2019-12-05 09:23:36 +01:00

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Development recommendations

Before continuing, make sure you've read:

VSCode extensions

To make our lives easier while developing in Haskell, we use the following extensions:

  • ghcide, the best thing that happened to Haskell for editors/IDEs! ❤️
  • hlint, another great extension to have suggestions and refactors in Haskell 🛠
  • stylish-haskell, the formatter we use to prettify the code 💅🏼
  • editorconfig, to have consistency between different editors and envs 🐀

stylish-haskell 💅🏼

Regarding the formatter, we use the master version of stylish-haskell to be able to use language pragmas with lowercase, so you'll need to do this locally:

$ git clone
$ ...
$ cd stylish-haskell && stack install

We don't provide any git hook or tool that enforces our style. However, before you propose any PR please make sure to run stylish-haskell yourself, and to follow our style guide mentioned above to the extent possible. 😊

If you wan't to automate this for your VSCode, add the following to your .vscode/settings.json:

  "editor.formatOnSave": true

Happy hacking! 👏🏼