2020-06-21 15:25:40 +01:00

226 lines
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||| Low-Level C Sockets bindings for Idris. Used by higher-level, cleverer things.
||| Types used by Network.Socket.Raw and Network.Socket.
||| Original (C) SimonJF, MIT Licensed, 2014
||| Modified (C) The Idris Community, 2015, 2016, 2019
module Network.Socket.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ [ Type Aliases ]
public export
ByteLength : Type
ByteLength = Int
public export
ResultCode : Type
ResultCode = Int
||| Protocol Number.
||| Generally good enough to just set it to 0.
public export
ProtocolNumber : Type
ProtocolNumber = Int
||| SocketError: Error thrown by a socket operation
public export
SocketError : Type
SocketError = Int
||| SocketDescriptor: Native C Socket Descriptor
public export
SocketDescriptor : Type
SocketDescriptor = Int
public export
Port : Type
Port = Int
-- --------------------------------------------------------------- [ Constants ]
||| Backlog used within listen() call -- number of incoming calls
-- Repeat to avoid a dependency cycle
%foreign "C:idrnet_geteagain,libidris2_support"
idrnet_geteagain : PrimIO Int
-- I'm sorry
-- maybe
unsafePerformIO $ primIO $ idrnet_geteagain
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ Error Code ]
-- repeat without export to avoid dependency cycles
%foreign "C:idrnet_errno,libidris2_support"
idrnet_errno : PrimIO Int
%foreign "C:isNull,libidris2_support"
idrnet_isNull : (ptr : AnyPtr) -> PrimIO Int
getErrno : HasIO io => io SocketError
getErrno = primIO $ idrnet_errno
nullPtr : MonadIO io => AnyPtr -> io Bool
nullPtr p = do 0 <- primIO $ idrnet_isNull p
| _ => pure True
pure False
-- -------------------------------------------------------------- [ Interfaces ]
public export
interface ToCode a where
toCode : a -> Int
-- --------------------------------------------------------- [ Socket Families ]
||| Socket Families
||| The ones that people might actually use. We're not going to need US
||| Government proprietary ones.
public export
data SocketFamily : Type where
||| Unspecified
AF_UNSPEC : SocketFamily
||| Unix type sockets
AF_UNIX : SocketFamily
||| IP / UDP etc. IPv4
AF_INET : SocketFamily
||| IP / UDP etc. IPv6
AF_INET6 : SocketFamily
Show SocketFamily where
show AF_UNIX = "AF_UNIX"
show AF_INET = "AF_INET"
show AF_INET6 = "AF_INET6"
ToCode SocketFamily where
-- Don't know how to read a constant value from C code in idris2...
-- gotta to hardcode those for now
toCode AF_UNSPEC = 0 -- unsafePerformIO (cMacro "#AF_UNSPEC" Int)
toCode AF_UNIX = 1
toCode AF_INET = 2
toCode AF_INET6 = 10
getSocketFamily : Int -> Maybe SocketFamily
getSocketFamily i =
lookup i [ (toCode AF_UNSPEC, AF_UNSPEC)
, (toCode AF_UNIX, AF_UNIX)
, (toCode AF_INET, AF_INET)
, (toCode AF_INET6, AF_INET6)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ [ Socket Types ]
||| Socket Types.
public export
data SocketType : Type where
||| Not a socket, used in certain operations
NotASocket : SocketType
||| TCP
Stream : SocketType
||| UDP
Datagram : SocketType
||| Raw sockets
RawSocket : SocketType
Show SocketType where
show NotASocket = "Not a socket"
show Stream = "Stream"
show Datagram = "Datagram"
show RawSocket = "Raw"
ToCode SocketType where
toCode NotASocket = 0
toCode Stream = 1
toCode Datagram = 2
toCode RawSocket = 3
-- --------------------------------------------------------------- [ Addresses ]
||| Network Addresses
public export
data SocketAddress : Type where
IPv4Addr : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SocketAddress
||| Not implemented (yet)
IPv6Addr : SocketAddress
Hostname : String -> SocketAddress
||| Used when there's a parse error
InvalidAddress : SocketAddress
Show SocketAddress where
show (IPv4Addr i1 i2 i3 i4) = concat $ intersperse "." (map show [i1, i2, i3, i4])
show (Hostname host) = host
show InvalidAddress = "Invalid"
||| Parses a textual representation of an IPv4 address into a SocketAddress
parseIPv4 : String -> SocketAddress
parseIPv4 str =
case splitted of
(i1 :: i2 :: i3 :: i4 :: _) => IPv4Addr i1 i2 i3 i4
otherwise => InvalidAddress
toInt' : String -> Integer
toInt' = cast
toInt : String -> Int
toInt s = fromInteger $ toInt' s
splitted : List Int
splitted = map toInt (split (\c => c == '.') str)
-- --------------------------------------------------------- [ UDP Information ]
-- TODO: Expand to non-string payloads
public export
record UDPRecvData where
constructor MkUDPRecvData
remote_addr : SocketAddress
remote_port : Port
recv_data : String
data_len : Int
public export
record UDPAddrInfo where
constructor MkUDPAddrInfo
remote_addr : SocketAddress
remote_port : Port
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ Sockets ]
||| The metadata about a socket
public export
record Socket where
constructor MkSocket
descriptor : SocketDescriptor
family : SocketFamily
socketType : SocketType
protocolNumber : ProtocolNumber