2022-02-11 14:32:12 +01:00

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The built-in comparison operators work on a fixed set of types, like Int and String. That covers a lot of cases, but what happens when you want to compare records?

This page aims to catalog these scenarios and offer alternative paths that can get you unstuck.

Sorting Records

Say we want a view function that can show a list of students sorted by different characteristics.

We could create something like this:

import Html exposing (..)

type alias Student =
  { name : String
  , age : Int
  , gpa : Float

type Order = Name | Age | GPA

viewStudents : Order -> List Student -> Html msg
viewStudents order students =
    orderlyStudents =
      case order of
        Name -> List.sortBy .name students
        Age -> List.sortBy .age students
        GPA -> List.sortBy .gpa students
  ul [] ( viewStudent orderlyStudents)

viewStudent : Student -> Html msg
viewStudent student =
  li [] [ text ]

If you are worried about the performance of changing the order or updating information about particular students, you can start using the Html.Lazy and Html.Keyed modules. The updated code would look something like this:

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy)
import Html.Keyed as Keyed

type Order = Name | Age | GPA

type alias Student =
  { name : String
  , age : Int
  , gpa : Float

viewStudents : Order -> List Student -> Html msg
viewStudents order students =
    orderlyStudents =
      case order of
        Name -> List.sortBy .name students
        Age -> List.sortBy .age students
        GPA -> List.sortBy .gpa students
  Keyed.ul [] ( viewKeyedStudent orderlyStudents)

viewKeyedStudent : Student -> (String, Html msg)
viewKeyedStudent student =
  (, lazy viewStudent student )

viewStudent : Student -> Html msg
viewStudent student =
  li [] [ text ]

By using Keyed.ul we help the renderer move the DOM nodes around based on their key. This makes it much cheaper to reorder a bunch of students. And by using lazy we help the renderer skip a bunch of work. If the Student is the same as last time, the render can skip over it.

Note: Some people are skeptical of having logic like this in view functions, but I think the alternative (maintaining sort order in your Model) has some serious downsides. Say a colleague is adding a message to Add students, but they do not know about the sort order rules needed for presentation. Bug! So in this alternate design, you must diligently test your update function to make sure that no message disturbs the sort order. This is bound to lead to bugs over time!

With all the optimizations possible with Html.Lazy and Html.Keyed, I would always be inclined to work on optimizing my view functions rather than making my update functions more complicated and error prone.

Something else?

If you have some other situation, please tell us about it here. That is a log of error messages that can be improved, and we can use the particulars of your scenario to add more advice on this page!