2023-11-01 08:15:18 -05:00

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#!/usr/bin/env mdsh

Using JSON

SQL has a rigid schema. Using JSON inside SQL allows for pockets of schemaless data, that is still queryable using PostgreSQL's built-in functionality.

This document explains how to use Orville with the JSONB data type that PostgreSQL natively supports.

Project initialization is similar to previous tutorials, but additional dependencies like Aeson have been added. Aeson is a JSON library for Haskell.

mkdir orville-json
cd orville-json
cabal init -n --exe
sed -i -re 's/build-depends:/build-depends: orville-postgresql ^>=, aeson, postgresql-libpq, text, vector,/' *.cabal
cabal update

cat << 'EOF' > app/Main.hs
import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL as O
import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.AutoMigration as AutoMigration
import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.Marshall as Marshall
import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.Raw.RawSql as RawSql

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import           Data.Aeson (Value, eitherDecodeStrict')
import           Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToLazyText)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Int as Int
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Enc
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector

Let's suppose we have an example entity with an ID, and some arbitrary JSON data in a column called 'tags'.

Note how fooTagsField below uses the Value type from the Aeson library.

Remember that the Value contains its own Null constructor, which is distinct from SQL's NULL. So we can have JSON nulls in this field, but no SQL nulls.

We could also use a custom type with FromJSON/ToJSON instances, since jsonb allows for that too. Aeson is not the focus of this document though.

cat << 'EOF' >> app/Main.hs
data Foo = Foo
  { fooId :: Int.Int32
  , fooTags :: Value
  deriving Show

fooIdField :: O.FieldDefinition O.NotNull Int.Int32
fooIdField =
  O.integerField "id"

fooTagsField :: O.FieldDefinition O.NotNull Value
fooTagsField =
  aesonValueField "tags"

Before we can define the corresponding SqlMarshaller, we'll need to define the aesonValueField helper function. This is done tryConvertSqlType along with jsonb field to apply Aeson encoding and decode.

cat << 'EOF' >> app/Main.hs
aesonValueField :: String -> O.FieldDefinition O.NotNull Value
aesonValueField name =
    (O.tryConvertSqlType encodeJSON decodeJSON)
    (O.jsonbField name)

decodeJSON :: T.Text -> Either String Value
decodeJSON =
  eitherDecodeStrict' . Enc.encodeUtf8

encodeJSON :: Value -> T.Text
encodeJSON =
  LazyText.toStrict . encodeToLazyText

Let's define the SqlMarshaller and the table. This is standard stuff, no surprises here.

cat << 'EOF' >> app/Main.hs
fooMarshaller :: O.SqlMarshaller Foo Foo
fooMarshaller =
    <$> O.marshallField fooId fooIdField
    <*> O.marshallField fooTags fooTagsField

table :: O.TableDefinition (O.HasKey Int.Int32) Foo Foo
table =
  O.mkTableDefinition "json_demo" (O.primaryKey fooIdField) fooMarshaller

With all definitions done, we can write main. Orville will also use the parts of the SqlType during migration.

cat << 'EOF' >> app/Main.hs
main :: IO ()
main = do
  pool <-
          { O.connectionString = "host=pg user=orville_docs password=orville"
          , O.connectionNoticeReporting = O.DisableNoticeReporting
          , O.connectionPoolStripes = O.OneStripePerCapability
          , O.connectionPoolLingerTime = 10
          , O.connectionPoolMaxConnections = O.MaxConnectionsPerStripe 1

  O.runOrville pool $ do
    AutoMigration.autoMigrateSchema AutoMigration.defaultOptions [ AutoMigration.SchemaTable table ]
    _ <- O.deleteEntity table 0

We'll construct a JSON value using the Aeson library, which makes this look fairly verbose. But imagine that the Array value below was read from a file, or received over HTTP from a web browser.

cat << 'EOF' >> app/Main.hs
    _ <- O.insertEntity table Foo { fooId = 0
                                  , fooTags = Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList
                                      [ Aeson.Number 1
                                      , Aeson.Number 2
                                      , Aeson.Number 3
    liftIO . print =<< O.findEntity table 0

Using raw SQL, we can use PostgreSQL's built-in JSONB functions. Let's suppose we want a row returned for each of the values in the Array above.

ID Tag
0 1
0 2
0 3

We can use an SqlMarshaller to produce a result like this, even though there is no table for the returned schema. The programmer must ensure correspondence of the SQL and the SqlMarshaller. If they don't match, an exception will be thrown.

We'll have the SqlMarshaller work with tuples and marshallReadOnlyFields. These allow for succintly defining a quick one-off SqlMarshaller.

cat << 'EOF' >> app/Main.hs
      marshaller :: O.SqlMarshaller w (Int.Int32, Value)
      marshaller =
        (,) <$> O.marshallReadOnlyField fooIdField
            <*> O.marshallReadOnlyField (aesonValueField "tag")
    readEntities <-
        (RawSql.fromString "SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements(tags) AS tag FROM json_demo")
        (Marshall.annotateSqlMarshallerEmptyAnnotation marshaller)
    liftIO $ print readEntities

Program output and test

This concludes this tutorial. The expected output is visible just above the EOF:

cabal build
cat << 'EOF' > json-test.t
$ cp $(cabal list-bin exe:orville-json | tail -n1) $OLDPWD
$ cd $OLDPWD
$ ./orville-json
Just (Foo {fooId = 0, fooTags = Array [Number 1.0,Number 2.0,Number 3.0]})
[(0,Number 1.0),(0,Number 2.0),(0,Number 3.0)]
~/.local/bin/prysk json-test.t --indent=0