw (AmbiguousSearch fc env
!(traverse normRes rs))
normRes : (Term vars, Defs, UState) -> Core (Term vars)
normRes (tm, defs, _) = normaliseHoles defs env tm
-- We can only resolve things which are at any multiplicity. Expression
-- search happens before linearity checking and we can't guarantee that just
@ -313,16 +327,18 @@ searchNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(defaults : Bool) -> List (Term vars) ->
(depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> List Name ->
Env Term vars -> Bool -> List Name ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (Term vars)
searchNames fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env [] target
searchNames fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env ambig [] target
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] topty)
searchNames fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env (n :: ns) target
searchNames fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env ambig (n :: ns) target
= do defs <- get Ctxt
visnsm <- traverse (visible (gamma defs) (currentNS defs)) (n :: ns)
let visns = mapMaybe id visnsm
exactlyOne fc env topty
(map (searchName fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env target) visns)
let elabs = map (searchName fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env target) visns
if ambig
then anyOne fc env topty elabs
else exactlyOne fc env topty elabs
visible : Context ->
List String -> Name -> Core (Maybe (Name, GlobalDef))
@ -429,15 +445,15 @@ searchType {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env target
ambig (AmbiguousSearch _ _ _) = True
ambig _ = False
tryGroups : NF vars -> List (List Name) -> Core (Term vars)
tryGroups : NF vars -> List (Bool, List Name) -> Core (Term vars)
tryGroups nty [] = throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
tryGroups nty (g :: gs)
tryGroups nty ((ambigok, g) :: gs)
= handleUnify
(do logC 5 (do gn <- traverse getFullName g
pure ("Search: Trying " ++ show (length gn) ++
" names " ++ show gn))
logNF 5 "For target" env nty
searchNames fc rigc defaults (target :: trying) depth def top env g nty)
searchNames fc rigc defaults (target :: trying) depth def top env ambigok g nty)
(\err => if ambig err || isNil gs
then throw err
else tryGroups nty gs)
@ -1085,7 +1085,8 @@ public export
record SearchData where
constructor MkSearchData
detArgs : List Nat -- determining argument positions
hintGroups : List (List Name) -- names of functions to use as hints.
hintGroups : List (Bool, List Name)
-- names of functions to use as hints, and whether ambiguity is allowed
{- In proof search, for every group of names
* If exactly one succeeds, use it
* If more than one succeeds, report an ambiguity error
@ -1114,14 +1115,17 @@ getSearchData fc defaults target
if defaults
then let defns = map fst (filter isDefault
(toList (autoHints defs))) in
pure (MkSearchData [] [defns])
pure (MkSearchData [] [(False, defns)])
else let opens = map fst (toList (openHints defs))
autos = map fst (filter (not . isDefault)
(toList (autoHints defs)))
tyhs = map fst (filter direct hs)
chasers = map fst (filter (not . direct) hs) in
pure (MkSearchData dets (filter isCons
[opens, autos, tyhs, chasers]))
pure (MkSearchData dets (filter (isCons . snd)
[(False, opens),
(False, autos),
(False, tyhs),
(True, chasers)]))
isDefault : (Name, Bool) -> Bool
isDefault = snd
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ searchType fc rig opts env defining topty _ ty
do defs <- get Ctxt
if length args == ar
then do sd <- getSearchData fc False n
let allHints = concat (hintGroups sd)
let allHints = concat (map snd (hintGroups sd))
-- Solutions is either:
-- First try the locals,
-- Then try the hints in order
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ idrisTests
typeddTests : List String
= ["chapter01", "chapter02", "chapter03", "chapter04", "chapter05",
"chapter06", "chapter07"]
chezTests : List String
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
record Album where
constructor MkAlbum
artist : String
title : String
year : Integer
help : Album
help = MkAlbum "The Beatles" "Help" 1965
rubbersoul : Album
rubbersoul = MkAlbum "The Beatles" "Rubber Soul" 1965
clouds : Album
clouds = MkAlbum "Joni Mitchell" "Clouds" 1969
hunkydory : Album
hunkydory = MkAlbum "David Bowie" "Hunky Dory" 1971
heroes : Album
heroes = MkAlbum "David Bowie" "Heroes" 1977
collection : List Album
collection = [help, rubbersoul, clouds, hunkydory, heroes]
Eq Album where
(==) (MkAlbum artist title year) (MkAlbum artist' title' year')
= artist == artist' && title == title' && year == year'
Ord Album where
compare (MkAlbum artist title year) (MkAlbum artist' title' year')
= case compare artist artist' of
EQ => case compare year year' of
EQ => compare title title'
diff_year => diff_year
diff_artist => diff_artist
Show Album where
show (MkAlbum artist title year)
= title ++ " by " ++ artist ++ " (released " ++ show year ++ ")"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
occurrences : Eq ty => (item : ty) -> (values : List ty) -> Nat
occurrences item [] = 0
occurrences item (value :: values) = case value == item of
False => occurrences item values
True => 1 + occurrences item values
data Matter = Solid | Liquid | Gas
Eq Matter where
(==) Solid Solid = True
(==) Liquid Liquid = True
(==) Gas Gas = True
(==) _ _ = False
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
data Expr num = Val num
| Add (Expr num) (Expr num)
| Sub (Expr num) (Expr num)
| Mul (Expr num) (Expr num)
| Div (Expr num) (Expr num)
| Abs (Expr num)
eval : (Abs num, Neg num, Integral num) => Expr num -> num
eval (Val x) = x
eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y
eval (Sub x y) = eval x - eval y
eval (Mul x y) = eval x * eval y
eval (Div x y) = eval x `div` eval y
eval (Abs x) = abs (eval x)
Num ty => Num (Expr ty) where
(+) = Add
(*) = Mul
fromInteger = Val . fromInteger
Neg ty => Neg (Expr ty) where
negate x = 0 - x
(-) = Sub
Abs ty => Abs (Expr ty) where
abs = Abs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
totalLen : List String -> Nat
totalLen xs = foldr (\str, len => length str + len) 0 xs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
data Tree elem = Empty
| Node (Tree elem) elem (Tree elem)
Eq elem => Eq (Tree elem) where
(==) Empty Empty = True
(==) (Node left e right) (Node left' e' right')
= left == left' && e == e' && right == right'
(==) _ _ = False
Functor Tree where
map f Empty = Empty
map f (Node left e right)
= Node (map f left)
(f e)
(map f right)
Foldable Tree where
foldr f acc Empty = acc
foldr f acc (Node left e right) = let leftfold = foldr f acc left
rightfold = foldr f leftfold right in
f e rightfold
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Album (Album.idr)
1/1: Building Eq (Eq.idr)
1/1: Building Expr (Expr.idr)
1/1: Building Fold (Fold.idr)
1/1: Building Tree (Tree.idr)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
$1 Album.idr --check
$1 Eq.idr --check
$1 Expr.idr --check
$1 Fold.idr --check
$1 Tree.idr --check
rm -rf build
Reference in New Issue
Block a user