Ratnadeep Joshi ce4b8122ae Some minor modifications to verbiage in documentation
Summary: [edenfs] Some minor modifications to verbiage in documentation

Reviewed By: chadaustin

Differential Revision: D22394129

fbshipit-source-id: 2d662e56d621fd5e5d5ba6de284ca3d08f8bd4e5
2020-07-06 22:20:17 -07:00

11 KiB

The EdenFS Daemon

EdenFS runs as a normal user space process. In general each user on a system will have their own long-lived EdenFS daemon process. The EdenFS daemon provides two primary interfaces for other processes to interact with it.

The first of these is the file system interface (FUSE on Linux and macOS, Projected FS on Windows), through which it exposes virtual filesystems. Other applications can interact with files and directories in EdenFS checkouts just like they would on any other normal local filesystem. This allows other applications to transparently interact with EdenFS checkouts without needing any specific knowledge of EdenFS.

Additionally, EdenFS also exposes a thrift interface. This allows EdenFS-aware applications to perform additional functionality that is not available through standard filesystem APIs. For instance, EdenFS exposes thrift APIs for checking out a different source control commit, comparing the current file system state to a given source control commit, efficiently performing glob queries against file names, getting file hashes, etc.

High Level System Overview

Mount Points

A single EdenFS daemon can manage multiple checkouts for the user. On Linux and Mac each checkout is exposed as a separate filesystem mount point. On Windows, each checkout is a separate ProjectedFS virtualization root.

When the user clones a new checkout, EdenFS creates a new file system mount point to expose the checkout. To remove a checkout users should use the edenfsctl rm command: mount points cannot be removed normally with rmdir, but must instead be unmounted.

The following diagram shows a high level picture of an EdenFS daemon running on a system, serving 3 different checkouts, named fbsource1, fbsource2, and opsfiles:

Checkout Mount Points

Each red box represents a mount point, the kernel's interface for exposing a file system to user-space applications. The orange "FUSE" boxes represent the FUSE interface between the EdenFS daemon and the kernel for processing file system requests for a particular mount point. Two additional mount points mapping to local on-disk file systems are also shown, at / and /data. In this diagram EdenFS stores its own state in a directory under the /data partition, which it accesses through the /data mount point.

Note that EdenFS could have been implemented by having a single daemon per checkout, instead of a single daemon per user. There are various trade-offs between these two design choices. Using a daemon per checkout would have potentially provided better isolation between checkouts--if something goes wrong with the EdenFS daemon managing one checkout then other EdenFS checkouts can still continue running normally. The main factor that led us to choose a single daemon per user is that this allows better sharing of resources between checkouts. If users have multiple different checkouts of the same underlying repository we can more easily share source control state across all checkouts, and avoid re-fetching and keeping multiple copies of data in memory. Having a single daemon per user also makes process management and upgrades slightly simpler, as there is only a single process per user to maintain.

High Level Data Structures

Within the EdenFS daemon there are several different high level components.

Data Structures

In the code there is a single EdenServer object that manages all state for the daemon. It has a single EdenServiceHandler object, which acts as the thrift service handler, and is responsible for responding to all thrift requests received over EdenFS's Unix domain thrift socket.

Additionally, there are several data per-checkout data structures. The EdenMount class contains all in-memory state for a checkout, and the EdenServer maintains a map of all currently active EdenMount objects.

Each EdenMount contains a FuseChannel object responsible for handling FUSE communication with the kernel, a set of inode objects to track the current checkout file and directory state, an Overlay object that tracks locally modified files and directories, and a Journal that records all recent modifying file I/O operations.

There is also some per-repository state. Note that from EdenFS's perspective, the repository is the location where it fetches source control data, whereas the checkout is the working directory view that EdenFS exposes to users. A user may have multiple checkouts of the same repository, each providing a different working directory view of the repository data, potentially with different commits checked out in each.

The ObjectStore class provides the internal API that EdenFS uses to fetch data from a source control repository. The ObjectStore is split into two components internally: a BackingStore that is responsible for actually fetching data from the repository, and a LocalStore class that locally caches fetched data. The primary BackingStore implementation used by EdenFS is the HgBackingStore class, which fetches data from an EdenSCM repository. (The name HgBackingStore dates back to before EdenSCM was differentiated from Mercurial.) EdenFS also has a GitBackingStore implementation that can fetch data from a git repository. However, as the git CLI does not currently have any knowledge of EdenFS this is not particularly usable in practice: while EdenFS can show a view of a git repository, operations like git status or git checkout are not EdenFS aware.

Persistent State Management

EdenFS stores its own state on local disk, in the EdenFS state directory. The default location for this directory depends on your system configuration, but is often ~/.eden or ~/local/.eden.

It is possible for a user to run multiple EdenFS daemons if you specify a different state directory for each daemon. The state directory path can be specified with the --config-dir parameter to the edenfsctl tool. In general most users will not need to do this, but it can be useful for developers in order to run a test version of EdenFS for development, separate from their main EdenFS instance.

The state directory contains a number of different items:


This file contains the list of currently configured checkouts. It contains a JSON dictionary mapping the absolute path to the checkout to the name of the EdenFS clients/ state directory that contains the state for this checkout.

Early on in EdenFS development we stored most configuration as JSON, but we have since migrated most configuration to TOML. This is the last remaining configuration file that is still JSON, and eventually its state should probably be moved into the config.toml file below.


This file contains other instance-wide EdenFS configuration settings.


This is the main EdenFS log file. This contains logs from the EdenFS daemon, in Google Logging format:


  • L: A 1-character code describing the log level (e.g., E for error, W for warning, I for info, V for "verbose" debug messages)
  • mm: 2-digit month
  • DD: 2-digit day
  • HH: 2-digit hour, 24-hour format
  • MM: 2-digit minute
  • SS: 2-digit second
  • USECS: 6-digit microseconds
  • THREAD: Thread ID
  • FILE: Filename (just the last component)
  • LINE: Line number
  • MSG: The actual log message

In addition, output from commands spawned by EdenFS will also be directed to this log file. In particular, when importing data from EdenSCM the output of the eden debugedenimporthelper command command will be sent to this file.


This directory primarily contains a cache of imported source control data.


The clients subdirectory contains one subdirectory per checkout managed by EdenFS. The config.json file listed above contains the mapping between the absolute paths of checkouts to their clients/ state directory.

Note that this directory is called clients/ largely for historical reasons. Early on in EdenFS development we used the term "client" to refer to a checkout. This is one of very few remaining locations where this old terminology is still used. Eventually it might be nice to rename this directory, but we would need to build some tooling to help migrate existing EdenFS state directories in order to do so.


Inside each checkout state directory the config.toml file contains some details about the checkout configuration. In particular, this includes information about the backing repository where source control data for this checkout can be found.


This file contains the ID of the source control commit that is currently checked out in this checkout. Each time a user checks out a different commit EdenFS will update this file.


This directory contains the overlay state for the checkout: information about files and directories that have been locally modified.

For files that have never been modified, EdenFS knows it can retrieve the file contents from source control. Therefore EdenFS normally only need to track a source control object ID that can be used to fetch the file contents. However, once a file has been modified locally there is no longer a source control object ID that can be used to fetch the file contents. Therefore EdenFS must store the full file contents, and it does so in this directory.

Files that have been locally modified are referred to as "materialized". Files are tracked in the overlay if and only if they are materialized.

The Privhelper Process

For the most part EdenFS runs as a normal, unprivileged process with the permissions of the user that started it. However, on Linux and Mac mounting and unmounting directories requires elevated privileges, and cannot be done by normal users.

In order to overcome this, EdenFS runs as a pair of processes on Linux and Mac: the main process running as the user, and a privileged helper process running with root privileges. The privileged helper process exists only to perform mount and unmount operations.

In order to start the privhelper process EdenFS must be started as root. This can either be done by installing EdenFS as setuid root, or by invoking EdenFS using sudo. Once EdenFS starts it immediately forks off the privileged helper process and then drops privileges. The main EdenFS process can then send mount and unmount requests to the privhelper process over a Unix domain socket pair.