
91 lines
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* Copyright 2022-2023 GdH <>
* Copyright 2023 elementary, Inc. <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform int COLORBLIND_MODE;
uniform float STRENGTH;
void main() {
vec4 c = texture2D(tex, cogl_tex_coord0_in.xy);
// RGB to LMS matrix
float L = (17.8824f * c.r) + (43.5161f * c.g) + (4.11935f * c.b);
float M = (3.45565f * c.r) + (27.1554f * c.g) + (3.86714f * c.b);
float S = (0.0299566f * c.r) + (0.184309f * c.g) + (1.46709f * c.b);
float l, m, s;
// Remove invisible colors
if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 1 || COLORBLIND_MODE == 2) { // Protanopia - reds are greatly reduced
l = 0.0f * L + 2.02344f * M + -2.52581f * S;
m = 0.0f * L + 1.0f * M + 0.0f * S;
s = 0.0f * L + 0.0f * M + 1.0f * S;
} else if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 3 || COLORBLIND_MODE == 4) { // Deuteranopia - greens are greatly reduced
l = 1.0f * L + 0.0f * M + 0.0f * S;
m = 0.494207f * L + 0.0f * M + 1.24827f * S;
s = 0.0f * L + 0.0f * M + 1.0f * S;
} else if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 5 ) { // Tritanopia - blues are greatly reduced (1 of 10 000)
l = 1.0f * L + 0.0f * M + 0.0f * S;
m = 0.0f * L + 1.0f * M + 0.0f * S;
// GdH - trinatopia vector calculated by me, all public sources were off
s = -0.012491378299329402f * L + 0.07203451899279534f * M + 0.0f * S;
// LMS to RGB matrix conversion
vec4 error;
error.r = (0.0809444479f * l) + (-0.130504409f * m) + (0.116721066f * s);
error.g = (-0.0102485335f * l) + (0.0540193266f * m) + (-0.113614708f * s);
error.b = (-0.000365296938f * l) + (-0.00412161469f * m) + (0.693511405f * s);
// The error is what they see
// ratio between original and error colors allows adjusting filter for weaker forms of dichromacy
error = error * STRENGTH + c * (1.0 - STRENGTH);
error.a = 1.0;
// Isolate invisible colors to color vision deficiency (calculate error matrix)
error = (c - error);
// Shift colors
vec4 correction;
// protanopia / protanomaly corrections
if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 1 ) {
//(kwin effect values)
correction.r = error.r * 0.56667 + error.g * 0.43333 + error.b * 0.00000;
correction.g = error.r * 0.55833 + error.g * 0.44267 + error.b * 0.00000;
correction.b = error.r * 0.00000 + error.g * 0.24167 + error.b * 0.75833;
// tries to mimic Android, GdH
//correction.r = error.r * -0.5 + error.g * -0.3 + error.b * 0.0;
//correction.g = error.r * 0.2 + error.g * 0.0 + error.b * 0.0;
//correction.b = error.r * 0.2 + error.g * 1.0 + error.b * 1.0;
// protanopia / protanomaly high contrast G-R corrections
} else if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 2 ) {
correction.r = error.r * 2.56667 + error.g * 0.43333 + error.b * 0.00000;
correction.g = error.r * 1.55833 + error.g * 0.44267 + error.b * 0.00000;
correction.b = error.r * 0.00000 + error.g * 0.24167 + error.b * 0.75833;
// deuteranopia / deuteranomaly corrections (tries to mimic Android, GdH)
} else if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 3 ) {
correction.r = error.r * -0.7 + error.g * 0.0 + error.b * 0.0;
correction.g = error.r * 0.5 + error.g * 1.0 + error.b * 0.0;
correction.b = error.r * -0.3 + error.g * 0.0 + error.b * 1.0;
// deuteranopia / deuteranomaly high contrast R-G corrections
} else if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 4 ) {
correction.r = error.r * -1.5 + error.g * 1.5 + error.b * 0.0;
correction.g = error.r * -1.5 + error.g * 1.5 + error.b * 0.0;
correction.b = error.r * 1.5 + error.g * 0.0 + error.b * 0.0;
// tritanopia / tritanomaly corrections (GdH)
} else if ( COLORBLIND_MODE == 5 ) {
correction.r = error.r * 0.3 + error.g * 0.5 + error.b * 0.4;
correction.g = error.r * 0.5 + error.g * 0.7 + error.b * 0.3;
correction.b = error.r * 0.0 + error.g * 0.0 + error.b * 1.0;
// Add compensation to original values
correction = c + correction;
correction.a = c.a;
cogl_color_out = correction;