
2.1 KiB

  • Done
    • Check events only for interested widgets (use focus for keyboard and region for mouse)
    • Add handling of disabled widget nodes
    • Add handling of custom external actions for widgets
    • Do something with return of custom handlers (the exact same thing we do with event handlers)
    • Add scroll support
    • Add hstack/vstack containers
    • Improve input (keyboard) handling
    • Implement copy/paste
    • Add HiDPI handling
    • Handle window resize
    • Improve handling of Color (turn to 0.0 to 1.0 instead of 0 to 255? only do it for alpha?)
    • Add handling of non visible widget nodes
    • Handle widget fixed size
    • Add good looking caret to textField
    • Add support for onFocus/onBlur
    • Maybe we don't need this and we can get by with position in render function?
      • Add support for onEnter/onLeave (keep track of previous active widgets)
      • We probably need it for drag&drop
    • How is the user going to provide state updates?
      • We already provide this with the State monad and corresponding lenses
    • Improve mouse support/current state of mouse and keyboard for event handling
  • Pending
    • Make handleEvent run inside MonadState (required to update user provided lenses)
    • Create layer widget to handle overlays/dialog boxes
    • How will long running (i.e., not immediate) user tasks will be handled?
    • Add text selection/editing to textField
    • Drag & drop (add attribute indicating if component supports being source/target)
    • Stop, think and design
      • How should all of this be organized?
      • How should modules be layed out?
      • What are good interfaces the different parts of the system?
      • Does it make sense that handleEvent is the only pure function in a widget?
    • Based on the previous design, refactor modules
    • Implement styling engine. Think why Maybe Double instead of Maybe Dimension (to handle pixels, percent, etc)
    • Check if advanced type level features would improve the design
    • Check what syntax extensions can be abused to make life easier
    • Does it make sense to avoid lenses internally, given that we already include the dependency?
    • Can we cache some drawing operations?
    • Can we use Skia? Does it make sense?