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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
Send anonymized metrics to the telemetry server regarding usage of various
features of Hasura.
module Hasura.Server.Telemetry
( runTelemetry
, mkTelemetryLog
import Control.Exception (try)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Text.Conversions (UTF8 (..), decodeText)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Telemetry.Counters
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
import Hasura.Server.Version
import qualified CI
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Extended as C
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
data RelationshipMetric
= RelationshipMetric
{ _rmManual :: !Int
, _rmAuto :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''RelationshipMetric)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
data PermissionMetric
= PermissionMetric
{ _pmSelect :: !Int
, _pmInsert :: !Int
, _pmUpdate :: !Int
, _pmDelete :: !Int
, _pmRoles :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''PermissionMetric)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
data ActionMetric
= ActionMetric
{ _amSynchronous :: !Int
, _amAsynchronous :: !Int
, _amTypeRelationships :: !Int
, _amCustomTypes :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''ActionMetric)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
data Metrics
= Metrics
{ _mtTables :: !Int
, _mtViews :: !Int
, _mtEnumTables :: !Int
, _mtRelationships :: !RelationshipMetric
, _mtPermissions :: !PermissionMetric
, _mtEventTriggers :: !Int
, _mtRemoteSchemas :: !Int
, _mtFunctions :: !Int
, _mtServiceTimings :: !ServiceTimingMetrics
, _mtPgVersion :: !PGVersion
, _mtActions :: !ActionMetric
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''Metrics)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
data HasuraTelemetry
= HasuraTelemetry
{ _htDbUid :: !Text
, _htInstanceUid :: !InstanceId
, _htVersion :: !Version
, _htCi :: !(Maybe CI.CI)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
, _htMetrics :: !Metrics
} deriving (Show)
$(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''HasuraTelemetry)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
data TelemetryPayload
= TelemetryPayload
{ _tpTopic :: !Text
, _tpData :: !HasuraTelemetry
} deriving (Show)
$(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''TelemetryPayload)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
telemetryUrl :: Text
telemetryUrl = ""
mkPayload :: Text -> InstanceId -> Version -> Metrics -> IO TelemetryPayload
mkPayload dbId instanceId version metrics = do
ci <- CI.getCI
let topic = case version of
VersionDev _ -> "server_test"
VersionRelease _ -> "server"
pure $ TelemetryPayload topic $ HasuraTelemetry dbId instanceId version ci metrics
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
-- | An infinite loop that sends updated telemetry data ('Metrics') every 24
-- hours. The send time depends on when the server was started and will
-- naturally drift.
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
:: (HasVersion)
=> Logger Hasura
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
-> HTTP.Manager
-> IO SchemaCache
-- ^ an action that always returns the latest schema cache
-> Text
-> InstanceId
-> PGVersion
-> IO void
runTelemetry (Logger logger) manager getSchemaCache dbId instanceId pgVersion = do
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
let options = wreqOptions manager []
forever $ do
schemaCache <- getSchemaCache
serviceTimings <- dumpServiceTimingMetrics
let metrics = computeMetrics schemaCache serviceTimings pgVersion
payload <- A.encode <$> mkPayload dbId instanceId currentVersion metrics
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
logger $ debugLBS $ "metrics_info: " <> payload
resp <- try $ Wreq.postWith options (T.unpack telemetryUrl) payload
either logHttpEx handleHttpResp resp
C.sleep $ days 1
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
logHttpEx :: HTTP.HttpException -> IO ()
logHttpEx ex = do
let httpErr = Just $ mkHttpError telemetryUrl Nothing (Just $ HttpException ex)
logger $ mkTelemetryLog "http_exception" "http exception occurred" httpErr
handleHttpResp resp = do
let statusCode = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus . Wreq.statusCode
logger $ debugLBS $ "http_success: " <> resp ^. Wreq.responseBody
when (statusCode /= 200) $ do
let httpErr = Just $ mkHttpError telemetryUrl (Just resp) Nothing
logger $ mkTelemetryLog "http_error" "failed to post telemetry" httpErr
computeMetrics :: SchemaCache -> ServiceTimingMetrics -> PGVersion -> Metrics
computeMetrics sc _mtServiceTimings _mtPgVersion =
let _mtTables = countUserTables (isNothing . _tciViewInfo . _tiCoreInfo)
_mtViews = countUserTables (isJust . _tciViewInfo . _tiCoreInfo)
_mtEnumTables = countUserTables (isJust . _tciEnumValues . _tiCoreInfo)
allRels = join $ Map.elems $ (getRels . _tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo) userTables
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
(manualRels, autoRels) = partition riIsManual allRels
_mtRelationships = RelationshipMetric (length manualRels) (length autoRels)
rolePerms = join $ Map.elems $ permsOfTbl userTables
_pmRoles = length $ nub $ fst <$> rolePerms
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
allPerms = snd <$> rolePerms
_pmInsert = calcPerms _permIns allPerms
_pmSelect = calcPerms _permSel allPerms
_pmUpdate = calcPerms _permUpd allPerms
_pmDelete = calcPerms _permDel allPerms
_mtPermissions =
_mtEventTriggers = Map.size $ Map.filter (not . Map.null)
$ _tiEventTriggerInfoMap userTables
_mtRemoteSchemas = Map.size $ scRemoteSchemas sc
_mtFunctions = Map.size $ Map.filter (not . isSystemDefined . fiSystemDefined) $ scFunctions sc
_mtActions = computeActionsMetrics (scActions sc) (snd . scCustomTypes $ sc)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
in Metrics{..}
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
userTables = Map.filter (not . isSystemDefined . _tciSystemDefined . _tiCoreInfo) $ scTables sc
countUserTables predicate = length . filter predicate $ Map.elems userTables
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
calcPerms :: (RolePermInfo -> Maybe a) -> [RolePermInfo] -> Int
calcPerms fn perms = length $ catMaybes $ map fn perms
permsOfTbl :: TableInfo -> [(RoleName, RolePermInfo)]
permsOfTbl = Map.toList . _tiRolePermInfoMap
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
computeActionsMetrics :: ActionCache -> AnnotatedObjects -> ActionMetric
computeActionsMetrics ac ao = ActionMetric syncActionsLen asyncActionsLen typeRelationships customTypesLen
where actions = Map.elems ac
syncActionsLen = length . filter ((==ActionSynchronous) . _adKind . _aiDefinition) $ actions
asyncActionsLen = (length actions) - syncActionsLen
outputTypesLen = length . nub . (map (_adOutputType . _aiDefinition)) $ actions
inputTypesLen = length . nub . concat . (map ((map _argType) . _adArguments . _aiDefinition)) $ actions
customTypesLen = inputTypesLen + outputTypesLen
typeRelationships = length . nub . concat . map ((getActionTypeRelationshipNames ao) . _aiDefinition) $ actions
-- gives the count of relationships associated with an action
getActionTypeRelationshipNames :: AnnotatedObjects -> ResolvedActionDefinition -> [RelationshipName]
getActionTypeRelationshipNames annotatedObjs actionDefn =
let typeName = G.getBaseType $ unGraphQLType $ _adOutputType actionDefn
annotatedObj = Map.lookup (ObjectTypeName typeName) annotatedObjs
in maybe [] (Map.keys . _aotRelationships) annotatedObj
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
-- | Logging related
data TelemetryLog
= TelemetryLog
{ _tlLogLevel :: !LogLevel
, _tlType :: !Text
, _tlMessage :: !Text
, _tlHttpError :: !(Maybe TelemetryHttpError)
} deriving (Show)
data TelemetryHttpError
= TelemetryHttpError
{ tlheStatus :: !(Maybe HTTP.Status)
, tlheUrl :: !T.Text
, tlheHttpException :: !(Maybe HttpException)
, tlheResponse :: !(Maybe T.Text)
} deriving (Show)
instance A.ToJSON TelemetryLog where
toJSON tl =
A.object [ "type" A..= _tlType tl
, "message" A..= _tlMessage tl
, "http_error" A..= (A.toJSON <$> _tlHttpError tl)
instance A.ToJSON TelemetryHttpError where
toJSON tlhe =
A.object [ "status_code" A..= (HTTP.statusCode <$> tlheStatus tlhe)
, "url" A..= tlheUrl tlhe
, "response" A..= tlheResponse tlhe
, "http_exception" A..= (A.toJSON <$> tlheHttpException tlhe)
instance ToEngineLog TelemetryLog Hasura where
toEngineLog tl = (_tlLogLevel tl, ELTInternal ILTTelemetry, A.toJSON tl)
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
:: Text
-> Maybe (Wreq.Response BL.ByteString)
-> Maybe HttpException
-> TelemetryHttpError
mkHttpError url mResp httpEx =
case mResp of
Nothing -> TelemetryHttpError Nothing url httpEx Nothing
Just resp ->
let status = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus
body = decodeText $ UTF8 (resp ^. Wreq.responseBody)
in TelemetryHttpError (Just status) url httpEx body
2019-01-28 16:55:28 +03:00
mkTelemetryLog :: Text -> Text -> Maybe TelemetryHttpError -> TelemetryLog
mkTelemetryLog = TelemetryLog LevelInfo