2018-04-18 15:26:15 +05:30

2.9 KiB


Breaking changes

  • Change the semantics of the Semigroup instance for InterleavedT, AsyncT and ParallelT. The new semantics are as follows:

    • For InterleavedT, <> operation interleaves two streams
    • For AsyncT, <> now concurrently merges two streams in a left biased manner using demand based concurrency.
    • For ParallelT, the <> operation now concurrently meges the two streams in a fairly parallel manner.

    To adapt to the new changes, replace <> with append wherever it is used for streams other than StreamT.

  • Change the semantics of Alternative instance. The <|> operator now has a different behavior for each type. See the documentation for more details. To adapt to this change replace any usage of <|> with parallel and empty with nil.

  • Streams now default to the SerialT type unless explicitly specified using a type combinator. This also means that you do not have to explicitly specify a stream type now, the default will be used. This changes reduces puzzling type errors for beginners. It includes the following two changes:

    • Change the type of all stream elimination functions to SerialT. This makes sure that the stream type is always fixed at all exits.
    • Change the type combinators to only fix the argument stream type and the resulting stream type remains polymorphic.
  • Change the type of foldrM to make it consistent with foldrM in base.


  • Deprecate and rename the following symbols:
    • StreamT to SerialT
    • runStreamT to runSerialT
    • ZipStream to ZipSerial
    • runZipStream to runZipSerial
    • AsyncT to AParallelT
    • runAsyncT to runAParallelT
    • asyncly to aparallely
    • Streaming to IsStream
    • runStreaming to runStream
    • <=> to interleave
    • <| to aparallel
    • each to fromFoldable
    • scan to scanx
    • foldl to foldx
    • foldlM to foldxM


  • Add the following functions:
    • scanl' strict left scan
    • foldl' strict left fold
    • foldlM' strict left fold with a monadic fold function
    • append run two streams serially one after the other
    • parallel run two streams in parallel



  • Add iterate, iterateM stream operations

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that casued unexpected behavior when pure was used to inject values in Applicative composition of ZipStream and ZipAsync types.



  • Make cons right associative and provide an operator form .: for it
  • Add null, tail, reverse, replicateM, scan stream operations
  • Improve performance of some stream operations (foldl, dropWhile)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the product operation. Earlier, it always returned 0 due to a bug
  • Fix the last operation, which returned Nothing for singleton streams


  • Initial release