Dmitry Bushev d67f7a2b31
Add HTML Documentation API (#1758)
Add support for the HTML documentation chunks
2021-06-01 15:43:22 +03:00

12 KiB

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developer-doc Searcher runtime


The language auto-completion feature requires an ability to search the codebase using different search criteria. This document describes the Searcher module, which consists of the suggestions database and the ranking algorithm for ordering the results.

Suggestions Database

Suggestions database holds entries for fulfilling the auto-completion requests with additional indexes used to answer the different search criteria. The database is populated partially by analyzing the sources and enriched with the extra information from the runtime.

API data types for the suggestions database are specified in the Language Server Message Specification document.

Database Structure

Implementation utilizes the SQLite database.

Database is created per project and the database file stored in the project directory. That way the index can be preserved between the IDE restarts.

Suggestions Table

Suggestions table stores suggestion entries.

Column Type Description
id INTEGER the unique identifier
externalId UUID the external id from the IR
kind INTEGER the type of suggestion entry, i.e. Atom, Method, Function, or Local
module TEXT the module name
name TEXT the suggestion name
self_type TEXT the self type of the Method
return_type TEXT the return type of the entry
scope_start INTEGER the start position of the definition scope
scope_end INTEGER the end position of the definition scope
documentation TEXT the documentation string
documentation_html TEXT the documentation string rendered as HTML

Arguments Table

Arguments table stores all suggestion arguments with suggestion_id foreign key.

Column Type Description
id INTEGER the unique identifier
suggestion_id INTEGER the suggestion key this argument relates to
index INTEGER the argument position in the arguments list
name TEXT the argument name
type TEXT the argument type; const 'Any' is used to specify generic types
is_suspended INTEGER indicates whether the argument is lazy
has_defult INTEGER indicates whether the argument has default value
default_value TEXT the optional default value

Suggestions Version Table

Versions table has a single row with the current database version. The version is updated on every change in the suggestions table.

Column Type Description
id INTEGER the unique identifier representing the currend database version

File Versions Table

Keeps track of SHA versions of the opened files.

Column Type Description
path TEXT the unique identifier of the file
digest BLOB the SHA hash of the file contents

Schema Version Table

Schema version table has a single row with the current database schema version. It is used during the application startup to check that the database schema is up to date with the application version.

Column Type Description
id INTEGER unique identifier representing the currend database schema version

Suggestions Order Table

Suggestions order table stores the order of the module-level entries in the source file. suggestion_id column is a foreign key that refers to the id primary key in the Suggestions table.

Column Type Description
suggestion_id INTEGER the unique identifier of a suggestion
prev_id INTEGER the suggestion that goes before this one
next_id INTEGER the suggestion that goes after this one

Static Analysis

The database is filled by analyzing the Intermediate Representation (IR) parsed from the source.

Language constructs for suggestions database extracted from the IR:

  • Atoms
  • Methods
  • Functions
  • Local assignments
  • Documentation

In addition, it holds the locality information for each entry. Locality information specifies the scope where the node was defined, which is used in the results ranking algorithm.

Runtime Inspection

The IR is missing information about the types. Runtime instrumentation is used to capture the types and refine the database entries.

Information for suggestions database gathered in runtime:

  • Types

Search Indexes

The database allows searching the entries by the following criteria, applying the ranking algorithm:

  • name
  • type
  • documentation text
  • documentation tags

Results Ranking

The search result has an intrinsic ranking based on the scope and the type.


The results from the local scope have the highest rank in the search result. As the scope becomes wider, the rank decreases.

const_x = 42

main =
    x1 = 0
    foo x =
        x2 = x + 1
        calculate #

For example, when completing the argument of calculate: Number -> Number function, the search results will have the order of: x2 > x1 > const_x.


Suggestions based on the type are selected by matching with the string runtime type representation.


The searcher primarily consists of:

  • Suggestions database that stores suggestion entries and SHA hashes of the opened file contents.
  • Search requests handler that serves search and capability requests, and listens to the notifications from the runtime.
  • Suggestion builder (aka indexer) that extracts suggestion entries from IR in compile time.

                                  |         SuggestionsDB          |
                                  | SuggestionsRepo | VersionsRepo |
                                       ^                      ^
                                       |                      |
            Capability,Search          v                      v
 +--------+      Request     +---------+----------+        +--+------------------+
 | Client +<---------------->+ SuggestionsHandler |        | CollaborativeBuffer |
 +--------+ Database Update  +---------+----------+        +-------------------+-+
            Notifications              ^                  OpenFileNotification |
                                       |                  (isIndexed)          |
                                       |                                       v
                             |                   RuntimeConnector                      |
                                  ^          ^                                 |
        ExpressionValuesComputed  |          |  SuggestionsDBUpdate            |
                                  |          |                                 |
               +------------------+--+    +--+----------------+                |
               | ExecutionInstrument |    | EnsureCompiledJob |           +----+------+
               +---------------------+    +-------------------+           |  Module   |
                                          |                   | (re)index +-----------+
                                          | SuggestionBuilder +-----------+ isIndexed |
                                          |                   |           +-----------+


Indexing is a process of extracting suggestions information from the IR. To keep the index in the consistent state, the language server tracks SHA versions of all opened files in the suggestions database.

  • When the user opens a file, we compare its SHA hash with the saved digest. If they don't match, we mark the file for re-index by setting the corresponding flag in the OpenFile notification sent to the runtime. On receive, the runtime marks the module as not indexed.
  • When the file is compiled, we check the indexed flag on the module. If the module has not been indexed yet, we send all suggestions extracted from the IR as a ReIndexed update to the language server. If the module has been indexed, we only send suggestions that have been affected by the recent edits as a Database update.
  • When the language server receives ReIndexed update, it removes all suggestions related to this module, applies newly received updates, and sends a combined update of removed and added entries to the subscribed users. When the language server receives a regular Database update, it applies the update on the database and sends the appropriate updates to the subscribers.
  • When the user deletes a file, we remove all entries with the corresponding module from the database and update the users.

Suggestion Builder

The suggestion builder takes part in the indexing process. It extracts suggestions from the compiled IR. It also converts IR locations represented as an absolute char indexes (from the beginning of the file) to a position relative to a line used in the rest of the project.

Runtime Instrumentation

Apart from the type ascriptions, we can only get the return types of expressions in runtime. On the module execution, the language server listens to the ExpressionValuesComputed notifications sent from the runtime, which contain the external id and the actual return type. Then the language server uses external id as a key to update return types in the database.

Search Requests

The search request handler has direct access to the database. The completion request is more complicated then others. To query the database, it needs to convert the requested file path to the module name. To do this, on startup, the language server loads the package definition from the root directory and obtains the project name. Then, having the project name and the root directory path, it can recover the module name from the requested file path.

The project name can be changed with the refactoring renameProject command. To cover this case, the request handler listens to the ProjectNameChanged event and updates the project name accordingly.