K900 98cef4c273 treewide: big opengl cleanup
- rename hardware.opengl to
- remove hardware.opengl.driSupport, which does nothing
- remove hardware.opengl.setLdLibraryPath, which should never be done
- rename hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit to
- lost of small docs / formatting cleanups
2024-06-16 14:11:33 +03:00

8.1 KiB

GPU acceleration

NixOS provides various APIs that benefit from GPU hardware acceleration, such as VA-API and VDPAU for video playback; OpenGL and Vulkan for 3D graphics; and OpenCL for general-purpose computing. This chapter describes how to set up GPU hardware acceleration (as far as this is not done automatically) and how to verify that hardware acceleration is indeed used.

Most of the aforementioned APIs are agnostic with regards to which display server is used. Consequently, these instructions should apply both to the X Window System and Wayland compositors.


OpenCL is a general compute API. It is used by various applications such as Blender and Darktable to accelerate certain operations.

OpenCL applications load drivers through the Installable Client Driver (ICD) mechanism. In this mechanism, an ICD file specifies the path to the OpenCL driver for a particular GPU family. In NixOS, there are two ways to make ICD files visible to the ICD loader. The first is through the OCL_ICD_VENDORS environment variable. This variable can contain a directory which is scanned by the ICL loader for ICD files. For example:

$ export \
  OCL_ICD_VENDORS=`nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --no-out-link -A rocmPackages.clr.icd`/etc/OpenCL/vendors/

The second mechanism is to add the OpenCL driver package to . This links the ICD file under /run/opengl-driver, where it will be visible to the ICD loader.

The proper installation of OpenCL drivers can be verified through the clinfo command of the clinfo package. This command will report the number of hardware devices that is found and give detailed information for each device:

$ clinfo | head -n3
Number of platforms  1
Platform Name        AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Platform Vendor      Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.


Modern AMD Graphics Core Next (GCN) GPUs are supported through the rocmPackages.clr.icd package. Adding this package to enables OpenCL support:

{ = [


Intel Gen8 and later GPUs are supported by the Intel NEO OpenCL runtime that is provided by the intel-compute-runtime package. The proprietary Intel OpenCL runtime, in the intel-ocl package, is an alternative for Gen7 GPUs.

The intel-compute-runtime or intel-ocl package can be added to to enable OpenCL support. For example, for Gen8 and later GPUs, the following configuration can be used:

{ = [


Vulkan is a graphics and compute API for GPUs. It is used directly by games or indirectly though compatibility layers like DXVK.

By default, if is enabled, Mesa is installed and provides Vulkan for supported hardware.

Similar to OpenCL, Vulkan drivers are loaded through the Installable Client Driver (ICD) mechanism. ICD files for Vulkan are JSON files that specify the path to the driver library and the supported Vulkan version. All successfully loaded drivers are exposed to the application as different GPUs. In NixOS, there are two ways to make ICD files visible to Vulkan applications: an environment variable and a module option.

The first option is through the VK_ICD_FILENAMES environment variable. This variable can contain multiple JSON files, separated by :. For example:

$ export \
  VK_ICD_FILENAMES=`nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --no-out-link -A amdvlk`/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json

The second mechanism is to add the Vulkan driver package to . This links the ICD file under /run/opengl-driver, where it will be visible to the ICD loader.

The proper installation of Vulkan drivers can be verified through the vulkaninfo command of the vulkan-tools package. This command will report the hardware devices and drivers found, in this example output amdvlk and radv:

$ vulkaninfo | grep GPU
                GPU id  : 0 (Unknown AMD GPU)
                GPU id  : 1 (AMD RADV NAVI10 (LLVM 9.0.1))
        deviceName     = Unknown AMD GPU

A simple graphical application that uses Vulkan is vkcube from the vulkan-tools package.


Modern AMD Graphics Core Next (GCN) GPUs are supported through either radv, which is part of mesa, or the amdvlk package. Adding the amdvlk package to makes amdvlk the default driver and hides radv and lavapipe from the device list. A specific driver can be forced as follows:

{ = [

  # To enable Vulkan support for 32-bit applications, also add: = [

  # Force radv
  environment.variables.AMD_VULKAN_ICD = "RADV";
  # Or
  environment.variables.VK_ICD_FILENAMES =


VA-API (Video Acceleration API) is an open-source library and API specification, which provides access to graphics hardware acceleration capabilities for video processing.

VA-API drivers are loaded by libva. The version in nixpkgs is built to search the opengl driver path, so drivers can be installed in .

VA-API can be tested using:

$ nix-shell -p libva-utils --run vainfo


Modern Intel GPUs use the iHD driver, which can be installed with:

{ = [

Older Intel GPUs use the i965 driver, which can be installed with:

{ = [

Common issues

User permissions

Except where noted explicitly, it should not be necessary to adjust user permissions to use these acceleration APIs. In the default configuration, GPU devices have world-read/write permissions (/dev/dri/renderD*) or are tagged as uaccess (/dev/dri/card*). The access control lists of devices with the uaccess tag will be updated automatically when a user logs in through systemd-logind. For example, if the user alice is logged in, the access control list should look as follows:

$ getfacl /dev/dri/card0
# file: dev/dri/card0
# owner: root
# group: video

If you disabled (this functionality of) systemd-logind, you may need to add the user to the video group and log in again.

Mixing different versions of nixpkgs

The Installable Client Driver (ICD) mechanism used by OpenCL and Vulkan loads runtimes into its address space using dlopen. Mixing an ICD loader mechanism and runtimes from different version of nixpkgs may not work. For example, if the ICD loader uses an older version of glibc than the runtime, the runtime may not be loadable due to missing symbols. Unfortunately, the loader will generally be quiet about such issues.

If you suspect that you are running into library version mismatches between an ICL loader and a runtime, you could run an application with the LD_DEBUG variable set to get more diagnostic information. For example, OpenCL can be tested with LD_DEBUG=files clinfo, which should report missing symbols.