Refactor/reformat examples code

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-07-24 13:47:57 -03:00
parent 94fbb8d507
commit efa89f0ed3
12 changed files with 252 additions and 197 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:ticker"
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:generative"
--test ":main"

View File

@ -18,71 +18,78 @@ import Monomer
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
type BooksWenv = WidgetEnv BooksModel BooksEvt
type BooksNode = WidgetNode BooksModel BooksEvt
bookImage :: Maybe Int -> Text -> WidgetNode s BooksEvt
bookImage imgId size = maybe filler coverImg imgId where
baseUrl = "<id>-<size>.jpg"
imgUrl i = T.replace "<size>" size $ T.replace "<id>" (showt i) baseUrl
coverImg i = image_ (imgUrl i) [fitHeight, alignRight]
bookRow :: BooksWenv -> Book -> BooksNode
bookRow wenv b = row where
rowBgColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" . non def
publishYear = maybe "" showt (b ^. year)
rowContent b = hstack [
vstack [
label_ (b ^. title) [resizeFactor 1]
`style` [textFont "Medium", textSize 16],
label_ (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors)) [resizeFactor 1]
`style` [textSize 14]
vstack [
label publishYear `style` [width 50, textSize 14],
bookImage (b ^. cover) "S" `style` [width 35]
row = box_ cfg content `style` [padding 10, paddingT 0] where
cfg = [expandContent, onClick (BooksShowDetails b)]
content = rowContent b
`style` [height 80, padding 20, radius 5]
`hover` [bgColor rowBgColor, cursorIcon CursorHand]
bookDetail :: Book -> WidgetNode s BooksEvt
bookDetail b = content `style` [minWidth 500, paddingH 20] where
hasCover = isJust (b ^. cover)
publishYear = maybe "" showt (b ^. year)
shortLabel value = label value `style` [textFont "Medium", textTop]
longLabel value = label_ value [multiLine, ellipsis, trimSpaces]
content = hstack . concat $ [[
vstack [
longLabel (b ^. title)
`style` [textSize 20, textFont "Medium"],
longLabel (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors))
`style` [textSize 16],
label publishYear
`style` [textSize 14]
[filler | hasCover],
[bookImage (b ^. cover) "M" `style` [width 200] | hasCover]
:: WidgetEnv BooksModel BooksEvt
-> BooksModel
-> WidgetNode BooksModel BooksEvt
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBgColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
rowBgColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" . non def
bookImage imgId size = maybe filler coverImg imgId where
baseUrl = "<id>-<size>.jpg"
imgUrl i = T.replace "<size>" size $ T.replace "<id>" (showt i) baseUrl
coverImg i = image_ (imgUrl i) [fitHeight, alignRight]
bookRow b = box_ cfg content `style` [padding 10, paddingT 0] where
cfg = [expandContent, onClick (BooksShowDetails b)]
content = bookRowContent b
`style` [bgColor rowBgColor, height 80, padding 20, radius 5]
`hover` [bgColor gray, cursorIcon CursorHand]
bookRowContent b = hstack [
vstack [
hstack [
label "Title: " `style` [textFont "Bold"],
label_ (b ^. title) [resizeFactor 1]
hstack [
label "Authors: " `style` [textFont "Bold"],
label_ (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors)) [resizeFactor 1]
vstack [
hstack [
label "Year: " `style` [textFont "Bold"],
label $ maybe "" showt (b ^. year)
] `style` [width 100],
bookImage (b ^. cover) "S" `style` [width 35]
bookDetail b = content `style` [minWidth 500, paddingH 20] where
hasCover = isJust (b ^. cover)
shortLabel value = label value `style` [textFont "Bold", textTop]
longLabel value = label_ value [multiLine, ellipsis, trimSpaces]
content = hstack . concat $ [[
vstack [
hstack [
shortLabel "Title: ",
longLabel (b ^. title)
hstack [
shortLabel "Authors: ",
longLabel (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors))
hstack [
shortLabel "Year: ",
label $ maybe "" showt (b ^. year)
[filler | hasCover],
[bookImage (b ^. cover) "M" `style` [width 200] | hasCover]
bookOverlay = alert BooksCloseDetails content where
content = maybe spacer bookDetail (model ^. selected)
searchOverlay = box content `style` [bgColor (darkGray & L.a .~ 0.8)] where
content = label "Searching" `style` [textSize 20, textColor black]
searchForm = keystroke [("Enter", BooksSearch)] $ vstack [
hstack [
label "Query:",
@ -92,26 +99,20 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
mainButton "Search" BooksSearch
] `style` [bgColor sectionBgColor, padding 25]
countLabel = label caption `style` [padding 10] where
caption = "Books (" <> showt (length $ model ^. books) <> ")"
widgetTree = zstack [
vstack [
vscroll (vstack (bookRow <$> model ^. books)) `key` "mainScroll"
vscroll (vstack (bookRow wenv <$> model ^. books)) `key` "mainScroll"
bookOverlay `visible` isJust (model ^. selected),
searchOverlay `visible` model ^. searching
searchBgColor :: Color
searchBgColor = rgbHex "#404040"
rowBgColor :: Color
rowBgColor = rgbHex "#212121"
:: WidgetEnv BooksModel BooksEvt
-> WidgetNode BooksModel BooksEvt
@ -150,14 +151,18 @@ main = do
config = [
appWindowTitle "Book search",
appTheme lightTheme,
appTheme customLightTheme,
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appFontDef "Bold" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf",
appFontDef "Medium" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf",
appInitEvent BooksInit
initBook = Book "This is my book" ["Author1", "Author 2"] (Just 2000) (Just 1234)
initModel = BooksModel "pedro paramo" False (Just initBook) [initBook]
customLightTheme = lightTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" ?~ rgbHex "#636363"
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" ?~ rgbHex "#212121"
customLightTheme :: Theme
customLightTheme = lightTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" ?~ rgbHex "#ECECEC"
customDarkTheme :: Theme
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" ?~ rgbHex "#656565"

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Main where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import TextShow
@ -17,53 +18,67 @@ import Widgets.CirclesGrid
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
:: WidgetEnv GenerativeModel GenerativeEvt
-> GenerativeModel
-> WidgetNode GenerativeModel GenerativeEvt
type GenerativeWenv = WidgetEnv GenerativeModel GenerativeEvt
type GenerativeNode = WidgetNode GenerativeModel GenerativeEvt
buildUI :: GenerativeWenv -> GenerativeModel -> GenerativeNode
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
seedDropdown lens = textDropdown_ lens seedList seedDesc []
widgetCircleCfg = vstack [
widgetCircleCfg = vstack $ intersperse spacer [
label "Width",
dial_ (circlesCfg . itemWidth) 10 50 [dragRate 0.5],
label "Random seed",
vstack [
dial_ (circlesCfg . itemWidth) 20 50 [dragRate 0.5],
labelS (model ^. circlesCfg . itemWidth) `style` [textSize 14, textCenter]
label "Seed",
seedDropdown (circlesCfg . seed)
widgetBoxCfg = vstack [
widgetBoxCfg = vstack $ intersperse spacer [
label "Width",
dial_ (boxesCfg . itemWidth) 10 50 [dragRate 0.5],
vstack [
dial_ (boxesCfg . itemWidth) 20 50 [dragRate 0.5],
labelS (model ^. boxesCfg . itemWidth) `style` [textSize 14, textCenter]
label "Seed",
seedDropdown (boxesCfg . seed),
label "Palette type",
textDropdown (boxesCfg . paletteType) [1..4],
label "Palette size",
dial_ (boxesCfg . paletteSize) 1 50 [dragRate 0.5],
label "Random seed",
seedDropdown (boxesCfg . seed)
dial_ (boxesCfg . paletteSize) 1 50 [dragRate 0.5]
widgetTree = vstack [
hstack [
label "Type: ",
label "Type:",
textDropdown_ activeGen genTypes genTypeDesc [] `key` "activeType",
hstack [
label "Show config: ",
checkbox showCfg
] `style` [width 150]
] `style` [padding 3],
labeledCheckbox "Show config:" showCfg
] `style` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
zstack [
hstack [
circlesGrid (model ^. circlesCfg),
widgetCircleCfg `visible` model ^. showCfg `style` [paddingH 3, width 150]
circlesGrid (model ^. circlesCfg) `style` [padding 20],
`visible` model ^. showCfg
`style` [padding 20, width 200, bgColor sectionBg]
] `visible` (model ^. activeGen == CirclesGrid),
hstack [
boxesPalette (model ^. boxesCfg),
widgetBoxCfg `visible` model ^. showCfg `style` [paddingH 3, width 150]
boxesPalette (model ^. boxesCfg) `style` [padding 20],
`visible` model ^. showCfg
`style` [padding 20, width 200, bgColor sectionBg]
] `visible` (model ^. activeGen == BoxesPalette)
:: WidgetEnv GenerativeModel GenerativeEvt
-> WidgetNode GenerativeModel GenerativeEvt
:: GenerativeWenv
-> GenerativeNode
-> GenerativeModel
-> GenerativeEvt
-> [EventResponse GenerativeModel GenerativeEvt GenerativeModel ()]

View File

@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ makeBoxesPalette cfg state = widget where
colors <- makePalette (cfg ^. paletteType) (cfg ^. paletteSize)
mapM_ (drawRectangle renderer state colors vp cols rows) [0..cols * rows - 1]
vp = node ^. . L.viewport
style = activeStyle wenv node
vp = getContentArea style node
iw = cfg ^. itemWidth
fw = 0.5 + 5 * (state ^. mouseX - vp ^. L.x) / vp ^. L.w
fh = 0.5 + 5 * (state ^. mouseY - vp ^. L.y) / vp ^. L.h

View File

@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ makeCirclesGrid cfg state = widget where
mapM_ (drawCircle renderer state vp iw cols) [0..cols * rows - 1]
vp = node ^. . L.viewport
style = activeStyle wenv node
vp = getContentArea style node
iw = cfg ^. itemWidth
cols = round (vp ^. L.w / iw)
rows = round (vp ^. L.h / iw)

View File

@ -30,65 +30,81 @@ import TickerTypes
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
:: WidgetEnv TickerModel TickerEvt
-> TickerModel
-> WidgetNode TickerModel TickerEvt
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
type TickerWenv = WidgetEnv TickerModel TickerEvt
type TickerNode = WidgetNode TickerModel TickerEvt
tickerPct :: Ticker -> TickerNode
tickerPct t = pctLabel where
diff = toRealFloat $ 100 * (t ^. close - t ^. open)
pct = diff / toRealFloat (t ^. open)
pctText = formatTickerPct (fromFloatDigits pct) <> "%"
| abs pct < 0.01 = rgbHex "#428FE0"
| pct > 0 = rgbHex "#51A39A"
| otherwise = rgbHex "#E25141"
pctLabel = label pctText `style` [width 100, textRight, textColor pctColor]
tickerRow :: TickerWenv -> Int -> Ticker -> TickerNode
tickerRow wenv idx t = row where
dragColor = rgbaHex "#D3D3D3" 0.5
rowSep = rgbaHex "#A9A9A9" 0.5
rowBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" . non def
trashBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" . non def
trashFg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" . non def
trashIcon action = button remixDeleteBinLine action
`style` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor trashFg, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`hover` [bgColor trashBg]
dropTicker pair widget = dropTarget_ (TickerMovePair pair) [dropTargetStyle [bgColor darkGray]] widget
tickerPct t = pctLabel where
diff = toRealFloat $ 100 * (t ^. close - t ^. open)
pct = diff / toRealFloat (t ^. open)
pctText = formatTickerPct (fromFloatDigits pct) <> "%"
| abs pct < 0.01 = rgbHex "#428FE0"
| pct > 0 = rgbHex "#51A39A"
| otherwise = rgbHex "#E25141"
pctLabel = label pctText `style` [width 100, textRight, textColor pctColor]
tickerItem idx t = hstack [
dropTicker pair
= dropTarget_ (TickerMovePair pair) [dropTargetStyle [bgColor darkGray]]
tickerInfo = hstack [
label (t ^. symbolPair) `style` [width 100],
label (formatTickerValue (t ^. close))
`style` [textRight, minWidth 100],
tickerPct t
] `style` [cursorHand]
row = hstack [
dropTicker (t ^. symbolPair) $
draggable_ (t ^. symbolPair) [draggableStyle [bgColor dragColor]] $
hstack [
label (t ^. symbolPair) `style` [width 100],
label (formatTickerValue (t ^. close))
`style` [textRight, minWidth 100],
tickerPct t
] `style` [cursorHand],
draggable_ (t ^. symbolPair) [draggableStyle [bgColor dragColor]]
trashIcon (TickerRemovePairBegin (t ^. symbolPair))
] `style` [padding 10, borderB 1 rowSep]
`hover` [bgColor rowBg]
buildUI :: TickerWenv -> TickerModel -> TickerNode
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
tickerList = vstack tickerRows where
orderedTickers = (\e -> model ^? tickers . ix e) <$> model ^. symbolPairs
tickerFade idx t = fadeOut_ [onFinished action] item `key` (t ^. symbolPair) where
action = TickerRemovePair (t ^. symbolPair)
item = tickerItem idx t
item = tickerRow wenv idx t
tickerRows = zipWith tickerFade [0..] (catMaybes orderedTickers)
widgetTree = vstack [
hstack [
label "New pair: ",
label "New pair:",
keystroke [("Enter", TickerAddClick)] $ textField newPair `key` "newPair",
button "Add" TickerAddClick
] `style` [padding 20, bgColor sectionColor],
scroll_ [scrollOverlay] $ tickerList `style` [padding 20, paddingT 10]
] `style` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
scroll_ [scrollOverlay] $ tickerList `style` [padding 10]
:: AppEnv
-> WidgetEnv TickerModel TickerEvt
-> WidgetNode TickerModel TickerEvt
-> TickerWenv
-> TickerNode
-> TickerModel
-> TickerEvt
-> [EventResponse TickerModel TickerEvt TickerModel ()]
@ -187,7 +203,7 @@ main = do
config = [
appWindowTitle "Ticker",
appTheme customDarkTheme,
appTheme customLightTheme,
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appFontDef "Remix" "./assets/fonts/remixicon.ttf",
appInitEvent TickerInit
@ -202,8 +218,8 @@ customLightTheme = lightTheme
customDarkTheme :: Theme
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" ?~ rgbHex "#515151"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" ?~ rgbHex "#656565"
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" ?~ rgbHex "#656565"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" ?~ rgbHex "#555555"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" ?~ rgbHex "#909090"
formatTickerValue :: Scientific -> Text

View File

@ -6,15 +6,11 @@
module TickerTypes where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Lens.TH
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Map as M

View File

@ -17,47 +17,60 @@ import TodoTypes
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
:: WidgetEnv TodoModel TodoEvt
-> TodoModel
-> WidgetNode TodoModel TodoEvt
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBgColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
statusFontColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "statusFont" . non def
type TodoWenv = WidgetEnv TodoModel TodoEvt
type TodoNode = WidgetNode TodoModel TodoEvt
todoRowKey :: Todo -> Text
todoRowKey todo = "todoRow" <> showt (todo ^. todoId)
todoRow :: TodoWenv -> TodoModel -> Int -> Todo -> TodoNode
todoRow wenv model idx t = slideWidget `key` todoKey where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
rowButtonColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "rowButton" . non def
rowSepColor = gray & L.a .~ 0.5
todoView idx t = slideWidget `key` todoKey where
todoKey = todoRowKey t
isLast = idx == length (model ^. todos) - 1
todoDone = t ^. status == Done
(todoBg, todoFg)
| todoDone = (doneBg, doneFg)
| otherwise = (pendingBg, pendingFg)
todoStatus = labelS (t ^. status)
`style` [textFont "Medium", textSize 12, textAscender, textColor todoFg, padding 6, paddingH 8, radius 12, bgColor todoBg]
rowButton caption action = button caption action
`style` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor rowButtonColor, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`hover` [bgColor sectionBgColor]
todoRow = hstack [
vstack [
labelS (t ^. todoType) `style` [textSize 12, textColor darkGray],
spacer_ [width 5],
label (t ^. description) `style` [textThroughline_ todoDone]
box_ [alignRight] todoStatus `style` [width 80],
rowButton remixEdit2Line (TodoEdit idx t),
rowButton remixDeleteBinLine (TodoDeleteBegin idx t)
] `style` (paddingV 15 : [borderB 1 rowSepColor | not isLast])
slideWidget = fadeOut_ [onFinished (TodoDelete idx t)] todoRow
todoKey = todoRowKey t
todoDone = t ^. status == Done
isLast = idx == length (model ^. todos) - 1
(todoBg, todoFg)
| todoDone = (doneBg, doneFg)
| otherwise = (pendingBg, pendingFg)
todoStatus = labelS (t ^. status)
`style` [textFont "Medium", textSize 12, textAscender, textColor todoFg, padding 6, paddingH 8, radius 12, bgColor todoBg]
rowButton caption action = button caption action
`style` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor rowButtonColor, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`hover` [bgColor sectionBg]
todoInfo = hstack [
vstack [
labelS (t ^. todoType) `style` [textSize 12, textColor darkGray],
spacer_ [width 5],
label (t ^. description) `style` [textThroughline_ todoDone]
box_ [alignRight] todoStatus `style` [width 80],
rowButton remixEdit2Line (TodoEdit idx t),
rowButton remixDeleteBinLine (TodoDeleteBegin idx t)
] `style` (paddingV 15 : [borderB 1 rowSepColor | not isLast])
slideWidget = fadeOut_ [onFinished (TodoDelete idx t)] todoInfo
todoEdit :: TodoWenv -> TodoModel -> TodoNode
todoEdit wenv model = editNode where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
saveTodoBtn = case model ^. action of
TodoAdding -> mainButton "Add" TodoAdd
TodoEditing idx -> mainButton "Save" (TodoSave idx)
_ -> spacer
todoEdit = vstack [
editNode = vstack [
hstack [
label "Task:",
@ -84,30 +97,35 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
button "Cancel" TodoCancel
] `style` [bgColor sectionBgColor, padding 20]
] `style` [bgColor sectionBg, padding 20]
buildUI :: TodoWenv -> TodoModel -> TodoNode
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
isEditing = model ^. action /= TodoNone
countLabel = label caption `style` styles where
caption = "Tasks (" <> showt (length $ model ^. todos) <> ")"
styles = [textFont "Regular", textSize 16, padding 20, bgColor sectionBgColor]
todoList = vstack (zipWith todoView [0..] (model ^. todos))
isEditing = model ^. action /= TodoNone
styles = [textFont "Regular", textSize 16, padding 20, bgColor sectionBg]
todoList = vstack (zipWith (todoRow wenv model) [0..] (model ^. todos))
newButton = mainButton "New" TodoNew `key` "todoNew"
`visible` not isEditing
widgetTree = vstack [
keystroke [("Esc", TodoCancel)] todoEdit
keystroke [("Esc", TodoCancel)] (todoEdit wenv model)
`visible` isEditing,
scroll_ [] (todoList `style` [padding 20, paddingT 5]),
box_ [alignRight] newButton
`style` [bgColor sectionBgColor, padding 20]
`style` [bgColor sectionBg, padding 20]
todoRowKey :: Todo -> Text
todoRowKey todo = "todoRow" <> showt (todo ^. todoId)
:: WidgetEnv TodoModel TodoEvt
-> WidgetNode TodoModel TodoEvt
:: TodoWenv
-> TodoNode
-> TodoModel
-> TodoEvt
-> [EventResponse TodoModel TodoEvt TodoModel ()]
@ -169,7 +187,7 @@ main = do
config = [
appWindowTitle "Todo list",
appTheme customDarkTheme,
appTheme customLightTheme,
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appFontDef "Medium" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf",
appFontDef "Bold" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf",
@ -187,12 +205,12 @@ grayDarker = rgbHex "#2E2E2E"
customLightTheme :: Theme
customLightTheme = lightTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "statusFont" ?~ grayDarker
-- & L.userColorMap . at "statusFont" ?~ grayDarker
& L.userColorMap . at "rowButton" ?~ grayLight
customDarkTheme :: Theme
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "statusFont" ?~ grayDarker
-- & L.userColorMap . at "statusFont" ?~ grayDarker
& L.userColorMap . at "rowButton" ?~ gray
remove :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ baseBasic themeMod = def
& L.dialStyle . L.fgColor ?~ inputFgBasic themeMod
& L.dialStyle . L.sndColor ?~ inputSndBasic themeMod
& L.dialogTitleStyle . L.text ?~ (titleFont & L.fontColor ?~ dialogTitleText themeMod)
& L.dialogTitleStyle . L.padding ?~ padding 10 <> paddingB 10
& L.dialogFrameStyle . L.padding ?~ padding 10
& L.dialogTitleStyle . L.padding ?~ padding 10
& L.dialogFrameStyle . L.padding ?~ padding 5
& L.dialogFrameStyle . L.radius ?~ radius 10
& L.dialogFrameStyle . L.bgColor ?~ dialogBg themeMod
& L.dialogFrameStyle . L.border ?~ border 1 (dialogBorder themeMod)
@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ baseBasic themeMod = def
& L.dialogCloseIconStyle . L.radius ?~ radius 8
& L.dialogCloseIconStyle . L.sizeReqW ?~ width 16
& L.dialogCloseIconStyle . L.sizeReqH ?~ width 16
& L.dialogButtonsStyle . L.padding ?~ padding 10
& L.dialogMsgBodyStyle . L.padding ?~ paddingH 10
& L.dialogButtonsStyle . L.padding ?~ padding 20 <> paddingT 10
& L.dialogMsgBodyStyle . L.padding ?~ padding 20
& L.dialogMsgBodyStyle . L.text
?~ (normalFont & L.fontColor ?~ dialogText themeMod)
& L.dialogMsgBodyStyle . L.sizeReqW ?~ maxWidth 600

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ lightThemeColors = BaseThemeColors {
btnMainBgDisabled = blue04,
btnMainText = white,
btnMainTextDisabled = white,
dialogBg = gray09,
dialogBg = white,
dialogBorder = white,
dialogText = black,
dialogTitleText = black,
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ lightThemeColors = BaseThemeColors {
externalLinkFocus = blue07,
externalLinkActive = blue06,
externalLinkDisabled = gray06,
iconBg = gray08,
iconBg = gray07,
iconFg = gray01,
inputIconFg = black,
inputBorder = gray06,
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ darkTheme = baseTheme darkThemeColors
darkThemeColors :: BaseThemeColors
darkThemeColors = BaseThemeColors {
clearColor = gray02,
sectionColor = gray03,
clearColor = gray03,
sectionColor = gray02,
btnFocusBorder = blue09,
btnBgBasic = gray07,
btnBgHover = gray09,

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L
-- | Type of the parent's model
type ParentModel sp = Typeable sp
-- | Type of the composite's model
type CompositeModel s = (Eq s, Typeable s, WidgetModel s)
type CompositeModel s = (Eq s, WidgetModel s)
-- | Type of the composite's event
type CompositeEvent e = WidgetEvent e
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ type TaskHandler e = IO e
type ProducerHandler e = (e -> IO ()) -> IO ()
data CompMsgUpdate
= forall s . Typeable s => CompMsgUpdate (s -> s)
= forall s . CompositeModel s => CompMsgUpdate (s -> s)
-- | Response options for an event handler.
data EventResponse s e sp ep
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ toParentResult comp state wenv widgetComp result = newResult where
newResult = WidgetResult newNode newReqs
:: (Typeable s, Typeable sp, WidgetEvent e, WidgetEvent ep)
:: (CompositeModel s, CompositeEvent e, CompositeEvent ep, ParentModel sp)
=> WidgetNode sp ep
-> WidgetKeyMap s e
-> EventResponse s e sp ep
@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ getModel
getModel comp wenv = widgetDataGet (_weModel wenv) (_cmpWidgetData comp)
:: (Typeable s, Typeable sp)
:: (CompositeModel s, ParentModel sp)
=> WidgetId
-> WidgetRequest s e
-> Maybe (WidgetRequest sp ep)

View File

@ -779,13 +779,16 @@
- Simple click receives focus, shift+click allows changing values without getting focus
- Avoid building examples when used as a library.
- Tried using flags and it works, but it ends up being annoying for testing examples with stack run.
- Add hsl function
- Document themes and how widgets use them.
- Add ignoreStyle to widgets that may need it.
- Maybe spacer should be 8 pixels wide.
- Rethink activeStyle, activeTheme, active style related function names.
- Add hsl function
- Order of arguments?
- CmbMergeRequired in box?
- Generalize fade/slide messages. Add anim suffix.
- Remove dpr calculations from NanoVGRenderer.
- Same with FontManager.
- When testing Windows/Linux, check if scroll rate needs to be adjusted.