2021-10-28 16:16:57 -04:00

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Revision history for reflex

  • Add matchResponseMapWithRequests, which it similar to matchResponsesWithRequests but allows processing of multiple responses at once.

  • Allow newer hlint for older GHCs, and add upper bound for newer GHCs

  • Add support for GHC 8.10
  • Drop support for GHC < 8.4

  • Replace with to reflect the MonadHold interface change. Deprecates -- Deprecated

  • (#416) Add now :: m (Event t ()) to MonadHold.
  • Extend some dependency version bounds
  • Fix HLint 3 test

Backport release. Changes do not carry forward to

  • Add support for GHC 8.10
  • Drop support for GHC < 8.4
  • Extend some dependency version bounds
  • Fix HLint 3 test

  • (#413, #417) Add Reflex.Host.Headless module which provides runHeadlessApp as an easy way to run a Reflex network in a "headless" environment.
  • (#420) Add a Data.Zip.Unzip instance for Event.
  • (#419) Add distributeIntMapOverDynPure and joinDynThroughIntMap as convenience functions for working with Dynamic IntMaps.

  • Add lifting instances for most classes to Reflex.Profiled.Profiled. (#398)
  • Class MonadQuery t q m now has a Monad m superclass constraint. (#400)
  • (Breaking change) Rename class MonadBehaviorWriter -> BehaviorWriter for consistency with EventWriter/DynamicWriter. (#401)
  • Introduce deprecated alias MonadBehaviorWriter = BehaviorWriter. (#401)
  • Fix bug in spider where event subscriptions would be prematurely finalized due to over-aggressive inlining. (#409)
  • Add instances of PerformEvent and TriggerEvent for MaybeT. (#395)

  • Fix a bug in the Reflex Profiled transformer where Reflex.Class.mergeIncrementalG and Reflex.Class.mergeIncrementalWithMoveG implementations referenced itself instead of the inner transformed timeline, causing an infinite loop.


  • Support GHC 8.8

  • Add Reflex.Query.Base.mapQueryT. See that module for documentation

  • The Reflex.Patch.* modules were moved to the patch library. They are Data.Patch.* there, but reexported under their old names for backwards compatability here.

  • Additional instances for Query classes for basic types.

  • Add cabal flags debug-propagation and debug-event-cycles to build in debugging code for performance and for cyclic dependencies between events


  • Data.WeakBag.traverse and Data.FastWeakBag.traverse have been deprecated. They are replaced with Data.WeakBag.traverse_ and Data.FastWeakBag.traverse_, respectively.

  • Fixes a bug in Reflex.Patch.MapWithMove.patchThatSortsMapWith that was producing invalid PatchMapWithMove.

  • Add missing NotReady instances:

    • instance NotReady (SpiderTimeline x) (SpiderHost x)
    • instance HasSpiderTimeline x => NotReady (SpiderTimeline x) (PerformEventT (SpiderTimeline x) (SpiderHost x))

  • Update to monoidal-containers 0.6

  • Add an upper-bound to witherable

  • Support these >= 1. Add split-these flag to control whether to use new these/semialign combination or not.

  • Update version bounds to fix some CI failures

  • Add travis CI configuration

  • Generalize fan to fanG to take a DMap with non-Identity functor:

    • fan to fanG
    • EventSelectorG for fanG result selector.
  • Reduce the amount of unsafeCoerce in coercing newtypes under Event/Dynamic/Behavior.

    • Add fused ReaderIO for the purpose of coercion (ReaderT's third argument has nominal role preventing automated coerce)
    • Add incrementalCoercion/coerceIncremental to go with dynamicCoercion/coerceDynamic
  • Generalize merging functions: merge to mergeG, mergeIncremental to mergeIncrementalG, mergeIncrementalWithMove to mergeIncrementalWithMoveG.

  • Generalize distribute function: distributeDMapOverDynPure to distributeDMapOverDynPureG,

  • Fix holdDyn so that it is lazy in its event argument These produce DMaps whose values needn't be Identity.

  • Stop using the now-deprecated *Tag classes (e.g., ShowTag).

  • Fix holdDyn so that it is lazy in its event argument.

  • Re-export all of Data.Map.Monoidal

  • Fix QueryT and RequesterT tests -- 2019-03-20

  • Deprecate FunctorMaybe in favor of Data.Witherable.Filterable. We still export fmapMaybe, ffilter, etc., but they all rely on Filterable now.

  • Rename MonadDynamicWriter to DynamicWriter and add a deprecation for the old name.

  • Remove many deprecated functions.

  • Add a Num instance for Dynamic.

  • Add matchRequestsWithResponses to make it easier to use Requester with protocols that don't do this matching for you.

  • Add withRequesterT to map functions over the request and response of a RequesterT.

  • Suppress nil patches in QueryT as an optimization. The Query type must now have an Eq instance.

  • Add throttleBatchWithLag to Reflex.Time. See that module for details.