Edwin Brady 18f269bbef Add some notes
Mostly copied from Blodwen and brought up to date (more or less).
2019-06-24 13:05:19 +01:00

12 KiB

Some unsorted notes on aspects of the implementation. Sketchy, and not always completely up to date, but hopefully give some hints as to what's going on and some ideas where to look in the code to see how certain features work.


Core language TT (defined in Core.TT), based on quantitative type theory (see Binders have "multiplicities" which are either 0, 1 or unlimited.

Terms are indexed over the names in scope so that we know terms are always well scoped. Values (i.e. normal forms) are defined in Core.Value as NF; constructors do not evaluate their arguments until explicitly requested.

Elaborate to TT from a higher level language TTImp (defined in TTImp.TTImp), which is TT with implicit arguments, local function definitions, case blocks, as patterns, qualified names with automatic type-directed disambiguation, and proof search.

Elaboration relies on unification (in Core.Unify), which allows postponing of unification problems. Essentially works the same way as Agda as described in Ulf Norell's thesis.

General idea is that high level languages will provide a translation to TT. In the Idris/ namespace we define the high level syntax for Idris, which translates to TTImp by desugaring operators, do notation, etc.

TT separates 'Ref' (global user defined names) from 'Meta', which are globally defined metavariables. For efficiency, metavariables are only substituted into terms if they have non-0 multiplicity, to preserve sharing as much as possible

There is a separate linearity check after elaboration, which updates types of holes (and is aware of case blocks).

Where to find things:

  • Core/ -- anything related to the core TT, typechecking and unification
  • TTImp/ -- anything related to the implicit TT and its elaboration
    • TTImp/Elab/ -- Elaboration state and elaboration of terms
    • TTImp/Interactive/ -- Interactive editing infrastructure
  • Parser/ -- various utilities for parsing and lexing TT and TTImp (and other things)
  • Utils/ -- some generally useful utilities
  • Idris/ -- anything relating to the high level language, translating to TTImp
    • Idris/Elab/ -- High level construct elaboration machinery (e.g. interfaces)

The Core Type, and Ref

Core is a "monad" (not really, for efficiency reasons, at the moment...) supporting Errors and IO [TODO: Allow restricting to specific IO operations] The raw syntax is defined by a type RawImp which has a source location at each node, and any errors in elaboration note the location at the point where the error occurred.

'Ref' is essentially an IORef. Typically we pass them implicitly and use labels to disambiguate which one we mean. See Core.Core for their definition. Again, IORef is for efficiency - even if it would be neater to use a state monad this turned out to be about 2-3 times faster, so I'm going with the "ugly" choice...


Core.Context defines all the things needed for TT. Most importantly: Def gives definitions of names (case trees, builtins, constructors and holes, mostly); GlobalDef is a definition with all the other information about it (type, visibility, totality, etc); Gamma is a context mapping names to GlobalDef, and 'Defs' is the core data structure with everything needed to typecheck more definitions.

The main Context type stores definitions in an array, indexed by a "resolved name id" for fast look up. This means that it also needs to be able to convert between resolved names and full names.

Since we store names in an array, all the lookup functions need to be in the Core monad. This also turns out to help with loading checked files (see below).


Like Idris 1, laziness is marked in types using Lazy, Delay and Force, or Inf (instead of Lazy) for codata. Unlike Idris 1, these are language primitives rather than special purpose names.

TTC format

We can save things to binary if we have an implementation of the TTC interface for it. See Utils.Binary to see how this is done. It uses a global reference 'Ref Bin Binary' which uses Data.Buffer underneath.

When we load checked TTC files, we don't process the definitions immediately, but rather store them as a 'ContextEntry', which is either a Binary blob, or a processed definition. We only process the definitions the first time they are looked up, since converting Binary to the definition is fairly costly, and often definitions in an imported file are never used.

Bound Implicits

The RawImp type has a constructor IBindVar. The first time we encounter an IBindVar, we record the name as one which will be implicitly bound. At the end of elaboration, we decide which holes should turn into bound variables (Pi bound in types, Pattern bound on a LHS, still holes on the RHS) by looking at the list of names bound as IBindVar, the things they depend on, and sorting them so that they are bound in dependency order. This happens in State.getToBind.

Once we know what the bound implicits need to be, we bind them in 'bindImplicits'. Any application of a hole which stands for a bound implicit gets turned into a local binding (either Pi or Pat as appropriate, or PLet for @-patterns).

Unbound Implicits

Any name beginning with a lower case letter is considered an unbound implicit. They are elaborated as holes, which may depend on the initial environment of the elaboration, and after elaboration they are converted to an implicit pi binding, with multiplicity 0. So, for example:

map : {f : _} -> (a -> b) -> f a -> f b


map : {f : _} -> {0 a : _} -> {0 b : _} -> (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Bindings are ordered according to dependency. It'll infer any additional names, e.g. in

lookup : HasType i xs t -> Env xs -> t

...where 'xs' is a Vect n a, it infers bindings for n and a.

(TODO: %auto_implicits directive)

Implicit arguments

When we encounter an implicit argument ('_' in the raw syntax, or added when we elaborate an application and see that there is an implicit needed) we make a new hole which is a fresh name applied to the current environment, and return that as the elaborated term. If there's enough information elsewhere we'll find the definition of the hole by unification.

We never substitute holes in a term during elaboration and rely on normalisation if we need to look inside it. If there are holes remaining after elaboration of a definition, report an error (it's okay for a hole in a type as long as it's resolved by the time the definition is done).

See Elab.App.makeImplicit Elab.App.makeAutoImplicit to see where we add holes for the implicit arguments in applications.

Elab.App does quite a lot of tricky stuff! In an attempt to help with resolving ambiguous names and record updates, it will sometimes delay elaboration of an argument (see App.checkRestApp) so that it can get more information about its type first.

Core.Unify.solveConstraints revisits all of the currently unsolved holes and constrained definitions, and tries again to unify any constraints which they require. It also tries to resolve anything defined by proof search.

Additional type inference

A '?' in a type means "infer this part of the type". This is distinct from "_" in types, which means "I don't care what this is". The distinction is in what happens when inference fails. If inference fails for "_", we implicitly bind a new name (just like pattern matching on the lhs - i.e. it means match anything). If inference fails for "?", we leave it as a hole and try to fill it in later. As a result, we can say:

foo : Vect Int ?
foo = [1,2,3,4]

...and the ? will be inferred to be 4. But if we say

foo : Vect Int _
foo = [1,2,3,4]

...we'll get an error, because the '_' has been bound as a new name.

So the meaning of "_" is now consistent on the lhs and in types (i.e. it means infer a value and bind a variable on failure to infer anything). In practice, using "_" will get you the old Idris behaviour, but "?" might get you a bit more type inference.

Auto Implicits

Auto implicits are resolved by proof search, and can be given explicit arguments in the same way as ordinary implicits: i.e. {x = exp} to give 'exp' as the value for auto implicit 'x'. Interfaces are syntactic sugar for auto implicits (it uses the resolution mechanism - interfaces translate into records, and implementations translate into hints for the search).

The argument syntax @{exp} means that the value of the next auto implicit in the application should be 'exp' - this is the same as the syntax for invoking named implementations in Idris 1, but interfaces and auto implicits have been combined now.

Dot Patterns

IMustUnify is a constructor of RawImp. When we elaborate this, we generate a hole, then elaborate the term, and add a constraint that the generated hole must unify with the term which was explicitly given (in UnifyState.addDot), finally checked in 'UnifyState.checkDots'

A definition with the body 'BySearch' is a hole which will be resolved by searching for something which fits the type. This happens in Core.AutoSearch. It checks all possible hints for a term, to ensure that only one is possible.


Names which are bound in types are also bound as @-patterns, meaning that functions have access to them. For example, we can say:

vlength : Vect n a -> Nat
vlength [] = n
vlength (x :: xs) = n

Linear Types

Following Conor McBride and Bob Atkey's work, all binders have a multiplicity annotation ("RigCount"). After elaboration in TTImp.Elab, we do a separate linearity check which: a) makes sure that linear variables are used exactly once; b) updates hole types to properly reflect usage information.

Local definitions

We elaborate relative to an environment, meaning that we can elaborate local function definitions. We keep track of the names being defined in a nested block of declarations, and ensure that they are lifted to top level definitions in TT by applying them to every name in scope.

Since we don't know how many times a local definition will be applied, in general, anything bound with multiplicity 1 is passed to the local definition with multiplicity 0, so if you want to use it in a local definition, you need to pass it explicitly.

Case blocks

Similar to local definitions, these are lifted to top level definitions which represent the case block, which is immediately applied to the scrutinee of the case. The function which defines the block takes as arguments: the entire current environment (so that it can use any name in scope); any names in the environment which the scrutinee's type depends on (to support dependent case, but not counting parameters which are unchanged across the structure).


The parameters to a data type are taken to be the arguments which appear, unchanged, in the same position, everywhere across a data definition.


Unbound implicits are given '0' multiplicity, so the rule is now that if you don't explicitly write it in the type of a function or constructor, the argument is erased at run time.

Elaboration and the case tree compiler check ensure that 0-multiplicity arguments are not inspected in case trees.

Namespaces and name visibility

Same rules mostly apply as in Idris 1. The difference is that visibility is per namespace not per file (that is, files have no relevance other except in that they introduce their own namespace, and in that they allow separate typechecking).

One effect of this is that when a file defines nested namespaces, the inner namespace can see what's in the outer namespace, but not vice versa unless names defined in the inner namespace are explicitly exported. The visibility modifiers "export", "public export", and "private" control whether the name can be seen in any other namespace, and it's nothing to do with the file they're defined in at all.


Records are part of TTImp (rather than the surface language). Elaborating a record declaration creates a data type and associated projection functions. Record setters are generated on demand while elaborating TTImp (in TTImp.Elab.Record). Setters are translated directly to 'case' blocks, which means that update of dependent fields works as one might expect (i.e. it's safe as long as all of the fields are updated at the same time consistently).

In TTImp, unlike in Idris 1, records are not implicitly put into their own namespace, but higher level languages (e.g. Idris itself) can do so explicitly themselves.