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synced 2024-12-03 11:11:45 +03:00
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87 lines
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extends Node2D
var id setget id_set
var content setget content_set
var type setget type_set
var repository: Container
var children = {} setget children_set
var id_always_visible = false
var arrow = preload("res://arrow.tscn")
func _ready():
func _process(delta):
for c in children.keys():
if get_node("..").objects.has(c):
var other = get_node("..").objects[c]
var d = other.position.distance_to(position)
var dir = (other.position - position).normalized()
var f = (d*0.01)
position += dir*f
other.position -= dir*f
func id_set(new_id):
id = new_id
$ID.text = id
func content_set(new_content):
content = new_content
$Content.text = content
func type_set(new_type):
type = new_type
if type != "ref":
$ID.text = $ID.text.substr(0,8)
elif type == "ref":
var parts = $ID.text.split("/")
$ID.text = parts[parts.size()-1]
match new_type:
$Rect.color = Color("#333333")
$Rect.color = Color.darkgreen
$Rect.color = Color.orange
$Rect.color = Color.blue
id_always_visible = true
$Rect.color = Color("#6680ff")
id_always_visible = true
$Rect.color = Color.red
id_always_visible = true
if id_always_visible:
func children_set(new_children):
for c in $Arrows.get_children():
if not new_children.has(c.target):
for c in new_children:
if not children.has(c):
var a = arrow.instance()
a.label = new_children[c]
a.target = c
a.repository = repository
children = new_children
func _on_hover():
$Content.visible = true
$ID.visible = true
func _on_unhover():
if not id_always_visible:
$Content.visible = false
$ID.visible = false
func _input_event(viewport, event, shape_idx):
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
var input = get_tree().get_current_scene().find_node("Terminal").find_node("Control").find_node("Input")
input.text += $ID.text
input.caret_position = input.text.length()