Kaz Wesley e47bdd3e17
Implement full new-lambda syntax (#10756)
Implement full `ArgumentDefinition` syntax for new-lambda arguments, e.g `\a=1 (b:Integer = 23)-> a + b`; add backend support for new lambdas.

Emit an error when any syntactic operator is used outside of its associated syntax (fixes #10473).

Phase out complex arguments for old-lambdas: It is now a syntax error to specify default arguments for an old-lambda. This capability had no usage in real code; affected tests have been updated to test new lambdas. For now, old lambdas can continue to be used with simple arguments; if default arguments are desired, a new-style lambda can be used.
2024-08-06 17:02:32 +00:00

450 lines
16 KiB

layout: developer-doc
title: Defining Functions
category: syntax
tags: [syntax, functions]
order: 10
# Defining Functions
Enso is a purely-functional programming language. As a result it has support for
[first-class and higher-order functions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_programming#First-class_and_higher-order_functions),
meaning that you can pass functions as arguments to other functions, return
functions from functions, assign them to variables, store them in data
structures and so on.
Functions in Enso are curried by default, meaning that all functions are
actually functions in one argument, but may return functions accepting further
<!-- MarkdownTOC levels="2,3" autolink="true" -->
- [Lambdas](#lambdas)
- [Defining Functions](#defining-functions)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Calling Functions and Methods](#calling-functions-and-methods)
- [Code Blocks](#code-blocks)
- [Operators](#operators)
- [Precedence](#precedence)
- [Sections](#sections)
- [Mixfix Functions](#mixfix-functions)
<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->
## Lambdas
A lambda is an anonymous function introduced by the `\` operator, followed by
any arguments definitions, followed by the `->` operator and a body expression,
e.g. `\a b -> a + b`.
Argument definitions: Each argument may have any combination of:
- a suspension operator `~`
- a type declaration `: Type`
- a default value `= value` (when used in conjunction with a type declaration,
the type declaration must come first)
The full syntax is: `\((~a:Type) = value) -> a`. The parentheses can be omitted
when they contain no spaces.
Lambdas can close over variables in their surrounding scope.
## Old Lambdas
(The original lambda syntax, described below, will eventually be removed.)
The most primitive non-atom construct in Enso is the lambda. This is an
anonymous function in one argument. A lambda is defined using the `->` operator,
where the left hand side is an argument, and the right hand side is the body of
the function (containing arbitrary code).
Some functional languages such as Haskell allow for the definition of a lambda
with multiple arguments, but in Enso the type signature use of `->`and the
lambda use of `->` are one and the same. We do not want to have to put the
components of a type signature in parentheses, so we only allow one argument
before each arrow.
- Lambdas can close over variables in their surrounding scope.
- If you want to define a multi-argument lambda, you can do it by having a
lambda return another lambda (e.g. `a -> b -> a + b`).
Additionally, lambdas in Enso have the following properties:
- The lambda introduces a new scope shared by the left and right operands.
- The left operand introduces a pattern context.
- If a lambda occurs in a pattern context, its left-hand-side identifiers are
introduced into the scope targeted by the outer pattern context. For example,
the following is valid `(a -> b) -> a.default + b`.
- Lambdas cannot currently occur in a matching context.
Please note that if a later lambda in a chain shadows an earlier lambda (e.g.
`a -> a -> a`), the shadowed arguments by that name are inaccessible. If you
want to unify later arguments with previous ones, you must employ the scope
reference rule and write (in this case) `a -> A -> a`.
> The actionables for this section are:
> - In the future we want to be able to match on function types, so this
> restriction should be relaxed.
> - Do we want any automated unification to take place in the shadowing case?
## Defining Functions
A function definition is just syntactic sugar for the definition of a lambda,
and hence has all the properties that a lambda does. Syntactically, functions
are defined in a similar way to variables. The only difference is that the
function name is followed by one or more parameters.
sum x y = x + y
Under the hood, functions are desugared to a lambda assigned to a variable that
binds the function name. This means that:
- Like any variable, you can use the `:` type ascription operator to provide a
user-defined type for the function.
sum : (a:Monoid) -> a -> a
sum : x -> y -> x + y
sum x y = x + y
- Functions have an _arity_. Unlike a single lambda which always has an arity of
one, function arity refers to the number of arguments in the function
definition, which may not always be deduced from the type signature, but may
still be inferred.
## Methods
Enso makes a distinction between functions and methods. In Enso, a method is a
function where the first argument (known as the `self` argument) is associated
with a given atom. Methods are dispatched dynamically based on the type of the
`self` argument, while functions are not.
Methods can be defined in Enso in two ways:
1. **In the Body of a Type:** A function defined in the body of a `type`
definition is automatically converted to a method on all the atoms defined in
the body of that type definition. If the function has `self` parameter, it is
called an _instance method_. If the function does not have `self` parameter,
it is called a _static method_.
type Maybe a
Just (value : a)
is_just self = case self of
Maybe.Nothing -> False
Maybe.Just _ -> True
2. **As an Extension Method:** A function defined _explicitly_ on a type counts
as an extension method on that type. An _extension_ method can be _static_ or
_instance_, depending on whether the `self` argument is present or not.
Number.floor self = case self of
Integer -> ...
3. **As a module method:** A function defined outside the body of a type and
without explicit `self` argument, is considered a _module method_.
module_method x y = x + y
If the user does not explicitly specify the `self` argument by name when
defining a method (e.g. they use the `Type.name` syntax), it is implicitly added
to the start of the argument list.
Note that the following methods defined in the body of type and as an extension
method are equivalent:
type My_Type
method self = 42
My_Type.method self = 42
## Calling Functions and Methods
Enso makes the distinction between functions and methods. Methods are entities
that are dispatched _dynamically_ and looked up at runtime, while functions are
defined locally and are looked up at compile time. In order to provide good
diagnostics, we distinguish between how functions and methods are called.
- To call a function `f` on arguments `a` and `b`, we write `f a b`.
- To call a method `f` defined on a type `A` (value `a`, here) on argument `b`,
we write `a.f b`. This instance method can also be called via a _static_
method with `A.f a b`, which is equivalent to `a.f b`.
## Code Blocks
Top-level blocks in the language are evaluated immediately. This means that the
layout of the code has no impact on semantics of the code:
- This means that the following `a` and `b` are equivalent.
a = foo x y
b =
foo x y
- To suspend blocks, we provide a `suspend` function in the standard library.
- This function takes any expression as an argument (including a block), and
suspends the execution of that expression such that it is not evaluated until
forced later.
susp = suspend
x = foo x y z
Alternatively, it is sufficient to type the binding for the block as
`Suspended a` where `a` is the type of the block.
susp : Suspended a =
x = foo x y z
It should be noted that this does not yet work.
The following rules apply to code blocks:
- Code blocks are desugared into in-order applications of monadic bind (as in
keeping with the fact that all blocks are monadic contexts).
- If an expression that returns a value is not assigned to an identifier, this
will issue a warning.
- To suppress this warning you can assign it to a blank (`_`).
test =
_ = expr1
# Becomes
test =
expr1 >>= (_ -> expr2)
# Equivalent to
test =
expr1 >> expr2
- If the trailing line of the block (the return value) is an assignment, it will
return `Nothing` as all assignments do.
foo =
pat1 = expr1
# Becomes
foo =
expr1 >>= (pat1 -> Nothing)
## Operators
In Enso, an operator is a function with a non-alphanumeric name (e.g. `+`). We
only support binary operators, with left and right arguments.
Enso provides a significant amount of flexibility for developers who want to
define custom operators. Formally, any sequence of the following characters
forms an operators `.!$%&*+-/<>?^~\`. Operator definitions have three main
- **Definition:** This defines a function that is called on the arguments
provided to the operator.
- **Precedence:** This is an optional block that defines the
[precedence relation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations) for
the operator. Precedence in Enso is specified _in relation_ to existing
operators. If you do not provide this information, no precedence relations
will be defined.
- **Associativity:** This is an optional block that defines the
[operator associativity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operator_associativity)
to be either `left`, `right`, or `none`. If you do not provide this, the
operator's associativity will default to `left`.
@prec [> *, < $]
@assoc left
^ a n = a * a ^ (n-1)
### Type Ascriptions and Operator Resolution
Just like with any other function definition in Enso operator arguments may be
associated with _type ascriptions_. Having a type `Num` we can add `+` operator
to it as:
Num.+ self that:Num -> Num = # add somehow
This inlined ascribed arguments increase type safety of the program by checking
the types of values passed as arguments at runtime and yielding a `Type_Error`
automatically when the types don't match. Moreover they support flexibility by
_automatically using conversions_ when the actual argument values don't match,
but there is a way to make them match. Should there be a conversion from an
Num.from (that:Integer) = # convert somehow
then one can invoke the `+` on `Num` with `Integer` argument:
add_five n:Num = n+5
the above statement first converts the `Integer` literal `5` used as second
argument of the operator to `Num` using the above defined `Num.from` conversion
method and then it invokes the `Num.+` operator with `n` and `Num` value
representing `5` obtained from the conversion method. This is a regular behavior
of every Enso function.
However, in order to support extensibility of types, the operators also offer
additional resolution _based on `that` argument_. Because (while it is possible
to write `add_five` method as shown above) the following wouldn't be properly
typed according to standard Enso function dispatch rules:
five_add n:Num = 5+n
this would fail as the `Integer.+` expects both arguments to be `Integer` and
here we are trying to pass `Num` as the second argument. Should `+` be a regular
function (and not an operator) we would get `Type_Error`. However the special
**binary operator resolution based on `that` argument** kicks in and finds out
the `that` argument type is `Num` and the type `Num` also defines `+` operator.
Moreover there is a conversion from `Integer` (type of the `self` argument) to
`Num`. Hence the Enso runtime system decides to convert `5` to `Num` and perform
the addition by invoking `Num.+`. This behavior allows one to write libraries
that extend existing number types with `Complex_Number`, `Rational_Number` and
make them behave as first class citizen numbers.
### Custom Equality
The `==` operator is special. A consistency with hash code is necessary to make
any Enso object behave correctly and work effectively in `Set` and `Map`
implementations. To guarantee such level of consistency there is a `Any.==`
definition providing _universal equality_ that **shall not be overriden**.
The `==` behavior is predefined for builtin types, atoms and other Enso objects.
In addition to that it remains possible to define own _comparators_, including a
comparator capable to work with already existing types. To create such
comparator define:
- conversion between existing type and the new type (as described in
[previous section](#type-ascriptions-and-operator-resolution))
- comparator (see documentation of `Ordering` type)
- define **two conversion method** that return the same comparator
To extend the previous definition of `Num` also for equality one might do for
type Num_Comparator
compare a:Num b:Num = # compare somehow
hash a:Num = # hash somehow
Num.from (that:Integer) = # convert somehow
Comparable.from (_:Num) = Num_Comparator
Comparable.from (_:Integer) = Num_Comparator
with such a structure the internal implementation of `Any.==` performs necessary
conversions of `Integer` argument in case the other argument is `Num` and
invokes the `Num_Comparator.compare` to handle the comparision.
A care must be taken to keep consistency between `hash` values of original and
converted types - e.g. hash of `n:Integer` and hash of `Num.from n` must be the
same (otherwise consistency required for `Set` and `Map` would be compromised).
### Precedence
Operator precedence in Enso is a collection of rules that reflect conventions
about which operations to perform first in order to evaluate a given expression
that contains operators. However, operator precedence in Enso differs from many
other programming languages.
- Precedence is not set at fixed levels, but is instead defined in relation to
the precedence of other operators.
- Precedence of an operator in Enso depends on whether a particular operator is
surrounded by spaces or not. This means that the precedence of _any_ operator
not surrounded by spaces is always higher than the precedence of any operator
surrounded by spaces. The only exception to this rule is the `,` operator,
which retains the same precedence level regardless of whether it is surrounded
by spaces or not.
This space-based precedence may seem strange coming from other languages, but it
allows for writing _far_ cleaner code than other functional languages. This is
best demonstrated by example. Consider the following code:
list = 1 .. 100
randomList = list . each random
headOfList = randomList . take 10
result = headOfList . sort
This could easily be refactored to the following one-liner:
result = (((1 .. 100).each random).take 10).sort
This is still quite noisy, however, so using the whitespace-sensitive operator
precedence rules, combined with the fact that the operator `.` is a regular
operator, we get the following.
result = 1..100 . each random . take 10 . sort
### Sections
An operator section is a nice shorthand for partially applying an operator. It
works as follows.
- Where an argument is not applied to an operator, the missing argument is
replaced by an implicit `_`.
- The application is then translated based upon the rules for
[underscore arguments](./function-arguments.md#underscore-arguments) described
- The whitespace-based precedence rules discussed above also apply to operator
## Mixfix Functions
A mixfix function is a function that is made up of multiple sections. They are
defined using a special syntax, and operate as follows:
- They are defined using a 'split snake case'. The first section is written as
normal, but subsequent sections are prefixed by an underscore (`if c _then a`,
for example).
- The layout rules applied to mixfix functions operate as if each section was a
separate operator, allowing you to write an indented block of code after each
Probably the best-known example of a mixfix function is `if-then-else`, which is
indeed defined in the Enso standard library.
if foo == bar then frob else