Added parser for most basic terms

Just variables, binders, applications, and basic declarations (data,
type and function definitions)
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-03-10 17:56:08 +00:00
parent e03a2ba4b5
commit 992d8dd0f9
5 changed files with 390 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ data Name : Type where
Nested : Name -> Name -> Name -- nested function name
Resolved : Int -> Name -- resolved, index into context
export Show Name where
show n = "[not done yet]"
userNameRoot : Name -> Maybe String
userNameRoot (NS _ n) = userNameRoot n
@ -27,6 +24,15 @@ showSep sep [] = ""
showSep sep [x] = x
showSep sep (x :: xs) = x ++ sep ++ showSep sep xs
export Show Name where
show (NS ns n) = showSep "." (reverse ns) ++ "." ++ show n
show (UN x) = x
show (MN x y) = "{" ++ x ++ ":" ++ show y ++ "}"
show (PV n d) = "{P:" ++ show n ++ ":" ++ show d ++ "}"
show (MV x) = "{meta-" ++ show x ++ "}"
show (Nested outer inner) = show outer ++ ":" ++ show inner
show (Resolved x) = "$resolved" ++ show x
Eq Name where
(==) (NS ns n) (NS ns' n') = ns == ns' && n == n'

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@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ Eq Constant where
public export
data PiInfo = Implicit | Explicit | AutoImplicit
Show PiInfo where
show Implicit = "Implicit"
show Explicit = "Explicit"
show AutoImplicit = "AutoImplicit"
public export
data RigCount = Rig0 | Rig1 | RigW

src/TTImp/Parser.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
module TTImp.Parser
import Core.TT
import Parser.Support
import TTImp.TTImp
topDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule ImpDecl
atom : FileName -> Rule RawImp
atom fname
= do start <- location
x <- constant
end <- location
pure (IPrimVal (MkFC fname start end) x)
<|> do start <- location
keyword "Type"
end <- location
pure (IType (MkFC fname start end))
<|> do start <- location
symbol "_"
end <- location
pure (Implicit (MkFC fname start end))
<|> do start <- location
x <- name
end <- location
pure (IVar (MkFC fname start end) x)
visibility : EmptyRule Visibility
= do keyword "public"
keyword "export"
pure Public
<|> do keyword "export"
pure Export
<|> do keyword "private"
pure Private
<|> pure Private
bindSymbol : Rule PiInfo
= do symbol "->"
pure Explicit
<|> do symbol "=>"
pure AutoImplicit
appExpr : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
appExpr fname indents
= do start <- location
f <- simpleExpr fname indents
args <- many (argExpr fname indents)
end <- location
pure (applyExpImp start end f args)
applyExpImp : FilePos -> FilePos ->
RawImp -> List (Either RawImp (Maybe Name, RawImp)) ->
applyExpImp start end f [] = f
applyExpImp start end f (Left exp :: args)
= applyExpImp start end (IApp (MkFC fname start end) f exp) args
applyExpImp start end f (Right (n, imp) :: args)
= applyExpImp start end (IImplicitApp (MkFC fname start end) f n imp) args
argExpr : FileName -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (Either RawImp (Maybe Name, RawImp))
argExpr fname indents
= do continue indents
arg <- simpleExpr fname indents
pure (Left arg)
<|> do continue indents
arg <- implicitArg fname indents
pure (Right arg)
implicitArg : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (Maybe Name, RawImp)
implicitArg fname indents
= do start <- location
symbol "{"
x <- unqualifiedName
(do symbol "="
tm <- expr fname indents
symbol "}"
pure (Just (UN x), tm))
<|> (do symbol "}"
end <- location
pure (Just (UN x), IVar (MkFC fname start end) (UN x)))
<|> do symbol "@{"
tm <- expr fname indents
symbol "}"
pure (Nothing, tm)
simpleExpr : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
simpleExpr fname indents
= atom fname
<|> binder fname indents
<|> do symbol "("
e <- expr fname indents
symbol ")"
pure e
multiplicity : EmptyRule (Maybe Integer)
= do c <- intLit
pure (Just c)
<|> pure Nothing
getMult : Maybe Integer -> EmptyRule RigCount
getMult (Just 0) = pure Rig0
getMult (Just 1) = pure Rig1
getMult Nothing = pure RigW
getMult _ = fatalError "Invalid multiplicity (must be 0 or 1)"
pibindAll : FC -> PiInfo -> List (RigCount, Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
RawImp -> RawImp
pibindAll fc p [] scope = scope
pibindAll fc p ((rig, n, ty) :: rest) scope
= IPi fc rig p n ty (pibindAll fc p rest scope)
bindList : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (List (RigCount, Name, RawImp))
bindList fname start indents
= sepBy1 (symbol ",")
(do rigc <- multiplicity
n <- unqualifiedName
ty <- option
(Implicit (MkFC fname start start))
(do symbol ":"
appExpr fname indents)
rig <- getMult rigc
pure (rig, UN n, ty))
pibindList : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (List (RigCount, Maybe Name, RawImp))
pibindList fname start indents
= do rigc <- multiplicity
ns <- sepBy1 (symbol ",") unqualifiedName
symbol ":"
ty <- expr fname indents
atEnd indents
rig <- getMult rigc
pure (map (\n => (rig, Just (UN n), ty)) ns)
<|> sepBy1 (symbol ",")
(do rigc <- multiplicity
n <- name
symbol ":"
ty <- expr fname indents
rig <- getMult rigc
pure (rig, Just n, ty))
autoImplicitPi : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
autoImplicitPi fname indents
= do start <- location
symbol "{"
keyword "auto"
binders <- pibindList fname start indents
symbol "}"
symbol "->"
scope <- typeExpr fname indents
end <- location
pure (pibindAll (MkFC fname start end) AutoImplicit binders scope)
forall_ : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
forall_ fname indents
= do start <- location
keyword "forall"
nstart <- location
ns <- sepBy1 (symbol ",") unqualifiedName
nend <- location
let nfc = MkFC fname nstart nend
let binders = map (\n => (Rig0, Just (UN n), Implicit nfc)) ns
symbol "."
scope <- typeExpr fname indents
end <- location
pure (pibindAll (MkFC fname start end) Implicit binders scope)
implicitPi : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
implicitPi fname indents
= do start <- location
symbol "{"
binders <- pibindList fname start indents
symbol "}"
symbol "->"
scope <- typeExpr fname indents
end <- location
pure (pibindAll (MkFC fname start end) Implicit binders scope)
explicitPi : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
explicitPi fname indents
= do start <- location
symbol "("
binders <- pibindList fname start indents
symbol ")"
exp <- bindSymbol
scope <- typeExpr fname indents
end <- location
pure (pibindAll (MkFC fname start end) exp binders scope)
lam : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
lam fname indents
= do start <- location
symbol "\\"
binders <- bindList fname start indents
symbol "=>"
mustContinue indents Nothing
scope <- expr fname indents
end <- location
pure (bindAll (MkFC fname start end) binders scope)
bindAll : FC -> List (RigCount, Name, RawImp) -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindAll fc [] scope = scope
bindAll fc ((rig, n, ty) :: rest) scope
= ILam fc rig Explicit (Just n) ty (bindAll fc rest scope)
binder : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
binder fname indents
= autoImplicitPi fname indents
<|> forall_ fname indents
<|> implicitPi fname indents
<|> explicitPi fname indents
<|> lam fname indents
typeExpr : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
typeExpr fname indents
= do start <- location
arg <- appExpr fname indents
(do continue indents
rest <- some (do exp <- bindSymbol
op <- appExpr fname indents
pure (exp, op))
end <- location
pure (mkPi start end arg rest))
<|> pure arg
mkPi : FilePos -> FilePos -> RawImp -> List (PiInfo, RawImp) -> RawImp
mkPi start end arg [] = arg
mkPi start end arg ((exp, a) :: as)
= IPi (MkFC fname start end) RigW exp Nothing arg
(mkPi start end a as)
expr : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
expr = typeExpr
tyDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule ImpTy
tyDecl fname indents
= do start <- location
n <- name
symbol ":"
ty <- expr fname indents
end <- location
atEnd indents
pure (MkImpTy (MkFC fname start end) n ty)
fnDef : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule ImpDecl
fnDef fname indents
= do start <- location
n <- name
symbol "="
ty <- expr fname indents
end <- location
atEnd indents
pure (IDef (MkFC fname start end) n ty)
dataDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule ImpData
dataDecl fname indents
= do start <- location
keyword "data"
n <- name
symbol ":"
ty <- expr fname indents
keyword "where"
cs <- block (tyDecl fname)
end <- location
pure (MkImpData (MkFC fname start end) n ty [] cs)
-- Declared at the top
-- topDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule ImpDecl
topDecl fname indents
= do start <- location
vis <- visibility
dat <- dataDecl fname indents
end <- location
pure (IData (MkFC fname start end) vis dat)
<|> do start <- location
vis <- visibility
claim <- tyDecl fname indents
end <- location
pure (IClaim (MkFC fname start end) RigW vis [] claim)
<|> fnDef fname indents
prog : FileName -> Rule (List ImpDecl)
prog fname
= nonEmptyBlock (topDecl fname)

src/TTImp/TTImp.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
module TTImp.TTImp
import Core.TT
public export
data RawImp : Type where
IVar : FC -> Name -> RawImp
IPi : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : RawImp) -> (retTy : RawImp) -> RawImp
ILam : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : RawImp) -> (lamTy : RawImp) -> RawImp
IApp : FC -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
IImplicitApp : FC -> RawImp -> Maybe Name -> RawImp -> RawImp
IPrimVal : FC -> (c : Constant) -> RawImp
IType : FC -> RawImp
Implicit : FC -> RawImp
Show RawImp where
show (IVar fc n) = show n
show (IPi fc c p n arg ret)
= "(%pi " ++ show c ++ " " ++ show p ++
" " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show arg ++ " " ++ show ret ++ ")"
show (ILam fc c p n arg sc)
= "(%lam " ++ show c ++ " " ++ show p ++
" " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show arg ++ " " ++ show sc ++ ")"
show (IApp fc f a)
= "(" ++ show f ++ " " ++ show a ++ ")"
show (IImplicitApp fc f n a)
= "(" ++ show f ++ " [" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show a ++ "])"
show (IPrimVal fc c) = show c
show (IType fc) = "%type"
show (Implicit fc) = "_"
public export
data FnOpt : Type where
Inline : FnOpt
Eq FnOpt where
(==) Inline Inline = True
(==) _ _ = False
public export
data ImpTy : Type where
MkImpTy : FC -> (n : Name) -> (ty : RawImp) -> ImpTy
public export
data DataOpt : Type where
SearchBy : List Name -> DataOpt -- determining arguments
NoHints : DataOpt -- Don't generate search hints for constructors
Eq DataOpt where
(==) (SearchBy xs) (SearchBy ys) = xs == ys
(==) NoHints NoHints = True
(==) _ _ = False
public export
data ImpData : Type where
MkImpData : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : RawImp) ->
(opts : List DataOpt) ->
(datacons : List ImpTy) -> ImpData
MkImpLater : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : RawImp) -> ImpData
public export
data ImpDecl : Type where
IClaim : FC -> RigCount -> Visibility -> List FnOpt ->
ImpTy -> ImpDecl
IData : FC -> Visibility -> ImpData -> ImpDecl
IDef : FC -> Name -> RawImp -> ImpDecl

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@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ modules =
sourcedir = src
-- executable = ttimp