
2.2 KiB

PureScript IndexedDB Build Status

This package offers complete bindings and type-safety upon the IndexedDB API.


main :: Eff (idb :: IDB, exception :: EXCEPTION, console :: CONSOLE) Unit
main = launchAff' do
  db <- IDBFactory.open "db" Nothing { onBlocked       : Nothing
                                     , onUpgradeNeeded : Just onUpgradeNeeded

  tx    <- IDBDatabase.transaction db ["store"] ReadOnly
  store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
  (val :: Maybe String) <-  IDBObjectStore.get store (IDBKeyRange.only 1)
  log $ maybe "not found" id val

onUpgradeNeeded :: forall e. Database -> Transaction -> Eff (idb :: IDB, exception :: EXCEPTION | e) Unit
onUpgradeNeeded db _ = launchAff' do
  store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db "store" IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
  _     <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 1)
  _     <- IDBObjectStore.add store { property: 42 } (Just 2)
  _     <- IDBObjectStore.createIndex store "index" ["property"] IDBIndex.defaultParameters
  pure unit


  • Release incoming


  • Add support for index.getAll method
  • Complete the specifications with the official tests list provided by W3C


Module documentation is published on Pursuit.


Tested in the cloud on multiple browsers and operating systems thanks to BrowserStack

IE / Edge Chrome Firefox Safari Opera Android iOS Safari
- >= 57 >= 51 - >= 46 - -
