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2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
import Foreign.C.Types
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import NanoVG
import SDL (($=))
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Debug.Trace
import System.Remote.Monitoring
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Sequence as SQ
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V
import qualified Foreign.C.String as STR
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Vect
2019-10-06 22:39:06 +03:00
import qualified SDL.Input.Keyboard as Keyboard
import qualified SDL.Input.Keyboard.Codes as KeyCodes
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
import qualified SDL.Input.Mouse as Mouse
import qualified SDL.Raw.Error as SRE
import Types
import GUI.Core
import qualified GUI.Data.Tree as TR
import qualified GUI.NanoVGRenderer as NV
import qualified GUI.Widget.Core as W
import qualified GUI.Widget.Style as S
import qualified GUI.Widgets as WS
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
foreign import ccall unsafe "initGlew" glewInit :: IO CInt
data AppEvent = Action1 Int | Action2 deriving (Show, Eq)
type WidgetM = StateT App IO
type LocalWidget = W.Widget App AppEvent WidgetM
type WidgetTree = TR.Tree (W.WidgetNode App AppEvent WidgetM)
type AppContext = W.GUIContext App
type AppM = StateT AppContext IO
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
(screenWidth, screenHeight) = (640, 480)
windowSize = (Rect 0 0 (fromIntegral screenWidth) (fromIntegral screenHeight))
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- forkServer "localhost" 8000
SDL.initialize [SDL.InitVideo]
SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality $= SDL.ScaleLinear
do renderQuality <- SDL.get SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality
when (renderQuality /= SDL.ScaleLinear) $
putStrLn "Warning: Linear texture filtering not enabled!"
let customOpenGL = SDL.OpenGLConfig {
SDL.glColorPrecision = SDL.V4 8 8 8 0,
SDL.glDepthPrecision = 24,
SDL.glStencilPrecision = 8,
SDL.glProfile = SDL.Core SDL.Debug 3 2,
SDL.glMultisampleSamples = 1
window <-
"SDL / OpenGL Example"
SDL.defaultWindow {SDL.windowInitialSize = SDL.V2 screenWidth screenHeight,
SDL.windowOpenGL = Just customOpenGL }
err <- SRE.getError
err <- STR.peekCString err
putStrLn err
_ <- SDL.glCreateContext window
_ <- glewInit
c@(Context c') <- createGL3 (S.fromList [Antialias, StencilStrokes, Debug])
fontRes <- createFont c "sans" (FileName "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf")
runStateT (runWidgets window c) (W.initGUIContext def)
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
putStrLn "About to destroyWindow"
SDL.destroyWindow window
handleAppEvent :: AppEvent -> WidgetM ()
handleAppEvent evt = do
case evt of
Action1 v -> do
when (v == 0) $ clickCount += 1
count <- use clickCount
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Clicked button: " ++ (show v) ++ " - Count is: " ++ (show count)
Action2 -> liftIO . putStrLn $ "I don't know what's this"
buildUI :: App -> WidgetTree
buildUI model = styledTree where
border1 = S.border 5 (RGB 0 255 0) 20
border2 = S.borderLeft 20 (RGB 200 200 0) <> S.borderRight 20 (RGB 200 0 200)
style1 = S.bgColor (RGB 0 0 255) <> S.textSize 64 <> border1 <> border2 <> S.bgRadius 20
2019-09-24 06:40:28 +03:00
textStyle = S.textColor (RGB 0 255 0)
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
--extraWidgets = if _clickCount model < 3 then [] else [WS.button (Action1 0)] -- map (\i -> WS.button (Action1 0)) [0..(_clickCount model)]
extraWidgets = map (\i -> WS.button (Action1 i)) [1..(_clickCount model)]
widgetTree = WS.vgrid_ ([
2019-09-24 06:40:28 +03:00
WS.textField_ `` textStyle,
WS.hgrid_ [
WS.button (Action1 10) `` style1,
WS.button (Action1 10) `` style1,
WS.button (Action1 10) `` style1
WS.button (Action1 0) `` style1,
WS.textField_ `` textStyle
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
] ++ extraWidgets)
-- widgetTree = WS.container_ [
-- WS.button (Action1 1) `` style1,
-- WS.button (Action1 2),
-- WS.button (Action1 3),
-- WS.container `` S.bgColor (RGB 0 0 255) `W.children` [
-- WS.button (Action1 4),
-- WS.button (Action1 5) `` (S.bgColor (RGB 255 0 255) <> S.bgRadius 10),
-- WS.button (Action1 6) `` border1,
-- WS.button (Action1 7)
-- ]
-- ]
styledTree = W.cascadeStyle mempty widgetTree
runWidgets :: SDL.Window -> Context -> AppM ()
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
runWidgets window c = do
let renderer = NV.makeRenderer c
ticks <- SDL.ticks
resizedUI <- zoom appContext $ do
app <- get
W.resizeUI renderer windowSize (buildUI app)
let paths = map snd $ filter (W.isFocusable . fst) $ collectPaths resizedUI [0]
focusRing .= paths
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
mainLoop window c renderer (fromIntegral ticks) resizedUI
mainLoop :: SDL.Window -> Context -> Renderer WidgetM -> Int -> WidgetTree -> AppM ()
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
mainLoop window c renderer prevTicks widgets = do
ticks <- fmap fromIntegral SDL.ticks
events <- SDL.pollEvents
let frameLength = 1000 `div` 30
let nextFrame = \t -> if t >= frameLength then 0 else frameLength - t
let !ts = (ticks - prevTicks)
let eventsPayload = fmap SDL.eventPayload events
let quit = elem SDL.QuitEvent eventsPayload
focus <- currentFocus
newWidgets <- handleSystemEvents renderer (convertEvents eventsPayload) focus widgets
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
renderWidgets window c renderer newWidgets ticks
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
liftIO $ threadDelay $ (nextFrame ts) * 1000
unless quit (mainLoop window c renderer ticks newWidgets)
currentFocus :: AppM TR.Path
currentFocus = do
ring <- use focusRing
return (if length ring > 0 then ring!!0 else [])
handleSystemEvents :: Renderer WidgetM -> [W.SystemEvent] -> TR.Path -> WidgetTree -> AppM WidgetTree
2019-10-06 22:39:06 +03:00
handleSystemEvents renderer systemEvents currentFocus widgets =
foldM (\newWidgets event -> handleSystemEvent renderer event currentFocus newWidgets) widgets systemEvents
handleSystemEvent :: Renderer WidgetM -> W.SystemEvent -> TR.Path -> WidgetTree -> AppM WidgetTree
handleSystemEvent renderer systemEvent currentFocus widgets = do
--let (stop, eventsWidgets, appEvents) = W.handleEvent currentFocus widgets [0] systemEvent
let (stop, appEvents, newWidgets) = W.handleFocusedEvent currentFocus widgets systemEvent
let newRoot = fromMaybe widgets newWidgets
2019-10-06 22:39:06 +03:00
when (not stop && W.isKeyPressed systemEvent keycodeTab) $ do
ring <- use focusRing
focusRing .= rotateList ring
if length appEvents == 0 then
return newRoot
2019-10-06 22:39:06 +03:00
handleAppEvents renderer appEvents newRoot
2019-10-06 22:39:06 +03:00
rotateList :: [a] -> [a]
rotateList [] = []
rotateList (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
keycodeTab = fromIntegral $ Keyboard.unwrapKeycode SDL.KeycodeTab
isKeyTab :: W.KeyCode -> Bool
isKeyTab key = matchesSDLKeyCode key SDL.KeycodeTab
matchesSDLKeyCode :: W.KeyCode -> SDL.Keycode -> Bool
matchesSDLKeyCode keyCode sdlKeyCode = keyCode == (fromIntegral $ Keyboard.unwrapKeycode sdlKeyCode)
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
handleAppEvents :: Renderer WidgetM -> SQ.Seq AppEvent -> WidgetTree -> AppM WidgetTree
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
handleAppEvents renderer appEvents oldWidgets = do
(app, newApp) <- zoom appContext $ do
app <- get
forM_ appEvents handleAppEvent
newApp <- get
return (app, newApp)
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
let newWidgets = W.mergeTrees (buildUI newApp) oldWidgets
let mergedWidgets = if | app /= newApp -> do
let paths = traceShowId $ map snd $ filter (W.isFocusable . fst) $ collectPaths newWidgets [0]
focusRing .= paths
zoom appContext $ W.resizeUI renderer windowSize newWidgets
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| otherwise -> return oldWidgets
when (app /= newApp) $ liftIO $ putStrLn "App changed!"
renderWidgets :: SDL.Window -> Context -> Renderer WidgetM -> WidgetTree -> Int -> AppM ()
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
renderWidgets !window !c !renderer widgets ticks = do
SDL.V2 fbWidth fbHeight <- SDL.glGetDrawableSize window
let !pxRatio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
let !w = fromIntegral screenWidth
let !h = fromIntegral screenHeight
liftIO $ GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer]
liftIO $ beginFrame c screenWidth screenHeight pxRatio
guiContext <- get
zoom appContext $ do
traversePaths (\widgetNode path -> W.handleRender renderer widgetNode (W.isFocused guiContext path) ticks) widgets [0]
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liftIO $ endFrame c
SDL.glSwapWindow window
collectPaths :: (MonadState s m) => TR.Tree (W.WidgetNode s e m) -> TR.Path -> [(W.WidgetNode s e m, TR.Path)]
collectPaths (TR.Node widgetNode children) path = (widgetNode, path) : remainingItems where
pairs = zip (TR.seqToNodeList children) (map (: path) [0..])
remainingItems = concatMap (\(wn, path) -> collectPaths wn path) pairs
traversePaths :: (MonadState s m) => (W.WidgetNode s e m -> TR.Path -> m ()) -> TR.Tree (W.WidgetNode s e m) -> TR.Path -> m ()
traversePaths fn (TR.Node wn children) currentPath = do
fn wn currentPath
mapM_ (\(treeNode, idx) -> traversePaths fn treeNode (idx : currentPath)) (zip (TR.seqToNodeList children) [0..])
convertEvents :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> [W.SystemEvent]
convertEvents events = newEvents
newEvents = mouseEvents ++ keyboardEvents
mouseEvents = mouseClick events
keyboardEvents = keyboardEvent events
--SDL.P (SDL.V2 mouseX mouseY) <- Mouse.getAbsoluteMouseLocation
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
convertEvents :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> [W.SystemEvent]
convertEvents events = newEvents
newEvents = mouseEvents ++ keyboardEvents
mouseEvents = mouseClick events
keyboardEvents = keyboardEvent events
--SDL.P (SDL.V2 mouseX mouseY) <- Mouse.getAbsoluteMouseLocation
2019-09-23 17:46:21 +03:00
mouseClick :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> [W.SystemEvent]
mouseClick events =
case clickEvent of
Just (SDL.MouseButtonEvent SDL.MouseButtonEventData
{ SDL.mouseButtonEventMotion = motion,
SDL.mouseButtonEventButton = button,
SDL.mouseButtonEventPos = SDL.P (SDL.V2 x y) }) -> leftClicked ++ leftReleased ++ rightClicked ++ rightReleased
where isLeft = button == SDL.ButtonLeft
isRight = button == SDL.ButtonRight
isClicked = motion == SDL.Pressed
isReleased = motion == SDL.Released
mousePos = Point (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
leftClicked = if isLeft && isClicked then [W.Click mousePos W.LeftBtn W.PressedBtn] else []
leftReleased = if isLeft && isReleased then [W.Click mousePos W.LeftBtn W.ReleasedBtn] else []
rightClicked = if isRight && isClicked then [W.Click mousePos W.RightBtn W.PressedBtn] else []
rightReleased = if isRight && isReleased then [W.Click mousePos W.RightBtn W.ReleasedBtn] else []
otherwhise -> []
where clickEvent = L.find (\evt -> case evt of
SDL.MouseButtonEvent _ -> True
otherwhise -> False
) events
keyboardEvent :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> [W.SystemEvent]
keyboardEvent events = activeKeys
activeKeys = map (\(SDL.KeyboardEvent k) -> W.KeyAction (keyCode k) (keyMotion k)) (unsafeCoerce keyboardEvents)
keyCode event = fromIntegral $ SDL.unwrapKeycode $ SDL.keysymKeycode $ SDL.keyboardEventKeysym event
keyMotion event = if SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion event == SDL.Pressed then W.KeyPressed else W.KeyReleased
keyboardEvents = filter (\e -> case e of
SDL.KeyboardEvent k -> True
_ -> False) events