2019-01-08 12:37:42 -03:00

4.8 KiB

We aim for a format of Haskell code that minimizes the amount of changes necessary when modifying a line. For instance the indentation of any given fragment of code should not depend on the length of identifiers.

longFunctionName :: a
                 -> b
                 -> c
                 -> d
                 -> (a, b, c, d)

Renaming the function requires changing all the lines to

f :: a
  -> b
  -> c
  -> d
  -> (a, b, c, d)

A preferred alternative is to format like

  :: a
  -> b
  -> c
  -> d
  -> (a, b, c, d)

We are grabbing some inspiration from Elm and Tweag's style guides.

The following examples show how a program is formatted in multiple lines when the user introduces linebreaks. Otherwise, the programs would be written in one line.

Function types

  :: (C1, C2, C3)
  => a
  -> b
  -> c
  -> d
  -> (a, b, c, d)


  :: ( C1
     , C2
     , C3
     , C4
     , C5
  => a
  -> b
  -> c
  -> d
  -> (a, b, c, d)


  :: (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5)
  => a
  -> b
  -> (forall a.
        (C6, C7)
     => LongDataTypeName
     -> a
     -> AnotherLongDataTypeName
     -> b 
     -> c
  -> (c -> d)
  -> (a, b, c, d)
  :: (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5)
  => a
  -> b
  -> (  LongDataTypeName
     -> a
     -> AnotherLongDataTypeName4
     -> b
     -> c
  -> (c -> d)
  -> (a, b, c, d)


f x y z =
    if x then longFunctionName y else anotherLongFunctionName z

A lambda

f =
    \(LongPattern x) ->
    longFunctionName x

Multiple lambdas

f =
    \(LongPattern x) ->
    \(LongPattern2 y) ->
    longFunctionName x

Lambda arguments

f xs =
    forM xs $
    \( LongPattern x
     , LongPattern2 y
     ) ->
    longFunctionName x

There is a do block. Note the change of indentation in the body of forM.

f xs = do
    forM xs $
      \( LongPattern x
       , LongPattern2 y
       ) ->
      longFunctionName x

if expression

f x y z =
    if x then
      longFunctionName x y
      anotherLongFunctionName x z

if expression with monadic blocks

f x y z =
    if x then do
      longFunctionName1 x y
      longFunctionName2 x y
    else do
      anotherLongFunctionName1 x z
      anotherLongFunctionName2 x z

Monadic blocks

f x y z = do
    functionName1 x y
    functionName2 x z

case expression

f x y z = case
    Just w -> functionName x y w
    Nothing -> functionName x y z

Branches of case expression

f x y z = case
    Just w ->
      longFunctionName x y w
    Nothing ->
      anotherLongFunctionName x y z

A list of arguments

    (LongPattern x)
    (AnotherLongPattern y)
    functionName x y


f x y
  | x > y = True
  | otherwise = False

The right-hand side of guards

f x y
  | x > y =
    longFunctionName y
  | otherwise =
    anotherLongFunctionName x

Long guards

function x y z w y
  | x > y
  , y > z
  , z > w
  , w > z
    longFunctionName y
  | otherwise =
    anotherLongFunctionName x

Data type declarations


data A
    = B
    | C
    | D
    | E
    | F
    | G

TODO: GADTs, record syntax, type families


{- When a comment is not preceded with elements on the same line,
   they are indented as the elements in the enclosing AST node or
   If it is between AST nodes, it is indented as the following
   If the end-of-file follows, then indent to column 0.

f = g {- When there are preceding elements, keep single-line comments in the same line. -}

h = g
{- Multi-line comments can't be kept on the same line as @h = g@.
   Otherwise, changing h or g would change the indentation of all
   the comment lines.

data R = R
    {- This comment always follows the R constructor -}
    { f1 :: T1
      {- A comment not preceded by other elements -}
      {- Another comment -}
    , f2 :: T2
    , f3 :: T3
{- a comment line -}
f = h
    h = g
    -- indented the same as g
    g = False

This example

data R = R {- This comment always follows the R constructor -}
  { f1 :: T1, {- An inner comment -} {- Another inner comment -} f2 :: T2, f3 :: T3}

is reformatted to

data R = R
    {- This comment always follows the R constructor -}
    { f1 :: T1 {- An inner comment -} {- Another inner comment -}
    , f2 :: T2
    , f3 :: T3