2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
{- # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # -}
-- | This module defines translation functions for queries which select data.
-- Principally this includes translating the @query@ root field, but parts are
-- also reused for serving the responses for mutations.
2022-04-06 10:18:59 +03:00
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.FromIr.Query
( fromQueryRootField ,
fromSelect ,
fromSourceRelationship ,
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
2022-04-06 10:18:59 +03:00
import Control.Applicative ( getConst )
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
import Control.Monad.Validate
2022-04-06 10:18:59 +03:00
import Data.Aeson.Extended qualified as J
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
2022-04-06 10:18:59 +03:00
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
import Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Proxy
2022-04-06 10:18:59 +03:00
import Data.Text.NonEmpty ( mkNonEmptyTextUnsafe )
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.FromIr
( Error ( .. ) ,
FromIr ,
NameTemplate ( .. ) ,
generateAlias ,
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Types ( )
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Internal as TSQL
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local qualified as IR
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
-- | This is the top-level entry point for translation of Query root fields.
fromQueryRootField :: IR . QueryDB 'MSSQL Void Expression -> FromIr Select
fromQueryRootField =
\ case
( IR . QDBSingleRow s ) -> fromSelect IR . JASSingleObject s
( IR . QDBMultipleRows s ) -> fromSelect IR . JASMultipleRows s
( IR . QDBAggregation s ) -> fromSelectAggregate Nothing s
fromSelect ::
IR . JsonAggSelect ->
IR . AnnSelectG 'MSSQL ( IR . AnnFieldG 'MSSQL Void ) Expression ->
FromIr TSQL . Select
fromSelect jsonAggSelect annSimpleSel =
case jsonAggSelect of
IR . JASMultipleRows ->
guardSelectYieldingNull emptyArrayExpression <$> fromSelectRows annSimpleSel
IR . JASSingleObject ->
fmap ( guardSelectYieldingNull nullExpression ) $
fromSelectRows annSimpleSel <&> \ sel ->
{ selectFor =
ForJson { jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton , jsonRoot = NoRoot } ,
selectTop = Top 1
guardSelectYieldingNull :: TSQL . Expression -> TSQL . Select -> TSQL . Select
guardSelectYieldingNull fallbackExpression select =
let isNullApplication = FunExpISNULL ( SelectExpression select ) fallbackExpression
in emptySelect
{ selectProjections =
[ ExpressionProjection $
{ aliasedThing = FunctionApplicationExpression isNullApplication ,
aliasedAlias = " root "
2022-04-06 10:18:59 +03:00
-- | Used in 'Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Plan.planSourceRelationship', which is in
-- turn used by to implement `mkDBRemoteRelationship' for 'BackendExecute'.
-- For more information, see the module/documentation of 'Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Source'.
fromSourceRelationship ::
-- | List of json objects, each of which becomes a row of the table
NE . NonEmpty J . Object ->
-- | The above objects have this schema
HM . HashMap IR . FieldName ( ColumnName , ScalarType ) ->
IR . FieldName ->
( IR . FieldName , IR . SourceRelationshipSelection 'MSSQL Void ( Const Expression ) ) ->
FromIr TSQL . Select
fromSourceRelationship lhs lhsSchema argumentId relationshipField = do
( argumentIdQualified , fieldSource ) <-
flip runReaderT ( fromAlias selectFrom ) $ do
argumentIdQualified <- fromColumn ( coerceToColumn argumentId )
relationshipSource <-
( fst <$> joinColumns )
pure ( ColumnExpression argumentIdQualified , relationshipSource )
let selectProjections = [ projectArgumentId argumentIdQualified , fieldSourceProjections fieldSource ]
{ selectWith = Nothing ,
selectOrderBy = Nothing ,
selectTop = NoTop ,
selectProjections ,
selectFrom = Just selectFrom ,
selectJoins = mapMaybe fieldSourceJoin $ pure fieldSource ,
selectWhere = mempty ,
selectFor =
JsonFor ForJson { jsonCardinality = JsonArray , jsonRoot = NoRoot } ,
selectOffset = Nothing
projectArgumentId column =
ExpressionProjection $
{ aliasedThing = column ,
aliasedAlias = IR . getFieldNameTxt argumentId
selectFrom =
{ aliasedThing =
{ openJsonExpression =
ValueExpression ( ODBC . TextValue $ lbsToTxt $ J . encode lhs ) ,
openJsonWith =
Just $
toJsonFieldSpec argumentId IntegerType
NE .:| map ( uncurry toJsonFieldSpec . second snd ) ( HM . toList lhsSchema )
} ,
aliasedAlias = " lhs "
joinColumns = mapKeys coerceToColumn lhsSchema
coerceToColumn = ColumnName . IR . getFieldNameTxt
toJsonFieldSpec ( IR . FieldName lhsFieldName ) scalarType =
ScalarField scalarType DataLengthMax lhsFieldName ( Just $ FieldPath RootPath lhsFieldName )
-- | Build the 'FieldSource' for the relation field, depending on whether it's
-- an object, array, or aggregate relationship.
fromRemoteRelationFieldsG ::
Map TableName EntityAlias ->
HM . HashMap ColumnName ColumnName ->
( IR . FieldName , IR . SourceRelationshipSelection 'MSSQL Void ( Const Expression ) ) ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldSource
fromRemoteRelationFieldsG existingJoins joinColumns ( IR . FieldName name , field ) =
case field of
IR . SourceRelationshipObject selectionSet ->
( \ aliasedThing ->
JoinFieldSource JsonSingleton ( Aliased { aliasedThing , aliasedAlias = name } )
( fromObjectRelationSelectG
( withJoinColumns $
runIdentity $
traverse ( Identity . getConst ) selectionSet
IR . SourceRelationshipArray selectionSet ->
( \ aliasedThing ->
JoinFieldSource JsonArray ( Aliased { aliasedThing , aliasedAlias = name } )
( fromArraySelectG
( IR . ASSimple $
withJoinColumns $
runIdentity $
traverse ( Identity . getConst ) selectionSet
IR . SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate selectionSet ->
( \ aliasedThing ->
JoinFieldSource JsonArray ( Aliased { aliasedThing , aliasedAlias = name } )
( fromArraySelectG
( IR . ASAggregate $
withJoinColumns $
runIdentity $
traverse ( Identity . getConst ) selectionSet
withJoinColumns ::
s -> IR . AnnRelationSelectG 'MSSQL s
withJoinColumns annotatedRelationship =
IR . AnnRelationSelectG
( IR . RelName $ mkNonEmptyTextUnsafe name )
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
-- | Top/root-level 'Select'. All descendent/sub-translations are collected to produce a root TSQL.Select.
fromSelectRows :: IR . AnnSelectG 'MSSQL ( IR . AnnFieldG 'MSSQL Void ) Expression -> FromIr TSQL . Select
fromSelectRows annSelectG = do
selectFrom <-
case from of
IR . FromTable qualifiedObject -> fromQualifiedTable qualifiedObject
IR . FromIdentifier identifier -> pure $ FromIdentifier $ IR . unFIIdentifier identifier
IR . FromFunction { } -> refute $ pure FunctionNotSupported
{ argsOrderBy ,
argsWhere ,
argsJoins ,
argsTop ,
argsDistinct = Proxy ,
argsOffset ,
} <-
runReaderT ( fromSelectArgsG args ) ( fromAlias selectFrom )
fieldSources <-
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
( traverse ( fromAnnFieldsG argsExistingJoins ) fields )
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
( fromAlias selectFrom )
filterExpression <-
runReaderT ( fromGBoolExp permFilter ) ( fromAlias selectFrom )
let selectProjections = map fieldSourceProjections fieldSources
pure $
{ selectOrderBy = argsOrderBy ,
selectTop = permissionBasedTop <> argsTop ,
selectProjections ,
selectFrom = Just selectFrom ,
selectJoins = argsJoins <> mapMaybe fieldSourceJoin fieldSources ,
selectWhere = argsWhere <> Where [ filterExpression ] ,
selectFor =
JsonFor ForJson { jsonCardinality = JsonArray , jsonRoot = NoRoot } ,
selectOffset = argsOffset
IR . AnnSelectG
{ _asnFields = fields ,
_asnFrom = from ,
_asnPerm = perm ,
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
_asnArgs = args
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
} = annSelectG
IR . TablePerm { _tpLimit = mPermLimit , _tpFilter = permFilter } = perm
permissionBasedTop =
maybe NoTop Top mPermLimit
mkNodesSelect :: Args -> Where -> Expression -> Top -> From -> [ ( Int , ( IR . FieldName , [ FieldSource ] ) ) ] -> [ ( Int , Projection ) ]
mkNodesSelect Args { .. } foreignKeyConditions filterExpression permissionBasedTop selectFrom nodes =
[ ( index ,
ExpressionProjection $
{ aliasedThing =
SelectExpression $
{ selectProjections = map fieldSourceProjections fieldSources ,
selectTop = permissionBasedTop <> argsTop ,
selectFrom = pure selectFrom ,
selectJoins = argsJoins <> mapMaybe fieldSourceJoin fieldSources ,
selectWhere = argsWhere <> Where [ filterExpression ] <> foreignKeyConditions ,
selectFor =
JsonFor ForJson { jsonCardinality = JsonArray , jsonRoot = NoRoot } ,
selectOrderBy = argsOrderBy ,
selectOffset = argsOffset
} ,
aliasedAlias = IR . getFieldNameTxt fieldName
| ( index , ( fieldName , fieldSources ) ) <- nodes
-- The idea here is that LIMIT/OFFSET and aggregates don't mix
-- well. Therefore we have a nested query:
-- select sum(*), .. FROM (select * from x offset o limit l) p
-- That's why @projections@ appears on the outer, and is a
-- @StarProjection@ for the inner. But the joins, conditions, top,
-- offset are on the inner.
mkAggregateSelect :: Args -> Where -> Expression -> From -> [ ( Int , ( IR . FieldName , [ Projection ] ) ) ] -> [ ( Int , Projection ) ]
mkAggregateSelect Args { .. } foreignKeyConditions filterExpression selectFrom aggregates =
[ ( index ,
ExpressionProjection $
{ aliasedThing =
safeJsonQueryExpression JsonSingleton $
SelectExpression $
{ selectProjections = projections ,
selectTop = NoTop ,
selectFrom =
pure $
{ aliasedAlias = aggSubselectName ,
aliasedThing =
{ selectProjections = pure StarProjection ,
selectTop = argsTop ,
selectFrom = pure selectFrom ,
selectJoins = argsJoins ,
selectWhere = argsWhere <> Where [ filterExpression ] <> foreignKeyConditions ,
selectFor = NoFor ,
selectOrderBy = mempty ,
selectOffset = argsOffset
} ,
selectJoins = mempty ,
selectWhere = mempty ,
selectFor =
{ jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton ,
jsonRoot = NoRoot
} ,
selectOrderBy = mempty ,
selectOffset = Nothing
} ,
aliasedAlias = IR . getFieldNameTxt fieldName
| ( index , ( fieldName , projections ) ) <- aggregates
fromSelectAggregate ::
Maybe ( EntityAlias , HashMap ColumnName ColumnName ) ->
IR . AnnSelectG 'MSSQL ( IR . TableAggregateFieldG 'MSSQL Void ) Expression ->
FromIr TSQL . Select
IR . AnnSelectG
{ _asnFields = ( zip [ 0 .. ] -> fields ) ,
_asnFrom = from ,
_asnPerm = IR . TablePerm { _tpLimit = ( maybe NoTop Top -> permissionBasedTop ) , _tpFilter = permFilter } ,
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
_asnArgs = args
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
} =
selectFrom <- case from of
IR . FromTable qualifiedObject -> fromQualifiedTable qualifiedObject
IR . FromIdentifier identifier -> pure $ FromIdentifier $ IR . unFIIdentifier identifier
IR . FromFunction { } -> refute $ pure FunctionNotSupported
-- Below: When we're actually a RHS of a query (of CROSS APPLY),
-- then we'll have a LHS table that we're joining on. So we get the
-- conditions expressions from the field mappings. The LHS table is
-- the entityAlias, and the RHS table is selectFrom.
mforeignKeyConditions <- fmap ( Where . fromMaybe [] ) $
for mparentRelationship $
\ ( entityAlias , mapping ) ->
runReaderT ( fromMapping selectFrom mapping ) entityAlias
filterExpression <- runReaderT ( fromGBoolExp permFilter ) ( fromAlias selectFrom )
args' @ Args { argsExistingJoins } <-
runReaderT ( fromSelectArgsG args ) ( fromAlias selectFrom )
-- Although aggregates, exps and nodes could be handled in one list,
-- we need to separately treat the subselect expressions
expss :: [ ( Int , Projection ) ] <- flip runReaderT ( fromAlias selectFrom ) $ sequence $ mapMaybe fromTableExpFieldG fields
nodes :: [ ( Int , ( IR . FieldName , [ FieldSource ] ) ) ] <-
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
flip runReaderT ( fromAlias selectFrom ) $ sequence $ mapMaybe ( fromTableNodesFieldG argsExistingJoins ) fields
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
let aggregates :: [ ( Int , ( IR . FieldName , [ Projection ] ) ) ] = mapMaybe fromTableAggFieldG fields
{ selectProjections =
map snd $
sortBy ( comparing fst ) $
<> mkNodesSelect args' mforeignKeyConditions filterExpression permissionBasedTop selectFrom nodes
<> mkAggregateSelect args' mforeignKeyConditions filterExpression selectFrom aggregates ,
selectTop = NoTop ,
selectFrom =
pure $
FromOpenJson $
{ aliasedThing =
{ openJsonExpression = ValueExpression $ ODBC . TextValue " [0] " ,
openJsonWith = Nothing
} ,
aliasedAlias = existsFieldName
} ,
selectJoins = mempty , -- JOINs and WHEREs are only relevant in subselects
selectWhere = mempty ,
selectFor = JsonFor ForJson { jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton , jsonRoot = NoRoot } ,
selectOrderBy = Nothing ,
selectOffset = Nothing
-- GraphQL Args
data Args = Args
{ argsWhere :: Where ,
argsOrderBy :: Maybe ( NonEmpty OrderBy ) ,
argsJoins :: [ Join ] ,
argsTop :: Top ,
argsOffset :: Maybe Expression ,
argsDistinct :: Proxy ( Maybe ( NonEmpty FieldName ) ) ,
argsExistingJoins :: Map TableName EntityAlias
deriving ( Show )
fromSelectArgsG :: IR . SelectArgsG 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Args
fromSelectArgsG selectArgsG = do
let argsOffset = ValueExpression . ODBC . IntValue . fromIntegral <$> moffset
argsWhere <-
maybe ( pure mempty ) ( fmap ( Where . pure ) . fromGBoolExp ) mannBoolExp
argsTop <-
maybe ( pure mempty ) ( pure . Top ) mlimit
-- Not supported presently, per Vamshi:
-- > It is hardly used and we don't have to go to great lengths to support it.
-- But placeholdering the code so that when it's ready to be used,
-- you can just drop the Proxy wrapper.
let argsDistinct = Proxy
( argsOrderBy , joins ) <-
runWriterT ( traverse fromAnnotatedOrderByItemG ( maybe [] toList orders ) )
-- Any object-relation joins that we generated, we record their
-- generated names into a mapping.
let argsExistingJoins =
M . fromList ( mapMaybe unfurledObjectTableAlias ( toList joins ) )
{ argsJoins = toList ( fmap unfurledJoin joins ) ,
argsOrderBy = nonEmpty argsOrderBy ,
IR . SelectArgs
{ _saWhere = mannBoolExp ,
_saLimit = mlimit ,
_saOffset = moffset ,
_saOrderBy = orders
} = selectArgsG
-- Conversion functions
fromQualifiedTable :: TableName -> FromIr From
fromQualifiedTable schemadTableName @ ( TableName { tableName } ) = do
alias <- generateAlias ( TableTemplate tableName )
( FromQualifiedTable
( Aliased
{ aliasedThing = schemadTableName ,
aliasedAlias = alias
-- | Translate an 'AnnBoolExpFld' within an 'EntityAlias' context referring to the table the `AnnBoolExpFld` field belongs to.
-- This is mutually recursive with 'fromGBoolExp', mirroring the mutually recursive structure between 'AnnBoolExpFld' and 'AnnBoolExp b a' (alias of 'GBoolExp b (AnnBoolExpFld b a)').
fromAnnBoolExpFld ::
IR . AnnBoolExpFld 'MSSQL Expression ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression
fromAnnBoolExpFld =
\ case
IR . AVColumn columnInfo opExpGs -> do
expression <- fromColumnInfoForBoolExp columnInfo
expressions <- traverse ( lift . fromOpExpG expression ) opExpGs
pure ( AndExpression expressions )
IR . AVRelationship IR . RelInfo { riMapping = mapping , riRTable = table } annBoolExp -> do
selectFrom <- lift ( fromQualifiedTable table )
foreignKeyConditions <- fromMapping selectFrom mapping
whereExpression <-
local ( const ( fromAlias selectFrom ) ) ( fromGBoolExp annBoolExp )
( ExistsExpression
{ selectOrderBy = Nothing ,
selectProjections =
[ ExpressionProjection
( Aliased
{ aliasedThing = trueExpression ,
aliasedAlias = existsFieldName
] ,
selectFrom = Just selectFrom ,
selectJoins = mempty ,
selectWhere = Where ( foreignKeyConditions <> [ whereExpression ] ) ,
selectTop = NoTop ,
selectFor = NoFor ,
selectOffset = Nothing
-- | For boolean operators, various comparison operators used need
-- special handling to ensure that SQL Server won't outright reject
-- the comparison. See also 'shouldCastToVarcharMax'.
fromColumnInfoForBoolExp :: IR . ColumnInfo 'MSSQL -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression
fromColumnInfoForBoolExp IR . ColumnInfo { ciColumn = column , ciType } = do
fieldName <- columnNameToFieldName column <$> ask
if shouldCastToVarcharMax ciType -- See function commentary.
then pure ( CastExpression ( ColumnExpression fieldName ) WvarcharType DataLengthMax )
else pure ( ColumnExpression fieldName )
-- | There's a problem of comparing text fields with =, <, etc. that
-- SQL Server completely refuses to do so. So one way to workaround
-- this restriction is to automatically cast such text fields to
-- varchar(max).
shouldCastToVarcharMax :: IR . ColumnType 'MSSQL -> Bool
shouldCastToVarcharMax typ =
typ == IR . ColumnScalar TextType || typ == IR . ColumnScalar WtextType
-- Sources of projected fields
-- Because in the IR, a field projected can be a foreign object, we
-- have to both generate a projection AND on the side generate a join.
-- So a @FieldSource@ couples the idea of the projected thing and the
-- source of it (via 'Aliased').
data FieldSource
= ExpressionFieldSource ( Aliased Expression )
| JoinFieldSource JsonCardinality ( Aliased Join )
deriving ( Eq , Show )
-- | Get FieldSource from a TAFExp type table aggregate field
fromTableExpFieldG :: -- TODO: Convert function to be similar to Nodes function
( Int , ( IR . FieldName , IR . TableAggregateFieldG 'MSSQL Void Expression ) ) ->
Maybe ( ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr ( Int , Projection ) )
fromTableExpFieldG = \ case
( index , ( IR . FieldName name , IR . TAFExp text ) ) ->
Just $
pure $
( index ,
fieldSourceProjections $
{ aliasedThing = TSQL . ValueExpression ( ODBC . TextValue text ) ,
aliasedAlias = name
_ -> Nothing
fromTableAggFieldG ::
( Int , ( IR . FieldName , IR . TableAggregateFieldG 'MSSQL Void Expression ) ) ->
Maybe ( Int , ( IR . FieldName , [ Projection ] ) )
fromTableAggFieldG = \ case
( index , ( fieldName , IR . TAFAgg ( aggregateFields :: [ ( IR . FieldName , IR . AggregateField 'MSSQL ) ] ) ) ) ->
Just $
let aggregates =
aggregateFields <&> \ ( fieldName' , aggregateField ) ->
fromAggregateField ( IR . getFieldNameTxt fieldName' ) aggregateField
in ( index , ( fieldName , aggregates ) )
_ -> Nothing
fromTableNodesFieldG ::
Map TableName EntityAlias ->
( Int , ( IR . FieldName , IR . TableAggregateFieldG 'MSSQL Void Expression ) ) ->
Maybe ( ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr ( Int , ( IR . FieldName , [ FieldSource ] ) ) )
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
fromTableNodesFieldG argsExistingJoins = \ case
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
( index , ( fieldName , IR . TAFNodes () ( annFieldsG :: [ ( IR . FieldName , IR . AnnFieldG 'MSSQL Void Expression ) ] ) ) ) -> Just do
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
fieldSources' <- fromAnnFieldsG argsExistingJoins ` traverse ` annFieldsG
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
pure ( index , ( fieldName , fieldSources' ) )
_ -> Nothing
fromAggregateField :: Text -> IR . AggregateField 'MSSQL -> Projection
fromAggregateField alias aggregateField =
case aggregateField of
IR . AFExp text -> AggregateProjection $ Aliased ( TextAggregate text ) alias
IR . AFCount countType -> AggregateProjection . flip Aliased alias . CountAggregate $ case countType of
StarCountable -> StarCountable
NonNullFieldCountable name -> NonNullFieldCountable $ columnFieldAggEntity name
DistinctCountable name -> DistinctCountable $ columnFieldAggEntity name
IR . AFOp IR . AggregateOp { _aoOp = op , _aoFields = fields } ->
let projections :: [ Projection ] =
fields <&> \ ( fieldName , columnField ) ->
case columnField of
IR . CFCol column _columnType ->
let fname = columnFieldAggEntity column
in AggregateProjection $ Aliased ( OpAggregate op [ ColumnExpression fname ] ) ( IR . getFieldNameTxt fieldName )
IR . CFExp text ->
ExpressionProjection $ Aliased ( ValueExpression ( ODBC . TextValue text ) ) ( IR . getFieldNameTxt fieldName )
in ExpressionProjection $
flip Aliased alias $
safeJsonQueryExpression JsonSingleton $
SelectExpression $
{ selectProjections = projections ,
selectFor = JsonFor $ ForJson JsonSingleton NoRoot
columnFieldAggEntity col = columnNameToFieldName col $ EntityAlias aggSubselectName
-- | The main sources of fields, either constants, fields or via joins.
fromAnnFieldsG ::
Map TableName EntityAlias ->
( IR . FieldName , IR . AnnFieldG 'MSSQL Void Expression ) ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldSource
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
fromAnnFieldsG existingJoins ( IR . FieldName name , field ) =
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
case field of
IR . AFColumn annColumnField -> do
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
expression <- fromAnnColumnField annColumnField
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
( ExpressionFieldSource
Aliased { aliasedThing = expression , aliasedAlias = name }
IR . AFExpression text ->
( ExpressionFieldSource
{ aliasedThing = TSQL . ValueExpression ( ODBC . TextValue text ) ,
aliasedAlias = name
IR . AFObjectRelation objectRelationSelectG ->
( \ aliasedThing ->
JoinFieldSource JsonSingleton ( Aliased { aliasedThing , aliasedAlias = name } )
( fromObjectRelationSelectG existingJoins objectRelationSelectG )
IR . AFArrayRelation arraySelectG ->
( \ aliasedThing ->
JoinFieldSource JsonArray ( Aliased { aliasedThing , aliasedAlias = name } )
( fromArraySelectG arraySelectG )
-- | Here is where we project a field as a column expression. If
-- number stringification is on, then we wrap it in a
-- 'ToStringExpression' so that it's casted when being projected.
fromAnnColumnField ::
IR . AnnColumnField 'MSSQL Expression ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
fromAnnColumnField annColumnField = do
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
fieldName <- fromColumn column
-- TODO: Handle stringifying large numbers
{- (IR.isScalarColumnWhere isBigNum typ && stringifyNumbers == IR.StringifyNumbers) -}
-- for geometry and geography values, the automatic json encoding on sql
-- server would fail. So we need to convert it to a format the json encoding
-- handles. Ideally we want this representation to be GeoJSON but sql server
-- doesn't have any functions to convert to GeoJSON format. So we return it in
-- WKT format
if typ == ( IR . ColumnScalar GeometryType ) || typ == ( IR . ColumnScalar GeographyType )
then pure $ MethodApplicationExpression ( ColumnExpression fieldName ) MethExpSTAsText
else case caseBoolExpMaybe of
Nothing -> pure ( ColumnExpression fieldName )
Just ex -> do
ex' <- fromGBoolExp ( coerce ex )
let nullValue = ValueExpression ODBC . NullValue
pure ( ConditionalExpression ex' ( ColumnExpression fieldName ) nullValue )
IR . AnnColumnField
{ _acfColumn = column ,
_acfType = typ ,
_acfAsText = _asText :: Bool ,
2022-05-03 11:58:56 +03:00
_acfArguments = _ :: Maybe Void ,
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
_acfCaseBoolExpression = caseBoolExpMaybe
} = annColumnField
-- | This is where a field name "foo" is resolved to a fully qualified
-- field name [table].[foo]. The table name comes from EntityAlias in
-- the ReaderT.
fromColumn :: ColumnName -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldName
fromColumn column = columnNameToFieldName column <$> ask
-- entityAlias <- ask
-- pure (columnNameToFieldName column entityAlias -- FieldName {fieldName = columnName column, fieldNameEntity = entityAliasText}
-- )
fieldSourceProjections :: FieldSource -> Projection
fieldSourceProjections =
\ case
ExpressionFieldSource aliasedExpression ->
ExpressionProjection aliasedExpression
JoinFieldSource cardinality aliasedJoin ->
( aliasedJoin
{ aliasedThing =
-- Basically a cast, to ensure that SQL Server won't
-- double-encode the JSON but will "pass it through"
-- untouched.
( ColumnExpression
( joinAliasToField
( joinJoinAlias ( aliasedThing aliasedJoin ) )
joinAliasToField :: JoinAlias -> FieldName
joinAliasToField JoinAlias { .. } =
{ fieldNameEntity = joinAliasEntity ,
fieldName = fromMaybe ( error " TODO: Eliminate this case. joinAliasToField " ) joinAliasField
fieldSourceJoin :: FieldSource -> Maybe Join
fieldSourceJoin =
\ case
JoinFieldSource _ aliasedJoin -> pure ( aliasedThing aliasedJoin )
ExpressionFieldSource { } -> Nothing
-- Joins
fromObjectRelationSelectG ::
Map TableName EntityAlias ->
IR . ObjectRelationSelectG 'MSSQL Void Expression ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join
fromObjectRelationSelectG existingJoins annRelationSelectG = do
eitherAliasOrFrom <- lift ( lookupTableFrom existingJoins tableFrom )
let entityAlias :: EntityAlias = either id fromAlias eitherAliasOrFrom
fieldSources <-
( const entityAlias )
2022-07-14 20:57:28 +03:00
( traverse ( fromAnnFieldsG mempty ) fields )
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
let selectProjections = map fieldSourceProjections fieldSources
joinJoinAlias <-
fieldName <- lift ( fromRelName _aarRelationshipName )
alias <- lift ( generateAlias ( ObjectRelationTemplate fieldName ) )
{ joinAliasEntity = alias ,
joinAliasField = pure jsonFieldName
let selectFor =
JsonFor ForJson { jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton , jsonRoot = NoRoot }
filterExpression <- local ( const entityAlias ) ( fromGBoolExp tableFilter )
case eitherAliasOrFrom of
Right selectFrom -> do
foreignKeyConditions <- fromMapping selectFrom mapping
{ joinJoinAlias ,
joinSource =
{ selectOrderBy = Nothing ,
selectTop = NoTop ,
selectProjections ,
selectFrom = Just selectFrom ,
selectJoins = mapMaybe fieldSourceJoin fieldSources ,
selectWhere =
Where ( foreignKeyConditions <> [ filterExpression ] ) ,
selectFor ,
selectOffset = Nothing
Left _entityAlias ->
{ joinJoinAlias ,
joinSource =
{ reselectProjections = selectProjections ,
reselectFor = selectFor ,
reselectWhere = Where [ filterExpression ]
IR . AnnObjectSelectG
{ _aosFields = fields :: IR . AnnFieldsG 'MSSQL Void Expression ,
_aosTableFrom = tableFrom :: TableName ,
_aosTableFilter = tableFilter :: IR . AnnBoolExp 'MSSQL Expression
} = annObjectSelectG
IR . AnnRelationSelectG
{ _aarRelationshipName ,
_aarColumnMapping = mapping :: HashMap ColumnName ColumnName ,
_aarAnnSelect = annObjectSelectG :: IR . AnnObjectSelectG 'MSSQL Void Expression
} = annRelationSelectG
lookupTableFrom ::
Map TableName EntityAlias ->
TableName ->
FromIr ( Either EntityAlias From )
lookupTableFrom existingJoins tableFrom = do
case M . lookup tableFrom existingJoins of
Just entityAlias -> pure ( Left entityAlias )
Nothing -> fmap Right ( fromQualifiedTable tableFrom )
fromArraySelectG :: IR . ArraySelectG 'MSSQL Void Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join
fromArraySelectG =
\ case
IR . ASSimple arrayRelationSelectG ->
fromArrayRelationSelectG arrayRelationSelectG
IR . ASAggregate arrayAggregateSelectG ->
fromArrayAggregateSelectG arrayAggregateSelectG
fromArrayAggregateSelectG ::
IR . AnnRelationSelectG 'MSSQL ( IR . AnnAggregateSelectG 'MSSQL Void Expression ) ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join
fromArrayAggregateSelectG annRelationSelectG = do
fieldName <- lift ( fromRelName _aarRelationshipName )
joinSelect <- do
lhsEntityAlias <- ask
-- With this, the foreign key relations are injected automatically
-- at the right place by fromSelectAggregate.
lift ( fromSelectAggregate ( pure ( lhsEntityAlias , mapping ) ) annSelectG )
alias <- lift ( generateAlias ( ArrayAggregateTemplate fieldName ) )
{ joinJoinAlias =
{ joinAliasEntity = alias ,
joinAliasField = pure jsonFieldName
} ,
joinSource = JoinSelect joinSelect
IR . AnnRelationSelectG
{ _aarRelationshipName ,
_aarColumnMapping = mapping :: HashMap ColumnName ColumnName ,
_aarAnnSelect = annSelectG
} = annRelationSelectG
fromArrayRelationSelectG :: IR . ArrayRelationSelectG 'MSSQL Void Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join
fromArrayRelationSelectG annRelationSelectG = do
fieldName <- lift ( fromRelName _aarRelationshipName )
sel <- lift ( fromSelectRows annSelectG )
joinSelect <-
foreignKeyConditions <- selectFromMapping sel mapping
sel { selectWhere = Where foreignKeyConditions <> selectWhere sel }
alias <- lift ( generateAlias ( ArrayRelationTemplate fieldName ) )
{ joinJoinAlias =
{ joinAliasEntity = alias ,
joinAliasField = pure jsonFieldName
} ,
joinSource = JoinSelect joinSelect
IR . AnnRelationSelectG
{ _aarRelationshipName ,
_aarColumnMapping = mapping :: HashMap ColumnName ColumnName ,
_aarAnnSelect = annSelectG
} = annRelationSelectG
fromRelName :: IR . RelName -> FromIr Text
fromRelName relName =
pure ( IR . relNameToTxt relName )
-- | The context given by the reader is of the previous/parent
-- "remote" table. The WHERE that we're generating goes in the child,
-- "local" query. The @From@ passed in as argument is the local table.
-- We should hope to see e.g. "post.category = category.id" for a
-- local table of post and a remote table of category.
-- The left/right columns in @HashMap ColumnName ColumnName@ corresponds
-- to the left/right of @select ... join ...@. Therefore left=remote,
-- right=local in this context.
fromMapping ::
From ->
HashMap ColumnName ColumnName ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr [ Expression ]
fromMapping localFrom =
( \ ( remoteColumn , localColumn ) -> do
localFieldName <- local ( const ( fromAlias localFrom ) ) ( fromColumn localColumn )
remoteFieldName <- fromColumn remoteColumn
( OpExpression
( ColumnExpression localFieldName )
( ColumnExpression remoteFieldName )
. HM . toList
selectFromMapping ::
Select ->
HashMap ColumnName ColumnName ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr [ Expression ]
selectFromMapping Select { selectFrom = Nothing } = const ( pure [] )
selectFromMapping Select { selectFrom = Just from } = fromMapping from
-- Basic SQL expression types
fromOpExpG :: Expression -> IR . OpExpG 'MSSQL Expression -> FromIr Expression
fromOpExpG expression op =
case op of
IR . ANISNULL -> pure $ TSQL . IsNullExpression expression
IR . ANISNOTNULL -> pure $ TSQL . IsNotNullExpression expression
IR . AEQ False val -> pure $ nullableBoolEquality expression val
IR . AEQ True val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . EQ' expression val
IR . ANE False val -> pure $ nullableBoolInequality expression val
IR . ANE True val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . NEQ' expression val
IR . AGT val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . GT expression val
IR . ALT val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . LT expression val
IR . AGTE val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . GTE expression val
IR . ALTE val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . LTE expression val
IR . AIN val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . IN expression val
IR . ANIN val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . NIN expression val
IR . ALIKE val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . LIKE expression val
IR . ANLIKE val -> pure $ OpExpression TSQL . NLIKE expression val
IR . ABackendSpecific o -> case o of
ASTContains val -> pure $ TSQL . STOpExpression TSQL . STContains expression val
ASTCrosses val -> pure $ TSQL . STOpExpression TSQL . STCrosses expression val
ASTEquals val -> pure $ TSQL . STOpExpression TSQL . STEquals expression val
ASTIntersects val -> pure $ TSQL . STOpExpression TSQL . STIntersects expression val
ASTOverlaps val -> pure $ TSQL . STOpExpression TSQL . STOverlaps expression val
ASTTouches val -> pure $ TSQL . STOpExpression TSQL . STTouches expression val
ASTWithin val -> pure $ TSQL . STOpExpression TSQL . STWithin expression val
-- As of March 2021, only geometry/geography casts are supported
IR . ACast _casts -> refute ( pure ( UnsupportedOpExpG op ) ) -- mkCastsExp casts
-- We do not yet support column names in permissions
IR . CEQ _rhsCol -> refute ( pure ( UnsupportedOpExpG op ) ) -- S.BECompare S.SEQ lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
IR . CNE _rhsCol -> refute ( pure ( UnsupportedOpExpG op ) ) -- S.BECompare S.SNE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
IR . CGT _rhsCol -> refute ( pure ( UnsupportedOpExpG op ) ) -- S.BECompare S.SGT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
IR . CLT _rhsCol -> refute ( pure ( UnsupportedOpExpG op ) ) -- S.BECompare S.SLT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
IR . CGTE _rhsCol -> refute ( pure ( UnsupportedOpExpG op ) ) -- S.BECompare S.SGTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
IR . CLTE _rhsCol -> refute ( pure ( UnsupportedOpExpG op ) ) -- S.BECompare S.SLTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
nullableBoolEquality :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
nullableBoolEquality x y =
[ OpExpression TSQL . EQ' x y ,
AndExpression [ IsNullExpression x , IsNullExpression y ]
nullableBoolInequality :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
nullableBoolInequality x y =
[ OpExpression TSQL . NEQ' x y ,
AndExpression [ IsNotNullExpression x , IsNullExpression y ]
-- | Translate a 'GBoolExp' of a 'AnnBoolExpFld', within an 'EntityAlias' context.
-- It is mutually recursive with 'fromAnnBoolExpFld' and 'fromGExists'.
fromGBoolExp ::
IR . GBoolExp 'MSSQL ( IR . AnnBoolExpFld 'MSSQL Expression ) ->
ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression
fromGBoolExp =
\ case
IR . BoolAnd expressions ->
fmap AndExpression ( traverse fromGBoolExp expressions )
IR . BoolOr expressions ->
fmap OrExpression ( traverse fromGBoolExp expressions )
IR . BoolNot expression ->
fmap NotExpression ( fromGBoolExp expression )
IR . BoolExists gExists ->
fromGExists gExists
2022-07-12 12:25:22 +03:00
IR . BoolField expression ->
2022-03-10 13:33:55 +03:00
fromAnnBoolExpFld expression
fromGExists :: IR . GExists 'MSSQL ( IR . AnnBoolExpFld 'MSSQL Expression ) -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression
fromGExists IR . GExists { _geTable , _geWhere } = do
selectFrom <- lift ( fromQualifiedTable _geTable )
whereExpression <-
local ( const ( fromAlias selectFrom ) ) ( fromGBoolExp _geWhere )
pure $
ExistsExpression $
{ selectOrderBy = Nothing ,
selectProjections =
[ ExpressionProjection
( Aliased
{ aliasedThing = trueExpression ,
aliasedAlias = existsFieldName
] ,
selectFrom = Just selectFrom ,
selectJoins = mempty ,
selectWhere = Where [ whereExpression ] ,
selectTop = NoTop ,
selectFor = NoFor ,
selectOffset = Nothing
trueExpression :: Expression
trueExpression = ValueExpression ( ODBC . BoolValue True )
-- | A version of @JSON_QUERY(..)@ that returns a proper json literal, rather
-- than SQL null, which does not compose properly with @FOR JSON@ clauses.
safeJsonQueryExpression :: JsonCardinality -> Expression -> Expression
safeJsonQueryExpression expectedType jsonQuery =
FunctionApplicationExpression ( FunExpISNULL ( JsonQueryExpression jsonQuery ) jsonTypeExpression )
jsonTypeExpression = case expectedType of
JsonSingleton -> nullExpression
JsonArray -> emptyArrayExpression
nullExpression :: Expression
nullExpression = ValueExpression $ ODBC . TextValue " null "
emptyArrayExpression :: Expression
emptyArrayExpression = ValueExpression $ ODBC . TextValue " [] "
-- Constants
jsonFieldName :: Text
jsonFieldName = " json "
aggSubselectName :: Text
aggSubselectName = " agg_sub "
existsFieldName :: Text
existsFieldName = " exists_placeholder "
data UnfurledJoin = UnfurledJoin
{ unfurledJoin :: Join ,
-- | Recorded if we joined onto an object relation.
unfurledObjectTableAlias :: Maybe ( TableName , EntityAlias )
deriving ( Show )
fromAnnotatedOrderByItemG ::
IR . AnnotatedOrderByItemG 'MSSQL Expression ->
WriterT ( Seq UnfurledJoin ) ( ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr ) OrderBy
fromAnnotatedOrderByItemG IR . OrderByItemG { obiType , obiColumn = obiColumn , obiNulls } = do
( orderByFieldName , orderByType ) <- unfurlAnnotatedOrderByElement obiColumn
let orderByNullsOrder = fromMaybe NullsAnyOrder obiNulls
orderByOrder = fromMaybe AscOrder obiType
pure OrderBy { .. }
-- | Unfurl the nested set of object relations (tell'd in the writer)
-- that are terminated by field name (IR.AOCColumn and
-- IR.AOCArrayAggregation).
unfurlAnnotatedOrderByElement ::
IR . AnnotatedOrderByElement 'MSSQL Expression ->
WriterT ( Seq UnfurledJoin ) ( ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr ) ( FieldName , Maybe TSQL . ScalarType )
unfurlAnnotatedOrderByElement =
\ case
IR . AOCColumn columnInfo -> do
fieldName <- lift ( fromColumnInfo columnInfo )
( fieldName ,
case IR . ciType columnInfo of
IR . ColumnScalar t -> Just t
-- Above: It is of interest to us whether the type is
-- text/ntext/image. See ToQuery for more explanation.
_ -> Nothing
IR . AOCObjectRelation IR . RelInfo { riMapping = mapping , riRTable = table } annBoolExp annOrderByElementG -> do
selectFrom <- lift ( lift ( fromQualifiedTable table ) )
joinAliasEntity <-
lift ( lift ( generateAlias ( ForOrderAlias ( tableNameText table ) ) ) )
foreignKeyConditions <- lift ( fromMapping selectFrom mapping )
-- TODO: Because these object relations are re-used by regular
-- object mapping queries, this WHERE may be unnecessarily
-- restrictive. But I actually don't know from where such an
-- expression arises in the source GraphQL syntax.
-- Worst case scenario, we could put the WHERE in the key of the
-- Map in 'argsExistingJoins'. That would guarantee only equal
-- selects are re-used.
whereExpression <-
lift ( local ( const ( fromAlias selectFrom ) ) ( fromGBoolExp annBoolExp ) )
( pure
{ unfurledJoin =
{ joinSource =
{ selectTop = NoTop ,
selectProjections = [ StarProjection ] ,
selectFrom = Just selectFrom ,
selectJoins = [] ,
selectWhere =
Where ( foreignKeyConditions <> [ whereExpression ] ) ,
selectFor = NoFor ,
selectOrderBy = Nothing ,
selectOffset = Nothing
} ,
joinJoinAlias =
JoinAlias { joinAliasEntity , joinAliasField = Nothing }
} ,
unfurledObjectTableAlias = Just ( table , EntityAlias joinAliasEntity )
( const ( EntityAlias joinAliasEntity ) )
( unfurlAnnotatedOrderByElement annOrderByElementG )
IR . AOCArrayAggregation IR . RelInfo { riMapping = mapping , riRTable = tableName } annBoolExp annAggregateOrderBy -> do
selectFrom <- lift ( lift ( fromQualifiedTable tableName ) )
let alias = aggFieldName
joinAliasEntity <-
lift ( lift ( generateAlias ( ForOrderAlias ( tableNameText tableName ) ) ) )
foreignKeyConditions <- lift ( fromMapping selectFrom mapping )
whereExpression <-
lift ( local ( const ( fromAlias selectFrom ) ) ( fromGBoolExp annBoolExp ) )
aggregate <-
( local
( const ( fromAlias selectFrom ) )
( case annAggregateOrderBy of
IR . AAOCount -> pure ( CountAggregate StarCountable )
IR . AAOOp text columnInfo -> do
fieldName <- fromColumnInfo columnInfo
pure ( OpAggregate text ( pure ( ColumnExpression fieldName ) ) )
( pure
( UnfurledJoin
{ unfurledJoin =
{ joinSource =
{ selectTop = NoTop ,
selectProjections =
[ AggregateProjection
{ aliasedThing = aggregate ,
aliasedAlias = alias
] ,
selectFrom = Just selectFrom ,
selectJoins = [] ,
selectWhere =
( foreignKeyConditions <> [ whereExpression ] ) ,
selectFor = NoFor ,
selectOrderBy = Nothing ,
selectOffset = Nothing
} ,
joinJoinAlias =
JoinAlias { joinAliasEntity , joinAliasField = Nothing }
} ,
unfurledObjectTableAlias = Nothing
( FieldName { fieldNameEntity = joinAliasEntity , fieldName = alias } ,
tableNameText :: TableName -> Text
tableNameText ( TableName { tableName } ) = tableName
fromColumnInfo :: IR . ColumnInfo 'MSSQL -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldName
fromColumnInfo IR . ColumnInfo { ciColumn = column } =
columnNameToFieldName column <$> ask
aggFieldName :: Text
aggFieldName = " agg "