- add: `desktop-environment` Java module to detect user environment configuration
- add: `ProjectsMigration` module containing the migration logic of the enso projects directory
- update: updated and cleaned up unused settings from the storage config
- add: `desktopEnvironment` TS module to detect user environment configuration in the `project-manager-shim`
- update: `project-manager-shim` with the new user projects directory
The current implementation contains logic that should enable us to make some backward compatibility config changes.
At the same time, the logic is tightly integrated with circe's JSON library, which we want to eventually to get rid off.
Rather than trying to keep it somehow around and maintain via some hacks this PR proposes to ditch that logic completely as we currently have no use-case for such scenarios.
As a result, classes modelling YAML configs now don't have the extra fields and there is 1:1 correspondence.
Performance has also improved although that wasn't the main objective, yet. Follow up PR will attempt to replace `circe-yaml` with `snakeyaml` directly.
In preparation for #9113. Note that the dependency upgrade is necessary because it brings latest available `snakeyaml` (as part of `circe-yaml`).
Reducing the number of dependencies. Explicit `cats` are almost gone (present in `cli`). `enumeration` is completely gone. `cats` is also still included implicitly via `io.circe` but that's a different kind of beast.
Also, really removed `jackson` from dependencies by fixing the dependency on `http-test-helper`.
# Important Notes
In a number of places importing all cats implicits could be simply replaced with a single or two method calls. Not to mention that this will reduce compilation times due to reduced implicit search space.
One example of how the changes affect performance (not only startup):
![Screenshot from 2024-06-11 12-05-24](
![Screenshot from 2024-06-11 14-27-47](
(frequently executed)
![Screenshot from 2024-06-12 12-46-34](
Also appears to be gone.
This PR is by no means finished. The purge will continue in follow up PRs.
When `PROFILING_FILENAME` and `PROFILING_TIME` are set, language server will collect profiling data on startup and place it under `/opt/enso/profiling/$PROFILING_NAME` where it can be fetched from.
Needed to better analyze #9789.
`Bump` library uses parser combinators behind the scenes which are known to be good at expressing grammars but are not performance-oriented.
This change ditches the dependency in favour of an existing Java implementation. `jsemver` implements the full specification, which is probably an overkill in our case, but proved to be an almost drop-in replacement for the previous library.
# Important Notes
Peformance improvements:
- roughly 50ms compared to the previous approach (from 80ms to 20-40ms)
I don't see any time spent in the new implementation during startup so it could be potentially aggressively inlined.
Further more, we could use a facade and offer our own strip down version of semver.
Changes in project manager required to work with projects located in custom directories.
- add: `--projects-directory /path/to/projects` `--project-list` command line parameters returning the projects located in custom directory
- update: `project/create`, `project/open`, `project/delete`, `project/rename` commands to work with projects located in custom directories
The change adds a convenient trait `ReportLogsOnFailure` that, when merged with the test class, will keep logs in memory and only delegate to the underlying appender on failure. For now we only support forwarding to the console which is sufficient.
A corresponding entry in `application-test.conf` has to point to the new `memory` appender. The additional complexity in the implementation ensures that if someone forgets to mixin `ReportLogsOnFailure` logs appear as before i.e. they respect the log level.
As a bonus fixed arguments passed to ScalaTest in build.sbt so that we are now, again, showing timings of individual tests.
# Important Notes
[info] VcsManagerTest:
[info] Initializing project
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:03,366] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must create a repository (3 seconds, 538 milliseconds)
[info] - must fail to create a repository for an already existing project (141 milliseconds)
[info] Save project
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:08,346] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must create a commit with a timestamp (198 milliseconds)
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:08,570] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must create a commit with a name (148 milliseconds)
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:08,741] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must force all pending saves (149 milliseconds)
[info] Status project
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:08,910] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must report changed files since last commit (148 milliseconds)
[info] Restore project
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:09,076] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must reset to the last state with committed changes (236 milliseconds)
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:09,328] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must reset to a named save (pending)
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:09,520] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] - must reset to a named save and notify about removed files *** FAILED *** (185 milliseconds)
[info] Right({
[info] "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
[info] "method" : "file/event",
[info] "params" : {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "cd84a4a3-fa50-4ead-8d80-04f6d0d124a3",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }
[info] }) did not equal Right({
[info] "jsonrpc" : "1.0",
[info] "method" : "file/event",
[info] "params" : {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "cd84a4a3-fa50-4ead-8d80-04f6d0d124a3",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }
[info] }) (VcsManagerTest.scala:1343)
[info] Analysis:
[info] Right(value: Json$JObject(value: object[jsonrpc -> "2.0",method -> "file/event",params -> {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "cd84a4a3-fa50-4ead-8d80-04f6d0d124a3",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }] -> object[jsonrpc -> "1.0",method -> "file/event",params -> {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "cd84a4a3-fa50-4ead-8d80-04f6d0d124a3",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }]))
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:27:09,734] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/3607843843826594318].
[info] List project saves
[info] - must return all explicit commits (146 milliseconds)
[info] Run completed in 9 seconds, 270 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 9
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 8, failed 1, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 1
[info] *** 1 TEST FAILED ***
[info] VcsManagerTest:
[info] Initializing project
[info] - must create a repository (3 seconds, 554 milliseconds)
[info] - must fail to create a repository for an already existing project (164 milliseconds)
[info] Save project
[info] - must create a commit with a timestamp (212 milliseconds)
[info] - must create a commit with a name (142 milliseconds)
[info] - must force all pending saves (185 milliseconds)
[info] Status project
[info] - must report changed files since last commit (142 milliseconds)
[info] Restore project
[info] - must reset to the last state with committed changes (202 milliseconds)
[info] - must reset to a named save (pending)
[ERROR] [2024-01-04 17:24:55,738] [] Cannot read the package definition from [/tmp/8456553964637757156].
[info] - must reset to a named save and notify about removed files *** FAILED *** (186 milliseconds)
[info] Right({
[info] "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
[info] "method" : "file/event",
[info] "params" : {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "965ed5c8-1760-4284-91f2-1376406fde0d",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }
[info] }) did not equal Right({
[info] "jsonrpc" : "1.0",
[info] "method" : "file/event",
[info] "params" : {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "965ed5c8-1760-4284-91f2-1376406fde0d",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }
[info] }) (VcsManagerTest.scala:1343)
[info] Analysis:
[info] Right(value: Json$JObject(value: object[jsonrpc -> "2.0",method -> "file/event",params -> {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "965ed5c8-1760-4284-91f2-1376406fde0d",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }] -> object[jsonrpc -> "1.0",method -> "file/event",params -> {
[info] "path" : {
[info] "rootId" : "965ed5c8-1760-4284-91f2-1376406fde0d",
[info] "segments" : [
[info] "src",
[info] "Bar.enso"
[info] ]
[info] },
[info] "kind" : "Removed"
[info] }]))
[info] List project saves
[info] - must return all explicit commits (131 milliseconds)
[info] Run completed in 9 seconds, 400 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 9
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 8, failed 1, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 1
[info] *** 1 TEST FAILED ***
Make sure that the correct test logging provider is loaded in `project-manager/Test`, so that only WARN and ERROR log messages are displayed. Also, make sure that the test log provider parses the correct configuration file - Rename all the `application.conf` files in the test resources to `application-test.conf`.
The problem was introduced in #8467
This is a follow-up of #7991. #7991 broken `runtime-version-manager`. This is mostly reverts.
### Important Notes
Launcher now correctly recognizes that the newest engine needs some runtime:
> java -jar launcher.jar list
Enso 2023.2.1-nightly.2023.10.31 -> GraalVM 23.0.0-java17.0.7
Enso 0.0.0-dev -> GraalVM 23.1.0-java21.0.1
(this has not worked before)
- update: always create an event log next to the profiling file when the engine is started with the `--profiling-path` flag
- remove: `--profiling-events-log-path` flag
Upgrade to GraalVM JDK 21.
> java -version
openjdk version "21" 2023-09-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment GraalVM CE 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM GraalVM CE 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15, mixed mode, sharing)
With SDKMan, download with `sdk install java 21-graalce`.
# Important Notes
- After this PR, one can theoretically run enso with any JRE with version at least 21.
- Removed `sbt bootstrap` hack and all the other build time related hacks related to the handling of GraalVM distribution.
- `project-manager` remains backward compatible - it can open older engines with runtimes. New engines now do no longer require a separate runtime to be downloaded.
- sbt does not support compilation of `` files in mixed projects -
- Which means that we can have `` files only for Java-only projects.
- Anyway, we need just a single `module-info.class` in the resulting `runtime.jar` fat jar.
- `runtime.jar` is assembled in `runtime-with-instruments` with a custom merge strategy (`sbt-assembly` plugin). Caching is disabled for custom merge strategies, which means that re-assembly of `runtime.jar` will be more frequent.
- Engine distribution contains multiple JAR archives (modules) in `component` directory, along with `runner/runner.jar` that is hidden inside a nested directory.
- The new entry point to the engine runner is [EngineRunnerBootLoader]( that contains a custom ClassLoader - to make sure that everything that does not have to be loaded from a module is loaded from `runner.jar`, which is not a module.
- The new command line for launching the engine runner is in [distribution/bin/enso](
- [Newest version of Frgaal]( (20.0.1) does not recognize `--source 21` option, only `--source 20`.
This change fixes a regression introduced in #7918, which prevented the execution from setting the right log level either via env var or parameter.
Now passing either of the options returns logs of the expected level in the log file:
- ... `-vv` ...
* Reduce extra output in compilation and tests
I couldn't stand the amount of extra output that we got when compiling
a clean project and when executing regular tests. We should strive to
keep output clean and not print anything additional to stdout/stderr.
* Getting rid of explicit setup by service loading
In order for SL4J to use service loading correctly had to upgrade to
latest slf4j. Unfortunately `TestLogProvider` which essentially
delegates to `logback` provider will lead to spurious ambiguous warnings
on multiple providers. In order to dictate which one to use and
therefore eliminate the warnings we can use the `slf4j.provider` env
var, which is only available in slf4j 2.x.
Now, there is no need to explicitly call `LoggerSetup.get().setup()` as
that is being called during service setup.
* legal review
* linter
* Ensure ConsoleHandler uses the default level
ConsoleHandler's constructor uses `Level.INFO` which is unnecessary for
* report warnings
* Add support for https and wss
Preliminary support for https and wss. During language server startup we
will read the application config and search for the `https` config with
necessary env vars set.
The configuration supports two modes of creating ssl-context - via
PKCS12 format and certificat+private key.
* Added tests, improved documentation
Generic improvements along with actual tests.
* lint
* more docs + wss support
* changelog
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-authored-by: Dmitry Bushev <>
* PR comment
* typo
* lint
* make windows line endings happy
Co-authored-by: Dmitry Bushev <>
* Enable log-to-file configuration
PR #7825 enabled parallel logging to a file with a much more
fine-grained log level by default.
However, logging at `TRACE` level on Windows appears to be still
This PR reduced the default log level to file from `DEBUG` to `TRACE`
and allows to control it via an environment variable if one wishes to
change the verbosity without making code changes.
* PR comments
- update: project manager uses the packaged language server to open projects
- fix: remove stack traces from connection errors on initial ping handler request (when the language server is booting)
- update: add engine and edition versions to the `initProtocolConnection` response for easier debug
- update: do not resolve project ensoVersion in the `project/list` to eliminate unnecessary network calls
* Always log verbose to a file
The change adds an option by default to always log to a file with
verbose log level.
The implementation is a bit tricky because in the most common use-case
we have to always log in verbose mode to a socket and only later apply
the desired log levels. Previously socket appender would respect the
desired log level already before forwarding the log.
If by default we log to a file, verbose mode is simply ignored and does
not override user settings.
To test run `project-manager` with `ENSO_LOGSERVER_APPENDER=console` env
variable. That will output to the console with the default `INFO` level
and `TRACE` log level for the file.
* add docs
* changelog
* Address some PR requests
1. Log INFO level to CONSOLE by default
2. Change runner's default log level from ERROR to WARN
Took a while to figure out why the correct log level wasn't being passed
to the language server, therefore ignoring the (desired) verbose logs
from the log file.
* linter
* 3rd party uses log4j for logging
Getting rid of the warning by adding a log4j over slf4j bridge:
ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath. Using SimpleLogger to log to the console...
* legal review update
* Make sure tests use test resources
Having `application.conf` in `src/main/resources` and `test/resources`
does not guarantee that in Tests we will pick up the latter. Instead, by
default it seems to do some kind of merge of different configurations,
which is far from desired.
* Ensure native launcher test log to console only
Logging to console and (temporary) files is problematic for Windows.
The CI also revealed a problem with the native configuration because it
was not possible to modify the launcher via env variables as everything
was initialized during build time.
* Adapt to method changes
* Potentially deal with Windows failures
* Improve shutdown logic of language server
This PR addresses problems mentioned in #7470 and #7729:
- shutting a language server explicitly will not lead to a soft shutdown
- `project/status` endpoint returns the state of the language server
`LanguageServerController` now also signed up for `ClientConnect`
messages. For it to be unambiguous, we need to carry around the port
number of the language server as a way of identifying the right one.
One can now use `project/status` to additionally determine the state of
the language server.
Also relies on a proper fix for #7765.
* changelog
* PR comments
This change replaces Enso's custom logger with an existing, mostly off the shelf logging implementation. The change attempts to provide a 1:1 replacement for the existing solution while requiring only a minimal logic for the initialization.
Loggers are configured completely via `logging-server` section in `application.conf` HOCON file, all initial logback configuration has been removed. This opens up a lot of interesting opportunities because we can benefit from all the well maintained slf4j implementations without being to them in terms of functionality.
Most important differences have been outlined in `docs/infrastructure/`.
# Important Notes
- #7253
- #6739
When building the dev IDE version with `./run ide build`, it creates the engine distribution with version `2023.2.1-dev`. This causes the version check to fail preventing opening the projects.
- Closes#6730
- Changes config to allow environment variables to override server host and port
- Adds port scanning to Electron app to ensure the PM is started at a free port
# Important Notes
- `SERVER_PORT=abcd enso.AppImage` does NOT work. It would not be difficult to implement, but it probably needs discussion on how exactly it should be implemented - for example, `SERVER_PORT` is quite a generic name, should the Electron app pass though something like `ENSO_PM_SERVER_PORT` to the PM as `SERVER_PORT` instead?
⚠️ Port scanning is *only* implemented in the JS frontend. It is not implemented:
- In Scala, because the JS/Rust code calling it needs to know the port as well. There shouldn't be any problems with adding port scanning though, if that's desired
- In Rust, because I'm not sure parsing the host and port from a string is a good idea.
- (This also applies to JS, but it *must* work in JS, and port scanning is already a dependency there so it's quite a bit easier)
- QA *will* need a new PM (`sbt buildProjectManagerDistribution` or `./run backend sbt` -> `buildProjectManagerDistribution`), and the path must be supplied as: `-engine.project-manager-path=path/to/new/pm/here`
Looks like that
[info] [2023-08-23T13:12:58.119Z] [org.enso.projectmanager.boot.ProjectManager$] Starting Enso Project Manager
Version: 0.0.0-dev
Built with: scala-2.13.11 for GraalVM 17.0.7
Built from: wip/db/fix-dev-version-check* @ 52bc6b8fcf
Built on: Linux (amd64)
After moving the rename action to the dashboard, IDE is unaware of the new project name. PR implements a new `refactoring/projectRenamed` notification that is sent from the server to clients and informs them about the changed project name.
# Important Notes
close#7345#7254 introduced a delayed shutdown timeout. The `LanguageServerGateway` timeout should include the delayed shutdown time to prevent false timeouts.
- Previous GraalVM update:
Removed warnings:
- Remove deprecated `ConditionProfile.createCountingProfile()`.
- Add `@Shared` to some `@Cached` parameters (Truffle now emits warnings about potential `@Share` usage).
- Specialization method names should not start with execute
- Add limit attribute to some specialization methods
- Add `@NeverDefault` for some cached initializer expressions
- Add `@Idempotent` or `@NonIdempotent` where appropriate
BigInteger and potential Node inlining are tracked in follow-up issues.
# Important Notes
For `SDKMan` users:
sdk install java 17.0.7-graalce
sdk use java 17.0.7-graalce
For other users - download link can be found at
Release notes:
R component was dropped from the release 23.0.0, only `python` is available to install via `gu install python`.
* Delay LS shutdown when last client disconnects
Rather than closing Language Server immediately, we delay the shutdown
until some timeout hits. This gives a chance for new clients to connect
without paying the price of the initialization again.
More importantly, during hibernation/restart, the connection between
client (IDE) and LS is severed so it appears as if client disconnect. In
fact a few moments later IDE would attempt to re-establish the
connection on the same port. Without this change, LS shutsdown and
further attempts to connect on that particular port will fail.
There are still problems on the IDE-side after waking up from
hibernation but it is not related to Language Server.
* Introduce a separate timeout for delayed shutdown
Can't/shouldn't use the same timeout value as for shutdown timeout for
delaying shutdowns initiated by lack of clients.
* Add test demonstrating the new functionality
The current instructions to _build, use and debug_ `project-manager` and its engine/ls process are complicated and require a lot of symlinks to properly point to each other. This pull requests simplifies all of that by introduction of `ENSO_ENGINE_PATH` and `ENSO_JVM_PATH` environment variables. Then it hides all the complexity behind a simple _sbt command_: `runProjectManagerDistribution --debug`.
# Important Notes
I decided to tackle this problem as I have three repositories with different branches of Enso and switching between them requires me to mangle the symlinks. I hope I will not need to do that anymore with the introduction of the `runProjectManagerDistribution` command.
- add: `/projects/{project_id}/enso_project` HTTP endpoint returning an `.enso-project` archive structure
- update: archive enso project to a `.enso-project` `.tar.gz` archive
- update: make project `path` a required field
As discovered in #7224, Json RPC protocol was added to the asynchronous resource initialization stage, as part of #6306, but was not in fact initialized at that point.
Instead it was initialized when the server was started to be able to serve correctly the initialization messages. A classic Catch-22. It was really hard to discover this just by looking at the code, but the profiling clearly showed where the time was spent.
This change splits Language Server's protocol into two:
- the first one accepts `heartbeat/init` and `session/initProtocolConnection`
- the second one enriches it with the full set of supported messages
This shifts the initialization from blocking for 0.5 sec to only ~30ms, and performing the second stage asynchronously.
# Important Notes
Before the change (blocking server startup):
![Screenshot from 2023-07-05 18-53-24](
![Screenshot from 2023-07-05 18-53-10](
After the change (1st stage):
![Screenshot from 2023-07-06 14-02-34](
After the change (2nd, asynchronous initialization, stage):
![Screenshot from 2023-07-06 14-21-17](
It is relatively easy to reach timeouts on weak systems for startup
operations on project manager. Once a timeout is reached, startup will
not proceed any further.
This PR is a bit of an experiment. It adds adds timeout retries to give a bit of a leeway to
under-powered machines and to log some progress on the way, so that we
know that certain actions are still in progress.
Package's config information, once loaded, never changed. While there is typically no need for it, this was problematic when the config became out-of-sync with the filesystem, like in the case of project rename action.
In rename, the config's properties would be updated in the FS, but that would never be reflected in module's package. Therefore further compilations would continue to ask for the old namespace.
Most of the changes are cosmetic (s/`.config`/`.getConfig()`) except for the new `reloadConfig` method on `Package` that is being called in `RenameProjectCmd` handler.
# Important Notes
The reported `ExecutionFailed` error should have been mostly fixed already via #7143. This change makes sure that all the related warnings are gone as well and the compiler uses the updated namespace.