2018-09-07 14:39:13 -07:00

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Version 0.4

Version 0.4 strengthens Squeal's type system, adds support for multidimensional arrays, improves support for container type, improves with statements, improves runtime exceptions, accomodates SQL's three-valued logic, adds subquery expressions, and adds table and view type expressions.


Squeal 0.4 renames some kinds to aid intuition:

type RowType = [(Symbol, NullityType)] -- previously RelationType
type FromType = [(Symbol, RowType)] -- previously RelationsType

Null safety for array and composite types is gained by having the base type of an array be a NullityType and the base type of a composite a RowType.

data PGType
  = ..
  | PGvararray NullityType
  | PGfixarray Nat NullityType
  | PGcomposite RowType

Squeal embeds Postgres types into Haskell using data kinds and type-in-type:

data PGType = PGbool | ..
data NullityType = Null PGType | NotNull PGType
type RowType = [(Symbol, NullityType)] -- previously RelationType
type FromType = [(Symbol, RowType)] -- previously RelationsType

In another sense, we can embed Haskell types into Postgres types by providing type families:

type family PG (hask :: Type) :: PGType
type family NullPG (hask :: Type) :: NullityType
type family TuplePG (hask :: Type) :: [NullityType]
type family RowPG (hask :: Type) :: RowType

Let's look at these one by one.

PG was introduced in Squeal 0.3. It was a closed type family that associates some Haskell types to their obvious corresponding Postgres types like PG Double = 'PGfloat8. It only worked on base types, no arrays or composites. Squeal 0.4 extends it to such container types and makes it an open type family so that users can make their own type instances.

NullPG had a different name before but it does the obvious thing for Haskell with Maybes:

type family NullPG hask where
  NullPG (Maybe hask) = 'Null (PG hask)
  NullPG hask = 'NotNull (PG hask)

TuplePG uses generics to turn tuple types (including records) into lists of NullityTypes in the logical way, e.g. TuplePG (Bool, Day) = '[ 'PGbool, 'PGdate].

RowPG also uses generics to turn record types into a RowType in the logical way, e.g.

>>> data Person = Person { name :: Text, age :: Int32 } deriving GHC.Generic
>>> instance SOP.Generic Person
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Person
>>> :kind! TuplePG Person
TuplePG Person :: [NullityType]
= '['NotNull 'PGtext, 'NotNull 'PGint4]
>>> :kind! RowPG Person
RowPG Person :: [(Symbol, NullityType)]
= '["name" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext, "age" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4]

We've already seen a hint of why these types are useful in one construction from Squeal 0.3. Creating composite types in Postgres directly from a Haskell record type essentially uses RowPG. Another important use is in simplifying the type signatures for a Query or Manipulation. Very often, you will have a tuple type corresponding to the parameters and a record type corresponding to the returned columns of a Query or Manipulation. Instead of writing boilerplate signature you can reuse these with the help of TuplePG and RowPG

For instance:

>>> :{
  query :: Query '["user" ::: 'View (RowPG Person)] (TuplePG (Only Int32)) (RowPG Person)
  query = selectStar (from (view #user) & where_ (#age .> param @1))


In addition to being able to encode and decode basic Haskell types like Int16 and Text, Squeal 0.4 permits you to encode and decode Haskell types to Postgres array types. The Vector type corresponds to to variable length arrays. And thanks to an idea from Mike Ledger, homogeneous tuples correspond to fixed length arrays. We can even create multi-dimensional fixed length arrays. Let's see an example.

>>> :{
data Row = Row
  { col1 :: Vector Int16
  , col2 :: (Maybe Int16,Maybe Int16)
  , col3 :: ((Int16,Int16),(Int16,Int16),(Int16,Int16))
  } deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic)

>>> instance Generic Row
>>> instance HasDatatypeInfo Row

Define a simple round trip query.

>>> :{
  roundTrip :: Query '[] (TuplePG Row) (RowPG Row)
  roundTrip = values_ $
    parameter @1 (int2 & vararray)                  `as` #col1 :*
    parameter @2 (int2 & fixarray @2)               `as` #col2 :*
    parameter @3 (int2 & fixarray @2 & fixarray @3) `as` #col3

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> let input = Row [1,2] (Just 1,Nothing) ((1,2),(3,4),(5,6))
>>> :{
void . withConnection "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" $ do
  result <- runQueryParams roundTrip input
  Just output <- firstRow result
  liftBase . print $ input == output


Squeal aims to provide a correspondence between Haskell types and Postgres types. In particular, Haskell ADTs with nullary constructors can correspond to Postgres enum types and Haskell record types can correspond to Postgres composite types. However, it's not always obvious that that's how a user will choose to store values of those types. So Squeal 0.4 introduces newtypes whose purpose is to specify how a user wants to store values of a type.

newtype Json hask = Json {getJson :: hask}
newtype Jsonb hask = Jsonb {getJsonb :: hask}
newtype Composite record = Composite {getComposite :: record}
newtype Enumerated enum = Enumerated {getEnumerated :: enum}

Let's see an example:

>>> data Schwarma = Beef | Lamb | Chicken deriving (Eq, Show, GHC.Generic)
>>> instance SOP.Generic Schwarma
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Schwarma
>>> data Person = Person {name :: Text, age :: Int32} deriving (Eq, Show, GHC.Generic)
>>> instance SOP.Generic Person
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Person
>>> instance Aeson.FromJSON Person
>>> instance Aeson.ToJSON Person

We can create the equivalent Postgres types directly from their Haskell types.

>>> :{
type Schema =
  '[ "schwarma" ::: 'Typedef (PG (Enumerated Schwarma))
   , "person" ::: 'Typedef (PG (Composite Person))

>>> :{
  setup :: Definition '[] Schema
  setup =
    createTypeEnumFrom @Schwarma #schwarma >>>
    createTypeCompositeFrom @Person #person

Let's demonstrate how to associate our Haskell types Schwarma and Person with enumerated, composite or json types in Postgres. First create a Haskell Row type using the Enumerated, Composite and Json newtypes as fields.

>>> :{
data Row = Row
  { schwarma :: Enumerated Schwarma
  , person1 :: Composite Person
  , person2 :: Json Person
  } deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic)

>>> instance Generic Row
>>> instance HasDatatypeInfo Row
>>> :{
  input = Row
    (Enumerated Chicken)
    (Composite (Person "Faisal" 24))
    (Json (Person "Ahmad" 48))

Once again, define a round trip query.

>>> :{
  roundTrip :: Query Schema (TuplePG Row) (RowPG Row)
  roundTrip = values_ $
    parameter @1 (typedef #schwarma) `as` #schwarma :*
    parameter @2 (typedef #person)   `as` #person1  :*
    parameter @3 json                `as` #person2

Finally, we can drop our type definitions.

>>> :{
  teardown :: Definition Schema '[]
  teardown = dropType #schwarma >>> dropType #person

Now let's run it.

>>> :{
  session = do
    result <- runQueryParams roundTrip input
    Just output <- firstRow result
    liftBase . print $ input == output
  void . withConnection "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" $
    define setup
    & pqThen session
    & pqThen (define teardown)


Squeal 0.3 supported WITH statements but there's a couple problems with them. Here's the type signature for with in Squeal 0.3.

  :: SOP.SListI commons
  => NP (Aliased (Manipulation schema params)) (common ': commons)
  -- ^ common table expressions
  -> Manipulation (With (common ': commons) schema) params results
  -> Manipulation schema params results

The first problem is that with only works with Manipulations. It can work on Querys by using queryStatement but it still will return a Manipulation. We can fix this issue by making with a method of a type class with instances for both Query and Manipulation.

The second problem is that all the common table expressions refer the base schema, whereas in SQL, each subsequent CTE can refer to previous CTEs as well. But this can be fixed! First define a datatype:

data CommonTableExpression statement params schema0 schema1 where
    :: Aliased (statement schema params) (alias ::: cte)
    -> CommonTableExpression statement params schema (alias ::: 'View cte ': schema)

It's just a wrapper around an aliased statement, where the statement could be either a Query or Manipulation, but it augments the schema by adding a view to it. It almost looks like a morphism between schemas but there is no way yet to compose them. Luckily, Squeal already has a datatype for this, which is used for migrations, the AlignedList type which is really the "free category". So we can then define a With type class:

class With statement where
    :: AlignedList (CommonTableExpression statement params) schema0 schema1
    -> statement schema1 params row
    -> statement schema0 params row

By giving Aliasable instances to CTEs and aligned singleton lists of CTEs (i.e. scrap-your-nils), we get a nice syntax for WITH statements in Squeal.

Here's an example of using with for a Query and a Manipulation:

>>> :{
  query :: Query
    '[ "t1" ::: 'View
       '[ "c1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext
        , "c2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext] ]
    '[ "c1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext
     , "c2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext ]
  query = with (
    selectStar (from (view #t1)) `as` #t2 :>>
    selectStar (from (view #t2)) `as` #t3
    ) (selectStar (from (view #t3)))
in printSQL query
WITH "t2" AS (SELECT * FROM "t1" AS "t1"), "t3" AS (SELECT * FROM "t2" AS "t2") SELECT * FROM "t3" AS "t3"

>>> type ProductsTable = '[] :=> '["product" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext, "date" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGdate]

>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "products" ::: 'Table ProductsTable
     , "products_deleted" ::: 'Table ProductsTable
     ] '[ 'NotNull 'PGdate] '[]
  manipulation = with
    (deleteFrom #products (#date .< param @1) ReturningStar `as` #deleted_rows)
    (insertQuery_ #products_deleted (selectStar (from (view (#deleted_rows `as` #t)))))
in printSQL manipulation
WITH "deleted_rows" AS (DELETE FROM "products" WHERE ("date" < ($1 :: date)) RETURNING *) INSERT INTO "products_deleted" SELECT * FROM "deleted_rows" AS "t"

Three Valued Logic

In previous versions of Squeal, conditions followed classical two valued logic of true and false.

-- Squeal 0.3
type Condition schema from grouping params =
  Expression schema from grouping params ('NotNull 'PGbool)

I had thought that three valued logic, which is what SQL uses, was confusing. However, multiple users reported being confused at being forced to do NULL handling, particularly in their left joins. Since the original motivation of being less confusing evaporated I decided to switch to three valued logic of true, false and null_.

-- Squeal 0.4
type Condition schema from grouping params =
  Expression schema from grouping params ('Null 'PGbool)

Subquery Expressions

Squeal 0.4 adds support for subquery expressions such as IN and op ANY/ALL.

Row Types

Squeal 0.4 adds functions to define type expressions from tables and views and a type expression for user defined types, typetable, typeview and typedef.

Runtime Exceptions

Squeal now has an exception type which gives details on the sort of error encountered and handler functions.

data SquealException
  = PQException
  { sqlExecStatus :: LibPQ.ExecStatus
  , sqlStateCode :: Maybe ByteString
    -- ^ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/errcodes-appendix.html
  , sqlErrorMessage :: Maybe ByteString
  | ResultException Text
  | ParseException Text
  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception SquealException

  :: MonadBaseControl IO io
  => io a
  -> (SquealException -> io a) -- ^ handler
  -> io a

  :: MonadBaseControl IO io
  => (SquealException -> io a) -- ^ handler
  -> io a -> io a

Additional Changes

Squeal 0.4 adds field and index functions to get components of composite and array expressions.

Squeal 0.4 adds a dependency on records-sop to offload a lot of boilerplate type family logic that was needed for RowPG.

The above changes required major and minor changes to Squeal DSL functions. Please consult the documentation.

Version 0.3.2 - August 4, 2018

Version 0.3.2 features extensive support for JSON functionality with more than 50 new functions. This work is entirely due to Mike Ledger who has been making terrific contributions to Squeal. Thanks! We also got some examples in the documentation for pools submitted by Raveline. I'm so pleased to be getting pull requests and issue submissions from you all!

Version 0.3.1 - July 7, 2018

Version 0.3.1 of Squeal enables the "Scrap your Nils" trick for heterogeneous lists of Aliases, Aliased expressions, PGlabels and Bys with the typeclasses IsLabel, IsQualified, IsPGlabel, and the new Aliasable typeclass, to eliminate all need of using Nil in a list. There were a couple minor name changes, i.e. the function group was renamed to groupBy. Please consult the documentation.

Version 0.3 - June 26, 2018

Version 0.3 of Squeal adds views as well as composite and enumerated types to Squeal. To support these features, a new kind SchemumType was added.

data SchemumType
  = Table TableType
  | View RelationType
  | Typedef PGType

As a consequence, you will have to update your schema definitions like so:

-- Squeal 0.2
type Schema =
  '[ "users" :::
      '[ "pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"] ] :=>
      '[ "id"   :::   'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
       , "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext

-- Squeal 0.3
type Schema =
  '[ "users" ::: 'Table (
      '[ "pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"] ] :=>
      '[ "id"   :::   'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
       , "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext


You can now create, drop, and query views.

>>> :{
type ABC =
  ('[] :: TableConstraints) :=>
  '[ "a" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4
   , "b" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4
   , "c" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4
type BC =
  '[ "b" ::: 'Null 'PGint4
   , "c" ::: 'Null 'PGint4

>>> :{
  definition :: Definition '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC ] '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC, "bc"  ::: 'View BC]
  definition = createView #bc (select (#b :* #c :* Nil) (from (table #abc)))
in printSQL definition
CREATE VIEW "bc" AS SELECT "b" AS "b", "c" AS "c" FROM "abc" AS "abc";

>>> :{
  definition :: Definition '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC, "bc"  ::: 'View BC] '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC]
  definition = dropView #bc
in printSQL definition

>>> :{
  query :: Query '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC, "bc"  ::: 'View BC] '[] BC
  query = selectStar (from (view #bc))
in printSQL query
SELECT * FROM "bc" AS "bc"

Enumerated Types

PostgreSQL has a powerful type system. It even allows for user defined types. For instance, you can define enumerated types which are data types that comprise a static, ordered set of values. They are equivalent to Haskell algebraic data types whose constructors are nullary. An example of an enum type might be the days of the week, or a set of status values for a piece of data.

Enumerated types are created using the createTypeEnum command, for example:

>>> :{
  definition :: Definition '[] '["mood" ::: 'Typedef ('PGenum '["sad", "ok", "happy"])]
  definition = createTypeEnum #mood (label @"sad" :* label @"ok" :* label @"happy" :* Nil)
>>> printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "mood" AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');

Enumerated types can also be generated from a Haskell algebraic data type with nullary constructors, for example:

>>> data Schwarma = Beef | Lamb | Chicken deriving GHC.Generic
>>> instance SOP.Generic Schwarma
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Schwarma

>>> :kind! EnumFrom Schwarma
EnumFrom Schwarma :: PGType
= 'PGenum '["Beef", "Lamb", "Chicken"]

>>> :{
  definition :: Definition '[] '["schwarma" ::: 'Typedef (EnumFrom Schwarma)]
  definition = createTypeEnumFrom @Schwarma #schwarma
>>> printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "schwarma" AS ENUM ('Beef', 'Lamb', 'Chicken');

You can express values of an enum type using label, which is an overloaded method of the IsPGlabel typeclass.

>>> :{
  expression :: Expression sch rels grp params ('NotNull (EnumFrom Schwarma))
  expression = label @"Chicken"
in printSQL expression

Composite Types

In addition to enum types, you can define composite types. A composite type represents the structure of a row or record; it is essentially just a list of field names and their data types.

createTypeComposite creates a composite type. The composite type is specified by a list of attribute names and data types.

>>> :{
  definition :: Definition '[] '["complex" ::: 'Typedef ('PGcomposite '["real" ::: 'PGfloat8, "imaginary" ::: 'PGfloat8])]
  definition = createTypeComposite #complex (float8 `As` #real :* float8 `As` #imaginary :* Nil)
>>> printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "complex" AS ("real" float8, "imaginary" float8);

Composite types are almost equivalent to Haskell record types. However, because of the potential presence of NULL all the record fields must be Maybes of basic types. Composite types can be generated from a Haskell record type, for example:

>>> data Complex = Complex {real :: Maybe Double, imaginary :: Maybe Double} deriving GHC.Generic
>>> instance SOP.Generic Complex
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Complex

>>> :kind! CompositeFrom Complex
CompositeFrom Complex :: PGType
= 'PGcomposite '['("real", 'PGfloat8), '("imaginary", 'PGfloat8)]

>>> :{
  definition :: Definition '[] '["complex" ::: 'Typedef (CompositeFrom Complex)]
  definition = createTypeCompositeFrom @Complex #complex
in printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "complex" AS ("real" float8, "imaginary" float8);

A row constructor is an expression that builds a row value (also called a composite value) using values for its member fields.

>>> :{
  i :: Expression '[] '[] 'Ungrouped '[] ('NotNull (CompositeFrom Complex))
  i = row (0 `As` #real :* 1 `As` #imaginary :* Nil)
>>>  printSQL i
ROW(0, 1)

You can also use (&) to apply a field label to a composite value.

>>> :{
  expr :: Expression '[] '[] 'Ungrouped '[] ('Null 'PGfloat8)
  expr = i & #imaginary
in printSQL expr
(ROW(0, 1)).imaginary

Both composite and enum types can be automatically encoded from and decoded to their equivalent Haskell types. And they can be dropped.

>>> :{
  definition :: Definition '["mood" ::: 'Typedef ('PGenum '["sad", "ok", "happy"])] '[]
  definition = dropType #mood
>>> printSQL definition
DROP TYPE "mood";

Additional Changes

Squeal 0.3 also introduces a typeclass HasAll similar to Has but for a list of aliases. This makes it possible to clean up some unfortunately messy Squeal 0.2 definitions.

-- Squeal 0.2
>>> unique (Column #a :* Column #b :* Nil)

-- Squeal 0.3
>>> unique (#a :* #b :* Nil)

Squeal 0.3 also adds IsLabel instances for Aliased expressions and tables as well as heterogeneous lists, allowing for some more economy of code.

-- Squeal 0.2 (or 0.3)
>>> select (#a `As` #a :* Nil) (from (table (#t `As` #t)))

-- Squeal 0.3
>>> select #a (from (table #t))

Squeal 0.3 also fixes a bug that prevented joined queries on self-referencing tables.

The above changes required major and minor changes to Squeal DSL functions. Please consult the documentation.

Version 0.2.1 - April 7, 2018

This minor update fixes an issue where alias identifiers could conflict with reserved words in PostgreSQL. To fix the issue, alias identifiers are now quoted. Thanks to Petter Rasmussen for the fix.

Version 0.2 - March 26, 2018


  • Constraints - Type level table constraints like primary and foreign keys and column constraints like having DEFAULT.
  • Migrations - Support for linear, invertible migrations tracked in an auxiliary table
  • Arrays - Support for fixed- and variable-length arrays
  • Aliases - Generalized Has constraint
  • Pools - Support for pooled connections
  • Transactions - Support for transaction control language
  • Queries, Manipulations, Definitions - Small and large changes to Squeal's DSL

Well, a lot of things changed!


An important request was to bring constraints to the type level. This means that more of the schema is statically known. In 0.1 column constraints - which boil down to having DEFAULT or not - were at the type level, but they were confusingly named.

0.1: 'Optional ('NotNull 'PGInt4)
0.2: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGInt4
0.1: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGInt4)
0.2: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGInt4

The :=> type operator is intended to helpfully connote a constraint relation. It's also used for table constraints which are new in 0.2.

"emails" :::
    '[ "pk_emails"  ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"]
     , "fk_user_id" ::: 'ForeignKey '["user_id"] "users" '["id"]
     ] :=>
    '[ "id"      :::   'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
     , "user_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
     , "email"   ::: 'NoDef :=>    'Null 'PGtext

Another change in the constraint system was the removal of column constraints from query and manipulation results, as result columns don't support a notion of DEFAULT. This necessitates a distinction between TableTypes which have both column and table constraints and RelationTypes which have neither.


Migrations are a hot topic and many people have requested this feature. Squeal 0.2 adds support for linear, invertible migrations. That is, a migration is a named, invertible, schema-tracking computation:

data Migration io schema0 schema1 = Migration
  { name :: Text -- ^ The `name` of a `Migration`.
    -- Each `name` in a `Migration` should be unique.
  , up :: PQ schema0 schema1 io () -- ^ The `up` instruction of a `Migration`.
  , down :: PQ schema1 schema0 io () -- ^ The `down` instruction of a `Migration`.

And, Migrations can be put together in an "aligned" list:

data AlignedList p x0 x1 where
  Done :: AlignedList p x x
  (:>>) :: p x0 x1 -> AlignedList p x1 x2 -> AlignedList p x0 x2

These aligned lists are free categories and might look familiar from the reflections without remorse technique, which uses their cousins, aligned sequences.

In the context of migration, they allow one to chain new migrations as a schema evolves over time. Migrations' execution is tracked in an auxiliary migrations table. Migration lists can then be run or rewinded.

  :: MonadBaseControl IO io
  => AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -- ^ migrations to run
  -> PQ
    ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0)
    ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1)
    io ()

  :: MonadBaseControl IO io
  => AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -- ^ migrations to rewind
  -> PQ
    ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1)
    ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0)
    io ()


In Squeal 0.1, we had different typeclasses HasColumn and HasTable to indicate that a table has a column or that a schema has a table. In Squeal 0.2 this has been unified to a single typeclass,

class KnownSymbol alias =>
  Has (alias :: Symbol) (fields :: [(Symbol,kind)]) (field :: kind)
  | alias fields -> field where


Support for array types has been added to Squeal 0.2 through the 'PGfixarray and 'PGvararray PGTypes. Array values can be constructed using the array function and can be encoded from and decoded to Haskell Vectors.


Squeal 0.2 provides a monad transformer PoolPQ that's an instance of MonadPQ. The resource-pool library is leveraged to provide striped pools of Connections. PoolPQ should be a drop in replacement for running Manipulations and Querys with PQ.


Squeal 0.2 supports a simple transaction control language. A computation in MonadPQ can be called transactionally with different levels of isolation. Additionally, a schema changing computation, a data definition, can be run in a transaction. Running a computation in a transaction means that all SQL statements will be rolled back if an exception is encountered.

Queries, Manipulations and Definitions

The above changes required major and minor changes to Squeal DSL functions. Please consult the documentation.