Hamish Mackenzie 2576a948b5
Improve support for external Hackage repositories (#1370)
* Improve support for external Hackage repositories

This change builds #535. `repository` blocks in `cabal.project` parsed and `cabal` is used to automatically downloaded them.  Then `hackage-to-nix` is used to produce the nix required.

To make it work with restricted eval (on hydra for instance) we need to include a sha256 like this:

repository ghcjs-overlay
  url: https://input-output-hk.github.io/hackage-overlay-ghcjs
  secure: True
  key-threshold: 0
  --sha256: sha256-EPlLYPmIGtxeahlOspRzwJv+60N5mqrNC2BY4jZKceE=

To find the correct `sha256` put in an invalid one and attempt a build.
2022-02-18 00:42:11 +13:00

206 lines
8.8 KiB

This file contains a summary of changes to Haskell.nix and `nix-tools`
that will impact users.
## Feb 16, 2022
* Removed lookupSha256 argument from project functions.
Pass a `sha256map` instead.
* Added better support for `repository` in `cabal.project`. These
blocks should now work without the need for passing `extra-hackages` and
## Aug 6, 2021
* Included dependencies of haskell.nix that were tracked in `nix/sources.json`
as flake inputs (`flake.lock` replaces `nix/sources.json`).
* Uses `flake-compat` to continue to provide a compatible interface for non
flake projects.
## Jul 23, 2021
* `source-repository-package` references in `cabal.project` files are now
left as a `source-repository-package` when calculating the the `plan-nix` for
`cabalProject` based functions.
This makes haskell.nix match the behaviour of `cabal` better.
Materialized files for projects that use `source-repository-package`
references will need to be updated.
* Only planned components are included in a haskell.nix cabal project.
If cabal solver does not include the component in the `plan.json` file it
will not be present in `hsPkgs.pkg.components`.
* When the same package occurs more than once in a plan.json file
the latest version is picked by haskell.nix.
## Apr 8, 2021
* Project arguments are now validated with the Nix module system.
If unexpected argments are passed to a project function this may now
result in an error.
## Feb 22, 2021
* Add `.dwarf` to build any component with DWARF dubug info on linux
(ghc >=8.10.2).
* Pass `enableDWARF` to `shellFor` for to get a shell where all the
components are the `.dwarf` ones.
## Feb 18, 2021
* `ghcOptions` has been moved from package and is now a list of strings.
old: packages.x.package.ghcOptions = "someGHCoption";
new: packages.x.ghcOptions = ["someGHCoption"];
To specify ghcOptions for all packages:
ghcOptions = ["someGHCoption"];
For a single component:
packages.x.compoents.library.ghcOptions = ["someGHCoption"];
## Feb 8, 2021
* Removed older versions of haskell-language-server from custom-tools
(0.8.0 is in hackage so we can still get that version).
## Jan 14, 2021
* Added support for cross package refs (with a project). Relative
directory references between packages within a project should now
* Added `includeSiblings` to `cleanSourceWith`. When `true` it
prevents the `subDir` arg from causing filtering of other directories.
* Added `keepGitDir` to `cleanGit` to allow `.git` directory to be kept
(useful for components that use the `githash` package).
## Nov 26, 2020
* Renamed `otherShells` arg for `shellFor` to `inputsFrom
## Nov 25, 2020
* The `shellFor` `makeConfigFiles` `ghcWithHoogle` and `ghcWithPackages`
functions have been removed from `project.hsPkgs`. Instead access
them from `project` itself (e.g. change `p.hsPkgs.shellFor` to `p.shellFor`).
* The reflex-platform like `project.shells.ghc` has been removed.
If needed, add something like `p // { shells.ghc = p.shellFor {} }`
to `shell.nix`.
## Nov 24, 2020
* Added `${targetPrefix}cabal` wrapper script for running cross
compilers in `shellFor`.
* `otherShells` arg added to `shellFor`.
## Oct 31, 2020
* Passing `tools.hoogle` to `shellFor` with a value suitable for `haskel-nix.tool` will
use the specified `hoogle` inside `shellFor`. This allows for materialization
of `hoogle`.
## Oct 28, 2020
* Passing `compiler-nix-name` to project functions for `stack.yaml`
based projects now overrides the compiler used (was ignored before).
## Sep 8, 2020
* Added the ability to generate coverage reports for packages and
* Added the `doCoverage` module option that allows users to choose
packages to enable coverage for.
* Added a `doCoverage` flag to the component builder that outputs HPC
information when coverage is enabled.
* Added test for coverage.
## July 21, 2020
* Removed `components.all`, use `symlinkJoin` on components.exes or
`shellFor` if you need a shell.
* Added `components` argument to `shellFor`.
## July 21, 2020
* Added GHC 8.8.4 and replaced 8.8.3 in tests and as the ghc
used to build nix-tools for stack projects.
## July 20, 2020
* Changed `haskell-nix.roots` and `p.roots` to single derivations.
## July 8, 2020
* Removed `sources.nixpkgs-default`, use `sources.nixpkgs` instead.
* Removed `./nixpkgs` directory, use `(import ./. {}).sources`
or `./nix/sources.nix` instead.
* Removes V1 interface for details on how to fix old code see:
* Removed defaultCompilerNixName.
* cabalProject, cabalProject', hackage-project and hackage-package
now require a `compiler-nix-name` argument.
* `haskell-nix.tool` and `.tools` now require a `compiler-nix-name` argument.
New functions `p.tool` and `p.tools` (where p is a project) do not.
Like `shellFor { tools = ... }` they will use the compiler nix name
from the project (including stack projects where it is derived from
the resolver).
* `haskell-nix.alex` and `haskell-nix.happy` have been removed. Use
`p.tool "alex" "3.2.5"` or `shellFor { tools = { alex = "3.2.5"; } }`.
* `haskell-nix.nix-tools` -> `haskell-nix.nix-tools.ghc883` (it includes
the hpack exe now).
* `haskell-nix.cabal-install` ->
`p.tool "cabal" ""` or `shellFor { tools = { cabal = ""; } }`
* `haskell-nix.haskellNixRoots` -> `haskell-nix.roots ghc883` or `p.roots`
## June 25, 2020
* Haddock docs are now built in their own derivation when needed (not as part
of the component build).
They should build automatically when something (such as `shellFor`) attempts
to accesses the `.doc` attribute of component.
## December 27, 2019
* Fix overlays/bootstrap.nix to provide LLVM 6, not LLVM 5, to ghc-8.6.X compilers.
## November 18, 2019
* Changed the `cleanSourceHaskell` to accept an attrset of `src` and
(optional) `name` parameters. This allows you to keep the source
derivation name constant, so that your builds are always
cached. Usage of `cleanSourceHaskell` will need to be updated.
## October 12, 2019
* [`shellFor`](https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/reference/library/#shellfor) no longer sets `CABAL_CONFIG` by default.
This avoids surprising users, but means that Cabal may select a plan which is different to your Haskell.nix package set.
If you would like the old behaviour, use `shellFor { exactDeps = true; }`.
## August 9, 2019
* Add the [`haskellLib.collectComponents`](https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/reference/library/#haskellLib) function.
## June 21, 2019
* Add `ghcWithPackages` and `ghcWithHoogle` to hsPkgs ([documentation](https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/reference/library/#package-set-functions).
* Benchmark components can now build successfully.
* Reduced the closure bloat of nix-tools, and added closure size limit to CI.
* Added more reference documentation and set up auto-generated
documentation for [Module Options](https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/reference/modules/).
* Miscellaneous bug fixes.
## June 7, 2019
* Several additions to the [documentation](https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/).
* More information about getting nix-tools, Haskell.nix, pinning.
* Updates the stack-to-nix and cabal-to-nix guides.
* Adds a section on development environments.
* Adds a little information about cross compilation.
* Adds a (partially complete) reference section (command line manuals, library reference).
* Symlinks the changelog into the documentation pages.
## May 29, 2019
* Added `shellFor` function to package set.
## May 28, 2019
* Added `snaphots` and `haskellPackages` attributes to the
Haskell.nix top-level.
## May 22, 2019
* Add the `cleanSourceHaskell` utility function to the Haskell.nix
## May 21, 2019
* Add the `callCabalProjectToNix` function, which uses "import from
derivation" (IFD) so that nix-tools doesn't need to be run
* The `hackage.nix` update process has changed, so that Cabal index
state hashes are also included in the generated repo.
## May 20, 2019
* Remove Travis CI in favour of Buildkite.
## May 17, 2019
* Add the `callStackToNix` function, which uses "import from
derivation" (IFD) so that `stack-to-nix` doesn't need to be run
## Mar 15, 2019
* `overlays` was renamed to `extras` in
to prevent confusion between the notion of Nix overlays.
Therefore `plan-pkgs` and `stack-pkgs` as generated by `plan-to-nix` and `stack-to-nix` will
expose `extras` instead of `overlay`. Similarly `mkStackPkgSet`, `mkPkgSet` and `mkCabalProjectPkgSet`
take a `pkg-def-extras` instead of `pkg-def-overlay` argument. If you are using `iohk-nix`, the
`iohk-overlay` was parameter was renamed to `iohk-extras`.