Merge pull request #205 from abailly/syntax-highlight

first stab at syntax highlighting in Emacs
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-03-27 00:22:19 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit bce7a5e747
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 246 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
import Core.TTC
import Utils.Binary
-- Additional data we keep about the context to support interactive editing
public export
@ -35,6 +37,15 @@ record Metadata where
currentLHS : Maybe ClosedTerm
holeLHS : List (Name, ClosedTerm)
Show Metadata where
show (MkMetadata apps names tydecls currentLHS holeLHS)
= "Metadata:\n" ++
" lhsApps: " ++ show apps ++ "\n" ++
" names: " ++ show names ++ "\n" ++
" type declarations: " ++ show tydecls ++ "\n" ++
" current LHS: " ++ show currentLHS ++ "\n" ++
" holes: " ++ show holeLHS
initMetadata : Metadata
initMetadata = MkMetadata [] [] [] Nothing []
@ -266,3 +277,19 @@ readFromTTM fname
ttm <- fromBuf bin
put MD (metadata ttm)
||| Read Metadata from given file
readMetadata : (fname : String) -> Core Metadata
readMetadata fname
= do Right buf <- coreLift $ readFromFile fname
| Left err => throw (InternalError (fname ++ ": " ++ show err))
bin <- newRef Bin buf
MkTTMFile _ md <- fromBuf bin
pure md
||| Dump content of a .ttm file in human-readable format
dumpTTM : (filename : String) -> Core ()
dumpTTM fname
= do md <- readMetadata fname
coreLift $ putStrLn $ show md

View File

@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ data CLOpt
IdeModeSocket String |
||| Run as a checker for the core language TTImp
Yaffle String |
||| Dump metadata from a .ttm file
Metadata String |
||| Run a REPL command then exit immediately
RunREPL String |
FindIPKG |
@ -139,6 +141,8 @@ options = [MkOpt ["--check", "-c"] [] [CheckOnly]
-- Internal debugging options
MkOpt ["--yaffle", "--ttimp"] ["ttimp file"] (\f => [Yaffle f])
Nothing, -- run ttimp REPL rather than full Idris
MkOpt ["--ttm" ] ["ttimp file"] (\f => [Metadata f])
Nothing, -- dump metadata information from the given ttm file
MkOpt ["--debug-elab-check"] [] [DebugElabCheck]
Nothing -- do more elaborator checks (currently conversion in LinearCheck)

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Idris.Version
import Idris.IDEMode.Parser
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Idris.IDEMode.SyntaxHighlight
import TTImp.Interactive.CaseSplit
import TTImp.Elab
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ getInput f
do inp <- getNChars f (cast num)
pure (pack inp)
process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
process (Interpret cmd)
= interpret cmd
process (LoadFile fname _)
= Idris.REPL.process (Load fname)
= Idris.REPL.process (Load fname) >>= outputSyntaxHighlighting fname
process (TypeOf n Nothing)
= Idris.REPL.process (Check (PRef replFC (UN n)))
process (TypeOf n (Just (l, c)))
@ -177,18 +179,20 @@ idePutStrLn outf i msg
= send outf (SExpList [SymbolAtom "write-string",
toSExp msg, toSExp i])
printIDEWithStatus : File -> Integer -> String -> SExp -> Core ()
printIDEWithStatus outf i status msg
= do let m = SExpList [SymbolAtom status, toSExp msg,
-- highlighting; currently blank
SExpList []]
send outf (SExpList [SymbolAtom "return", m, toSExp i])
returnFromIDE : File -> Integer -> SExp -> Core ()
returnFromIDE outf i msg
= do send outf (SExpList [SymbolAtom "return", msg, toSExp i])
printIDEResult : File -> Integer -> SExp -> Core ()
printIDEResult outf i msg = printIDEWithStatus outf i "ok" msg
printIDEResult outf i msg = returnFromIDE outf i (SExpList [SymbolAtom "ok", toSExp msg])
printIDEResultWithHighlight : File -> Integer -> SExp -> Core ()
printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i msg = returnFromIDE outf i (SExpList [SymbolAtom "ok", toSExp msg
-- TODO return syntax highlighted result
, SExpList []])
printIDEError : File -> Integer -> String -> Core ()
printIDEError outf i msg = printIDEWithStatus outf i "error" (toSExp msg)
printIDEError outf i msg = returnFromIDE outf i (SExpList [SymbolAtom "error", toSExp msg ])
SExpable REPLEval where
toSExp EvalTC = SymbolAtom "typecheck"
@ -214,10 +218,10 @@ displayIDEResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
File -> Integer -> REPLResult -> Core ()
displayIDEResult outf i (REPLError err) = printIDEError outf i err
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x Nothing) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ show x
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x (Just y)) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (Printed xs) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (TermChecked x y) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x Nothing) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x (Just y)) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (Printed xs) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (TermChecked x y) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (FileLoaded x) = printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList []
displayIDEResult outf i (ErrorLoadingFile x err) = printIDEError outf i $ "Error loading file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show err
displayIDEResult outf i (ErrorsBuildingFile x errs) = printIDEError outf i $ "Error(s) building file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ (showSep "\n" $ map show errs)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.SyntaxHighlight
import Prelude.Functor as F
import Core.Context
import Core.InitPrimitives
import Core.Metadata
import Core.TT
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
data Decoration : Type where
Typ : Decoration
Function : Decoration
Data : Decoration
Keyword : Decoration
Bound : Decoration
SExpable Decoration where
toSExp Typ = SymbolAtom "type"
toSExp Function = SymbolAtom "function"
toSExp Data = SymbolAtom "data"
toSExp Keyword = SymbolAtom "keyword"
toSExp Bound = SymbolAtom "bound"
record Highlight where
constructor MkHighlight
location : FC
name : Name
isImplicit : Bool
key : String
decor : Decoration
docOverview : String
typ : String
ns : String
SExpable FC where
toSExp (MkFC fname (startLine, startCol) (endLine, endCol))
= SExpList [ SExpList [ SymbolAtom "filename", StringAtom fname ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "start", IntegerAtom (cast startLine + 1), IntegerAtom (cast startCol + 1) ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "end", IntegerAtom (cast endLine + 1), IntegerAtom (cast endCol + 1) ]
toSExp EmptyFC = SExpList []
SExpable Highlight where
toSExp (MkHighlight loc nam impl k dec doc t ns)
= SExpList [ toSExp loc
, SExpList [ SExpList [ SymbolAtom "name", StringAtom (show nam) ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "namespace", StringAtom ns ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "decor", toSExp dec ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "implicit", toSExp impl ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "key", StringAtom k ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "doc-overview", StringAtom doc ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "type", StringAtom t ]
inFile : String -> (FC, (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm)) -> Bool
inFile fname (MkFC file _ _, _) = file == fname
||| Output some data using current dialog index
printOutput : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
SExp -> Core ()
printOutput msg
= do opts <- get ROpts
case idemode opts of
REPL _ => pure ()
IDEMode i _ f =>
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "output",
msg, toSExp i])
outputHighlight : {auto opts : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Highlight -> Core ()
outputHighlight h =
printOutput $ SExpList [ SymbolAtom "ok"
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "highlight-source"
, toSExp hlt
hlt : List Highlight
hlt = [h]
outputNameSyntax : {auto opts : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
(FC, (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm)) -> Core ()
outputNameSyntax (fc, (name, _, term)) =
let dec = case term of
(Local fc x idx y) => Just Bound
-- See definition of NameType in Core.TT for possible values of Ref's nametype field
-- data NameType : Type where
-- Bound : NameType
-- Func : NameType
-- DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
-- TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
(Ref fc Bound name) => Just Bound
(Ref fc Func name) => Just Function
(Ref fc (DataCon tag arity) name) => Just Data
(Ref fc (TyCon tag arity) name) => Just Typ
(Meta fc x y xs) => Just Bound
(Bind fc x b scope) => Just Bound
(App fc fn arg) => Just Bound
(As fc x as pat) => Just Bound
(TDelayed fc x y) => Nothing
(TDelay fc x ty arg) => Nothing
(TForce fc x y) => Nothing
(PrimVal fc c) => Just Typ
(Erased fc imp) => Just Bound
(TType fc) => Just Typ
hilite = (\ d => MkHighlight fc name False "" d "" (show term) "") dec
in maybe (pure ()) outputHighlight hilite
outputSyntaxHighlighting : {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto opts : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
String ->
REPLResult ->
Core REPLResult
outputSyntaxHighlighting fname loadResult = do
allNames <- filter (inFile fname) . names <$> get MD
-- decls <- filter (inFile fname) . tydecls <$> get MD
_ <- traverse outputNameSyntax allNames -- ++ decls)
pure loadResult

View File

@ -104,6 +104,12 @@ tryYaffle (Yaffle f :: _) = do yaffleMain f []
pure True
tryYaffle (c :: cs) = tryYaffle cs
tryTTM : List CLOpt -> Core Bool
tryTTM [] = pure False
tryTTM (Metadata f :: _) = do dumpTTM f
pure True
tryTTM (c :: cs) = tryTTM cs
banner : String
banner = " ____ __ _ ___ \n" ++
@ -119,6 +125,8 @@ stMain : List CLOpt -> Core ()
stMain opts
= do False <- tryYaffle opts
| True => pure ()
False <- tryTTM opts
| True => pure ()
defs <- initDefs
c <- newRef Ctxt defs
s <- newRef Syn initSyntax

View File

@ -32,11 +32,7 @@ printWithStatus status msg
= do opts <- get ROpts
case idemode opts of
REPL _ => coreLift $ putStrLn msg
IDEMode i _ f =>
do let m = SExpList [SymbolAtom status, toSExp msg,
-- highlighting; currently blank
SExpList []]
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "return", m, toSExp i])
_ => pure () -- this function should never be called in IDE Mode
printResult : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ chezTests
ideModeTests : List String
= [ "ideMode001", "ideMode002" ]
= [ "ideMode001", "ideMode002", "ideMode003" ]
chdir : String -> IO Bool
chdir dir

View File

@ -1,4 +1,26 @@
000018(:protocol-version 2 0)
000038(:write-string "1/1: Building LocType (LocType.idr)" 1)
000018(:return (:ok () ()) 1)
0000d8(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 38) (:end 8 1)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000df(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 35) (:end 7 38)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect {k:176} a)")))))) 1)
0000ca(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 23) (:end 7 25)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "a")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 14) (:end 7 16)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{k:176}_[] ?{_:177}_[])")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 9) (:end 7 11)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "?{_:177}_[]")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 18) (:end 7 21)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:178}_[] ?{_:177}_[])")))))) 1)
0000d8(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 16) (:end 7 1)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 11) (:end 6 14)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:169}_[] ?{_:168}_[])")))))) 1)
0001ca(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 1) (:end 6 1)) ((:name "Main.append") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "{0 m : Prelude.Nat} -> {0 a : Type} -> {0 n : Prelude.Nat} -> (({arg:159} : (Main.Vect n[0] a[1])) -> (({arg:160} : (Main.Vect m[3] a[2])) -> (Main.Vect (Prelude.+ Prelude.Nat Prelude.Num implementation at Prelude.idr:630:1--637:1 n[2] m[4]) a[3])))")))))) 1)
0000cb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 47) (:end 6 1)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 44) (:end 5 45)) ((:name "m") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 40) (:end 5 42)) ((:name "n") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 29) (:end 5 31)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 27) (:end 5 29)) ((:name "m") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 17) (:end 5 19)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 15) (:end 5 17)) ((:name "n") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 41) (:end 5 1)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 38) (:end 3 39)) ((:name "k") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 25) (:end 3 27)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 23) (:end 3 25)) ((:name "k") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 13) (:end 3 15)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000cb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 2 19) (:end 3 6)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
000015(:return (:ok ()) 1)
Alas the file is done, aborting

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ MAJOR=`echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f1`
MINOR=`echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f2`
PATCH=`echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f3`
EXPECTED_LINE="(:return (:ok ((${MAJOR} ${MINOR} ${PATCH}) (\"${TAG}\")) ()) 1)"
EXPECTED_LINE="(:return (:ok ((${MAJOR} ${MINOR} ${PATCH}) (\"${TAG}\"))) 1)"
sed -e "s/__EXPECTED_LINE__/$(printf '%06x' ${EXPECTED_LENGTH})${EXPECTED_LINE}/g" > expected

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z a
(::) : a -> Vect k a -> Vect (S k) a
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append [] ys = ys
append (x :: xs) ys = x :: append xs ys

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
000018(:protocol-version 2 0)
000038(:write-string "1/1: Building LocType (LocType.idr)" 1)
0000d8(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 38) (:end 8 1)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000df(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 35) (:end 7 38)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect {k:176} a)")))))) 1)
0000ca(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 23) (:end 7 25)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "a")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 14) (:end 7 16)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{k:176}_[] ?{_:177}_[])")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 9) (:end 7 11)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "?{_:177}_[]")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 18) (:end 7 21)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:178}_[] ?{_:177}_[])")))))) 1)
0000d8(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 16) (:end 7 1)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 11) (:end 6 14)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:169}_[] ?{_:168}_[])")))))) 1)
0001ca(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 1) (:end 6 1)) ((:name "Main.append") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "{0 m : Prelude.Nat} -> {0 a : Type} -> {0 n : Prelude.Nat} -> (({arg:159} : (Main.Vect n[0] a[1])) -> (({arg:160} : (Main.Vect m[3] a[2])) -> (Main.Vect (Prelude.+ Prelude.Nat Prelude.Num implementation at Prelude.idr:630:1--637:1 n[2] m[4]) a[3])))")))))) 1)
0000cb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 47) (:end 6 1)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 44) (:end 5 45)) ((:name "m") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 40) (:end 5 42)) ((:name "n") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 29) (:end 5 31)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 27) (:end 5 29)) ((:name "m") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 17) (:end 5 19)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 15) (:end 5 17)) ((:name "n") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 41) (:end 5 1)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 38) (:end 3 39)) ((:name "k") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 25) (:end 3 27)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 23) (:end 3 25)) ((:name "k") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Nat")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 3 13) (:end 3 15)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000cb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 2 19) (:end 3 6)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
000015(:return (:ok ()) 1)
000037(:return (:ok "Main.Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type" ()) 2)
Alas the file is done, aborting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
00001e((:load-file "LocType.idr") 1)
((:type-of "Vect") 2)

tests/ideMode/ideMode003/run Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --ide-mode < input
rm -rf build