Prism-based parsers and pretty printers
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2017-12-31 17:10:34 +10:00
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test TH: make tuples left-leaning 2016-04-09 11:35:26 +10:00
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agpl-3.0.txt initial commit 2016-03-12 21:33:25 +10:00
fresnel.cabal ci: add lts-10 to build matrix 2017-12-31 17:10:34 +10:00
README.rst readme: preview <-> review 2016-04-04 23:45:10 +10:00
Setup.hs initial commit 2016-03-12 21:33:25 +10:00
stack.yaml add doctest test suite 2016-04-03 08:56:18 +10:00

Prism-based unified parsers and pretty printers


Defining a grammar:

.. code:: haskell

  {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

  import Data.Fresnel
  import Data.Fresnel.Char
  import Data.Fresnel.TH

  -- | A contrived and poorly-constrained type for phone numbers
  data PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber
    { phoneAreaCode :: String
    , phoneNumber :: String
  makeIso ''PhoneNumber

  phoneNumberG :: Cons s s Char Char => Grammar s PhoneNumber
  phoneNumberG = _PhoneNumber <<$>>
    literal '(' *>> replicate 2 digit <<* literal ')'
    <<*   match (many space) " "
    <<*>> replicate 8 (match (many space) "" *>> digit)

Using a grammar::

  λ> parse phoneNumberG ("(07)3456  78  9  0" :: String)
  Just (PhoneNumber "07" "34567890")

  λ> print phoneNumberG (PhoneNumber "07" "34567890") :: String
  "(07) 34567890"

Library overview

*fresnel* is a combinator library for building first class unified
parser/printers out of prisms and isos.  A parser/printer is a
``Prism``, but most functions reference the ``Grammar`` type alias:

.. code:: haskell

  type Grammar s a = Prism' s (a, s)

The prism can be previewed to parse, and reviewed to print.  The
``parse`` and ``print`` functions are provided for convenience.

.. code:: haskell

  parse :: Grammar s b -> s -> Maybe b
  parse g s = fst <$> preview g s

  print :: Monoid s => Grammar s b -> b -> s
  print g b = review g (b, mempty)

Many familiar combinators are provided.  Some have the
``Control.Lens.Cons.Cons`` type class constraint which provides for
generic parser/printer that work with many types that can be
(de)constructed "piecewise".

.. code:: haskell

  satisfy :: Cons s s a a => (a -> Bool) -> Grammar s a

  symbol :: (Cons s s a a, Eq a) => a -> Grammar s a

  eof :: Cons s s a a => Grammar s ()

  between :: Grammar s () -> Grammar s () -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s a

  many :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s [a]

  many1 :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s (NonEmpty a)

  replicate :: Natural -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s [a]

The analogue of ``fmap``/``(<$>)`` is ``(<<$>>)`` which composes an
``Iso`` into the grammar.

.. code:: haskell

  (<<$>>) :: Iso' a b -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s b

Product types (records) and sum types (choices) can be handled with
special combinators in conjunction with isos.  *Template Haskell*
code is provided for automatically generating appropriate ``Iso``
values for your types.

.. code:: haskell

  (<<*>>) :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s b -> Grammar s (a, b)

  (<<+>>) :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s b -> Grammar s (Either a b)

Combinators for sequencing and an analogue of ``(>>=)`` are also

.. code:: haskell

  (<<*) :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s () -> Grammar s a

  (*>>) :: Grammar s () -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s a

  bind :: Grammar s a -> (a -> Grammar s b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar s b

By the way, I lied about the type of ``(<<$>>)``.  It can also be
used with any old ``Prism'``.  A failed ``preview`` is a parse
failure.  Isos are just prisms that never fail!  Here's the real

.. code:: haskell

  (<<$>>) :: Prism' a b -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s b

You can consume and print a literal value, or match an arbitrary
grammar while printing a "canonical" value on review.

.. code:: haskell

  literal :: (Cons s s a a, Eq a) => a -> Grammar s ()

  match :: Grammar s a -> a -> Grammar s ()

Mapping to/from custom data types

You can automatically generate ``Iso`` values for custom data types
via the ``makeIso`` Template Haskell function.

.. code:: haskell

  {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

  import Data.Fresnel.TH (makeIso)

  data Foo = A Int Char | B Bool
  makeIso ''Foo

This will create the ``Iso``:

.. code:: haskell

  _Foo :: Iso' (Either (Int, Char) Bool) Foo