Add necessary includes (#13)

poke the agent using: :seax ~[%get-notes]
This commit is contained in:
Evangelos Lamprou 2023-10-22 17:21:20 +02:00 committed by Evangelos Lamprou
parent 1e49ae3391
commit 43fab35ea5
7 changed files with 1086 additions and 0 deletions

zod/seax/lib/migrate.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
^? |%
++ remake-set
|* s=(tree)
(sy ~(tap in s))
++ remake-map
|* m=(tree)
(my ~(tap by m))
++ remake-jug
|* j=(tree [* (tree)])
%- remake-map
(~(run by j) remake-set)
++ remake-map-of-map
|* mm=(tree [* (tree)])
%- remake-map
(~(run by mm) remake-map)

zod/seax/lib/strand.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

zod/seax/lib/strandio.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
/- spider
/+ libstrand=strand
=, strand=strand:libstrand
=, strand-fail=strand-fail:libstrand
++ send-raw-cards
|= cards=(list =card:agent:gall)
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= strand-input:strand
[cards %done ~]
++ send-raw-card
|= =card:agent:gall
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-cards card ~)
++ ignore
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%fail %ignore ~]
++ get-bowl
=/ m (strand ,bowl:strand)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done bowl.tin]
++ get-beak
=/ m (strand ,beak)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done [our q.byk da+now]:bowl.tin]
++ get-time
=/ m (strand ,@da)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done now.bowl.tin]
++ get-our
=/ m (strand ,ship)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done our.bowl.tin]
++ get-entropy
=/ m (strand ,@uvJ)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
`[%done eny.bowl.tin]
:: Convert skips to %ignore failures.
:: This tells the main loop to try the next handler.
++ handle
|* a=mold
=/ m (strand ,a)
|= =form:m
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=/ res (form tin)
=? next.res ?=(%skip
[%fail %ignore ~]
:: Wait for a poke with a particular mark
++ take-poke
|= =mark
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
`[%wait ~]
[~ %poke @ *]
?. =(mark
`[%skip ~]
++ take-sign-arvo
=/ m (strand ,[wire sign-arvo])
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
`[%wait ~]
[~ %sign *]
`[%done [wire sign-arvo]]
:: Wait for a subscription update on a wire
++ take-fact-prefix
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,[path cage])
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %fact *]
?. =(watch+wire (scag +((lent wire))
`[%skip ~]
`[%done (slag (lent wire)]
:: Wait for a subscription update on a wire
++ take-fact
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,cage)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %fact *]
?. =(watch+wire
`[%skip ~]
:: Wait for a subscription close
++ take-kick
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %kick *]
?. =(watch+wire
`[%skip ~]
`[%done ~]
++ echo
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
%- (main-loop ,~)
:~ |= ~
^- form:m
;< =vase bind:m ((handle ,vase) (take-poke %echo))
=/ message=tape !<(tape vase)
%- (slog leaf+"{message}..." ~)
;< ~ bind:m (sleep ~s2)
%- (slog leaf+"{message}.." ~)
(pure:m ~)
|= ~
^- form:m
;< =vase bind:m ((handle ,vase) (take-poke %over))
%- (slog leaf+"over..." ~)
(pure:m ~)
++ take-watch
=/ m (strand ,path)
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %watch *]
++ take-wake
|= until=(unit @da)
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign [%wait @ ~] %behn %wake *]
?. |(?=(~ until) =(`u.until (slaw %da
`[%skip ~]
`[%done ~]
`[%fail %timer-error]
++ take-tune
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,[spar:ames (unit roar:ames)])
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign * %ames %tune ^ *]
?. =(wire
`[%skip ~]
`[%done +>]
++ take-poke-ack
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %poke-ack *]
?. =(wire
`[%skip ~]
`[%done ~]
`[%fail %poke-fail]
++ take-watch-ack
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %watch-ack *]
?. =(watch+wire
`[%skip ~]
`[%done ~]
`[%fail %watch-ack-fail]
++ poke
|= [=dock =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass /poke %agent dock %poke cage]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
(take-poke-ack /poke)
++ raw-poke
|= [=dock =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass /poke %agent dock %poke cage]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
`[%wait ~]
[~ %agent * %poke-ack *]
?. =(/poke
`[%skip ~]
`[%done ~]
++ raw-poke-our
|= [app=term =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
(raw-poke [our.bowl app] cage)
++ poke-our
|= [=term =cage]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
(poke [our term] cage)
++ watch
|= [=wire =dock =path]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass watch+wire %agent dock %watch path]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
(take-watch-ack wire)
++ watch-one
|= [=wire =dock =path]
=/ m (strand ,cage)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (watch wire dock path)
;< =cage bind:m (take-fact wire)
;< ~ bind:m (take-kick wire)
(pure:m cage)
++ watch-our
|= [=wire =term =path]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
(watch wire [our term] path)
++ scry
|* [=mold =path]
=/ m (strand ,mold)
^- form:m
?> ?=(^ path)
?> ?=(^ t.path)
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
%- pure:m
.^(mold i.path (scot %p our.bowl) i.t.path (scot %da now.bowl) t.t.path)
++ leave
|= [=wire =dock]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass watch+wire %agent dock %leave ~]
(send-raw-card card)
++ leave-our
|= [=wire =term]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
(leave wire [our term])
++ rewatch
|= [=wire =dock =path]
=/ m (strand ,~)
;< ~ bind:m ((handle ,~) (take-kick wire))
;< ~ bind:m (flog-text "rewatching {<dock>} {<path>}")
;< ~ bind:m (watch wire dock path)
(pure:m ~)
++ wait
|= until=@da
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (send-wait until)
(take-wake `until)
++ keen
|= [=wire =spar:ames]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass wire %arvo %a %keen spar)
++ sleep
|= for=@dr
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< now=@da bind:m get-time
(wait (add now for))
++ send-wait
|= until=@da
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =card:agent:gall
[%pass /wait/(scot %da until) %arvo %b %wait until]
(send-raw-card card)
++ map-err
|* computation-result=mold
=/ m (strand ,computation-result)
|= [f=$-([term tang] [term tang]) computation=form:m]
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=* loop $
=/ c-res (computation tin)
?: ?=(%cont
c-res( ..loop(computation
?. ?=(%fail
c-res( (f
++ set-timeout
|* computation-result=mold
=/ m (strand ,computation-result)
|= [time=@dr computation=form:m]
^- form:m
;< now=@da bind:m get-time
=/ when (add now time)
=/ =card:agent:gall
[%pass /timeout/(scot %da when) %arvo %b %wait when]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card card)
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=* loop $
?: ?& ?=([~ %sign [%timeout @ ~] %behn %wake *] in.tin)
=((scot %da when)
`[%fail %timeout ~]
=/ c-res (computation tin)
?: ?=(%cont
c-res( ..loop(computation
?: ?=(%done
=/ =card:agent:gall
[%pass /timeout/(scot %da when) %arvo %b %rest when]
c-res(cards [card cards.c-res])
++ send-request
|= =request:http
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass /request %arvo %i %request request *outbound-config:iris)
++ send-cancel-request
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass /request %arvo %i %cancel-request ~)
++ take-client-response
=/ m (strand ,client-response:iris)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign [%request ~] %iris %http-response %cancel *]
::NOTE iris does not (yet?) retry after cancel, so it means failure
:- ~
:+ %fail
['http request was cancelled by the runtime']~
[~ %sign [%request ~] %iris %http-response %finished *]
:: Wait until we get an HTTP response or cancelation and unset contract
++ take-maybe-sigh
=/ m (strand ,(unit httr:eyre))
^- form:m
;< rep=(unit client-response:iris) bind:m
?~ rep
(pure:m ~)
:: XX s/b impossible
?. ?=(%finished -.u.rep)
(pure:m ~)
(pure:m (some (to-httr:iris +.u.rep)))
++ take-maybe-response
=/ m (strand ,(unit client-response:iris))
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign [%request ~] %iris %http-response %cancel *]
`[%done ~]
[~ %sign [%request ~] %iris %http-response %finished *]
`[%done `]
++ extract-body
|= =client-response:iris
=/ m (strand ,cord)
^- form:m
?> ?=(%finished -.client-response)
%- pure:m
?~ full-file.client-response ''
++ fetch-cord
|= url=tape
=/ m (strand ,cord)
^- form:m
=/ =request:http [%'GET' (crip url) ~ ~]
;< ~ bind:m (send-request request)
;< =client-response:iris bind:m take-client-response
(extract-body client-response)
++ fetch-json
|= url=tape
=/ m (strand ,json)
^- form:m
;< =cord bind:m (fetch-cord url)
=/ json=(unit json) (de:json:html cord)
?~ json
(strand-fail %json-parse-error ~)
(pure:m u.json)
++ hiss-request
|= =hiss:eyre
=/ m (strand ,(unit httr:eyre))
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (send-request (hiss-to-request:html hiss))
:: +build-file: build the source file at the specified $beam
++ build-file
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =spur]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,(unit vase))
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %a case spur)
?~ riot
(pure:m ~)
?> =(%vase p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m (some !<(vase q.r.u.riot)))
++ build-file-hard
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =spur]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %a case spur)
?> ?=(^ riot)
?> ?=(%vase p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m !<(vase q.r.u.riot))
:: +build-mark: build a mark definition to a $dais
++ build-mark
|= [[=ship =desk =case] mak=mark]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,dais:clay)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %b case /[mak])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-mark >arg< ~)
?> =(%dais p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m !<(dais:clay q.r.u.riot))
:: +build-tube: build a mark conversion gate ($tube)
++ build-tube
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =mars:clay]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,tube:clay)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %c case /[a.mars]/[b.mars])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-tube >arg< ~)
?> =(%tube p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m !<(tube:clay q.r.u.riot))
:: +build-nave: build a mark definition to a $nave
++ build-nave
|= [[=ship =desk =case] mak=mark]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %e case /[mak])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-nave >arg< ~)
?> =(%nave p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m q.r.u.riot)
:: +build-cast: build a mark conversion gate (static)
++ build-cast
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =mars:clay]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< =riot:clay bind:m
(warp ship desk ~ %sing %f case /[a.mars]/[b.mars])
?~ riot
(strand-fail %build-cast >arg< ~)
?> =(%cast p.r.u.riot)
(pure:m q.r.u.riot)
:: Read from Clay
++ warp
|= [=ship =riff:clay]
=/ m (strand ,riot:clay)
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card %pass /warp %arvo %c %warp ship riff)
(take-writ /warp)
++ read-file
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =spur]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,cage)
;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp ship desk ~ %sing %x case spur)
?~ riot
(strand-fail %read-file >arg< ~)
(pure:m r.u.riot)
++ check-for-file
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =spur]
=/ m (strand ,?)
;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp ship desk ~ %sing %u case spur)
?> ?=(^ riot)
(pure:m !<(? q.r.u.riot))
++ list-tree
|= [[=ship =desk =case] =spur]
=* arg +<
=/ m (strand ,(list path))
;< =riot:clay bind:m (warp ship desk ~ %sing %t case spur)
?~ riot
(strand-fail %list-tree >arg< ~)
(pure:m !<((list path) q.r.u.riot))
:: Take Clay read result
++ take-writ
|= =wire
=/ m (strand ,riot:clay)
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
?+ in.tin `[%skip ~]
~ `[%wait ~]
[~ %sign * ?(%behn %clay) %writ *]
?. =(wire
`[%skip ~]
`[%done +>]
:: +check-online: require that peer respond before timeout
++ check-online
|= [who=ship lag=@dr]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
%+ (map-err ,~) |=(* [%offline *tang])
%+ (set-timeout ,~) lag
;< ~ bind:m
(poke [who %hood] %helm-hi !>(~))
(pure:m ~)
++ eval-hoon
|= [gen=hoon bez=(list beam)]
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
=/ sut=vase !>(..zuse)
?~ bez
(pure:m (slap sut gen))
;< vax=vase bind:m (build-file-hard i.bez)
$(bez t.bez, sut (slop vax sut))
++ send-thread
|= [=bear:khan =shed:khan =wire]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass wire %arvo %k %lard bear shed)
:: Queue on skip, try next on fail %ignore
++ main-loop
|* a=mold
=/ m (strand ,~)
=/ m-a (strand ,a)
=| queue=(qeu (unit input:strand))
=| active=(unit [in=(unit input:strand) =form:m-a forms=(list $-(a form:m-a))])
=| state=a
|= forms=(lest $-(a form:m-a))
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
=* top `form:m`..$
=. queue (~(put to queue) in.tin)
|^ (continue bowl.tin)
++ continue
|= =bowl:strand
^- output:m
?> =(~ active)
?: =(~ queue)
`[%cont top]
=^ in=(unit input:strand) queue ~(get to queue)
^- output:m
=. active `[in (i.forms state) t.forms]
^- output:m
(run bowl in)
++ run
^- form:m
|= tin=strand-input:strand
^- output:m
?> ?=(^ active)
=/ res ( tin)
=/ =output:m
%wait `[%wait ~]
%skip `[%cont ..$(queue (~(put to queue) in.tin))]
%cont `[%cont ..$(active `[])]
%done (continue(active ~, state bowl.tin)
?: &(?=(^ ?=(%ignore
%= $
active `[ ( state)]
[(weld cards.res cards.output) next.output]
++ retry
|* result=mold
|= [crash-after=(unit @ud) computation=_*form:(strand (unit result))]
=/ m (strand ,result)
=| try=@ud
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?: =(crash-after `try)
(strand-fail %retry-too-many ~)
;< ~ bind:m (backoff try ~m1)
;< res=(unit result) bind:m computation
?^ res
(pure:m u.res)
loop(try +(try))
++ backoff
|= [try=@ud limit=@dr]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< eny=@uvJ bind:m get-entropy
%- sleep
%+ min limit
?: =(0 try) ~s0
%+ add
(mul ~s1 (bex (dec try)))
(mul ~s0..0001 (~(rad og eny) 1.000))
:: ----
:: Output
++ flog
|= =flog:dill
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass / %arvo %d %flog flog)
++ flog-text
|= =tape
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(flog %text tape)
++ flog-tang
|= =tang
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ =wall
(zing (turn (flop tang) (cury wash [0 80])))
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ wall
(pure:m ~)
;< ~ bind:m (flog-text i.wall)
loop(wall t.wall)
++ trace
|= =tang
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(pure:m ((slog tang) ~))
++ app-message
|= [app=term =cord =tang]
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
=/ msg=tape :(weld (trip app) ": " (trip cord))
;< ~ bind:m (flog-text msg)
(flog-tang tang)
:: ----
:: Handle domains
++ install-domain
|= =turf
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
(send-raw-card %pass / %arvo %e %rule %turf %put turf)
:: ----
:: Threads
++ start-thread
|= file=term
=/ m (strand ,tid:spider)
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
(start-thread-with-args byk.bowl file *vase)
++ start-thread-with-args
|= [=beak file=term args=vase]
=/ m (strand ,tid:spider)
^- form:m
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
=/ tid
(scot %ta (cat 3 (cat 3 'strand_' file) (scot %uv (sham file eny.bowl))))
=/ poke-vase !>(`start-args:spider`[`tid.bowl `tid beak file args])
;< ~ bind:m (poke-our %spider %spider-start poke-vase)
;< ~ bind:m (sleep ~s0) :: wait for thread to start
(pure:m tid)
+$ thread-result
(each vase [term tang])
++ await-thread
|= [file=term args=vase]
=/ m (strand ,thread-result)
^- form:m
;< =bowl:spider bind:m get-bowl
=/ tid (scot %ta (cat 3 'strand_' (scot %uv (sham file eny.bowl))))
=/ poke-vase !>(`start-args:spider`[`tid.bowl `tid byk.bowl file args])
;< ~ bind:m (watch-our /awaiting/[tid] %spider /thread-result/[tid])
;< ~ bind:m (poke-our %spider %spider-start poke-vase)
;< ~ bind:m (sleep ~s0) :: wait for thread to start
;< =cage bind:m (take-fact /awaiting/[tid])
;< ~ bind:m (take-kick /awaiting/[tid])
?+ p.cage ~|([%strange-thread-result p.cage file tid] !!)
%thread-done (pure:m %& q.cage)
%thread-fail (pure:m %| ;;([term tang] q.q.cage))

zod/seax/sur/cite.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/- g=groups
=< cite
++ purse
|= =(pole knot)
^- (unit cite)
?. =(~.1 -.pole) ~
=. pole +.pole
?+ pole ~
[%chan agent=@ ship=@ name=@ rest=*]
=/ ship (slaw %p ship.pole)
?~ ship ~
`[%chan [agent.pole u.ship name.pole] rest.pole]
[%desk ship=@ name=@ rest=*]
=/ ship (slaw %p ship.pole)
?~ ship ~
`[%desk [u.ship name.pole] rest.pole]
[%group ship=@ name=@ ~]
=/ ship (slaw %p ship.pole)
?~ ship ~
`[%group u.ship name.pole]
++ parse
|= =path
^- cite
(need (purse path))
++ print
|= c=cite
|^ ^- path
:- (scot %ud 1)
?- -.c
%chan chan/(welp (nest nest.c) wer.c)
%desk desk/(welp (flag flag.c) wer.c)
%group group/(flag flag.c)
%bait bait/:(welp (flag grp.c) (flag gra.c) wer.c)
++ flag
|= f=flag:g
~[(scot %p p.f) q.f]
++ nest
|= n=nest:g
[p.n (flag q.n)]
+$ cite
$% [%chan =nest:g wer=path]
[%group =flag:g]
[%desk =flag:g wer=path]
[%bait grp=flag:g gra=flag:g wer=path]
:: scry into groups when you receive a bait for a chat that doesn't exist yet
:: work out what app

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
:: %hark-store: Notification, unreads store
:: Timeboxing & binning:
:: Unread notifications accumulate in $unreads. They are grouped by
:: their $bin. A notification may become read by either:
:: a) being read by a %read-count or %read-each or %read-note
:: b) being read by a %seen
:: If a) then we insert the corresponding bin into $reads at the
:: current timestamp
:: If b) then we empty $unreads and move all bins to $reads at the
:: current timestamp
:: Unread tracking:
:: Unread tracking has two 'modes' which may be used concurrently,
:: if necessary.
:: count:
:: This stores the unreads as a simple atom, describing the number
:: of unread items. May be increased with %unread-count and
:: set to zero with %read-count. Ideal for high-frequency linear
:: datastructures, e.g. chat
:: each:
:: This stores the unreads as a set of paths, describing the set of
:: unread items. Unreads may be added to the set with %unread-each
:: and removed with %read-each. Ideal for non-linear, low-frequency
:: datastructures, e.g. blogs
:: $place: A location, under which landscape stores stats
:: .desk must match q.byk.bowl
:: Examples:
:: A chat:
:: [%landscape /~dopzod/urbit-help]
:: A note in a notebook:
:: [%landscape /~darrux-landes/feature-requests/12374893234232]
:: A group:
:: [%hark-group-hook /~bitbet-bolbel/urbit-community]
:: Comments on a link
:: [%landscape /~dabben-larbet/urbit-in-the-news/17014118450499614194868/2]
+$ place [=desk =path]
:: $bin: Identifier for grouping notifications
:: Examples
:: A mention in a chat:
:: [/mention %landscape /~dopzod/urbit-help]
:: New messages in a chat
:: [/message %landscape /~dopzod/urbit-help]
:: A new comment in a notebook:
:: [/comment %landscape /~darrux-landes/feature-requests/12374893234232/2]
+$ bin [=path =place]
:: $lid: Reference to a timebox
+$ lid
$% [%archive =time]
[%seen ~]
[%unseen ~]
:: $content: Notification content
+$ content
$% [%ship =ship]
[%text =cord]
:: $body: A notification body
+$ body
$: title=(list content)
content=(list content)
+$ notification
[date=@da =bin body=(list body)]
:: $timebox: Group of notificatons
+$ timebox
(map bin notification)
:: $archive: Archived notifications, ordered by time
+$ archive
((mop @da timebox) gth)
+$ action
$% :: hook actions
:: %add-note: add a notification
[%add-note =bin =body]
:: %del-place: Underlying resource disappeared, remove all
:: associated notifications
[%del-place =place]
:: %unread-count: Change unread count by .count
[%unread-count =place inc=? count=@ud]
:: %unread-each: Add .path to list of unreads for .place
[%unread-each =place =path]
:: %saw-place: Update last-updated for .place to now.bowl
[%saw-place =place time=(unit time)]
:: store actions
:: %archive: archive single notification
:: if .time is ~, then archiving unread notification
:: else, archiving read notification
[%archive =lid =bin]
:: %read-count: set unread count to zero
[%read-count =place]
:: %read-each: remove path from unreads for .place
[%read-each =place =path]
:: %read-note: Read note at .bin
[%read-note =bin]
:: %archive-all: Archive all notifications
[%archive-all ~]
:: %opened: User opened notifications, reset timeboxing logic.
[%opened ~]
:: XX: previously in hark-store, now deprecated
:: the hooks responsible for creating notifications may offer pokes
:: similar to this
:: [%read-graph =resource]
:: [%read-group =resource]
:: [%remove-graph =resource]
:: .stats: Statistics for a .place
+$ stats
$: count=@ud
each=(set path)
timebox=(unit @da)
+$ update
$% action
:: %more: more updates
[%archived =time =lid =notification]
[%more more=(list update)]
:: %note-read: note has been read with timestamp
[%note-read =time =bin]
[%added =notification]
:: %timebox: description of timebox.
[%timebox =lid =(list notification)]
:: %place-stats: description of .stats for a .place
[%place-stats =place =stats]
:: %place-stats: stats for all .places
[%all-stats places=(map place stats)]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/- *resource
+$ action
$% [%add =ship =resource]
[%remove =resource]
+$ update
$% [%tracking tracking=(map resource ship)]

zod/seax/sur/spider.hoon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/+ libstrand=strand
=, strand=strand:libstrand
+$ thread $-(vase shed:khan)
+$ input [=tid =cage]
+$ tid tid:strand
+$ bowl bowl:strand
+$ http-error
$? %bad-request :: 400
%forbidden :: 403
%nonexistent :: 404
%offline :: 504
+$ start-args
$: parent=(unit tid)
use=(unit tid)
+$ inline-args
$: parent=(unit tid)
use=(unit tid)