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Enso Compiler IR

Enso IR, currently implemented in Scala, with base class org.enso.compiler.core.IR, is created from the output of the native parser. The IR is an immutable annotated AST subjected to multiple passes. Every pass is a class implementing the org.enso.compiler.pass.IRPass interface.

See Runtime roadmap - static analysis for future goals.


The IR can be visualized using --vm.D=enso.compiler.dumpIr system property. This will output a .dot file in GraphViz format in the ir-dumps directory for each IR in the program. The dot file format is a minimal textual format, that can be converted to a graphical representation using the dot command from the GraphViz package. For example, on Ubuntu, install dot with sudo apt install graphviz. Then, convert the .dot file to a .svg image with dot -Tsvg -o <output>.svg <input>.dot. An example is: image.svg

See org.enso.compiler.dump.IRDumper.