Add Core.Coverage

Little of the recently added bits are wired up yet, but it'll all start
coming together soon.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-06-02 20:03:41 +01:00
parent bdc38d438c
commit f5556a1a9d
5 changed files with 414 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -792,6 +792,64 @@ hasFlag fc n fl
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc n)
pure (fl `elem` flags def)
setSizeChange : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> List SCCall -> Core ()
setSizeChange loc n sc
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
addDef n (record { sizeChange = sc } def)
pure ()
setTotality : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Totality -> Core ()
setTotality loc n tot
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
addDef n (record { totality = tot } def)
pure ()
setCovering : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Covering -> Core ()
setCovering loc n tot
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
addDef n (record { totality->isCovering = tot } def)
pure ()
setTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Terminating -> Core ()
setTerminating loc n tot
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
addDef n (record { totality->isTerminating = tot } def)
pure ()
getTotality : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core Totality
getTotality loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
pure $ totality def
getSizeChange : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (List SCCall)
getSizeChange loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
pure $ sizeChange def
setVisibility : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Visibility -> Core ()

View File

@ -401,6 +401,30 @@ namespace Binder
traverse f (PLet c val ty) = pure $ PLet c !(f val) !(f ty)
traverse f (PVTy c ty) = pure $ PVTy c !(f ty)
anyM : (a -> Core Bool) -> List a -> Core Bool
anyM f [] = pure False
anyM f (x :: xs)
= if !(f x)
then pure True
else anyM f xs
allM : (a -> Core Bool) -> List a -> Core Bool
allM f [] = pure True
allM f (x :: xs)
= if !(f x)
then allM f xs
else pure False
filterM : (a -> Core Bool) -> List a -> Core (List a)
filterM p [] = pure []
filterM p (x :: xs)
= if !(p x)
then pure (x :: !(filterM p xs))
else filterM p xs
data Ref : label -> Type -> Type where
MkRef : IORef a -> Ref x a

src/Core/Coverage.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
module Core.Coverage
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import Data.NameMap
%default covering
-- Return whether any part of the type conflicts in such a way that they
-- can't possibly be equal (i.e. mismatched constructor)
conflict : Defs -> NF vars -> Name -> Core Bool
conflict defs nfty n
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure False
case (definition gdef, type gdef) of
(DCon t arity, dty)
=> conflictNF nfty !(nf defs [] dty)
_ => pure False
conflictArgs : List (Closure vars) -> List (Closure []) -> Core Bool
conflictArgs [] [] = pure False
conflictArgs (c :: cs) (c' :: cs')
= do cnf <- evalClosure defs c
cnf' <- evalClosure defs c'
pure $ !(conflictNF cnf cnf') || !(conflictArgs cs cs')
conflictArgs _ _ = pure False
conflictNF : NF vars -> NF [] -> Core Bool
conflictNF t (NBind fc x b sc)
= conflictNF t !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
conflictNF (NDCon _ n t a args) (NDCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if t == t'
then conflictArgs (map snd args) (map snd args')
else pure True
conflictNF (NTCon _ n t a args) (NTCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if n == n'
then conflictArgs (map snd args) (map snd args')
else pure True
conflictNF (NPrimVal _ c) (NPrimVal _ c') = pure (c /= c')
conflictNF _ _ = pure False
-- Return whether the given type is definitely empty (due to there being
-- no constructors which can possibly match it.)
isEmpty : Defs -> NF vars -> Core Bool
isEmpty defs (NTCon fc n t a args)
= case !(lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ cons _)
=> allM (conflict defs (NTCon fc n t a args)) cons
_ => pure False
isEmpty defs _ = pure False
-- Need this to get a NF from a Term; the names are free in any case
freeEnv : FC -> (vs : List Name) -> Env Term vs
freeEnv fc [] = []
freeEnv fc (n :: ns) = PVar RigW (Erased fc) :: freeEnv fc ns
-- Given a normalised type, get all the possible constructors for that
-- type family, with their type, name, tag, and arity
getCons : Defs -> NF vars -> Core (List (NF [], Name, Int, Nat))
getCons defs (NTCon _ tn _ _ _)
= case !(lookupDefExact tn (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ cons _) =>
do cs' <- traverse addTy cons
pure (mapMaybe id cs')
_ => pure []
addTy : Name -> Core (Maybe (NF [], Name, Int, Nat))
addTy cn
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact cn (gamma defs)
| _ => pure Nothing
case (definition gdef, type gdef) of
(DCon t arity, ty) =>
pure (Just (!(nf defs [] ty), cn, t, arity))
_ => pure Nothing
getCons defs _ = pure []
matchArgs : Defs -> List (Closure vars) -> List (Closure []) -> Core Bool
matchArgs defs [] [] = pure True
matchArgs defs (c :: cs) (c' :: cs')
= do cnf <- evalClosure defs c
cnf' <- evalClosure defs c'
pure $ !(matchNF defs cnf cnf') && !(matchArgs defs cs cs')
matchArgs defs _ _ = pure False
-- Is the first type a possible match for a constructor of the second type?
matchNF : Defs -> NF vars -> NF [] -> Core Bool
matchNF defs t (NBind fc x b sc)
= matchNF defs t !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
matchNF defs (NDCon _ n t a args) (NDCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if t == t'
then matchArgs defs (map snd args) (map snd args')
else pure False
matchNF defs (NTCon _ n t a args) (NTCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if n == n'
then matchArgs defs (map snd args) (map snd args')
else pure False
matchNF defs (NPrimVal _ c) (NPrimVal _ c') = pure (c == c')
matchNF _ _ _ = pure True
emptyRHS : FC -> CaseTree vars -> CaseTree vars
emptyRHS fc (Case idx el sc alts) = Case idx el sc (map emptyRHSalt alts)
emptyRHSalt : CaseAlt vars -> CaseAlt vars
emptyRHSalt (ConCase n t args sc) = ConCase n t args (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (DelayCase c arg sc) = DelayCase c arg (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (ConstCase c sc) = ConstCase c (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (DefaultCase sc) = DefaultCase (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHS fc (STerm s) = STerm (Erased fc)
emptyRHS fc sc = sc
mkAlt : FC -> CaseTree vars -> (Name, Int, Nat) -> CaseAlt vars
mkAlt fc sc (cn, t, ar)
= ConCase cn t (map (MN "m") (take ar [0..]))
(weakenNs _ (emptyRHS fc sc))
altMatch : CaseAlt vars -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
altMatch _ (DefaultCase _) = True
altMatch (DelayCase _ _ t) (DelayCase _ _ t') = True
altMatch (ConCase _ t _ _) (ConCase _ t' _ _) = t == t'
altMatch (ConstCase c _) (ConstCase c' _) = c == c'
altMatch _ _ = False
-- Given a type and a list of case alternatives, return the
-- well-typed alternatives which were *not* in the list
getMissingAlts : FC -> Defs -> NF vars -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
-- If it's a primitive, there's too many to reasonably check, so require a
-- catch all
getMissingAlts fc defs (NPrimVal _ c) alts
= if any isDefault alts
then pure []
else pure [DefaultCase (Unmatched "Coverage check")]
isDefault : CaseAlt vars -> Bool
isDefault (DefaultCase _) = True
isDefault _ = False
-- Similarly for types
getMissingAlts fc defs (NType _) alts
= if any isDefault alts
then pure []
else pure [DefaultCase (Unmatched "Coverage check")]
isDefault : CaseAlt vars -> Bool
isDefault (DefaultCase _) = True
isDefault _ = False
getMissingAlts fc defs nfty alts
= do allCons <- getCons defs nfty
validCons <- filterM (\x => matchNF defs nfty (fst x)) allCons
pure (filter (noneOf alts)
(map (mkAlt fc (Unmatched "Coverage check") . snd) validCons))
-- Return whether the alternative c matches none of the given cases in alts
noneOf : List (CaseAlt vars) -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
noneOf alts c = not $ any (altMatch c) alts
-- Mapping of variable to constructor tag already matched for it
KnownVars : List Name -> Type -> Type
KnownVars vars a = List (Var vars, a)
getName : {idx : Nat} -> {vars : List Name} -> .(IsVar n idx vars) -> Name
getName {vars = v :: _} First = v
getName (Later p) = getName p
showK : Show a => KnownVars ns a -> String
showK {a} xs = show (map aString xs)
aString : (Var vars, a) -> (Name, a)
aString (MkVar v, t) = (getName v, t)
weakenNs : (args : List Name) -> KnownVars vars a -> KnownVars (args ++ vars) a
weakenNs args [] = []
weakenNs {vars} args ((MkVar p, t) :: xs)
= (insertVarNames _ {outer = []} {ns=args} {inner=vars} p, t)
:: weakenNs args xs
findTag : IsVar n idx vars -> KnownVars vars a -> Maybe a
findTag v [] = Nothing
findTag v ((v', t) :: xs)
= if sameVar (MkVar v) v'
then Just t
else findTag v xs
addNot : IsVar n idx vars -> Int -> KnownVars vars (List Int) ->
KnownVars vars (List Int)
addNot v t [] = [(MkVar v, [t])]
addNot v t ((v', ts) :: xs)
= if sameVar (MkVar v) v'
then ((v', t :: ts) :: xs)
else ((v', ts) :: addNot v t xs)
tagIs : Int -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
tagIs t (ConCase _ t' _ _) = t == t'
tagIs t (ConstCase _ _) = False
tagIs t (DelayCase _ _ _) = False
tagIs t (DefaultCase _) = True
tagIsNot : List Int -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
tagIsNot ts (ConCase _ t' _ _) = not (t' `elem` ts)
tagIsNot ts (ConstCase _ _) = True
tagIsNot ts (DelayCase _ _ _) = True
tagIsNot ts (DefaultCase _) = False
-- Replace a default case with explicit branches for the constructors.
-- This is easier than checking whether a default is needed when traversing
-- the tree (just one constructor lookup up front).
replaceDefaults : FC -> Defs -> NF vars -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
-- Leave it alone if it's a primitive type though, since we need the catch
-- all case there
replaceDefaults fc defs (NPrimVal _ _) cs = pure cs
replaceDefaults fc defs nfty cs
= do cs' <- traverse rep cs
pure (dropRep (concat cs'))
rep : CaseAlt vars -> Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
rep (DefaultCase sc)
= do allCons <- getCons defs nfty
pure (map (mkAlt fc sc . snd) allCons)
rep c = pure [c]
dropRep : List (CaseAlt vars) -> List (CaseAlt vars)
dropRep [] = []
dropRep (c@(ConCase n t args sc) :: rest)
-- assumption is that there's no defaultcase in 'rest' because
-- we've just removed it
= c :: dropRep (filter (not . tagIs t) rest)
dropRep (c :: rest) = c :: dropRep rest
-- Traverse a case tree and refine the arguments while matching, so that
-- when we reach a leaf we know what patterns were used to get there,
-- and return those patterns.
-- The returned patterns are those arising from the *missing* cases
buildArgs : FC -> Defs ->
KnownVars vars Int -> -- Things which have definitely match
KnownVars vars (List Int) -> -- Things an argument *can't* be
-- (because a previous case matches)
List ClosedTerm -> -- ^ arguments, with explicit names
CaseTree vars -> Core (List (List ClosedTerm))
buildArgs fc defs known not ps cs@(Case {name = var} idx el ty altsIn)
-- If we've already matched on 'el' in this branch, restrict the alternatives
-- to the tag we already know. Otherwise, add missing cases and filter out
-- the ones it can't possibly be (the 'not') because a previous case
-- has matched.
= do let fenv = freeEnv fc _
nfty <- nf defs fenv ty
alts <- replaceDefaults fc defs nfty altsIn
let alts' = alts ++ !(getMissingAlts fc defs nfty alts)
let altsK = maybe alts' (\t => filter (tagIs t) alts')
(findTag el known)
let altsN = maybe altsK (\ts => filter (tagIsNot ts) altsK)
(findTag el not)
buildArgsAlt not altsN
buildArgAlt : KnownVars vars (List Int) ->
CaseAlt vars -> Core (List (List ClosedTerm))
buildArgAlt not' (ConCase n t args sc)
= do let con = Ref fc (DataCon t (length args)) n
let ps' = map (substName var
(apply fc (explApp Nothing)
con (map (Ref fc Bound) args))) ps
buildArgs fc defs (weakenNs args ((MkVar el, t) :: known))
(weakenNs args not') ps' sc
buildArgAlt not' (DelayCase t a sc)
= let ps' = map (substName var (TDelay fc LUnknown
(Ref fc Bound t)
(Ref fc Bound a))) ps in
buildArgs fc defs (weakenNs [t,a] known) (weakenNs [t,a] not')
ps' sc
buildArgAlt not' (ConstCase c sc)
= do let ps' = map (substName var (PrimVal fc c)) ps
buildArgs fc defs known not' ps' sc
buildArgAlt not' (DefaultCase sc)
= buildArgs fc defs known not' ps sc
buildArgsAlt : KnownVars vars (List Int) -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (List ClosedTerm))
buildArgsAlt not' [] = pure []
buildArgsAlt not' (c@(ConCase _ t _ _) :: cs)
= pure $ !(buildArgAlt not' c) ++
!(buildArgsAlt (addNot el t not') cs)
buildArgsAlt not' (c :: cs)
= pure $ !(buildArgAlt not' c) ++ !(buildArgsAlt not' cs)
buildArgs fc defs known not ps (STerm vs)
= pure [] -- matched, so return nothing
buildArgs fc defs known not ps (Unmatched msg)
= pure [ps] -- unmatched, so return it
buildArgs fc defs known not ps Impossible
= pure [] -- not a possible match, so return nothing
-- Traverse a case tree and return pattern clauses which are not
-- matched. These might still be invalid patterns, or patterns which are covered
-- elsewhere (turning up due to overlapping clauses) so the results should be
-- checked
getMissing : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Core (List ClosedTerm)
getMissing fc n ctree
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let psIn = map (Ref fc Bound) vars
pats <- buildArgs fc defs [] [] psIn ctree
pure (map (apply fc (explApp Nothing) (Ref fc Func n)) pats)
-- For the given name, get the names it refers to which are not themselves
-- covering
getNonCoveringRefs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (List Name)
getNonCoveringRefs fc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just d <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc n)
filterM (notCovering defs) (keys (refersTo d))
notCovering : Defs -> Name -> Core Bool
notCovering defs n
= case !(lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just def => case isCovering (totality def) of
IsCovering => pure False
_ => pure True
_ => pure False

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Core.CaseBuilder
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Coverage
import Core.Env
import Core.Hash
import Core.Metadata
@ -17,13 +18,6 @@ import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Utils
anyM : (a -> Core Bool) -> List a -> Core Bool
anyM f [] = pure False
anyM f (x :: xs)
= if !(f x)
then pure True
else anyM f xs
mismatchNF : Defs -> NF vars -> NF vars -> Core Bool
mismatchNF defs (NTCon _ _ xt _ xargs) (NTCon _ _ yt _ yargs)

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ modules =