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#!/usr/bin/env mdsh

Using SqlMarshaller

The SQL Marshaller helps with converting from a Haskell record to SQL and back. This document also shows how the SQL marshaller in table definitions, which can then be used to generate Data Definition Language (DDL) queries to create tables in the database.

First let's initialize a Haskell project. This first part is identical to the GETTING-STARTED guide, so we'll avoid explaining it here.

mkdir orville-sql-marshaller
cd orville-sql-marshaller
cabal init -n --exe
sed -i -re 's/build-depends:/build-depends: orville-postgresql ^>=, text,/' *.cabal
cabal update

Now, let's import the necessary modules. We use less 'internal' imports here than in the GETTING-STARTED guide, because we are using a higher abstraction level.

cat <<EOF > app/Main.hs
import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL as O
import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.AutoMigration as AutoMigration

import qualified Data.Int as Int
import qualified Data.Text as T

Next, let's declare some type aliases and the Haskell record itself. We'll enable storing values of this record in the SQL database.

cat << EOF >> app/Main.hs
type FooId = Int.Int32
type FooName = T.Text
type FooAge = Int.Int32

data Foo = Foo
  { fooId :: FooId
  , fooName :: FooName
  , fooAge :: FooAge
  deriving (Eq, Show)

To store the record in SQL, we need to define Orville FieldDefinitions for each of the fields of the record. A FieldDefinition maps to a column in SQL. Also note how the type is parameterized on whether it is nullable or not.

The strings passed in here are the actual SQL column names. FieldDefinitions help avoiding typos, since the Haskell compiler will fail compilation if the name of a FieldDefinition is misspelt.

cat << EOF >> app/Main.hs
fooIdField :: O.FieldDefinition O.NotNull FooId
fooIdField =
  O.integerField "id"

fooNameField :: O.FieldDefinition O.NotNull FooName
fooNameField =
  O.unboundedTextField "name"

fooAgeField :: O.FieldDefinition O.NotNull FooAge
fooAgeField =
  O.integerField "age"

Now that the fields are defined, we can use them, togehter with the record field selector functions, to define the SqlMarshaller.

cat << EOF >> app/Main.hs
fooMarshaller :: O.SqlMarshaller Foo Foo
fooMarshaller =
    <$> O.marshallField fooId fooIdField
    <*> O.marshallField fooName fooNameField
    <*> O.marshallField fooAge fooAgeField

We can use the marshaller to define the Orville table definition. This binding represents a table, but note that it doesn't necessarily exist in the SQL database until we start using it.

cat << EOF >> app/Main.hs
table :: O.TableDefinition (O.HasKey FooId) Foo Foo
table =
  O.mkTableDefinition "foo" (O.primaryKey fooIdField) fooMarshaller

Now let's write the main function, which does the following:

  1. auto migrates using the table defintion. It will match the Haskell record at the time of execution of the statement. The details of migration are out of scope for this article.
  2. deletes the Foo with ID 0, if it exists. Necessary to allow the program to be repeatedly executed, as primary keys can't be duplicated.
  3. inserts an example Foo object with ID 0.
  4. reads it back out using its ID 0. If an entity with the given ID doesn't exist, we'd get a Nothing here.
  5. prints the retrieved entity
cat << EOF >> app/Main.hs
main :: IO ()
main = do
  pool <-
          { O.connectionString = "host=pg user=orville_docs password=orville"
          , O.connectionNoticeReporting = O.DisableNoticeReporting
          , O.connectionPoolStripes = O.OneStripePerCapability
          , O.connectionPoolLingerTime = 10
          , O.connectionPoolMaxConnections = O.MaxConnectionsPerStripe 1

  mFoo <- O.runOrville pool $ do
    AutoMigration.autoMigrateSchema AutoMigration.defaultOptions [AutoMigration.SchemaTable table]
    _ <- O.deleteEntity table 0
    _ <- O.insertEntity table Foo { fooId = 0, fooName = T.pack "Name", fooAge = 91 }
    O.findEntity table 0
  print mFoo

The program is now complete, let's compile and run!

cabal build

This verifies the output, the relevant part here is just the line before EOF.

cat <<EOF > sql-marshaller-test.t
$ cd \$TESTDIR
$ cp \$(cabal list-bin exe:orville-sql-marshaller | tail -n1) \$OLDPWD
$ cd \$OLDPWD
$ ./orville-sql-marshaller
Just (Foo {fooId = 0, fooName = "Name", fooAge = 91})
~/.local/bin/prysk sql-marshaller-test.t --indent=0