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module Test.QuerySpec.RelationshipsSpec (spec) where
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Lens (Traversal', ix, (&), (?~), (^.), (^..), (^?), _Just)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client)
import Test.Data (TestData (..), guardedQuery)
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe, rowsShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Prelude
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Maybe SubqueryComparisonCapabilities -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config subqueryComparisonCapabilities = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
it "perform an object relationship query by joining artist to albums" $ do
let query = albumsWithArtistQuery id
receivedAlbums <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "AlbumId" <$> guardedQuery api sourceName config query
let joinInArtist (album :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let artist = (album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \artistId -> _tdArtistsRowsById ^? ix artistId
artistPropVal = maybeToList artist
in Data.insertField "Artist" (mkSubqueryResponse artistPropVal) album
let removeArtistId = Data.deleteField "ArtistId"
let expectedAlbums = (removeArtistId . joinInArtist) <$> _tdAlbumsRows
Data.responseRows receivedAlbums `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedAlbums `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "perform an array relationship query by joining albums to artists" $ do
let query = artistsWithAlbumsQuery id
receivedArtists <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "ArtistId" <$> guardedQuery api sourceName config query
let joinInAlbums (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let artistId = artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
albumFilter artistId' album = album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId'
albums = maybe [] (\artistId' -> filter (albumFilter artistId') _tdAlbumsRows) artistId
albums' = Data.deleteField "ArtistId" <$> albums
in Data.insertField "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse albums') artist
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> _tdArtistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "perform an array relationship query by joining albums to artists with pagination of albums" $ do
let albumsOrdering = OrderBy mempty $ NonEmpty.fromList [_tdOrderByColumn [] "AlbumId" Ascending]
let query = artistsWithAlbumsQuery (qOffset ?~ 1 >>> qLimit ?~ 2 >>> qOrderBy ?~ albumsOrdering)
receivedArtists <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "ArtistId" <$> guardedQuery api sourceName config query
let joinInAlbums (artist :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) = do
let artistId = artist ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
albumFilter artistId' album = album ^? Data.field "ArtistId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just artistId'
albums = maybe [] (\artistId' -> filter (albumFilter artistId') _tdAlbumsRows) artistId
paginatedAlbums = albums & sortOn (^? Data.field "ArtistId") & drop 1 & take 2
paginatedAlbums' = Data.deleteField "ArtistId" <$> paginatedAlbums
in Data.insertField "Albums" (mkSubqueryResponse paginatedAlbums') artist
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> _tdArtistsRows
Data.responseRows receivedArtists `rowsShouldBe` expectedAlbums
_qrAggregates receivedArtists `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
when ((_ctccSupportsRelations <$> subqueryComparisonCapabilities) == Just True) $
describe "Cross related table comparisons" $ do
it "perform an object relationship query by joining employee to customers and filter comparing columns across the object relationship" $ do
-- Join Employee to Customers via SupportRep, and only get those customers that have a rep
-- that is in the same country as the customer
-- This sort of thing would come from a permissions filter on Customer that looks like:
-- { SupportRep: { Country: { _ceq: [ "$", "Country" ] } } }
let where' =
Exists (RelatedTable _tdSupportRepRelationshipName) $
(_tdCurrentComparisonColumn "Country")
(AnotherColumn (_tdQueryComparisonColumn "Country"))
let query = customersWithSupportRepQuery id & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedCustomers <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "CustomerId" <$> guardedQuery api sourceName config query
let joinInSupportRep (customer :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let supportRep = (customer ^? Data.field "SupportRepId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber) >>= \employeeId -> _tdEmployeesRowsById ^? ix employeeId
supportRepPropVal = maybeToList $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields employeesQuery <$> supportRep
in Data.insertField "SupportRep" (mkSubqueryResponse supportRepPropVal) customer
let filterCustomersBySupportRepCountry (customer :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let customerCountry = customer ^? Data.field "Country" . Data._ColumnFieldString
supportRepCountry = customer ^.. Data.field "SupportRep" . subqueryRows . Data.field "Country" . Data._ColumnFieldString
in any (`elem` supportRepCountry) customerCountry
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> _tdCustomersRows
Data.responseRows receivedCustomers `rowsShouldBe` expectedCustomers
_qrAggregates receivedCustomers `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "perform an array relationship query by joining customers to employees and filter comparing columns across the array relationship" $ do
-- Join Customers to Employees via SupportRepForCustomers, and only get those employees that are reps for
-- customers that are in the same country as the employee
-- This sort of thing would come from a permissions filter on Employees that looks like:
-- { SupportRepForCustomers: { Country: { _ceq: [ "$", "Country" ] } } }
let where' =
Exists (RelatedTable _tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName) $
(_tdCurrentComparisonColumn "Country")
(AnotherColumn (_tdQueryComparisonColumn "Country"))
let query = employeesWithCustomersQuery id & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ where'
receivedEmployees <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "EmployeeId" <$> guardedQuery api sourceName config query
let joinInCustomers (employee :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let employeeId = employee ^? Data.field "EmployeeId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber
customerFilter employeeId' customer = customer ^? Data.field "SupportRepId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber == Just employeeId'
customers = maybe [] (\employeeId' -> filter (customerFilter employeeId') _tdCustomersRows) employeeId
customers' = Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields customersQuery <$> customers
in Data.insertField "SupportRepForCustomers" (mkSubqueryResponse customers') employee
let filterEmployeesByCustomerCountry (employee :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let employeeCountry = employee ^? Data.field "Country" . Data._ColumnFieldString
customerCountries = employee ^.. Data.field "SupportRepForCustomers" . subqueryRows . Data.field "Country" . Data._ColumnFieldString
in any (`elem` customerCountries) employeeCountry
let expectedEmployees = filter filterEmployeesByCustomerCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInCustomers <$> _tdEmployeesRows
Data.responseRows receivedEmployees `rowsShouldBe` expectedEmployees
_qrAggregates receivedEmployees `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
it "perform an object relationship query by joining employee to customers but filter employees by comparing columns on the employee" $ do
-- Join Employee to Customers via SupportRep, and only get those customers that have a rep
-- However, the Employee table is filtered with a permission rule that compares columns on that table.
-- This Employee table permissions filter would look like:
-- { FirstName: { _cgt: ["LastName"] } }
let customersWhere =
Exists (RelatedTable _tdSupportRepRelationshipName) $
[ ( ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator
(_tdCurrentComparisonColumn "FirstName")
(AnotherColumn (_tdCurrentComparisonColumn "LastName"))
(Not (ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator IsNull (_tdCurrentComparisonColumn "EmployeeId")))
let employeesWhere =
(_tdCurrentComparisonColumn "FirstName")
(AnotherColumn (_tdCurrentComparisonColumn "LastName"))
let query = customersWithSupportRepQuery (\q -> q & qWhere ?~ employeesWhere) & qrQuery . qWhere ?~ customersWhere
receivedCustomers <- Data.sortResponseRowsBy "CustomerId" <$> guardedQuery api sourceName config query
let joinInSupportRep (customer :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let supportRep = do
employeeId <- (customer ^? Data.field "SupportRepId" . Data._ColumnFieldNumber)
employee <- _tdEmployeesRowsById ^? ix employeeId
firstName <- employee ^? Data.field "FirstName"
lastName <- employee ^? Data.field "LastName"
if firstName > lastName then pure employee else Nothing
supportRepPropVal = maybeToList $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields employeesQuery <$> supportRep
in Data.insertField "SupportRep" (mkSubqueryResponse supportRepPropVal) customer
let filterCustomersBySupportRepExistence (customer :: HashMap FieldName FieldValue) =
let supportRep = customer ^.. Data.field "SupportRep" . subqueryRows
in not (null supportRep)
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepExistence $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> _tdCustomersRows
Data.responseRows receivedCustomers `rowsShouldBe` expectedCustomers
_qrAggregates receivedCustomers `jsonShouldBe` Nothing
albumsWithArtistQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
albumsWithArtistQuery modifySubquery =
let artistsSubquery = modifySubquery artistsQuery
fields =
[ ("AlbumId", _tdColumnField "AlbumId"),
("Title", _tdColumnField "Title"),
("Artist", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdArtistRelationshipName artistsSubquery)
query = albumsQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdAlbumsTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdArtistRelationshipName] _tdAlbumsTableRelationships] query
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
let albumFields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", _tdColumnField "AlbumId"), ("Title", _tdColumnField "Title")]
albumsSort = OrderBy mempty $ _tdOrderByColumn [] "AlbumId" Ascending :| []
albumsSubquery = albumsQuery & qFields ?~ albumFields & qOrderBy ?~ albumsSort & modifySubquery
fields =
[ ("ArtistId", _tdColumnField "ArtistId"),
("Name", _tdColumnField "Name"),
("Albums", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdAlbumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
query = artistsQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdArtistsTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdAlbumsRelationshipName] _tdArtistsTableRelationships] query
employeesWithCustomersQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
employeesWithCustomersQuery modifySubquery =
let customersSort = OrderBy mempty $ _tdOrderByColumn [] "CustomerId" Ascending :| []
customersSubquery = customersQuery & qOrderBy ?~ customersSort & modifySubquery
fields =
Data.queryFields employeesQuery
<> Data.mkFieldsMap
[ ("SupportRepForCustomers", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName customersSubquery)
query = employeesQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdEmployeesTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdSupportRepForCustomersRelationshipName] _tdEmployeesTableRelationships] query
customersWithSupportRepQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
customersWithSupportRepQuery modifySubquery =
let supportRepSubquery = employeesQuery & modifySubquery
fields =
Data.queryFields customersQuery
<> Data.mkFieldsMap
[ ("SupportRep", RelField $ RelationshipField _tdSupportRepRelationshipName supportRepSubquery)
query = customersQuery & qFields ?~ fields
in QueryRequest _tdCustomersTableName [Data.onlyKeepRelationships [_tdSupportRepRelationshipName] _tdCustomersTableRelationships] query
artistsQuery :: Query
artistsQuery =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("ArtistId", _tdColumnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", _tdColumnField "Name")]
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
albumsQuery :: Query
albumsQuery =
let fields = Data.mkFieldsMap [("AlbumId", _tdColumnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", _tdColumnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", _tdColumnField "Title")]
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
customersQuery :: Query
customersQuery =
let fields =
[ ("CustomerId", _tdColumnField "CustomerId"),
("FirstName", _tdColumnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", _tdColumnField "LastName"),
("Country", _tdColumnField "Country"),
("SupportRepId", _tdColumnField "SupportRepId")
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
employeesQuery :: Query
employeesQuery =
let fields =
[ ("EmployeeId", _tdColumnField "EmployeeId"),
("FirstName", _tdColumnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", _tdColumnField "LastName"),
("Country", _tdColumnField "Country")
in Data.emptyQuery & qFields ?~ fields
mkSubqueryResponse :: [HashMap FieldName FieldValue] -> FieldValue
mkSubqueryResponse rows =
mkRelationshipFieldValue $ QueryResponse (Just rows) Nothing
subqueryRows :: Traversal' FieldValue (HashMap FieldName FieldValue)
subqueryRows = _RelationshipFieldValue . qrRows . _Just . traverse