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A missing inline or inline in an incorrect GHC simplifier phase can adversely impact performance. We use three builtin phases of GHC simplifier for inlining i.e. phase 0, 1 and 2. We have defined them as follows in inline.h:

#define INLINE_LATE   INLINE [0]
  • The combinators in Streamly.Prelude are defined in terms of combinators in Streamly.Streams.StreamD (Direct style streams) or Streamly.Streams.StreamK (CPS style streams). We convert the stream from StreamD to StreamK representation or vice versa in some cases. In the first inlining phase we expand these combinators and apply the rewrite rules to rewrite transformations like fromStreamK . toStreamK to id. A plain INLINE pragma is usually enough to achieve that.
{-# RULES "fromStreamK/toStreamK fusion"
  forall s. toStreamK (fromStreamK s) = s #-}
  • In some cases, if the operation could not fuse we want to use a fallback rewrite rule in the next phase. For such cases we use the INLINE_EARLY phase for the first rewrite and the INLINE_NORMAL phase for the fallback rules.

    The fallback rules make sure that if we could not fuse the direct style operations then better use the CPS style operation, because unfused direct style would have worse performance than the CPS style ops.

{-# INLINE_EARLY unfoldr #-}
unfoldr :: (Monad m, IsStream t) => (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> t m a
unfoldr step seed = fromStreamS (S.unfoldr step seed)
{-# RULES "unfoldr fallback to StreamK" [1]
     forall a b. S.toStreamK (S.unfoldr a b) = K.unfoldr a b #-}
  • Assuming that fromStreamK/toStreamK have been removed in the INLINE_EARLY phase, we can then apply the combinator fusion rules in the INLINE_NORMAL phase. For example, we can fuse two map operations into a single map operation. Note that without removing the fromStreamK/toStreamK wrapped around combinators, combinator fusion may not work.

  • Note that partially applied functions cannot be inlined. So if we have a code like this:

concatMap1 src = runStream $ S.concatMap (S.replicate 3) src

We want to ensure that concatMap gets inlined before replicate so that replicate becomes fully applied before it gets inlined. Currently ensuring that both of them are inlined in the same phase (INLINE_NORMAL) seems to be enough to achieve that. In general, we should try to ensure that higher order functions are inlined before or in the same phase as the functions they can consume as arguments. This means StreamD combinators should not be marked as INLINE or INLINE_EARLY, instead they should all be marked as INLINE_NORMAL because higher order funcitons like concatMap/map/mapM etc are marked as INLINE_NORMAL. StreamD functions in other modules like Streamly.Memory.Array should also follow the same rules.

  • The inlining of the step function (in case of StreamD) is annotated as INLINE_LATE so that those are inlined after fusion rules have been applied.

  • The inlining of, fromStreamK/toStreamK also happens in the INLINE_LATE phase because the INLINE_EARLY and INLINE_NORMAL phases require them uninlined for rewrite rules to work.


In some cases, the step function in StreamD does not get specialized when inlined unless it is provided with an explicit signature or made a lambda, for example, in the replicate/replicateM combinator we need the type annotation on i to get it specialized:

    {-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
    step _ (i :: Int) =
        if i <= 0
        then return Stop
        else do
                x <- action
                return $ Yield x (i - 1)