Update libraries and docs with HasIO/MonadIO

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-06-21 15:25:40 +01:00
parent 28855088c2
commit 1b15463746
8 changed files with 103 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -88,17 +88,19 @@ returns a primitive IO action:
Internally, ``PrimIO Int`` is a function which takes the current (linear)
state of the world, and returns an ``Int`` with an updated state of the world.
We can convert this into an ``IO`` action using ``primIO``:
In general, ``IO`` operations in an Idris program are defined as instances
of the ``HasIO`` interface (or ``MonadIO``). We can convert a primitive
operation to one usable in ``HasIO`` using ``primIO``:
.. code-block:: idris
primIO : PrimIO a -> IO a
primIO : HasIO a => PrimIO a -> io a
So, we can extend our program as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
addWithMessage : String -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
addWithMessage : HasIO io => String -> Int -> Int -> io Int
addWithMessage s x y = primIO $ prim_addWithMessage s x y
main : IO ()
@ -218,16 +220,17 @@ which takes a callback that takes a ``char*`` and an ``int`` and returns a
return f(x, y);
Then, we can access this from Idris by declaring it as a ``%foreign``
function and wrapping it in ``IO``, with the C function calling the Idris
function as the callback:
Then, we can access this from Idris by declaring it as a ``%foreign`` function
and wrapping it in the ``HasIO`` interface, with the C function calling the
Idris function as the callback:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (libsmall "applyFn")
prim_applyFn : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> String) -> PrimIO String
applyFn : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> String) -> IO String
applyFn : HasIO io =>
String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> String) -> io String
applyFn c i f = primIO $ prim_applyFn c i f
For example, we can try this as follows:
@ -256,14 +259,18 @@ As a variant, the callback could have a side effect:
prim_applyFnIO : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> PrimIO String) ->
PrimIO String
This is a little more fiddly to lift to an ``IO`` function, due to the callback,
but we can do so using ``toPrim : IO a -> PrimIO a``:
This is a little more fiddly to lift to a ``HasIO`` function,
due to the callback, but we can do so using ``toPrim : IO a -> PrimIO a``:
.. code-block:: idris
applyFnIO : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> IO String) -> IO String
applyFnIO : HasIO io =>
String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> IO String) -> io String
applyFnIO c i f = primIO $ prim_applyFnIO c i (\s, i => toPrim $ f s i)
Note that the callback is explicitly in ``IO`` here, since ``HasIO`` doesn't
have a general method for extracting the primitive ``IO`` operation.
For example, we can extend the above ``pluralise`` example to print a message
in the callback:

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@ -428,6 +428,25 @@ would be:
m_add : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
m_add x y = [ x' + y' | x' <- x, y' <- y ]
Interfaces and IO
In general, ``IO`` operations in the libraries aren't written using ``IO``
directly, but rather via one of the following interfaces:
.. code-block:: idris
interface HasIO io where
liftIO : (1 _ : IO a) -> io a
interface (Monad io, HasIO io) => MonadIO io where
``HasIO`` explains, via ``liftIO``, how to convert a primitive ``IO`` operation
to an operation in some underlying type. ``MonadIO`` has no methods, but
adds an additional ``Monad`` constraint. These interfaces allow a programmer
to define some more expressive notion of interactive program, while still
giving direct access to ``IO`` primitives.
Idiom brackets

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@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ group n xs = worker [] xs
worker acc ys = worker ((take n ys)::acc) (drop n ys)
dumpBuffer : Buffer -> IO String
dumpBuffer : MonadIO io => Buffer -> io String
dumpBuffer buf = do
size <- rawSize buf
dat <- bufferData buf
size <- liftIO $ rawSize buf
dat <- liftIO $ bufferData buf
let rows = group 16 dat
let hex = showSep "\n" 0 (map renderRow rows)
pure $ hex ++ "\n\ntotal size = " ++ show size
printBuffer : Buffer -> IO ()
printBuffer buf = putStrLn $ !(dumpBuffer buf)
printBuffer : MonadIO io => Buffer -> io ()
printBuffer buf = putStrLn $ !(dumpBuffer buf)

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import Data.List
public export
interface Random a where
randomIO : IO a
randomIO : MonadIO io => io a
-- Takes a range (lo, hi), and returns a random value uniformly
-- distributed in the closed interval [lo, hi]. It is unspecified what
-- happens if lo > hi.
randomRIO : (a, a) -> IO a
randomRIO : MonadIO io => (a, a) -> io a
prim_randomInt : Int -> IO Int
prim_randomInt upperBound = schemeCall Int "blodwen-random" [upperBound]
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ Random Int where
let maxInt = shiftL 1 31 - 1
minInt = negate $ shiftL 1 31
range = maxInt - minInt
in map (+ minInt) $ prim_randomInt range
in map (+ minInt) $ liftIO $ prim_randomInt range
-- Generate a random value within [lo, hi].
randomRIO (lo, hi) =
let range = hi - lo + 1
in map (+ lo) $ prim_randomInt range
in map (+ lo) $ liftIO $ prim_randomInt range
prim_randomDouble : IO Double
prim_randomDouble = schemeCall Double "blodwen-random" []
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ prim_randomDouble = schemeCall Double "blodwen-random" []
public export
Random Double where
-- Generate a random value within [0, 1].
randomIO = prim_randomDouble
randomIO = liftIO prim_randomDouble
-- Generate a random value within [lo, hi].
randomRIO (lo, hi) = map ((+ lo) . (* (hi - lo))) prim_randomDouble
randomRIO (lo, hi) = map ((+ lo) . (* (hi - lo))) (liftIO prim_randomDouble)
||| Sets the random seed

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@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ import Network.FFI
||| Creates a UNIX socket with the given family, socket type and protocol
||| number. Returns either a socket or an error.
socket : (fam : SocketFamily)
socket : MonadIO io
=> (fam : SocketFamily)
-> (ty : SocketType)
-> (pnum : ProtocolNumber)
-> IO (Either SocketError Socket)
-> io (Either SocketError Socket)
socket sf st pn = do
socket_res <- primIO $ idrnet_socket (toCode sf) (toCode st) pn
@ -27,17 +28,18 @@ socket sf st pn = do
||| Close a socket
close : Socket -> IO ()
close : MonadIO io => Socket -> io ()
close sock = do _ <- primIO $ socket_close $ descriptor sock
pure ()
||| Binds a socket to the given socket address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, an error code otherwise.
bind : (sock : Socket)
bind : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : Maybe SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
-> IO Int
-> io Int
bind sock addr port = do
bind_res <- primIO $ idrnet_bind
(descriptor sock)
@ -57,10 +59,11 @@ bind sock addr port = do
||| Connects to a given address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, and an error number on error.
connect : (sock : Socket)
connect : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
-> IO ResultCode
-> io ResultCode
connect sock addr port = do
conn_res <- primIO $ idrnet_connect
(descriptor sock) (toCode $ family sock) (toCode $ socketType sock) (show addr) port
@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ connect sock addr port = do
||| @sock The socket to listen on.
listen : (sock : Socket) -> IO Int
listen : MonadIO io => (sock : Socket) -> io Int
listen sock = do
listen_res <- primIO $ socket_listen (descriptor sock) BACKLOG
if listen_res == (-1)
@ -89,8 +92,9 @@ listen sock = do
||| @sock The socket used to establish connection.
accept : (sock : Socket)
-> IO (Either SocketError (Socket, SocketAddress))
accept : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> io (Either SocketError (Socket, SocketAddress))
accept sock = do
-- We need a pointer to a sockaddr structure. This is then passed into
@ -115,9 +119,10 @@ accept sock = do
||| @sock The socket on which to send the message.
||| @msg The data to send.
send : (sock : Socket)
send : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (msg : String)
-> IO (Either SocketError ResultCode)
-> io (Either SocketError ResultCode)
send sock dat = do
send_res <- primIO $ idrnet_send (descriptor sock) dat
@ -135,9 +140,10 @@ send sock dat = do
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
||| @len How much of the data to receive.
recv : (sock : Socket)
recv : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError (String, ResultCode))
-> io (Either SocketError (String, ResultCode))
recv sock len = do
-- Firstly make the request, get some kind of recv structure which
-- contains the result of the recv and possibly the retrieved payload
@ -166,11 +172,11 @@ recv sock len = do
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
recvAll : (sock : Socket) -> IO (Either SocketError String)
recvAll : MonadIO io => (sock : Socket) -> io (Either SocketError String)
recvAll sock = recvRec sock [] 64
recvRec : Socket -> List String -> ByteLength -> IO (Either SocketError String)
recvRec : Socket -> List String -> ByteLength -> io (Either SocketError String)
recvRec sock acc n = do res <- recv sock n
case res of
Left c => pure (Left c)
@ -188,11 +194,12 @@ recvAll sock = recvRec sock [] 64
||| @port The port on which to send the message.
||| @msg The message to send.
sendTo : (sock : Socket)
sendTo : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
-> (msg : String)
-> IO (Either SocketError ByteLength)
-> io (Either SocketError ByteLength)
sendTo sock addr p dat = do
sendto_res <- primIO $ idrnet_sendto
(descriptor sock) dat (show addr) p (toCode $ family sock)
@ -213,9 +220,10 @@ sendTo sock addr p dat = do
||| @len Size of the expected message.
recvFrom : (sock : Socket)
recvFrom : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError (UDPAddrInfo, String, ResultCode))
-> io (Either SocketError (UDPAddrInfo, String, ResultCode))
recvFrom sock bl = do
recv_ptr <- primIO $ idrnet_recvfrom
(descriptor sock) bl

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@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ idrnet_isNull : (ptr : AnyPtr) -> PrimIO Int
getErrno : IO SocketError
getErrno : HasIO io => io SocketError
getErrno = primIO $ idrnet_errno
nullPtr : AnyPtr -> IO Bool
nullPtr : MonadIO io => AnyPtr -> io Bool
nullPtr p = do 0 <- primIO $ idrnet_isNull p
| _ => pure True
pure False

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@ -27,39 +27,39 @@ data SockaddrPtr = SAPtr AnyPtr
||| Put a value in a buffer
sock_poke : BufPtr -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
sock_poke : HasIO io => BufPtr -> Int -> Int -> io ()
sock_poke (BPtr ptr) offset val = primIO $ idrnet_poke ptr offset val
||| Take a value from a buffer
sock_peek : BufPtr -> Int -> IO Int
sock_peek : HasIO io => BufPtr -> Int -> io Int
sock_peek (BPtr ptr) offset = primIO $ idrnet_peek ptr offset
||| Frees a given pointer
sock_free : BufPtr -> IO ()
sock_free : HasIO io => BufPtr -> io ()
sock_free (BPtr ptr) = primIO $ idrnet_free ptr
sockaddr_free : SockaddrPtr -> IO ()
sockaddr_free : HasIO io => SockaddrPtr -> io ()
sockaddr_free (SAPtr ptr) = primIO $ idrnet_free ptr
||| Allocates an amount of memory given by the ByteLength parameter.
||| Used to allocate a mutable pointer to be given to the Recv functions.
sock_alloc : ByteLength -> IO BufPtr
sock_alloc : MonadIO io => ByteLength -> io BufPtr
sock_alloc bl = map BPtr $ primIO $ idrnet_malloc bl
||| Retrieves the port the given socket is bound to
getSockPort : Socket -> IO Port
getSockPort : HasIO io => Socket -> io Port
getSockPort sock = primIO $ idrnet_sockaddr_port $ descriptor sock
||| Retrieves a socket address from a sockaddr pointer
getSockAddr : SockaddrPtr -> IO SocketAddress
getSockAddr : MonadIO io => SockaddrPtr -> io SocketAddress
getSockAddr (SAPtr ptr) = do
addr_family_int <- primIO $ idrnet_sockaddr_family ptr
@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ getSockAddr (SAPtr ptr) = do
Just AF_UNSPEC => pure InvalidAddress)
freeRecvStruct : RecvStructPtr -> IO ()
freeRecvStruct : HasIO io => RecvStructPtr -> io ()
freeRecvStruct (RSPtr p) = primIO $ idrnet_free_recv_struct p
||| Utility to extract data.
freeRecvfromStruct : RecvfromStructPtr -> IO ()
freeRecvfromStruct : HasIO io => RecvfromStructPtr -> io ()
freeRecvfromStruct (RFPtr p) = primIO $ idrnet_free_recvfrom_struct p
||| Sends the data in a given memory location
@ -90,10 +90,11 @@ freeRecvfromStruct (RFPtr p) = primIO $ idrnet_free_recvfrom_struct p
||| @ptr The location containing the data to send.
||| @len How much of the data to send.
sendBuf : (sock : Socket)
sendBuf : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (ptr : BufPtr)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError ResultCode)
-> io (Either SocketError ResultCode)
sendBuf sock (BPtr ptr) len = do
send_res <- primIO $ idrnet_send_buf (descriptor sock) ptr len
@ -110,10 +111,11 @@ sendBuf sock (BPtr ptr) len = do
||| @ptr The location containing the data to receive.
||| @len How much of the data to receive.
recvBuf : (sock : Socket)
recvBuf : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (ptr : BufPtr)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError ResultCode)
-> io (Either SocketError ResultCode)
recvBuf sock (BPtr ptr) len = do
recv_res <- primIO $ idrnet_recv_buf (descriptor sock) ptr len
@ -132,12 +134,13 @@ recvBuf sock (BPtr ptr) len = do
||| @ptr A Pointer to the buffer containing the message.
||| @len The size of the message.
sendToBuf : (sock : Socket)
sendToBuf : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
-> (ptr : BufPtr)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError ResultCode)
-> io (Either SocketError ResultCode)
sendToBuf sock addr p (BPtr dat) len = do
sendto_res <- primIO $ idrnet_sendto_buf
(descriptor sock) dat len (show addr) p (toCode $ family sock)
@ -148,19 +151,19 @@ sendToBuf sock addr p (BPtr dat) len = do
||| Utility function to get the payload of the sent message as a `String`.
foreignGetRecvfromPayload : RecvfromStructPtr -> IO String
foreignGetRecvfromPayload : HasIO io => RecvfromStructPtr -> io String
foreignGetRecvfromPayload (RFPtr p) = primIO $ idrnet_get_recvfrom_payload p
||| Utility function to return senders socket address.
foreignGetRecvfromAddr : RecvfromStructPtr -> IO SocketAddress
foreignGetRecvfromAddr : MonadIO io => RecvfromStructPtr -> io SocketAddress
foreignGetRecvfromAddr (RFPtr p) = do
sockaddr_ptr <- map SAPtr $ primIO $ idrnet_get_recvfrom_sockaddr p
getSockAddr sockaddr_ptr
||| Utility function to return sender's IPV4 port.
foreignGetRecvfromPort : RecvfromStructPtr -> IO Port
foreignGetRecvfromPort : MonadIO io => RecvfromStructPtr -> io Port
foreignGetRecvfromPort (RFPtr p) = do
sockaddr_ptr <- primIO $ idrnet_get_recvfrom_sockaddr p
port <- primIO $ idrnet_sockaddr_ipv4_port sockaddr_ptr
@ -178,10 +181,11 @@ foreignGetRecvfromPort (RFPtr p) = do
||| @len Size of the expected message.
recvFromBuf : (sock : Socket)
recvFromBuf : MonadIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (ptr : BufPtr)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError (UDPAddrInfo, ResultCode))
-> io (Either SocketError (UDPAddrInfo, ResultCode))
recvFromBuf sock (BPtr ptr) bl = do
recv_ptr <- primIO $ idrnet_recvfrom_buf (descriptor sock) ptr bl

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@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ prim_applyCharFn : Char -> Int -> (Char -> Int -> PrimIO Char) -> PrimIO Char
%foreign libcb "applyIntFnPure"
applyIntFnPure : Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int
applyIntFn : Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> IO Int) -> IO Int
applyIntFn : HasIO io => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> IO Int) -> io Int
applyIntFn x y fn
= primIO $ prim_applyIntFn x y (\a, b => toPrim (fn a b))
applyCharFn : Char -> Int -> (Char -> Int -> IO Char) -> IO Char
applyCharFn : HasIO io => Char -> Int -> (Char -> Int -> IO Char) -> io Char
applyCharFn x y fn
= primIO $ prim_applyCharFn x y (\a, b => toPrim (fn a b))