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2019-11-01 09:38:52 -04:00

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  • You can conveniently build and run semantic with profiling enabled using script/profile. Any arguments you pass to the script will be passed along to semantic. It will archive the results in the profiles folder, and open the run when its finished.
  • Similarly, you can generate threadscope profiles with script/threadscope.
  • To profile you will need to make sure profiteur is installed: stack install profiteur along with ps2pdf: brew install ghostscript.
  • The Haskell wiki has some handy rules of thumb for strict evaluation. This can be useful when dealing with performance issues caused by long chains of lazy computations, and when ensuring sequencing (e.g. for parallelism or correct handling of FFI allocations).

Memory Leaks

Space leaks are sometimes introduced into Semantic when holding on to a reference for too long, building up unevaluated expressions, or by keeping around unneeded references. While GHC has a garbage collector that can prevent dangling pointers, it's still possible to create space leaks in connection with lazy evaluation. Space leaks not only consume more memory, but also slow down the garbage collector considerably!

Space leaks can be detected by running semantic with a restricted heap size. Neil Mitchell's blog post describes a method for detecting space leaks by analyzing the stack traces of stack overflows when compiling with a restricted heap size.


stack build --fast is a nice way to speed up local development (builds without optimizations).


stack build --fast semantic:test builds and runs the unit tests.

  • Find out what all the possible test arguments are with stack test --help.

  • Focus in on a particular test or set of tests with -m/--match:

      stack test --test-arguments="-m ruby"
  • Use --skip to run everything but matching tests:

      stack test --test-arguments="--skip ruby"
  • It can take a while to run them over the whole project. Focus in on a particular module with --test-arguments:

      stack test --test-arguments=src/Data/Range.hs


git can be configured to open diffs in semantic using git-difftool:

  1. Install semantic to the local bin path: stack install :semantic

  2. Configure semantic as a difftool:

     git config difftool.semantic.cmd 'semantic diff --patch "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"'
  3. Optionally, configure semantic as the default difftool:

     git config diff.tool semantic
  4. Perform git diffs using semantic by invoking git-difftool:

     # if configured as default
     git difftool
     # otherwise
     git difftool -t semantic
  5. Bonus round! Optionally, configure git-difftool to never prompt:

     git config difftool.prompt false


    1. Install ghc-mod from the semantic directory by running:

      stack install ghc-mod

    1. You'll need the ide-haskell plugins for atom. You can install through apm:

       apm install haskell-ghc-mod ide-haskell ide-haskell-cabal linter linter-ui-default

Ctags Support

You can enable ctags support for the project by installing codex to generate a ctags file. This is often useful because haskell-ide-engine's jump-to-definition feature can break during editing.

    `stack install hasktags`
    `git clone https://github.com/aloiscochard/codex && cd codex && stack install codex`

To generate or update the tags file:

    `codex update`

Symbol support is handled by the symbols-view package in atom or your friendly editor's ctags support. In atom you can use cmd-alt-down and cmd-alt-up to jump to a definition and jump back to your original position. If you're using a vim plugin, they're also bound to ctrl-] and ctrl-t. cmd-shift-r lists all tags in the project.

The symbols-view package only recognizes files named tags in the root of your project so you'll have to add a symlink:

    `ln -s codex.tags tags`

Alternatively, you can replace symbols-view with joshvera/tags-view in your atom packages which adds support for jumping to absolute paths (if you want to navigate to a haskell dependency or base library in stackage) and recognizes codex.tags files.

    `git clone https://github.com/joshvera/tags-view ~/.atom/packages/tags-view`

Then disable the symbols-view package.

Semantic documentation in Dash

You can generate a semantic docset and import it into Dash locally. To do so run the script/haddock first to ensure Haddock documentation is generated. Then run script/docset. This should generate .docset/semantic.docset in the semantic repo. The last step is to import the semantic.docset into Dash. Open dash, open preferences, select the 'Docsets' tab, click the + icon to add a new docset, and direct the file browser to semantic/.docsets/semantic.docset.

Working with grammar datatypes

haskell-tree-sitter includes some TemplateHaskell machinery to generate a datatype from a tree-sitter parsers symbol table. You can generally guess the constructors of that type by turning the snake_case production names from the tree-sitter grammar into UpperCamelCase names, but you can also have the compiler dump the datatype out in full in the repl:

    λ :info Language.JSON.Grammar.Grammar

Voilà! Youre now looking at the source code for the datatype generated from the symbol table:

data Language.JSON.Grammar.Grammar
  = Language.JSON.Grammar.END
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AnonLBrace
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AnonComma
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AnonRBrace
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AnonColon
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AnonLBracket
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AnonRBracket
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.String
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.Number
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.True
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.False
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.Null
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.HiddenValue
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.Object
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.Pair
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.Array
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AuxObjectRepeat1
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.AuxArrayRepeat1
  | Language.JSON.Grammar.ParseError
  	-- Defined at src/Language/JSON/Grammar.hs:10:1
instance Bounded Language.JSON.Grammar.Grammar
  -- Defined at src/Language/JSON/Grammar.hs:10:1
instance Ord Language.JSON.Grammar.Grammar
  -- Defined at src/Language/JSON/Grammar.hs:10:1
instance Eq Language.JSON.Grammar.Grammar
  -- Defined at src/Language/JSON/Grammar.hs:10:1
instance Enum Language.JSON.Grammar.Grammar
  -- Defined at src/Language/JSON/Grammar.hs:10:1
instance Show Language.JSON.Grammar.Grammar
  -- Defined at src/Language/JSON/Grammar.hs:10:1


The Haskell interactive repl (GHCi) allows you to quickly typecheck your work and test out ideas interactively. Its always worth having a repl open, and weve particularly tuned some workflows for the repl.

Full docs for ghci can be found in the users guide.

Multiple components

semantic consists of multiple packages and components, which makes it somewhat challenging to load into ghci using e.g. cabal repl. To help that, we provide script/repl to automate working with multiple components & packages. Unlike when using cabal repl, after loading you will need to explicitly :load (at least some of) the sources you need to work with. For example, when working in the main semantic package, almost everything can be loaded with :load Semantic.CLI, since the Semantic.CLI module ultimately depends on just about everything else in the repo.

This script is also set up to store intermediate build products in a separate dist-repl dir to avoid colliding with normal builds.


ghci can be configured with scripts containing Haskell statements and repl commands. By default, the ~/.ghc/ghci.conf file will be loaded, as well as a .ghci file in the working directory, if any. We dont currently provide such for use with semantic, but we do provide a .ghci.sample file which we suggest copying to ~/.ghc/ghci.conf for better typed holes, pretty-printing via pretty-simple, and a simple prompt.

Managing history

ghci uses the haskeline package to perform the readline-like navigation, search, and management of history, as well as tab-completions. haskeline has several user preferences and custom key bindings which can be configured per-user via the ~/.haskeline file. For example, these preferences cause haskeline to include only one instance of repeated commands in history, and to place no upper bound on the number of commands it will remember:

historyDuplicates: IgnoreAll
maxHistorySize: Nothing


By default, GHCi prints the results of expressions using their Show instances, which can be particularly difficult to read for large recursive structures like Terms and Diffs. The projects .ghci.sample file provides :pretty & :no-pretty macros which respectively enable & disable colourized, pretty-printed formatting of result values instead. These macros depend on the the pretty-simple package.

Since :reloading resets local bindings, the file also provides a convenient :r macro which reloads and then immediately re-enables :pretty.

You can use :pretty & :no-pretty like so:

λ :no-pretty
λ Data.Range.Range <$> [1..3] <*> [4..6]
[Range {start = 1, end = 4},Range {start = 1, end = 5},Range {start = 1, end = 6},Range {start = 2, end = 4},Range {start = 2, end = 5},Range {start = 2, end = 6},Range {start = 3, end = 4},Range {start = 3, end = 5},Range {start = 3, end = 6}]
λ :pretty
λ Data.Range.Range <$> [1..3] <*> [4..6]
[ Range { start = 1 , end = 4 }
, Range { start = 1 , end = 5 }
, Range { start = 1 , end = 6 }
, Range { start = 2 , end = 4 }
, Range { start = 2 , end = 5 }
, Range { start = 2 , end = 6 }
, Range { start = 3 , end = 4 }
, Range { start = 3 , end = 5 }
, Range { start = 3 , end = 6 }

Using Threadscope

Threadscope is a tool for profiling the multi-threaded performance of Haskell programs. It allows us to see how work is shared across processors and identify performance issues related to garbage collection or bottlenecks in our processes.

To install threadscope:

  1. Download a prebuilt binary from https://github.com/haskell/ThreadScope/releases
  2. chmod a+x the result of extracting the release
  3. brew install gtk+ gtk-mac-integration