Encountered a random NPE when playing with bookclubs. Test case demonstrating the problem is attached.
Threw in a bunch of minor tweaks to logs to make life of the person debugging code more pleasant.
Part of #8372
* Sorting was broken (sort's argument was removed)
* searching by initials now does not skip words
* icons: now we use same logic as existing nodes.
* local entities has worse score if "showLocals" option is toggled off.
# Important Notes
Please be aware that there is still an important issue with groups; sometimes they're not loaded. Reported [here](8376)
- add: `cmd`+`shift`+`,` and `cmd`+`shift`+`.` shortcuts to start and stop the backend profiling. Profiling data is stored on disk.
As suggested by @JaroslavTulach.
- Shows diagnostics sent by `executionContext/executionStatus`
- Shows `Panic`s and `DataflowError`s sent by `executionContext/expressionUpdates`
# Important Notes
There were two issues: one is bad code generated by vite. I needed to rephrase Rect.Zero definition. The second were missing widgets - that was caused by the fact that Vue components have a bit different properties than on test builds, apparently.
As we use proper alias analysis, we no longer display connections to overshadowed identifiers.

# Important Notes
I've changed the meaning of edge's "source" - now it's expression ID of the constituted identifier, not the node ID. This will allow proper handling nodes like `[x, y] = Main.get_point` once the engine will support them.
- Renames all `ReactiveIndex` and `ReactiveDb`s into the format `<key>To<value>`
- `ReactiveMapping`s (in `graphDatabase.ts`) currently have not been renamed - I'm not sure they need to be
- Removes various methods that have been made unnecessary by this change
- Simplifies some other methods
- Changes `SuggestionDb` to extend `ReactiveDb`
# Important Notes
- Adds a download button in the user menu
# Important Notes
- The "upgrade to" button will be absent when the user already has a plan, as the only place where an "upgrade to" button shows up is the cloud view, when the user's account has not yet been enabled.
- The upgrade button currently links to https://enso.org/pricing - which does not yet exist. This is intentional, as another PR would be required to switch the URL, if we were to initially point to the one at https://enso-org.github.io.
- The pricing page would still not work, as that requires payment functionality, which is not yet complete
- Add a `File_For_Read` type. Used for `File_Format` to read files.
- Added `Enso_User` representing the current user in `Enso_Cloud`.
- *Will be later able to list known users.*
- Added `Enso_Secret` representing a value defined in `Enso_Cloud`.
- Value not used within Enso only accessed within polyglot Java.
- Integrated into `Username_And_Password` and can be used within JDBC connections.
- Integrated into HTTP Headers so a secret can be used as a value.
- New `URI_With_Query` with the same API as `URI`. Supporting secrets in the value.
- *Will be integrated with AWS credentials.*
- Added `Enso_File` representing a file or a folder in the cloud.
- Support the same API as `File` (like the `S3_File`).
- *Will support `enso://` URI style access.*
- update: always create an event log next to the profiling file when the engine is started with the `--profiling-path` flag
- remove: `--profiling-events-log-path` flag
- Closes#8071
# Important Notes
There is currently no way to predict the width a node, taking into account the width of widgets.
This should probably be done in another task.
Addresses several issues found during book club.
- Add placeholder icons for visualizations (see screenshot)
- Also add the corresponding export to visualizations, and relevant support in the visualization store and visualization metadata DB.
- Show icon both on the visualization selector button, and in each visualization selector entry
- Adjust gaps between visualization selector entries
- Port table viz fixes (#8102) to Vue
- Fix height of table rows to avoid cutting off descenders on letters like `y` and `g`
- Make the space and enter keys work on visualization toolbar buttons, if they are selected
- `.blur()` code editor when clicking outside of it
- And similarly `.blur()` visualization selector
- Move selection brush on scroll by scaling the delta of `scrollTop` and `scrollLeft`
- Note that mouse position is technically still incorrect when scrolling past the end. I think this is fine - the new behavior is less broken, plus I am not aware of any way to fix this.
# Important Notes
Ensure that `-Dbench.compileOnly` system property is correctly forwarded to the benchmarks' runner. So that in the CI Engine tests, benchmarks are *dry run*.
# Important Notes
- Fixes dry run benchmarks in Engine Test Action
- Fixes Engine Benchmark Action
- add: `profiling/snapshot` request that takes a heap dump of the language server and puts it in the `ENSO_DATA_DIRECTORY/profiling` direcotry
Attaching or modifying a visualizations returns early on, to avoid a situation when a background job is stalled (by other jobs) and eventually the request timeouts.
This has an unfortunate consequence that any error reported in the `UpsertVisualizationJob` cannot be reported as a directly reply to a request because the sender has already been removed from the list.
Added more logs to discover why we get errors in the first place.
Modified the API a bit so that we carry `VisualizationContext` instead of three parameters all over the place.
Modified `JsonRpcServerTestKit` to implicitly require a position so that we get better error reporting on failures.
- Closes#8304
# Important Notes
- A better long-term solution may be to remove COOP/COEP/CORP headers instead, but that is out of scope of this PR.
- Feel free to create a new issue, or discuss elsewhere, if this is something we want to do eventually
Upgrade to GraalVM JDK 21.
> java -version
openjdk version "21" 2023-09-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment GraalVM CE 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM GraalVM CE 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15, mixed mode, sharing)
With SDKMan, download with `sdk install java 21-graalce`.
# Important Notes
- After this PR, one can theoretically run enso with any JRE with version at least 21.
- Removed `sbt bootstrap` hack and all the other build time related hacks related to the handling of GraalVM distribution.
- `project-manager` remains backward compatible - it can open older engines with runtimes. New engines now do no longer require a separate runtime to be downloaded.
- sbt does not support compilation of `module-info.java` files in mixed projects - https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/3368
- Which means that we can have `module-info.java` files only for Java-only projects.
- Anyway, we need just a single `module-info.class` in the resulting `runtime.jar` fat jar.
- `runtime.jar` is assembled in `runtime-with-instruments` with a custom merge strategy (`sbt-assembly` plugin). Caching is disabled for custom merge strategies, which means that re-assembly of `runtime.jar` will be more frequent.
- Engine distribution contains multiple JAR archives (modules) in `component` directory, along with `runner/runner.jar` that is hidden inside a nested directory.
- The new entry point to the engine runner is [EngineRunnerBootLoader](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/7991/files#diff-9ab172d0566c18456472aeb95c4345f47e2db3965e77e29c11694d3a9333a2aa) that contains a custom ClassLoader - to make sure that everything that does not have to be loaded from a module is loaded from `runner.jar`, which is not a module.
- The new command line for launching the engine runner is in [distribution/bin/enso](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/7991/files#diff-0b66983403b2c329febc7381cd23d45871d4d555ce98dd040d4d1e879c8f3725)
- [Newest version of Frgaal](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/frgaal/compiler/20.0.1/) (20.0.1) does not recognize `--source 21` option, only `--source 20`.
- add: `profiling/start` request starts the sampler and starts collecting runtime events to the log file
- add: `profiling/stop` request stop the sampler and write the profiling data to the `$ENSO_DATA_DIR/profiling` directory
- refactor: rewrite the profiling logic into Java
Fixes a random crash (*) during instrumentation. Notice how `onTailCallReturn` calls `onReturnValue` with `null` frame.
Bonus: noticed that for some reason we weren't getting logs for `ExecutionService`. This turned out to be the problem with the logger name which by default was `[enso]` not
`[enso.org.enso.interpreter.service.ExecutionService`] and there is some logic there that normalizes the name and assumed a dot after `enso`. This change fixes the logic.
[enso.org.enso.interpreter.service.ExecutionService] Execution of function main failed (Cannot invoke "com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame.materialize()" because "frame" is null).
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame.materialize()" because "frame" is null
at org.enso.interpreter.instrument.IdExecutionInstrument$IdEventNodeFactory$IdExecutionEventNode.onReturnValue(IdExecutionInstrument.java:246)
at org.enso.interpreter.instrument.IdExecutionInstrument$IdEventNodeFactory$IdExecutionEventNode.onTailCallReturn(IdExecutionInstrument.java:274)
at org.enso.interpreter.instrument.IdExecutionInstrument$IdEventNodeFactory$IdExecutionEventNode.onReturnExceptional(IdExecutionInstrument.java:258)
at org.graalvm.truffle/com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.ProbeNode$EventProviderChainNode.innerOnReturnExceptional(ProbeNode.java:1395)
at org.graalvm.truffle/com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.ProbeNode$EventChainNode.onReturnExceptional(ProbeNode.java:1031)
at org.graalvm.truffle/com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.ProbeNode.onReturnExceptionalOrUnwind(ProbeNode.java:296)
at org.enso.interpreter.node.ExpressionNodeWrapper.executeGeneric(ExpressionNodeWrapper.java:119)
at org.enso.interpreter.node.ClosureRootNode.execute(ClosureRootNode.java:85)
at jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.executeRootNode(OptimizedCallTarget.java:718)
at jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.profiledPERoot(OptimizedCallTarget.java:641)
at jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.callBoundary(OptimizedCallTarget.java:574)
at jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.doInvoke(OptimizedCallTarget.java:558)
at jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.callDirect(OptimizedCallTarget.java:504)
at jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedDirectCallNode.call(OptimizedDirectCallNode.java:69)
at org.enso.interpreter.node.callable.thunk.ThunkExecutorNode.doCached(ThunkExecutorNode.java:69)
at org.enso.interpreter.node.callable.thunk.ThunkExecutorNodeGen.executeAndSpecialize(ThunkExecutorNodeGen.java:207)
at org.enso.interpreter.node.callable.thunk.ThunkExecutorNodeGen.executeThunk(ThunkExecutorNodeGen.java:167)
# Important Notes
Fixes regressions introduced in #8148 and #8162
- Add Google Analytics
- Add cross-domain linking between website homepage and cloud dashboard
- Highlight buttons on authentication flows on hover
- Save logged in state as `logged_in` cookie
- Remove saved access token from disk when signing out
- Support `redirect_to` parameter on `/register` page
# Important Notes
This change fixes a regression introduced in #7918, which prevented the execution from setting the right log level either via env var or parameter.
Now passing either of the options returns logs of the expected level in the log file:
- ... `-vv` ...
Fixes: #8230
Fixes some rare cases caught by property tests, involving nodes with 0 width. `MultiRange` does not handle those. The thing is fixed by not using MultiRange, but by sorting nodes by the axis along which we're searching for free place.
All three reported seeds seem to be fixed.
# Important Notes
`MultiRange` is not used now, but I decided to spare it, violating YAGNI rule, as it is tested, and I feel it's a structure which may be useful.
Also, improved handling of multiple files – they are placed with a small vertical gap now.
The design for uploading files is non-existent, so I implemented something simple and good-looking. We can easily adjust it at any time.
You can’t move or otherwise interact with nodes while they are uploading.