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2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema
( mkGCtxMap
, GCtxMap
, buildGCtxMapPG
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
, getGCtx
, GCtx(..)
, QueryCtx(..)
, MutationCtx(..)
, InsCtx(..)
, InsCtxMap
, RelationInfoMap
, isAggFld
, qualObjectToName
, ppGCtx
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
, checkConflictingNode
, checkSchemaConflicts
) where
import Control.Lens.Extended hiding (op)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Types
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal (mkAdminRolePermInfo)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils (duplicates)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Function
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Merge
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Delete
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Insert
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Update
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.OrderBy
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
getInsPerm :: TableInfo PGColumnInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe InsPermInfo
getInsPerm tabInfo role
| role == adminRole = _permIns $ mkAdminRolePermInfo tabInfo
| otherwise = Map.lookup role rolePermInfoMap >>= _permIns
rolePermInfoMap = _tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo
:: MonadError QErr m
=> TableCache PGColumnInfo -> QualifiedTable -> m (TableInfo PGColumnInfo)
getTabInfo tc t =
onNothing (Map.lookup t tc) $
throw500 $ "table not found: " <>> t
isValidObjectName :: (ToTxt a) => QualifiedObject a -> Bool
isValidObjectName = G.isValidName . qualObjectToName
isValidCol :: PGColumnInfo -> Bool
isValidCol = G.isValidName . pgiName
isValidRel :: ToTxt a => RelName -> QualifiedObject a -> Bool
isValidRel rn rt = G.isValidName (mkRelName rn) && isValidObjectName rt
upsertable :: [ConstraintName] -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
upsertable uniqueOrPrimaryCons isUpsertAllowed isAView =
not (null uniqueOrPrimaryCons) && isUpsertAllowed && not isAView
:: FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo -> [PGColumnInfo]
getValidCols fim = filter isValidCol cols
cols = fst $ partitionFieldInfos $ Map.elems fim
getValidRels :: FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo -> [RelInfo]
getValidRels = filter isValidRel' . snd . partitionFieldInfos . Map.elems
isValidRel' (RelInfo rn _ _ remTab _) = isValidRel rn remTab
mkValidConstraints :: [ConstraintName] -> [ConstraintName]
mkValidConstraints =
filter (G.isValidName . G.Name . getConstraintTxt)
:: FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo -> RelInfo -> Bool
isRelNullable fim ri = isNullable
lCols = map fst $ riMapping ri
allCols = getValidCols fim
lColInfos = getColInfos lCols allCols
isNullable = any pgiIsNullable lColInfos
mkPGColGNameMap :: [PGColumnInfo] -> PGColGNameMap
mkPGColGNameMap cols = Map.fromList $
flip map cols $ \ci -> (pgiName ci, ci)
numAggOps :: [G.Name]
numAggOps = [ "sum", "avg", "stddev", "stddev_samp", "stddev_pop"
, "variance", "var_samp", "var_pop"
compAggOps :: [G.Name]
compAggOps = ["max", "min"]
isAggFld :: G.Name -> Bool
isAggFld = flip elem (numAggOps <> compAggOps)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: QualifiedTable
-- Postgres description
-> Maybe PGDescription
-- insert permission
-> Maybe ([PGColumnInfo], RelationInfoMap)
-- select permission
-> Maybe (Bool, [SelField])
-- update cols
-> Maybe [PGColumnInfo]
-- delete cols
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-> Maybe ()
-- ^ delete cols
-> [PGColumnInfo]
-- ^ primary key columns
-> [ConstraintName]
-- ^ constraints
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> [FunctionInfo]
-- ^ all functions
-> Maybe EnumValues
-- ^ present iff this table is an enum table (see "Hasura.RQL.Schema.Enum")
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-> TyAgg
mkGCtxRole' tn descM insPermM selPermM updColsM
delPermM pkeyCols constraints viM funcs enumValuesM =
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
TyAgg (mkTyInfoMap allTypes) fieldMap scalars ordByCtx
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
ordByCtx = fromMaybe Map.empty ordByCtxM
upsertPerm = isJust updColsM
isUpsertable = upsertable constraints upsertPerm $ isJust viM
updatableCols = maybe [] (map pgiName) updColsM
onConflictTypes = mkOnConflictTypes tn constraints updatableCols isUpsertable
jsonOpTys = fromMaybe [] updJSONOpInpObjTysM
relInsInpObjTys = maybe [] (map TIInpObj) $
mutHelper viIsInsertable relInsInpObjsM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
funcInpArgTys = bool [] (map TIInpObj funcArgInpObjs) $ isJust selFldsM
allTypes = relInsInpObjTys <> onConflictTypes <> jsonOpTys
<> queryTypes <> aggQueryTypes <> mutationTypes
<> funcInpArgTys
queryTypes = catMaybes
[ TIInpObj <$> boolExpInpObjM
, TIInpObj <$> ordByInpObjM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
, TIObj <$> selObjM
aggQueryTypes = map TIObj aggObjs <> map TIInpObj aggOrdByInps
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
mutationTypes = catMaybes
[ TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsInsertable insInpObjM
, TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsUpdatable updSetInpObjM
, TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsUpdatable updIncInpObjM
, TIObj <$> mutRespObjM
, TIEnum <$> selColInpTyM
, TIEnum <$> tableEnumTypeM
mutHelper :: (ViewInfo -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
mutHelper f objM = bool Nothing objM $ isMutable f viM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
fieldMap = Map.unions $ catMaybes
[ insInpObjFldsM, updSetInpObjFldsM
, boolExpInpObjFldsM , selObjFldsM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
scalars = selByPkScalarSet <> funcArgScalarSet
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- helper
mkColFldMap ty cols = Map.fromList $ flip map cols $
\ci -> ((ty, pgiName ci), Left ci)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- insert input type
insInpObjM = uncurry (mkInsInp tn) <$> insPermM
-- column fields used in insert input object
insInpObjFldsM = (mkColFldMap (mkInsInpTy tn) . fst) <$> insPermM
-- relationship input objects
relInsInpObjsM = const (mkRelInsInps tn isUpsertable) <$> insPermM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- update set input type
updSetInpObjM = mkUpdSetInp tn <$> updColsM
-- update increment input type
updIncInpObjM = mkUpdIncInp tn updColsM
-- update json operator input type
updJSONOpInpObjsM = mkUpdJSONOpInp tn <$> updColsM
updJSONOpInpObjTysM = map TIInpObj <$> updJSONOpInpObjsM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- fields used in set input object
updSetInpObjFldsM = mkColFldMap (mkUpdSetTy tn) <$> updColsM
selFldsM = snd <$> selPermM
selColNamesM = (map pgiName . lefts) <$> selFldsM
selColInpTyM = mkSelColumnTy tn <$> selColNamesM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- boolexp input type
boolExpInpObjM = case selFldsM of
Just selFlds -> Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn selFlds
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- no select permission
Nothing ->
-- but update/delete is defined
if isJust updColsM || isJust delPermM
then Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn []
else Nothing
-- funcargs input type
funcArgInpObjs = mapMaybe mkFuncArgsInp funcs
-- funcArgCtx = Map.unions funcArgCtxs
funcArgScalarSet = funcs ^.. faType
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- helper
mkFldMap ty = Map.fromList . concatMap (mkFld ty)
mkFld ty = \case
Left ci -> [((ty, pgiName ci), Left ci)]
Right (RelationshipFieldInfo relInfo allowAgg cols permFilter permLimit _) ->
let relationshipName = riName relInfo
relFld = ( (ty, mkRelName relationshipName)
, Right $ RelationshipField relInfo False cols permFilter permLimit
aggRelFld = ( (ty, mkAggRelName relationshipName)
, Right $ RelationshipField relInfo True cols permFilter permLimit
in case riType relInfo of
ObjRel -> [relFld]
ArrRel -> bool [relFld] [relFld, aggRelFld] allowAgg
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- the fields used in bool exp
boolExpInpObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkBoolExpTy tn) <$> selFldsM
-- mut resp obj
mutRespObjM =
if isMut
then Just $ mkMutRespObj tn $ isJust selFldsM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
else Nothing
isMut = (isJust insPermM || isJust updColsM || isJust delPermM)
&& any (`isMutable` viM) [viIsInsertable, viIsUpdatable, viIsDeletable]
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- table obj
selObjM = mkTableObj tn descM <$> selFldsM
-- aggregate objs and order by inputs
(aggObjs, aggOrdByInps) = case selPermM of
Just (True, selFlds) ->
let cols = lefts selFlds
numCols = onlyNumCols cols
compCols = onlyComparableCols cols
objs = [ mkTableAggObj tn
, mkTableAggFldsObj tn (numCols, numAggOps) (compCols, compAggOps)
] <> mkColAggFldsObjs selFlds
ordByInps = mkTabAggOrdByInpObj tn (numCols, numAggOps) (compCols, compAggOps)
: mkTabAggOpOrdByInpObjs tn (numCols, numAggOps) (compCols, compAggOps)
in (objs, ordByInps)
_ -> ([], [])
getNumCols = onlyNumCols . lefts
getCompCols = onlyComparableCols . lefts
onlyFloat = const $ mkScalarTy PGFloat
mkTypeMaker "sum" = mkColumnType
mkTypeMaker _ = onlyFloat
mkColAggFldsObjs flds =
let numCols = getNumCols flds
compCols = getCompCols flds
mkNumObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n (mkTypeMaker n) numCols
mkCompObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n mkColumnType compCols
numFldsObjs = bool (map mkNumObjFld numAggOps) [] $ null numCols
compFldsObjs = bool (map mkCompObjFld compAggOps) [] $ null compCols
in numFldsObjs <> compFldsObjs
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- the fields used in table object
selObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkTableTy tn) <$> selFldsM
-- the scalar set for table_by_pk arguments
selByPkScalarSet = pkeyCols ^.. pgiType._PGColumnScalar
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
ordByInpCtxM = mkOrdByInpObj tn <$> selFldsM
(ordByInpObjM, ordByCtxM) = case ordByInpCtxM of
Just (a, b) -> (Just a, Just b)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
tableEnumTypeM = enumValuesM <&> \enumValues ->
mkHsraEnumTyInfo Nothing (mkTableEnumType tn) $
EnumValuesReference (EnumReference tn enumValues)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: QualifiedTable
-> [PGColumnInfo]
-> [ConstraintName]
-> FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe ([T.Text], Bool) -- insert perm
2019-04-17 12:48:41 +03:00
-> Maybe (AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, Maybe Int, [T.Text], Bool) -- select filter
-> Maybe ([PGColumnInfo], PreSetColsPartial, AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, [T.Text]) -- update filter
2019-04-17 12:48:41 +03:00
-> Maybe (AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, [T.Text]) -- delete filter
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> TableConfig -- custom config
-> RootFields
getRootFldsRole' tn primCols constraints fields funcs insM
selM updM delM viM tableConfig =
{ rootQueryFields = makeFieldMap
$ funcQueries
<> funcAggQueries
<> catMaybes
[ getSelDet <$> selM
, getSelAggDet selM
, getPKeySelDet selM primCols
, rootMutationFields = makeFieldMap $ catMaybes
[ mutHelper viIsInsertable getInsDet insM
, mutHelper viIsUpdatable getUpdDet updM
, mutHelper viIsDeletable getDelDet delM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
customRootFields = _tcCustomRootFields tableConfig
colGNameMap = mkPGColGNameMap $ getValidCols fields
makeFieldMap = mapFromL (_fiName . snd)
allCols = getCols fields
funcQueries = maybe [] getFuncQueryFlds selM
funcAggQueries = maybe [] getFuncAggQueryFlds selM
mutHelper :: (ViewInfo -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mutHelper f getDet mutM =
bool Nothing (getDet <$> mutM) $ isMutable f viM
getCustomNameWith f = f customRootFields
insCustName = getCustomNameWith _tcrfInsert
getInsDet (hdrs, upsertPerm) =
let isUpsertable = upsertable constraints upsertPerm $ isJust viM
in ( MCInsert $ InsOpCtx tn $ hdrs `union` maybe [] (\(_, _, _, x) -> x) updM
, mkInsMutFld insCustName tn isUpsertable
updCustName = getCustomNameWith _tcrfUpdate
getUpdDet (updCols, preSetCols, updFltr, hdrs) =
( MCUpdate $ UpdOpCtx tn hdrs colGNameMap updFltr preSetCols
, mkUpdMutFld updCustName tn updCols
delCustName = getCustomNameWith _tcrfDelete
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
getDelDet (delFltr, hdrs) =
( MCDelete $ DelOpCtx tn hdrs delFltr allCols
, mkDelMutFld delCustName tn
selCustName = getCustomNameWith _tcrfSelect
getSelDet (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, _) =
selFldHelper QCSelect (mkSelFld selCustName) selFltr pLimit hdrs
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
selAggCustName = getCustomNameWith _tcrfSelectAggregate
getSelAggDet (Just (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, True)) =
Just $ selFldHelper QCSelectAgg (mkAggSelFld selAggCustName)
selFltr pLimit hdrs
getSelAggDet _ = Nothing
selFldHelper f g pFltr pLimit hdrs =
( f $ SelOpCtx tn hdrs colGNameMap pFltr pLimit
, g tn
selByPkCustName = getCustomNameWith _tcrfSelectByPk
getPKeySelDet Nothing _ = Nothing
getPKeySelDet _ [] = Nothing
getPKeySelDet (Just (selFltr, _, hdrs, _)) pCols = Just
( QCSelectPkey . SelPkOpCtx tn hdrs selFltr $ mkPGColGNameMap pCols
, mkSelFldPKey selByPkCustName tn pCols
getFuncQueryFlds (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, _) =
funcFldHelper QCFuncQuery mkFuncQueryFld selFltr pLimit hdrs
getFuncAggQueryFlds (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, True) =
funcFldHelper QCFuncAggQuery mkFuncAggQueryFld selFltr pLimit hdrs
getFuncAggQueryFlds _ = []
funcFldHelper f g pFltr pLimit hdrs =
flip map funcs $ \fi ->
( f . FuncQOpCtx tn hdrs colGNameMap pFltr pLimit (fiName fi) $ mkFuncArgItemSeq fi
, g fi $ fiDescription fi
mkFuncArgItemSeq fi = Seq.fromList $ procFuncArgs (fiInputArgs fi)
$ \fa t -> FuncArgItem (G.Name t) (faName fa) (faHasDefault fa)
getSelPermission :: TableInfo PGColumnInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe SelPermInfo
getSelPermission tabInfo role =
Map.lookup role (_tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo) >>= _permSel
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache PGColumnInfo
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- all the fields of a table
-> FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- role and its permission
-> RoleName -> SelPermInfo
-> m (Bool, [SelField])
getSelPerm tableCache fields role selPermInfo = do
relFlds <- fmap catMaybes $ forM validRels $ \relInfo -> do
remTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache $ riRTable relInfo
let remTableSelPermM = getSelPermission remTableInfo role
remTableFlds = _tiFieldInfoMap remTableInfo
remTableColGNameMap =
mkPGColGNameMap $ getValidCols remTableFlds
return $ flip fmap remTableSelPermM $
\rmSelPermM -> Right RelationshipFieldInfo
{ _rfiInfo = relInfo
, _rfiAllowAgg = spiAllowAgg rmSelPermM
, _rfiColumns = remTableColGNameMap
, _rfiPermFilter = spiFilter rmSelPermM
, _rfiPermLimit = spiLimit rmSelPermM
, _rfiIsNullable = isRelNullable fields relInfo
return (spiAllowAgg selPermInfo, cols <> relFlds)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
validRels = getValidRels fields
validCols = getValidCols fields
cols = catMaybes $ flip map validCols $
\colInfo -> fmap Left $ bool Nothing (Just colInfo) $
Set.member (pgiColumn colInfo) allowedCols
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
allowedCols = spiCols selPermInfo
:: MonadError QErr m
=> RoleName
-> TableCache PGColumnInfo
-> FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
-> InsPermInfo
-> Maybe UpdPermInfo
-> m InsCtx
mkInsCtx role tableCache fields insPermInfo updPermM = do
relTupsM <- forM rels $ \relInfo -> do
let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo
relName = riName relInfo
remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache remoteTable
let insPermM = getInsPerm remoteTableInfo role
viewInfoM = _tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $
isInsertable insPermM viewInfoM && isValidRel relName remoteTable
let relInfoMap = Map.fromList $ catMaybes relTupsM
return $ InsCtx iView gNamePGColMap setCols relInfoMap updPermForIns
gNamePGColMap = mkPGColGNameMap allCols
allCols = getCols fields
rels = getValidRels fields
iView = ipiView insPermInfo
setCols = ipiSet insPermInfo
updPermForIns = mkUpdPermForIns <$> updPermM
mkUpdPermForIns upi = UpdPermForIns (toList $ upiCols upi)
(upiFilter upi) (upiSet upi)
isInsertable Nothing _ = False
isInsertable (Just _) viewInfoM = isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfoM
:: MonadError QErr m
=> QualifiedTable
-> TableCache PGColumnInfo
-> FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
-> m InsCtx
mkAdminInsCtx tn tc fields = do
relTupsM <- forM rels $ \relInfo -> do
let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo
relName = riName relInfo
remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tc remoteTable
let viewInfoM = _tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo
return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $
isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfoM && isValidRel relName remoteTable
let relInfoMap = Map.fromList $ catMaybes relTupsM
updPerm = UpdPermForIns updCols noFilter Map.empty
return $ InsCtx tn colGNameMap Map.empty relInfoMap (Just updPerm)
allCols = getCols fields
colGNameMap = mkPGColGNameMap allCols
updCols = map pgiColumn allCols
rels = getValidRels fields
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: MonadError QErr m
=> FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
-> TableCache PGColumnInfo
-> m [SelField]
mkAdminSelFlds fields tableCache = do
relSelFlds <- forM validRels $ \relInfo -> do
let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo
remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache remoteTable
let remoteTableFlds = _tiFieldInfoMap remoteTableInfo
remoteTableColGNameMap =
mkPGColGNameMap $ getValidCols remoteTableFlds
return $ Right RelationshipFieldInfo
{ _rfiInfo = relInfo
, _rfiAllowAgg = True
, _rfiColumns = remoteTableColGNameMap
, _rfiPermFilter = noFilter
, _rfiPermLimit = Nothing
, _rfiIsNullable = isRelNullable fields relInfo
return $ colSelFlds <> relSelFlds
cols = getValidCols fields
colSelFlds = map Left cols
validRels = getValidRels fields
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache PGColumnInfo
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-> QualifiedTable
-> Maybe PGDescription
-> FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
-> [PGColumnInfo]
-> [ConstraintName]
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> Maybe EnumValues
-> TableConfig
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-> RoleName
-> RolePermInfo
-> m (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap)
mkGCtxRole tableCache tn descM fields pColInfos constraints funcs viM
enumValuesM tabConfigM role permInfo = do
selPermM <- mapM (getSelPerm tableCache fields role) $ _permSel permInfo
tabInsInfoM <- forM (_permIns permInfo) $ \ipi -> do
ctx <- mkInsCtx role tableCache fields ipi $ _permUpd permInfo
let permCols = flip getColInfos allCols $ Set.toList $ ipiCols ipi
return (ctx, (permCols, icRelations ctx))
let insPermM = snd <$> tabInsInfoM
insCtxM = fst <$> tabInsInfoM
updColsM = filterColFlds . upiCols <$> _permUpd permInfo
tyAgg = mkGCtxRole' tn descM insPermM selPermM updColsM
(void $ _permDel permInfo) pColInfos constraints viM funcs enumValuesM
rootFlds = getRootFldsRole tn pColInfos constraints fields funcs
viM permInfo tabConfigM
insCtxMap = maybe Map.empty (Map.singleton tn) insCtxM
return (tyAgg, rootFlds, insCtxMap)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
allCols = getCols fields
cols = getValidCols fields
filterColFlds allowedSet =
filter ((`Set.member` allowedSet) . pgiColumn) cols
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: QualifiedTable
-> [PGColumnInfo]
-> [ConstraintName]
-> FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe ViewInfo
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-> RolePermInfo
-> TableConfig
-> RootFields
getRootFldsRole tn pCols constraints fields funcs viM (RolePermInfo insM selM updM delM)=
getRootFldsRole' tn pCols constraints fields funcs
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
(mkIns <$> insM) (mkSel <$> selM)
(mkUpd <$> updM) (mkDel <$> delM) viM
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
mkIns i = (ipiRequiredHeaders i, isJust updM)
mkSel s = ( spiFilter s, spiLimit s
, spiRequiredHeaders s, spiAllowAgg s
mkUpd u = ( flip getColInfos allCols $ Set.toList $ upiCols u
, upiSet u
, upiFilter u
, upiRequiredHeaders u
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
mkDel d = (dpiFilter d, dpiRequiredHeaders d)
allCols = getCols fields
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache PGColumnInfo
-> FunctionCache
-> TableInfo PGColumnInfo
-> m (Map.HashMap RoleName (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap))
mkGCtxMapTable tableCache funcCache tabInfo = do
m <- flip Map.traverseWithKey rolePerms $
mkGCtxRole tableCache tn descM fields pkeyColInfos validConstraints
tabFuncs viewInfo enumValues customConfig
adminInsCtx <- mkAdminInsCtx tn tableCache fields
adminSelFlds <- mkAdminSelFlds fields tableCache
let adminCtx = mkGCtxRole' tn descM (Just (cols, icRelations adminInsCtx))
(Just (True, adminSelFlds)) (Just cols) (Just ())
pkeyColInfos validConstraints viewInfo tabFuncs enumValues
adminInsCtxMap = Map.singleton tn adminInsCtx
return $ Map.insert adminRole (adminCtx, adminRootFlds, adminInsCtxMap) m
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
TableInfo tn descM _ fields rolePerms constraints
pkeyCols viewInfo _ enumValues customConfig = tabInfo
validConstraints = mkValidConstraints constraints
cols = getValidCols fields
colInfos = getCols fields
pkeyColInfos = getColInfos pkeyCols colInfos
tabFuncs = filter (isValidObjectName . fiName) $
getFuncsOfTable tn funcCache
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
adminRootFlds =
getRootFldsRole' tn pkeyColInfos validConstraints fields tabFuncs
(Just ([], True)) (Just (noFilter, Nothing, [], True))
(Just (cols, mempty, noFilter, [])) (Just (noFilter, []))
viewInfo customConfig
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
2019-04-17 12:48:41 +03:00
noFilter :: AnnBoolExpPartialSQL
noFilter = annBoolExpTrue
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache PGColumnInfo -> FunctionCache -> m GCtxMap
mkGCtxMap tableCache functionCache = do
typesMapL <- mapM (mkGCtxMapTable tableCache functionCache) $
filter tableFltr $ Map.elems tableCache
-- since root field names are customisable, we need to check for
-- duplicate root field names across all tables
duplicateRootFlds <- (duplicates . concat) <$> forM typesMapL getRootFlds
unless (null duplicateRootFlds) $
throw400 Unexpected $ "following root fields are duplicated: "
<> showNames duplicateRootFlds
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
let typesMap = foldr (Map.unionWith mappend) Map.empty typesMapL
return $ flip typesMap $ \(ty, flds, insCtxMap) ->
mkGCtx ty flds insCtxMap
tableFltr ti = not (_tiSystemDefined ti)
&& isValidObjectName (_tiName ti)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
getRootFlds roleMap = do
(_, RootFields query mutation, _) <- onNothing
(Map.lookup adminRole roleMap) $ throw500 "admin schema not found"
return $ Map.keys query <> Map.keys mutation
-- | build GraphQL schema from postgres tables and functions
:: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m)
=> m ()
buildGCtxMapPG = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
gCtxMap <- mkGCtxMap (scTables sc) (scFunctions sc)
writeSchemaCache sc {scGCtxMap = gCtxMap}
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
getGCtx :: (CacheRM m) => RoleName -> GCtxMap -> m GCtx
getGCtx rn ctxMap = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
return $ fromMaybe (scDefaultRemoteGCtx sc) $ Map.lookup rn ctxMap
-- pretty print GCtx
ppGCtx :: GCtx -> String
ppGCtx gCtx =
"GCtx ["
<> "\n types = " <> show types
<> "\n query root = " <> show qRoot
<> "\n mutation root = " <> show mRoot
<> "\n subscription root = " <> show sRoot
<> "\n]"
types = map (G.unName . G.unNamedType) $ Map.keys $ _gTypes gCtx
qRoot = (,) (_otiName qRootO) $
map G.unName $ Map.keys $ _otiFields qRootO
mRoot = (,) (_otiName <$> mRootO) $
maybe [] (map G.unName . Map.keys . _otiFields) mRootO
sRoot = (,) (_otiName <$> sRootO) $
maybe [] (map G.unName . Map.keys . _otiFields) sRootO
qRootO = _gQueryRoot gCtx
mRootO = _gMutRoot gCtx
sRootO = _gSubRoot gCtx
-- | A /types aggregate/, which holds role-specific information about visible GraphQL types.
-- Importantly, it holds more than just the information needed by GraphQL: it also includes how the
-- GraphQL types relate to Postgres types, which is used to validate literals provided for
-- Postgres-specific scalars.
data TyAgg
= TyAgg
{ _taTypes :: !TypeMap
, _taFields :: !FieldMap
2019-08-06 18:27:35 +03:00
, _taScalars :: !(Set.HashSet PGScalarType)
, _taOrdBy :: !OrdByCtx
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup TyAgg where
(TyAgg t1 f1 s1 o1) <> (TyAgg t2 f2 s2 o2) =
TyAgg (Map.union t1 t2) (Map.union f1 f2)
(Set.union s1 s2) (Map.union o1 o2)
instance Monoid TyAgg where
mempty = TyAgg Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty Map.empty
mappend = (<>)
-- | A role-specific mapping from root field names to allowed operations.
data RootFields
= RootFields
{ rootQueryFields :: !(Map.HashMap G.Name (QueryCtx, ObjFldInfo))
, rootMutationFields :: !(Map.HashMap G.Name (MutationCtx, ObjFldInfo))
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup RootFields where
RootFields a1 b1 <> RootFields a2 b2
= RootFields (Map.union a1 a2) (Map.union b1 b2)
instance Monoid RootFields where
mempty = RootFields Map.empty Map.empty
mappend = (<>)
mkGCtx :: TyAgg -> RootFields -> InsCtxMap -> GCtx
mkGCtx tyAgg (RootFields queryFields mutationFields) insCtxMap =
let queryRoot = mkQueryRootTyInfo qFlds
scalarTys = map (TIScalar . mkHsraScalarTyInfo) (Set.toList allScalarTypes)
compTys = map (TIInpObj . mkCompExpInp) (Set.toList allComparableTypes)
ordByEnumTyM = bool (Just ordByEnumTy) Nothing $ null qFlds
allTys = Map.union tyInfos $ mkTyInfoMap $
catMaybes [ Just $ TIObj queryRoot
, TIObj <$> mutRootM
, TIObj <$> subRootM
, TIEnum <$> ordByEnumTyM
] <>
scalarTys <> compTys <> defaultTypes <> wiredInGeoInputTypes
<> wiredInRastInputTypes
-- for now subscription root is query root
in GCtx allTys fldInfos queryRoot mutRootM subRootM ordByEnums
( fst queryFields) ( fst mutationFields) insCtxMap
TyAgg tyInfos fldInfos scalars ordByEnums = tyAgg
colTys = Set.fromList $ map pgiType $ lefts $ Map.elems fldInfos
mkMutRoot =
mkHsraObjTyInfo (Just "mutation root") (G.NamedType "mutation_root") Set.empty .
mapFromL _fiName
mutRootM = bool (Just $ mkMutRoot mFlds) Nothing $ null mFlds
mkSubRoot =
mkHsraObjTyInfo (Just "subscription root")
(G.NamedType "subscription_root") Set.empty . mapFromL _fiName
subRootM = bool (Just $ mkSubRoot qFlds) Nothing $ null qFlds
qFlds = rootFieldInfos queryFields
mFlds = rootFieldInfos mutationFields
rootFieldInfos = map snd . Map.elems
anyGeoTypes = any (isScalarColumnWhere isGeoType) colTys
allComparableTypes =
if anyGeoTypes
-- due to casting, we need to generate both geometry and geography
-- operations even if just one of the two appears in the schema
then Set.union (Set.fromList [PGColumnScalar PGGeometry, PGColumnScalar PGGeography]) colTys
else colTys
additionalScalars =
-- raster comparison expression needs geometry input
(guard anyRasterTypes *> pure PGGeometry)
allScalarTypes = (allComparableTypes ^.. folded._PGColumnScalar)
<> additionalScalars <> scalars
wiredInGeoInputTypes = guard anyGeoTypes *> map TIInpObj geoInputTypes
anyRasterTypes = any (isScalarColumnWhere (== PGRaster)) colTys
wiredInRastInputTypes = guard anyRasterTypes *>
map TIInpObj rasterIntersectsInputTypes