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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DerivingStrategies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LambdaCase, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, QuantifiedConstraints, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, TypeApplications #-}
2019-08-27 18:27:53 +03:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Instances () where
2019-08-27 18:27:53 +03:00
-- Testing code depends on certain instances that we don't want to
-- expose in semantic-core proper, yet are important enough that
-- we should keep track of them in a dedicated file.
import Analysis.ScopeGraph
import Control.Effect.Sum
2019-08-27 18:27:53 +03:00
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
2019-08-27 18:27:53 +03:00
import Data.Loc
import Data.Core (Core, Ann (..))
2019-08-27 18:27:53 +03:00
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.File
import Data.Term
2019-08-27 18:27:53 +03:00
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Scope (Scope, Incr)
import qualified Data.Scope as Scope
import Data.Name
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Named a) where
toJSON _ = object []
instance ToJSON1 Named where
liftToJSON f _ (Named i a) = object
[ "name" .= i
, "value" .= f a
-- Loses information compared to the toJSON instance
-- due to an infelicity in how Aeson's toJSON1 is implemented.
-- The correct thing to do here is to manually munge the bytestring
-- together as a builder, but we don't even hit this code path,
-- so it will do for now.
liftToEncoding f _ (Named name a) = f a
instance ToJSON2 Incr where
liftToJSON2 f _ g _ = \case
Scope.Z a -> f a
Scope.S b -> g b
liftToEncoding2 f _ g _ = \case
Scope.Z a -> f a
Scope.S b -> g b
deriving newtype instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Ignored a)
instance (Functor f, ToJSON1 f, ToJSON a) => ToJSON1 (Scope a f) where
liftToJSON f g (Scope.Scope a) = toJSON1 (fmap (toJSON2 . fmap (liftToJSON f g)) a)
liftToEncoding f g (Scope.Scope a) = liftToEncoding inner outer a where
inner = liftToEncoding2 toEncoding toEncodingList hoist loist
outer = liftToEncodingList2 toEncoding toEncodingList hoist loist
hoist = liftToEncoding f g
loist = liftToEncodingList f g
deriving anyclass instance (Functor f, ToJSON1 f) => ToJSON1 (Core f)
instance (ToJSON1 (sig (Term sig))) => ToJSON1 (Term sig) where
liftToJSON f _ (Var a) = f a
liftToJSON f g (Term s) = liftToJSON f g s
liftToEncoding f _ (Var a) = f a
liftToEncoding f g (Term s) = liftToEncoding f g s
instance (ToJSON1 (f k), ToJSON1 (g k)) => ToJSON1 ((:+:) f g k) where
liftToJSON f g (L h) = liftToJSON f g h
liftToJSON f g (R h) = liftToJSON f g h
instance (ToJSON1 f) => ToJSON1 (Ann f) where
liftToJSON f g (Ann loc term) =
rest = case liftToJSON f g term of
Object os -> HashMap.toList os
other -> ["value" .= other]
in object (["location" .= loc] <> rest)
-- We default to deriving the default toEncoding definition (that piggybacks
-- off of toJSON) so that we never hit the problematic code paths associated
-- with toEncoding above.
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (File a) where
toJSON File{fileLoc, fileBody} = object
[ "location" .= fileLoc
, "body" .= fileBody
2019-08-27 18:27:53 +03:00
instance ToJSON Span where
toJSON Span{spanStart, spanEnd} = object
[ "kind" .= ("span" :: Text)
, "start" .= spanStart
, "end" .= spanEnd
instance ToJSON Pos where
toJSON Pos{posLine, posCol} = object
[ "kind" .= ("pos" :: Text)
, "line" .= posLine
, "column" .= posCol
instance ToJSON Loc where
toJSON Loc{locPath, locSpan} = object
[ "kind" .= ("loc" :: Text)
, "path" .= locPath
, "span" .= locSpan
instance ToJSON Ref where
toJSON (Ref loc) = object [ "kind" .= ("ref" :: Text)
, "location" .= loc]
instance ToJSON Decl where
toJSON Decl{declSymbol, declLoc} = object
[ "kind" .= ("decl" :: Text)
, "symbol" .= declSymbol
, "location" .= declLoc
instance ToJSON ScopeGraph where
toJSON (ScopeGraph sc) = toJSON . Map.mapKeys declSymbol $ sc