just putzing around still but I managed to get some looking up to work just by filtering the list of all global defs.

This commit is contained in:
Mathew Polzin 2020-12-03 23:15:59 -08:00
parent 35a50480f4
commit 9bbbe927f0
3 changed files with 71 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ log' lvl msg
then coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
else pure ()
||| Log a message with the given log level. Use increasingly
||| high log level numbers for more granular logging.
log : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Nat -> Lazy String -> Core ()

View File

@ -607,7 +607,6 @@ loadMainFile f
[] => pure (FileLoaded f)
_ => pure (ErrorsBuildingFile f errs)
||| Process a single `REPLCmd`
||| Returns `REPLResult` for display by the higher level shell which
@ -714,35 +713,84 @@ process (Exec ctm)
= execExp ctm
process Help
= pure RequestedHelp
process (ProofSearch (PType fc))
= do let ty = gType fc
logGlue "repl.ps" 2 "tst" [] ty
pure Done
process (ProofSearch pterm)
= do ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] pterm
logRaw "repl.ps" 2 "tst" ttimp
log "repl.ps" 2 (show (getFn ttimp))
let ty = gType (getFC ttimp)
logGlue "repl.ps" 2 "gType" [] ty
process (ProofSearch searchTerm@(PPi fc rc piInfo _ argTy retTy))
= do log "repl.ps" 2 $ "piInfo " ++ (show piInfo) ++ " argTy " ++ (show argTy) ++ " retTy " ++ (show retTy)
defs <- get Ctxt
let context = gamma defs
allDefs <- map catMaybes $ traverse (flip lookupCtxtExact context) $ !(allNames context)
log "repl.ps" 2 $ "Defs: " ++ (show $ length allDefs)
ttimpSearchTerm <- desugar AnyExpr [] searchTerm
let n = (UN "[input]")
inidx <- resolveName n
-- (tm1, gl1) <- check top (initElabInfo InType) (MkNested []) [] ttimp Nothing
-- logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 "tst" [] tm1
(tm, _) <- elabTerm inidx InType [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimpSearchTerm Nothing
logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 "tm" [] tm
let filteredDefs = (flip filter) allDefs (\def => def.type == tm)
log "repl.ps" 2 $ "filtered count: " ++ (show $ length filteredDefs)
doc <- traverse (getDocsFor replFC) $ (.fullname) <$> filteredDefs
pure $ Printed $ vsep $ pretty <$> (intersperse "\n" $ join doc)
process (ProofSearch pterm)
= do log "repl.ps" 2 (show pterm)
ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] pterm
logRaw "repl.ps" 2 "ttimp from desugar" ttimp
log "repl.ps" 2 (show (getFn ttimp))
-- let ty = gType (getFC ttimp)
-- logGlue "repl.ps" 2 "gType" [] ty
let n = (UN "[input]")
inidx <- resolveName n
newRef EST (initEState 0 [])
(tm1, gl1) <- checkImp top (initElabInfo InType) (MkNested []) [] ttimp Nothing
logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 "checkImp generated type" [] tm1
-- logGlue "repl.ps" 2 "tst" [] gl1
(tm, gl) <- elabTerm inidx InType [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimp Nothing
logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 "tst" [] tm
logGlue "repl.ps" 2 "tst" [] gl
logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 "tm" [] tm
-- logGlue "repl.ps" 2 "glue term" [] gl
addNameType replFC n [] tm
searchResults <- exprSearchN replFC 3 n []
pure $ log $ show searchResults
-- addNameType replFC n [] tm
-- searchResults <- exprSearchN replFC 3 n []
-- pure $ log $ show searchResults
tm' <- search replFC top False 1000 n tm []
ty <- checkTerm inidx InType [] (MkNested []) []
(IBindHere replFC (PI erased) ttimp)
(gType replFC)
logTerm "repl.ps" 2 "check term result" ty
logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 ("Type of " ++ show n) [] (abstractFullEnvType replFC [] ty)
log "repl.pl" 2 ""
log "repl.ps" 2 "--- AutoSearch ------"
tm' <- search replFC top False 1000 n ty [] -- ty or tm?
defs <- get Ctxt
fnms <- toFullNames !(normaliseAll defs [] tm')
itm <- resugar [] fnms
logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 "tst" [] fnms
logTermNF "repl.ps" 2 "full names from tm'" [] fnms
log "repl.pl" 2 ""
log "repl.ps" 2 "--- Editing Search ------"
searchty <- normalise defs [] ty -- ty or tm?
logTerm "repl.ps" 2 "Normalised type" searchty
arity <- getArity defs [] ty -- ty or tm?
log "repl.ps" 2 $ "arity : " ++ (show arity)
let results = searchType replFC top (initSearchOpts True 1000) [] ty 0 searchty -- replaced arity with 0 -- ty or tm?
Just ((resTm, exprDefs), results2) <- nextResult results
| Nothing => pure Done
logTerm "repl.ps" 2 "1st search result" resTm
Just ((resTm2, exprDefs2), results3) <- nextResult results2
| Nothing => pure Done
logTerm "repl.ps" 2 "2nd search result" resTm2
Just ((resTm3, exprDefs3), results4) <- nextResult results3
| Nothing => pure Done
logTerm "repl.ps" 2 "3rd search result" resTm3
pure $ ProofFound $ itm
process (Missing n)

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@ -710,6 +710,7 @@ tryIntermediateRec fc rig opts env ty topty (Just rd)
pure True
isSingleCon _ _ = pure False
searchType : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->